检验报告 tp-ab 结果 阳性 测量值3.233 s/co 9.650 参考值 阴性和阳性 是什么意思?

[Freerdp-devel] xfreerdp - rfx connectionwin2008r2 sp1 lost frames
I use the following command to connect to Win2008R2 SP1
resolution of
full-screen video playback screen appears a horizontal
line, up and down the screen display not synchronized, but the resolution is
display properly.
xfreerdp -x l -a 32 --rfx -u administrator -p '******' --no-nla
See the event viewer:
Applications & Service
login RemoteFX was enabled.
How can we solve the problem?
Thanks in advance.
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I think I solved it! without using &sudo chmod 000 ~/.freerdp/known_hosts&
So this is what I run:
./xfreerdp -u johantest -d npn.local $(nslookup npnwts | grep -v '#' | grep
-m1 '^Address:' | cut -d \
this always connects me to an IP instead of the DNS name.
I can then in my known_hosts file add the following: a3:da:c9:ba:5e:4e:39:c6:75:b7:40:f9:ae:f8:61:1d:f2:b7:fa cf:53:42:1b:bd:8f:a1:1e:03:a0:67:7e:c1:48:57:2d:a3:4a:cf 73:9d:80:10:35:bf:3b:bf:e7:b3:83:6e:fc:3a:f6:eb:26:aa:2d 2e:66:2f:bb:b7:6a:cc:cd:b2:77:39:e6:5e:50:a4:53:76:9b:c5
Johan &Jo& Nidelius
+46 (0) 730-459949
On Sat, Dec 24, 2011 at 3:22 AM, Johan Nidelius &johan.nidelius@xxxxxxxxx&wrote:
& Thanks for Great work on the FreeRDP client!
& There is for me at least one problem that persists. Or maybe I'm just
& doing it wrong, I figured out I have to have the Server address at the end
& (which was not obvious) but then I ran into this other problem.
& Since we have multiple server in Network Load Balancing (NLB) the DNS
& round robin responding to the connection address of 4 different servers
& I'd like to add 4 hosts to the known_host file but it seems it only
& accepts one name/IP = one Entry...
& Background
& *nslookup npnwts*
&& *Server:*
&& *Address:*
&& *Name: npnwts.npn.local*
&& *Address:*
&& *Name: npnwts.npn.local*
&& *Address:*
&& *Name: npnwts.npn.local*
&& *Address:*
&& *Name: npnwts.npn.local*
&& *Address:*
& *npnwts a3:da:c9:ba:5e:4e:39:c6:75:b7:40:f9:ae:f8:61:1d:f2:b7:fa
&& npnwts 2e:66:2f:bb:b7:6a:cc:cd:b2:77:39:e6:5e:50:a4:53:76:9b:c5
&& npnwts cf:53:42:1b:bd:8f:a1:1e:03:a0:67:7e:c1:48:57:2d:a3:4a:cf
&& npnwts 73:9d:80:10:35:bf:3b:bf:e7:b3:83:6e:fc:3a:f6:eb:26:aa:2d*
& The problem is similar to this one with SSH
& /Newsgroups/comp.security.ssh/2007-06/msg00133.html
& After the first try The known host file contains the following information
& File entrys
&& *npnwts 73:9d:80:10:35:bf:3b:bf:e7:b3:83:6e:fc:3a:f6:eb:26:aa:2d
&& a3:da:c9:ba:5e:4e:39:c6:75:b7:40:f9:ae:f8:61:1d:f2:b7:fa*
& So this is how the connection looks like, the full output is here:
& *FreeRDP-FreeRDP-e411f1c/client/X11$ ./xfreerdp -u johantest -d npn.local
&& connected to npnwts:3389
&& Password:
&& Certificate details:
&& Subject: CN = ANGSRTS01.npn.local
&& Issuer: CN = ANGSRTS01.npn.local
&& Thumbprint: 73:9d:80:10:35:bf:3b:bf:e7:b3:83:6e:fc:3a:f6:eb:26:aa:2d
&& The above X.509 certificate could not be verified, possibly because you
&& do not have the CA certificate in your certificate store, or the
&& certificate has expired. Please look at the documentation on how to create
&& local certificate store for a private CA.
&& Do you trust the above certificate? (Y/N) Y
&& negotiateFlags &0x&{
&& NEGOTIATE_MESSAGE (length = 32)
4c 4d 53 53 50 00 01 00 00 00 35 82 08 60 NTLMSSP.....5..`
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
&& negotiateFlags &0x&{
&& targetName (length = 6, offset = 56)
50 00 4e 00 N.P.N.
&& targetInfo (length = 134, offset = 62)
06 00 4e 00 50 00 4e 00 01 00 12 00 41 00 ....N.P.N.....A.
47 00 53 00 52 00 54 00 53 00 30 00 31 00 N.G.S.R.T.S.0.1.
12 00 6e 00 70 00 6e 00 2e 00 6c 00 6f 00 ....n.p.n...l.o.
61 00 6c 00 03 00 26 00 41 00 4e 00 47 00 c.a.l...&.A.N.G.
52 00 54 00 53 00 30 00 31 00 2e 00 6e 00 S.R.T.S.0.1...n.
6e 00 2e 00 6c 00 6f 00 63 00 61 00 6c 00 p.n...l.o.c.a.l.
12 00 6e 00 70 00 6e 00 2e 00 6c 00 6f 00 ....n.p.n...l.o.
