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图文特价韩国纯色布艺装饰贴纸胶布 糖果色清新棉布素色彩色胶带多色 【HOT】:图文五年八班韩国纯色布艺装饰贴纸胶布 糖果色清新棉布素色彩色胶带 【HOT】:图文可写字隐形彩色胶带!日本韩国文具DIY装饰纯色手撕和纸胶带 4516 【HOT】:图文韩国文具 清新可爱糖果色彩色手撕彩虹纯色和纸胶带可写字DIY贴纸 【HOT】:图文韩国文具日本清新可爱糖果色纯色和纸胶带手撕可写字10色 【HOT】:图文可写字隐形彩色胶带!日本韩国文具DIY装饰纯色手撕和纸胶带 【HOT】:【微智慧】中国90后如何主宰国家命运How The 90s Generation Make A Difference发表于:
Lazy, promiscuous, confused, selfish, brain damaged and overall hopeless are all labels that have been given to China's so-called post-90s generation, or those who were born after 1990 who are now mostly in their teens today.懒惰、私生活混乱、迷茫、自私、脑残以及无药可救,这些都是人们为中国所谓的90后贴上的标签。他们生于1990年以后,目前大多数人正处在十几岁的年纪。Whatever the post-90s are, one thing for certain is they are different from those born before them: they have no memory of China's tumultuous past, instead only experiencing it as a country with rapid economic growth underscored by rampant consumerism and globalization.不管人们如何定义90后,可以肯定的是他们与前几代人不同:他们对于中国纷繁动乱的过去一无所知,相反却经历着旺盛的消费力以及迅速的全球化为这个国家所带来经济腾飞。&They have only known a life in China that is rising and affluent,& Frank Yu, a Beijing-based internet analyst, said.来自北京的网络分析人士弗兰克?于说道:“他们只知道自己的生活富足无忧,蒸蒸日上。&They are considered a wild card generation. They are very aggressive and outward looking and are pretty confident because they never felt hardship.&“他们被认为是百变的一代。由于没有经历过苦难,他们积极上进、眼界开放且自信十足。”And they are also the first generation that has grown up with the internet. And it is there, online, where they live lives that are a marked departure from age-old cultural norms that remain ingrained in Chinese society today.同时他们也是中国第一代在互联网陪伴下长大的孩子。他们生活在网络社会中,正是这一点使得他们在传统文化面前显得有些离经叛道,要知道这些老文化在中国的当今社会中依旧根深蒂固。&When they turn away from the internet and look at the real world and they see that nothing has changed, there is this huge disconnect in their minds,& said Kevin Lee, chief operating officer for China Youthology, a Beijing-based research firm.位于北京的调研公司《青年志》的首席运营官凯文?李表示:“当他们离开网络,转投现实世界中时,他们看到的还是一成不变的社会,并因此产生巨大的落差感。”&Their minds are in this internet way of thinking, and when their real world is not even moving, not even budging, they feel powerless. And so where do they escape? They go back to the internet.&“他们遵循网络中的思维模式,当看到现实世界死水一滩时,他们便会感到无力。这时他们该逃向何处呢?只能重返网络了。”&On the internet, they have the chance to be individuals,& said Zakfa Zhang, also with China Youthology.同样来自《青年志》的张在卡说:“在网络中,他们有机会去展现自我。”&It is a totally new space for the youth to feel independent. They can criticize anyone, and no one will tell them they are wrong, and they can express themselves online without many restrictions.&“对于年轻人而言,这是一个可以感受独立的全新空间。他们可以批评任何人,没有人会指责他们,他们可以在网上毫无顾忌地表达自我。”They hang out on Chinese social networks, like Kaixin001 and Renren, post comments on microblogs as well as use Tencent's highly popular instant messaging service QQ and Qzone.他们会挂在像开心网、人人网这样的社交网站上,会在微博上发表评论,同样还会使用热门的腾讯QQ和QQ空间。A post on the blog China Hush titled &A Series of Post-90s Generation's Bad Behaviors& shows some of the more shocking sexual content the teen post online: &The general impression is Post-90s kids are 'out of control,' behaving badly'...'have mental problems' and are 'engaging in sexual activities way too early,'& the post says.