61 00 6c 00 07 00 08 00 74 79 e5 4e df c1 c.a.l.....ty.N..
&& 0080 cc 01 00 00 00 00 ......
&& CHALLENGE_MESSAGE (length = 196)
4c 4d 53 53 50 00 02 00 00 00 06 00 06 00 NTLMSSP.........
00 00 35 82 89 62 25 37 a0 a9 52 39 d3 92 8...5..b%7..R9..
00 00 00 00 00 00 86 00 86 00 3e 00 00 00 ............&...
72 17 00 00 00 0f 4e 00 50 00 4e 00 02 00 ..r.....N.P.N...
4e 00 50 00 4e 00 01 00 12 00 41 00 4e 00 ..N.P.N.....A.N.
53 00 52 00 54 00 53 00 30 00 31 00 04 00 G.S.R.T.S.0.1...
6e 00 70 00 6e 00 2e 00 6c 00 6f 00 63 00 ..n.p.n...l.o.c.
6c 00 03 00 26 00 41 00 4e 00 47 00 53 00 a.l...&.A.N.G.S.
54 00 53 00 30 00 31 00 2e 00 6e 00 70 00 R.T.S.0.1...n.p.
2e 00 6c 00 6f 00 63 00 61 00 6c 00 05 00 n...l.o.c.a.l...
&& 00a0 12 00 6e 00 70 00 6e 00 2e 00 6c 00 6f 00 63 00 ..n.p.n...l.o.c.
&& 00b0 61 00 6c 00 07 00 08 00 74 79 e5 4e df c1 cc 01 a.l.....ty.N....
&& 00c0 00 00 00 00 ....
&& Password (length = 20)
6f 00 68 00 61 00 6e 00 31 00 32 00 33 00 J.o.h.a.n.1.2.3.
35 00 4.5.
&& Username (length = 18)
6f 00 68 00 61 00 6e 00 74 00 65 00 73 00 j.o.h.a.n.t.e.s.
&& Domain (length = 18)
70 00 6e 00 2e 00 6c 00 6f 00 63 00 61 00 n.p.n...l.o.c.a.
&& Workstation (length = 0)
&& NTOWFv2, NTLMv2 Hash
70 1a 78 c7 0c 1f c0 2b 61 42 ba 08 e7 87 ..p.x....+aB....
&& NTLMv2 Response Temp Blob
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ca 27 4e df c1 cc 01 ..........'N....
&& 0010 5c db 44 c0 d4 6b 3b dd 00 00 00 00 02 00 06 00 \.D..k;.........
50 00 4e 00 01 00 12 00 41 00 4e 00 47 00 N.P.N.....A.N.G.
52 00 54 00 53 00 30 00 31 00 04 00 12 00 S.R.T.S.0.1.....
70 00 6e 00 2e 00 6c 00 6f 00 63 00 61 00 n.p.n...l.o.c.a.
03 00 26 00 41 00 4e 00 47 00 53 00 52 00 l...&.A.N.G.S.R.
53 00 30 00 31 00 2e 00 6e 00 70 00 6e 00 T.S.0.1...n.p.n.
6c 00 6f 00 63 00 61 00 6c 00 05 00 12 00 ..l.o.c.a.l.....
70 00 6e 00 2e 00 6c 00 6f 00 63 00 61 00 n.p.n...l.o.c.a.
07 00 08 00 74 79 e5 4e df c1 cc 01 00 00 l.....ty.N......
&& 00a0 00 00 ..
&& ClientChallenge
&& 0000 5c db 44 c0 d4 6b 3b dd \.D..k;.
&& ServerChallenge
a0 a9 52 39 d3 92 %7..R9..
&& SessionBaseKey
&& d 2a fb ef e8 4d 38 59 db ab 8b c2 5b a4 6e .=*...M8Y....[.n
&& KeyExchangeKey
&& d 2a fb ef e8 4d 38 59 db ab 8b c2 5b a4 6e .=*...M8Y....[.n
&& ExportedSessionKey
9a d3 1f f1 c9 fb 35 0e e4 7e 0f 89 b7 20 .Y......5..~...
&& RandomSessionKey
9a d3 1f f1 c9 fb 35 0e e4 7e 0f 89 b7 20 .Y......5..~...
&& ClientSignKey
&& 0000 46 cb b9 27 8f 41 fc ea 6c 8b 10 62 ad 61 e5 a9 F..'.A..l..b.a..
&& ClientSealingKey
&& 0000 7e d3 16 84 ce 72 6b 3c 72 f4 19 4d c0 13 5b 0e ~....rk&r..M..[.
&& Timestamp
&& 0000 00 ca 27 4e df c1 cc 01 ..'N....
&& negotiateFlags &0x&{
&& DomainName (length = 18, offset = 64)
70 00 6e 00 2e 00 6c 00 6f 00 63 00 61 00 n.p.n...l.o.c.a.
&& UserName (length = 18, offset = 82)
6f 00 68 00 61 00 6e 00 74 00 65 00 73 00 j.o.h.a.n.t.e.s.
&& LmChallengeResponse (length = 24, offset = 100)
ce 5b 4f c3 c1 71 c5 55 1a 40 f0 c6 9c ea ...[O..q.U.@....
&& 0010 5c db 44 c0 d4 6b 3b dd \.D..k;.
&& NtChallengeResponse (length = 178, offset = 124)
91 d3 14 07 df e1 aa bc 6b 60 05 10 9b 0b ..........k`....
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ca 27 4e df c1 cc 01 ..........'N....
&& 0020 5c db 44 c0 d4 6b 3b dd 00 00 00 00 02 00 06 00 \.D..k;.........
50 00 4e 00 01 00 12 00 41 00 4e 00 47 00 N.P.N.....A.N.G.
52 00 54 00 53 00 30 00 31 00 04 00 12 00 S.R.T.S.0.1.....
70 00 6e 00 2e 00 6c 00 6f 00 63 00 61 00 n.p.n...l.o.c.a.
03 00 26 00 41 00 4e 00 47 00 53 00 52 00 l...&.A.N.G.S.R.
53 00 30 00 31 00 2e 00 6e 00 70 00 6e 00 T.S.0.1...n.p.n.
6c 00 6f 00 63 00 61 00 6c 00 05 00 12 00 ..l.o.c.a.l.....
70 00 6e 00 2e 00 6c 00 6f 00 63 00 61 00 n.p.n...l.o.c.a.
&& 00a0 6c 00 07 00 08 00 74 79 e5 4e df c1 cc 01 00 00 l.....ty.N......
&& 00b0 00 00 ..
&& EncryptedRandomSessionKey (length = 16, offset = 302)
&& d c0 33 84 32 ff fc 03 6b 10 d5 39 0f a8 e6 .].3.2...k..9...
&& AUTHENTICATE_MESSAGE (length = 318)
4c 4d 53 53 50 00 03 00 00 00 18 00 18 00 NTLMSSP.........
00 00 b2 00 b2 00 7c 00 00 00 12 00 12 00 d.......|.......
00 00 12 00 12 00 52 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 @.......R.......
00 00 10 00 10 00 2e 01 00 00 35 82 08 60 d...........5..`
70 00 6e 00 2e 00 6c 00 6f 00 63 00 61 00 n.p.n...l.o.c.a.
6a 00 6f 00 68 00 61 00 6e 00 74 00 65 00 l.j.o.h.a.n.t.e.
74 00 03 84 ce 5b 4f c3 c1 71 c5 55 1a 40 s.t....[O..q.U.@
9c ea 5c db 44 c0 d4 6b 3b dd a5 f3 91 d3 ....\.D..k;.....
df e1 aa bc 6b 60 05 10 9b 0b 01 01 00 00 ......k`........
00 00 00 ca 27 4e df c1 cc 01 5c db 44 c0 ......'N....\.D.
&& 00a0 d4 6b 3b dd 00 00 00 00 02 00 06 00 4e 00 50 00 .k;.........N.P.
&& 00b0 4e 00 01 00 12 00 41 00 4e 00 47 00 53 00 52 00 N.....A.N.G.S.R.
&& 00c0 54 00 53 00 30 00 31 00 04 00 12 00 6e 00 70 00 T.S.0.1.....n.p.
&& 00d0 6e 00 2e 00 6c 00 6f 00 63 00 61 00 6c 00 03 00 n...l.o.c.a.l...
&& 00e0 26 00 41 00 4e 00 47 00 53 00 52 00 54 00 53 00 &.A.N.G.S.R.T.S.
&& 00f0 30 00 31 00 2e 00 6e 00 70 00 6e 00 2e 00 6c 00 0.1...n.p.n...l.
63 00 61 00 6c 00 05 00 12 00 6e 00 70 00 o.c.a.l.....n.p.
2e 00 6c 00 6f 00 63 00 61 00 6c 00 07 00 n...l.o.c.a.l...
74 79 e5 4e df c1 cc 01 00 00 00 00 f0 5d ..ty.N.........]
84 32 ff fc 03 6b 10 d5 39 0f a8 e6 .3.2...k..9...
&& Public Key (length = 270)
01 0a 02 82 01 01 00 b0 50 fd ba a2 0c a9 0.........P.....
&& 0010 5a d2 8c 96 be 22 dc f6 fc 90 93 92 e3 f4 39 02 Z....&........9.
&& 0020 d8 ea 71 79 56 a4 63 3c 6f 05 3a f6 d1 7a 00 a6 ..qyV.c&o.:..z..
&& 0030 d1 ed 56 51 f0 f1 22 1e a9 96 ee eb ad 77 42 a3 ..VQ..&......wB.
&& 0040 2d c8 98 3f 47 50 01 79 f2 23 1f 4b 6d dd 75 f8 -..?GP.y.#.Km.u.
&& 0050 ea ce be 4c 61 03 cf 6f a4 42 f4 5b b2 17 9a 02 ...La..o.B.[....
11 3c 4d bf fa 20 49 a1 58 20 c3 7a 8b c3 3..&M.. I.X .z..
4e d4 e9 3d 6b 27 4e 71 36 ea 55 90 7b ed ..N..=k'Nq6.U.{.
&& 0080 4e ae 67 aa e4 3d 84 e9 7c 7b 77 16 4a 6d 5e 4b N.g..=..|{w.Jm^K
34 6a 24 df 90 b3 21 1b 65 0f 48 2a 10 48 ..4j$...!.e.H*.H
&& 00a0 ef 41 02 2e cf 17 4f ca 0a 19 4c c3 e3 d9 b3 57 .A....O...L....W
&& 00b0 7c 05 17 c1 c7 aa a3 12 fc 57 c5 4c 97 8a 08 48 |........W.L...H
&& 00c0 4f 56 5d 81 56 1c d6 ac ac 73 4a e1 4b 74 fa 6c OV].V....sJ.Kt.l
&& 00d0 62 c4 b6 da 1d 67 a9 88 b6 e6 ab 26 13 12 f7 92 b....g.....&....