“中国安静”的博客上贴出一篇名为《90后荒唐行为面面观》的文章,文中展示了由一位青少年上传到网上的关于性的内容,其大胆程度令人瞠目结舌。文中还提到:“90后给人们留下的普遍印象是‘行为失控’、‘举止恶劣’、‘神经错乱’以及‘过早地偷尝禁果’。”Not everyone views their behavior so negatively.但并非所有人都否定他们的表现。&In the virtual world, they learn how to be leaders, to solve interpersonal conflicts,& said Han Yinbo, co-author of &An Exploding Internet Revolution.&《正在爆发的互联网革命》一文的作者韩银波说:“在虚拟世界中,他们学会如何成为一名领导,如何调息人际间冲突。”&These online activities make them more mature, give them more options and enlarge their visions. Former generations didn't enjoy such colorful worlds. Their understanding of the outside is limited and monotonous.&“网络使他们变得更加成熟,在给予他们更多的选择同时,也拓宽他们的视野。前辈人并没有经过如此多彩的世界,因此他们对世界的理解显得有限且单调。”The impact the post-90s will have in China in the future as they mature into adults and become employees is the question many are now asking.其实人们现在真正关心的是,当这些90后长大成年参加工作后,将对中国产生怎样的影响。Don Tapscott, author of &Grown Up Digital: How the Net Generation is Changing Your World& believes the post-90s generation are much more entrepreneurial than their elders.《数字化成长:网络世代改变世界》的作者唐?泰普斯科特认为,90后比他们的前辈更具企业家精神。&Yes, they will effect change, and yes, they have a completely different culture than their parents,& said Tapscott.泰普斯科特表示:“是的,他们会影响将来的变化。诚然他们的文化与上辈人完全不同。”&What happens online does materialize. It does drive behavior change in the real world.&“网络所发生的一切迟早会变成现实,它势必会促使现实世界中的行为方式发生转变。”
和你的朋友分享吧 :
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?, ?? ??? ??? ?? ???.stiff fine &
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Acupuncture and moxibustion medicine MuseumWeight training is more popular with Black Caribbean women (7 percent compared with 3 percent). & 重量训练与加勒比黑人妇女(7%与3%)更受欢迎。最好是去正规的大型超市、建材城、专卖店购买,都是省时省力的选择,通常这些地方的产品和品牌种类齐全,质量有保证。切不可为了省钱去贸然选择便宜产品,如果不能保证涂料质量,刷墙进行时和刷后将来时都会出现很多问题,若是返工,那就更不划算了。 & It is better to go to the regular supermarkets, building materials city, store purchases, all save time and effort of choice, usually of the parts of the product and brand variety, quality is guaranteed. Not to save money to hastily choose cheap products, if you cannot guarantee the quality of paintopened soon & 很快就打开至此 &
At this point片区经理办公室 &
office manager靠近..... &
Near. . . . . .And then eat the brains of &
然后吃脑筋你能给我美既的联系方式吗 & Can you give me beauty: contact加床要额外付费吗? & Extra extra pay?You hurt me so deep &
你伤害了我太深作为大学生的我们,时间就是我们的金钱 & 进行小组学习 & For group learningTherefore,developments often aim at reducing or-if at all possible-eliminating machining,especially in mass production. & 因此,发展往往目的是减少或-如果所有可能消除机械都加工、 特别是在大规模生产。the following day & 第二天為了你 & For youflowtag & flowtagman always rember love,because of romamce only. & 男子总是rember爱,因为只有romamce的。我特别的困,允许我明天给你回复吗 & I am particularly the hardship, allow me to give you back tomorrow?绝版小猪print small pig &
绝版小猪打印小型猪Machining is capable of creating geometric configurations,tolerances,and surface finishes often unobtainable by any other technique. & 加工是能够创建几何公差、 配置和表面光洁度往往不能取得的任何其他技术。第七朵盛开的花上 & a bouquet of flowers bloom on the first 7有事明天说 &