&& 00e0 5e 96 46 4a 28 6f f0 f9 15 8a c7 af 66 b9 f4 c2 ^.FJ(o......f...
&& 00f0 52 f7 18 2a 7b 9c 5a 91 ef 01 42 2e 41 59 30 1b R..*{.Z...B.AY0.
95 66 5d 57 0c bb 27 02 03 01 00 01 5d.f]W..'.....
&& Encrypted Public Key (length = 270)
72 5f 56 76 3a 48 6c ee 32 30 43 9f 76 04 g.r_Vv:Hl.20C.v.
ec 19 c4 f5 cd 23 e3 43 7e 26 c1 17 b8 a6 &Q.....#.C~&....
ff 4c 2c 6d 2c 92 fb 92 41 44 75 ce 7a 82 .P.L,m,...ADu.z.
&& d 24 90 2e 23 f1 48 96 c9 61 0b 4e 82 17 61 ..$..#.H..a.N..a
&& 0040 da b2 2c c3 fa 77 c4 82 31 5e ad 27 e9 a7 b1 6a ..,..w..1^.'...j
24 61 0b d2 c7 53 f3 92 a7 e1 67 50 2c de 66$a...S....gP,.
15 ea 92 7d d5 5e 1c 19 e2 fa 39 06 44 0f .E...}.^....9.D.
&& 0070 74 ac a9 f1 e4 60 a5 a6 f4 39 40 a6 43 2d 03 ba t....`...9@.C-..
81 16 a4 63 1f 9e 7d 69 73 39 06 fe 5d fc (....c..}is9..].
&& 0090 ac ab 0c 99 8a 5e f5 eb 38 5f ad 2b 8a a9 a4 49 .....^..8_.+...I
&& 00a0 df f6 25 38 01 e4 cd 01 b6 18 1e 34 5f a7 1b f9 ..%8.......4_...
&& 00b0 f0 45 a4 7b b0 2c 4e 2a b7 85 b2 9e 2d 07 76 be .E.{.,N*....-.v.
&& 00c0 39 de a0 89 9b 92 0b c1 b8 17 70 2e 26 65 bc 24 9.........p.&e.$
&& 00d0 13 b1 d6 66 8e a1 67 04 8f f4 61 85 d7 4e 42 ae ...f..g...a..NB.
&& 00e0 a6 fe f6 dd a0 99 2b 6c 1d 09 9c 3b c7 87 e2 ff ......+l...;....
&& 00f0 50 4c 30 02 53 c2 37 5d a8 04 d5 9e 4f 17 39 3e PL0.S.7]....O.9&
&& 0100 cb 27 b8 71 44 5a a4 b8 03 af 63 8d 64 49 .'.qDZ....c.dI
&& Signature
00 00 4f fc 90 8e 86 c7 f8 27 00 00 00 00 ....O......'....
&& TSCredentials (length = 81)
&& f a0 03 02 01 01 a1 48 04 46 30 44 a0 14 04 0O......H.F0D...
&& e 00 70 00 6e 00 2e 00 6c 00 6f 00 63 00 61 .n.p.n...l.o.c.a
&& c 00 a1 14 04 12 6a 00 6f 00 68 00 61 00 6e .l.....j.o.h.a.n
00 65 00 73 00 74 00 a2 16 04 14 4a 00 6f .t.e.s.t.....J.o
00 61 00 6e 00 31 00 32 00 33 00 34 00 35 .h.a.n.
&& 0050 00 .
&& Encrypted TSCredentials (length = 81)
16 54 de 69 32 5d d9 77 4c 05 31 d7 ea b4 +&.T.i2].wL.1...
&& 0010 b9 da e8 6c b1 b7 77 78 83 24 ba b3 42 56 26 83 ...l..wx.$..BV&.
e8 9b 96 fc af a4 ff 2a e8 57 fe 07 bf 1d .........*.W....
&& 0030 fa 3f 95 50 0b 2a db 21 8b d5 09 99 93 7c a5 36 .?.P.*.!.....|.6
&& c 6b 78 c7 ce 36 00 19 c9 2b 65 43 93 c2 6d ..kx..6...+eC..m
&& 0050 e6 .
&& Signature
00 00 f3 97 00 92 db 2a 84 40 01 00 00 00 .........*.@....
&& pduType bad
&& connected to
&& Certificate details:
&& Subject: CN = ANGSRTS04.npn.local
&& Issuer: CN = ANGSRTS04.npn.local
&& Thumbprint: a3:da:c9:ba:5e:4e:39:c6:75:b7:40:f9:ae:f8:61:1d:f2:b7:fa
&& The above X.509 certificate could not be verified, possibly because you
&& do not have the CA certificate in your certificate store, or the
&& certificate has expired. Please look at the documentation on how to create
&& local certificate store for a private CA.
&& Do you trust the above certificate? (Y/N) Do you trust the above
&& certificate? (Y/N) Y
&& negotiateFlags &0x&{
&& NEGOTIATE_MESSAGE (length = 32)
4c 4d 53 53 50 00 01 00 00 00 35 82 08 60 NTLMSSP.....5..`
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
&& negotiateFlags &0x&{
&& targetName (length = 6, offset = 56)
50 00 4e 00 N.P.N.
&& targetInfo (length = 134, offset = 62)
06 00 4e 00 50 00 4e 00 01 00 12 00 41 00 ....N.P.N.....A.
47 00 53 00 52 00 54 00 53 00 30 00 34 00 N.G.S.R.T.S.0.4.
12 00 6e 00 70 00 6e 00 2e 00 6c 00 6f 00 ....n.p.n...l.o.
61 00 6c 00 03 00 26 00 41 00 4e 00 47 00 c.a.l...&.A.N.G.
52 00 54 00 53 00 30 00 34 00 2e 00 6e 00 S.R.T.S.0.4...n.
6e 00 2e 00 6c 00 6f 00 63 00 61 00 6c 00 p.n...l.o.c.a.l.
12 00 6e 00 70 00 6e 00 2e 00 6c 00 6f 00 ....n.p.n...l.o.
61 00 6c 00 07 00 08 00 00 6a 88 51 df c1 c.a.l......j.Q..
&& 0080 cc 01 00 00 00 00 ......
&& CHALLENGE_MESSAGE (length = 196)
4c 4d 53 53 50 00 02 00 00 00 06 00 06 00 NTLMSSP.........
00 00 35 82 89 62 1a 92 ee 05 f7 c6 5f 59 8...5..b......_Y
00 00 00 00 00 00 86 00 86 00 3e 00 00 00 ............&...
72 17 00 00 00 0f 4e 00 50 00 4e 00 02 00 ..r.....N.P.N...
4e 00 50 00 4e 00 01 00 12 00 41 00 4e 00 ..N.P.N.....A.N.
53 00 52 00 54 00 53 00 30 00 34 00 04 00 G.S.R.T.S.0.4...
6e 00 70 00 6e 00 2e 00 6c 00 6f 00 63 00 ..n.p.n...l.o.c.
6c 00 03 00 26 00 41 00 4e 00 47 00 53 00 a.l...&.A.N.G.S.
54 00 53 00 30 00 34 00 2e 00 6e 00 70 00 R.T.S.0.4...n.p.
2e 00 6c 00 6f 00 63 00 61 00 6c 00 05 00 n...l.o.c.a.l...
&& 00a0 12 00 6e 00 70 00 6e 00 2e 00 6c 00 6f 00 63 00 ..n.p.n...l.o.c.
&& 00b0 61 00 6c 00 07 00 08 00 00 6a 88 51 df c1 cc 01 a.l......j.Q....
&& 00c0 00 00 00 00 ....
&& Password (length = 20)
6f 00 68 00 61 00 6e 00 31 00 32 00 33 00 J.o.h.a.n.1.2.3.
35 00 4.5.
&& Username (length = 18)
6f 00 68 00 61 00 6e 00 74 00 65 00 73 00 j.o.h.a.n.t.e.s.
&& Domain (length = 6)
50 00 4e 00 N.P.N.
&& Workstation (length = 0)
&& NTOWFv2, NTLMv2 Hash
d3 bc e3 fc 9f 89 10 d4 2f eb a3 c4 e6 b2 ........../.....
&& NTLMv2 Response Temp Blob
00 00 00 00 00 00 80 ba 22 51 df c1 cc 01 ..........&Q....
c6 f3 f1 99 74 f7 00 00 00 00 02 00 06 00 .i....t.........
50 00 4e 00 01 00 12 00 41 00 4e 00 47 00 N.P.N.....A.N.G.
52 00 54 00 53 00 30 00 34 00 04 00 12 00 S.R.T.S.0.4.....
70 00 6e 00 2e 00 6c 00 6f 00 63 00 61 00 n.p.n...l.o.c.a.
03 00 26 00 41 00 4e 00 47 00 53 00 52 00 l...&.A.N.G.S.R.
53 00 30 00 34 00 2e 00 6e 00 70 00 6e 00 T.S.0.4...n.p.n.
6c 00 6f 00 63 00 61 00 6c 00 05 00 12 00 ..l.o.c.a.l.....
70 00 6e 00 2e 00 6c 00 6f 00 63 00 61 00 n.p.n...l.o.c.a.
07 00 08 00 00 6a 88 51 df c1 cc 01 00 00 l......j.Q......
&& 00a0 00 00 ..
&& ClientChallenge
c6 f3 f1 99 74 f7 .i....t.
&& ServerChallenge
ee 05 f7 c6 5f 59 ......_Y
&& SessionBaseKey
&& 0000 aa 96 a0 c2 a0 04 3f 4d 7c 4b c2 53 31 eb 37 cb ......?M|K.S1.7.
&& KeyExchangeKey
&& 0000 aa 96 a0 c2 a0 04 3f 4d 7c 4b c2 53 31 eb 37 cb ......?M|K.S1.7.
&& ExportedSessionKey
&& e fc e3 30 48 e6 1d 27 7c 7d 9e 21 6f ad f0 ....0H..'|}.!o..
&& RandomSessionKey
&& e fc e3 30 48 e6 1d 27 7c 7d 9e 21 6f ad f0 ....0H..'|}.!o..
&& ClientSignKey
&& 0000 c7 be a4 37 fe 58 e7 b9 8b b6 93 39 9e fb 12 c9 ...7.X.....9....
&& ClientSealingKey
9e 75 62 e6 53 d9 fd 3f f6 0c a4 26 d7 86 .(.ub.S..?...&..
&& Timestamp
&& 0000 80 ba 22 51 df c1 cc 01 ..&Q....
&& negotiateFlags &0x&{
&& DomainName (length = 6, offset = 64)
50 00 4e 00 N.P.N.