Say something tomorrow什么意思啊? &
それは何を意味しますか?地址 is invalid. & known是无效的。I used to be short when I was younger, but now I am tall. I used to spend a lot of time playing games with my friends, but now I have to study all the time. I used to be quiet, but now I’m outgoing and active. I often take part in all kinds of activities. I used to hate gym class, now it’s my favorite class. I used to & 我曾经是短时我很年轻,但现在我的个子高。我曾经花了很多时间玩游戏,与我的朋友,但现在要研究所有的时间。用于安静,但我现在传出和活动。我经常参加各种活动。我以前不喜欢体操课,现在是我最喜欢的课。我习惯走路去上学,现在骑自行车去上学。这是一件好事还是坏吗?因为我们长大了,我们可以有很大的变化。Thinkin of you and the love of our lives. & 您以前所意想不到的爱你和我们的生命。resample & resample你说话慢点,我的英文不是很好。 & You speak slowly and my English is not very good.IRAQ UMM QASR & 伊拉克乌姆盖斯尔、Mr. White was born in a farmer's family. &
先生白出生在一个农民家庭。transferred &
转移I'm attractive, witty, charming, understanding, loving, caring, generous and know how to treat a woman right. Want to be my wife? Contact me. & 我是有吸引力、风趣、迷人、理解、爱心、关怀、慷慨和知道如何处理一个妇女权利。 要是我的妻子? 我联络。wang hong is not at home at the moment she is coming back in an hour & 王红是不在家的时刻,她是在一个小时On the coast the weather is ________ with day after day of hot sun, in the mountains, however & 在海岸的天气是同一天后的一天,烈日________。,在山上,但是Ha ha you laughed at the & 哈哈哈你笑了主轴的材料与热处理是什么 & Axis of the material and heat treatment isa garden & 花园S.W.I.F.T. CODE: &
S.W.I.F.T.的代码:You will never be alone in your entire life with my accompany & 你将永远不会寂寞陪伴我的整个一生中I never look for insects! & 我从来不看昆虫!转速追踪 & rotational speed tracking究其原因是其对工作的不满意,工作强度又大,生产线管理制度严格,以致其长期处于沉重的心理负担之中。 & The reason is not satisfied with its work, the intensity of work, production line management system strictly, resulting in consistently heavy psychological burden.整个项目测试任务的安排,包括需求分解、设计测试用例、执行测试用例、BUG列表,系统整体测试,完成测试报告,测试的系统和硬件有关联,同时也兼职文档的书写工作,例如使用说明书、安装说明书等等,目前也已经带应届毕业生进行测试的培训。 & Whole item of test tasks, organized, including requirements decomposition, design test cases, conducting test case, BUG list, overall system testing, complete test reports, tested system and hardware related but also written document part-time work such as instruction manual, installation manual nowGenerally speaking,when you talk with a person in English-spoken & 一般来说,当你跟英语口语 counrtries 的一个人子燃羊肉 &
Child burn mutton最近查询: & Miss I'm sorry I'm just having fun,, & 你不继的饮食 & Evacuation of escape doors & 当我认为您时,它似乎很美丽。 & 提些建议 & Reject the other girls & Explain the problem & Soy lecithin & Over the access to credit & 他母亲的工作是什么? & 我有你,那是我所需要的全部 &
& Think about more than a month are gone, today we see each other. Originally I slightly cool heart. Constant restlessness. Perhaps my soul itself is arrogant. I think I'm deceptive behavior, but maybe also disappeared. Zero point, is that I shouldn't have kept you around. I always say to myself when & 为了得到更容易进入因特网他获得一个新手机类 & Suddenly, because the operator inadvertently touched the stop button. & Sun boss}


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