&& UserName (length = 18, offset = 70)
6f 00 68 00 61 00 6e 00 74 00 65 00 73 00 j.o.h.a.n.t.e.s.
&& LmChallengeResponse (length = 24, offset = 88)
fe ca 33 92 8e dc 31 34 c5 99 8a e6 23 a4 ....3...14....#.
c6 f3 f1 99 74 f7 .i....t.
&& NtChallengeResponse (length = 178, offset = 112)
&& c 7c 18 96 9c ad cb fb 27 23 e8 f2 46 7c ba cL|......'#..F|.
00 00 00 00 00 00 80 ba 22 51 df c1 cc 01 ..........&Q....
c6 f3 f1 99 74 f7 00 00 00 00 02 00 06 00 .i....t.........
50 00 4e 00 01 00 12 00 41 00 4e 00 47 00 N.P.N.....A.N.G.
52 00 54 00 53 00 30 00 34 00 04 00 12 00 S.R.T.S.0.4.....
70 00 6e 00 2e 00 6c 00 6f 00 63 00 61 00 n.p.n...l.o.c.a.
03 00 26 00 41 00 4e 00 47 00 53 00 52 00 l...&.A.N.G.S.R.
53 00 30 00 34 00 2e 00 6e 00 70 00 6e 00 T.S.0.4...n.p.n.
6c 00 6f 00 63 00 61 00 6c 00 05 00 12 00 ..l.o.c.a.l.....
70 00 6e 00 2e 00 6c 00 6f 00 63 00 61 00 n.p.n...l.o.c.a.
&& 00a0 6c 00 07 00 08 00 00 6a 88 51 df c1 cc 01 00 00 l......j.Q......
&& 00b0 00 00 ..
&& EncryptedRandomSessionKey (length = 16, offset = 290)
31 27 58 4d b4 d7 89 47 b5 c0 cf 3a df e2 ..1'XM...G...:..
&& AUTHENTICATE_MESSAGE (length = 306)
4c 4d 53 53 50 00 03 00 00 00 18 00 18 00 NTLMSSP.........
00 00 b2 00 b2 00 70 00 00 00 06 00 06 00 X.......p.......
00 00 12 00 12 00 46 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 @.......F.......
00 00 10 00 10 00 22 01 00 00 35 82 08 60 X.......&...5..`
50 00 4e 00 6a 00 6f 00 68 00 61 00 6e 00 N.P.N.j.o.h.a.n.
65 00 73 00 74 00 a9 a0 fe ca 33 92 8e dc t.e.s.t.....3...
c5 99 8a e6 23 a4 e5 69 c6 f3 f1 99 74 f7 14....#..i....t.
&& c 7c 18 96 9c ad cb fb 27 23 e8 f2 46 7c ba cL|......'#..F|.
00 00 00 00 00 00 80 ba 22 51 df c1 cc 01 ..........&Q....
c6 f3 f1 99 74 f7 00 00 00 00 02 00 06 00 .i....t.........
&& 00a0 4e 00 50 00 4e 00 01 00 12 00 41 00 4e 00 47 00 N.P.N.....A.N.G.
&& 00b0 53 00 52 00 54 00 53 00 30 00 34 00 04 00 12 00 S.R.T.S.0.4.....
&& 00c0 6e 00 70 00 6e 00 2e 00 6c 00 6f 00 63 00 61 00 n.p.n...l.o.c.a.
&& 00d0 6c 00 03 00 26 00 41 00 4e 00 47 00 53 00 52 00 l...&.A.N.G.S.R.
&& 00e0 54 00 53 00 30 00 34 00 2e 00 6e 00 70 00 6e 00 T.S.0.4...n.p.n.
&& 00f0 2e 00 6c 00 6f 00 63 00 61 00 6c 00 05 00 12 00 ..l.o.c.a.l.....
70 00 6e 00 2e 00 6c 00 6f 00 63 00 61 00 n.p.n...l.o.c.a.
07 00 08 00 00 6a 88 51 df c1 cc 01 00 00 l......j.Q......
00 b8 31 27 58 4d b4 d7 89 47 b5 c0 cf 3a ....1'XM...G...:
&& 0130 df e2 ..
&& Public Key (length = 270)
01 0a 02 82 01 01 00 b3 ee 51 85 e8 66 28 0..........Q..f(
&& 0010 78 dd 6c 65 d5 f2 86 90 a0 f0 c2 7d 8f 71 bc 2e x.le.......}.q..
5e 00 e3 3e b7 8f d7 65 49 59 6d 1a ef 1b E$^..&...eIYm...
&& 0030 a1 be 81 ea 26 56 9f 9b 3f 4b 87 a0 24 49 e5 97 ....&V..?K..$I..
6c 02 81 ce 9f 40 fa a8 29 bf e2 62 04 13 6&l....@..)..b..
&& 0050 6f d3 76 82 a0 c4 f6 94 70 21 40 01 b3 00 45 4d o.v.....p!@...EM
1e 62 d2 99 7a fa 21 bf 32 bc 79 37 64 92 a9.b..z.!.2.y7d.
e7 a4 98 42 a1 1b d3 b1 02 4b 42 e6 d0 42 92...B.....KB..B
&& b d3 15 f2 3f 03 82 ba 51 5b 2b b1 f4 a2 bd .;...?...Q[+....
71 30 42 35 b7 75 55 43 85 b2 42 34 4a b3 ..q0B5.uUC..B4J.
&& 00a0 c3 53 d9 b5 89 fd e7 ba 68 f1 18 24 4c 18 97 fb .S......h..$L...
&& 00b0 73 47 00 13 dc 92 35 d5 dd 41 1e 0a 69 c6 af cd sG....5..A..i...
&& 00c0 99 17 a5 35 c4 c7 98 55 c0 fa 2d 12 35 0d 12 0b ...5...U..-.5...
&& 00d0 e6 9a 59 11 40 45 9d 05 e0 66 bc 0f 5b 11 9e 6f ..Y.@xxxxxxx[..o
&& 00e0 2a 3d 0f d0 3a 44 e9 07 45 0e 3b 6a 69 c6 80 42 *=..:D..E.;ji..B
&& 00f0 8e b4 44 66 65 ef 4e 03 6f 1f 81 d2 e7 a9 c3 d9 ..Dfe.N.o.......
&& a 4e 32 cf a5 f4 28 01 02 03 01 00 01 .:N2...(......
&& Encrypted Public Key (length = 270)
&& 0000 7a db ee 89 db 0c 40 fc 9c 1d bd d9 bf cd a6 3e z.....@........&
&& 0010 0c d2 9d fb 59 07 e2 2e 20 94 b9 f7 a9 3e 5b 56 ....Y... ....&[V
32 e0 db 65 ba b0 5d df 9d 7a bd b0 8c 90 m72..e..]..z....
&& a d3 70 14 27 cd 07 6a 4e 66 88 53 d4 54 e4 qj.p.'..jNf.S.T.
&& e 58 5d 4c d4 72 d6 49 0a 41 63 d9 f9 4a ae v~X]L.r.I.Ac..J.
0d d3 a8 3b 9d ab 7f 06 a5 bf c2 fa f0 ff U'...;..........
b7 6e 07 1b cb c6 11 c9 73 73 aa ee dc d5 .w.n......ss....
&& 0070 ab 3e 75 d7 6e bd 5c a1 7a 0d 0c 10 6f 17 b4 e0 .&u.n.\.z...o...
90 e9 41 be 4d 4c 23 71 eb 8c 78 88 a9 34 ....A.ML#q..x..4
63 d8 0c 11 99 f5 84 72 df 1f 6f a7 ae b3 v.c......r..o...
&& 00a0 a7 ff 0e 39 3d f1 81 ac 6c 32 dc 19 25 45 83 33 ...9=...l2..%E.3
&& 00b0 ea 90 7e c2 18 57 46 5c 2a 44 ca e0 e0 95 22 e8 ..~..WF\*D....&.
&& 00c0 de de 96 e3 e0 04 b9 f4 c6 92 58 63 84 7c f4 ff ..........Xc.|..
&& 00d0 15 70 b1 2c 66 5a 61 6b 44 4d 60 ef 44 0b db f3 .p.,fZakDM`.D...
&& 00e0 ed 27 24 2f 87 63 24 c8 b3 d6 09 ec e6 82 a2 ab .'$/.c$.........
&& 00f0 8a 22 ed 1d b5 eb 6c e5 ef 62 ad a8 87 17 ef e5 .&....l..b......
&& 0100 5c b1 a0 0a d5 fe 77 0d 76 43 91 53 63 b0 \.....w.vC.Sc.
&& Signature
00 00 85 d6 e5 79 db af 12 7c 00 00 00 00 .......y...|....
&& TSCredentials (length = 69)
a0 03 02 01 01 a1 3c 04 3a 30 38 a0 08 04 0C......&.:08...
&& e 00 50 00 4e 00 a1 14 04 12 6a 00 6f 00 68 .N.P.N.....j.o.h
00 6e 00 74 00 65 00 73 00 74 00 a2 16 04 .a.n.t.e.s.t....
&& a 00 6f 00 68 00 61 00 6e 00 31 00 32 00 33 .J.o.h.a.n.1.2.3
00 35 00 .4.5.
&& Encrypted TSCredentials (length = 69)
4a 82 88 b8 af 13 ae 40 c2 2e 6f 47 b5 ee }dJ......@..oG..
65 12 4c 81 a9 01 18 c3 18 38 82 c2 76 6e ..e.L......8..vn
&& e 44 cd 09 b7 66 dc 2d 93 f5 82 b6 80 c4 fc ..D...f.-.......
61 07 3c 3c a1 38 dc a6 2a 88 dd 52 b7 9a ..a.&&.8..*..R..
&& 0040 ee 50 5f a3 61 .P_.a
&& Signature
00 00 45 39 94 bf 5e 7e e0 f0 01 00 00 00 ....E9..^~......
&& Failed to check xfreerdp file descriptor
& *Second try*
& *lenovo-x300:~/svndoc/FreeRDP-FreeRDP-e411f1c/client/X11$ ./xfreerdp -u
&& johantest -d npn.local npnwts
&& connected to npnwts:3389
&& Password:
&& The host key for npnwts has changed
&& @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
&& @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
&& Someone could be eavesdropping on you right now (man-in-the-middle
&& attack)!
&& It is also possible that a host key has just been changed.
&& The fingerprint for the host key sent by the remote host is
&& 2e:66:2f:bb:b7:6a:cc:cd:b2:77:39:e6:5e:50:a4:53:76:9b:c5
&& Please contact your system administrator.
&& Add correct host key in ~/.freerdp/known_hosts to get rid of this message.
&& Host key for npnwts has changed and you have requested strict checking.
&& Host key verification failed.
&& negotiateFlags &0x&{
&& NEGOTIATE_MESSAGE (length = 32)
4c 4d 53 53 50 00 01 00 00 00 35 82 08 60 NTLMSSP.....5..`
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
&& SSL_write: Failure in SSL library (protocol error?)
&& Authentication failure, check credentials.
&& If credentials are valid, the NTLMSSP implementation may be to blame.
& If I instead say no to the question I'll get rejected to connect. so I
& have to delete the enteries in known_hosts after every connection
& Maybe it's just me, but it doesn't seem very logic why I cant at least add
& multiple enteries for a connection name.
& *Merry Christmas and Happy End of 2011*
Johan &Jo& Nidelius
+46 (0) 730-459949
sense &@xxxxxx&
&& thanks for you reply that fast
&& today ,it's work good now when i update the code(git pull) ,but there is
&& another trouble ïthat is keyboard not work good
&& it's also 16bit(server is winxp)
&& ./xfreerdp -u test -p test -a 24
&& connected to
&& connected to
&& connected to
&& Failed to check xfreerdp file descriptor
&& ------------------ Original ------------------
Mon, Dec 5,
&freerdp-devel&&freerdp-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx&; &Max Nemo&&
&& max2131@xxxxxxx&;
&& Subject:
Re: [Freerdp-devel] NTLM/CredSSP woes
&& The problem the previous user had was that the hostname was not the last
&& parameter. If the hostname is not the last parameter, other parameters
&& username and password won't be used properly. If this is not your case,
&& then you must be experiencing a different issue.
&& On Sat, Dec 3, 2011 at 10:09 PM, sense &@xxxxxx& wrote:
&& & hello,all
i get the same problem,how can i make it work good
&& & my xfreerdp version is (git log):
&& & commit a50ef84c21d6ae15f6b91fc29dcd73e
&& & Author: Marc-Andr
Moreau &marcandre.moreau@xxxxxxxxx&
&& & Date:
Sat Dec 3 17:24:18
wfreerdp: fix compilation and warnings
./xfreerdp -u pater -p 654321qwe
&& & connected to
&& & negotiateFlags &0x&{
&& & NEGOTIATE_MESSAGE (length = 32)
4c 4d 53 53 50 00 01 00 00 00 35 82 08 60 NTLMSSP.....5..`
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
&& & negotiateFlags &0x628A8235&{
&& & targetName (length = 8, offset = 56)
4b 00 59 00 49 00
&& & targetInfo (length = 64, offset = 64)
08 00 53 00 4b 00 59 00 49 00 01 00 08 00 ....S.K.Y.I.....
4b 00 59 00 49 00 04 00 08 00 73 00 6b 00 S.K.Y.I.....s.k.
69 00 03 00 08 00 73 00 6b 00 79 00 69 00 y.i.....s.k.y.i.
08 00 d2 24 85 b0 31 b2 cc 01 00 00 00 00 .....$..1.......
&& & CHALLENGE_MESSAGE (length = 128)
4c 4d 53 53 50 00 02 00 00 00 08 00 08 00 NTLMSSP.........
00 00 35 82 8a 62 2f 50 8a ba 20 51 0d 94 8...5..b/P.. Q..
00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 40 00 40 00 00 00 ........@.@.@...
b0 1d 00 00 00 0f 53 00 4b 00 59 00 49 00 ........S.K.Y.I.
08 00 53 00 4b 00 59 00 49 00 01 00 08 00 ....S.K.Y.I.....
4b 00 59 00 49 00 04 00 08 00 73 00 6b 00 S.K.Y.I.....s.k.
69 00 03 00 08 00 73 00 6b 00 79 00 69 00 y.i.....s.k.y.i.
08 00 d2 24 85 b0 31 b2 cc 01 00 00 00 00 .....$..1.......
&& & Password (length = 18)
35 00 34 00 33 00 32 00 31 00 71 00 77 00
&& & Username (length = 10)
61 00 74 00 65 00 72 00
&& & Domain (length = 0)
&& & NTOWFv2, NTLMv2 Hash
bc 0a 7e f7 22 28 45 0c 6a 4d bf 4a 2d 4d q...~.&(E.jM.J-M
&& & NTLMv2 Response Temp Blob
00 00 00 00 00 00 80 5a 6d b0 31 b2 cc 01 .........Zm.1...
82 62 ff aa 3d eb 00 00 00 00 02 00 08 00 D..b..=.........
4b 00 59 00 49 00 01 00 08 00 53 00 4b 00 S.K.Y.I.....S.K.
49 00 04 00 08 00 73 00 6b 00 79 00 69 00 Y.I.....s.k.y.i.
08 00 73 00 6b 00 79 00 69 00 07 00 08 00 ....s.k.y.i.....
85 b0 31 b2 cc 01 00 00 00 00
&& & ClientChallenge
82 62 ff aa 3d eb
&& & ServerChallenge
8a ba 20 51 0d 94
&& & SessionBaseKey
&& & b 78 bc 47 70 e0 62 4a 1e c1 54 86 4c 47 27 6.x.Gp.bJ..T.LG'
&& & KeyExchangeKey
&& & b 78 bc 47 70 e0 62 4a 1e c1 54 86 4c 47 27 6.x.Gp.bJ..T.LG'
&& & ExportedSessionKey
&& & 0000 44 ae 69 2e d1 6c db 89 42 5b 4b 32 cd 6f 9b f8 D.i..l..B[K2.o..
&& & RandomSessionKey
&& & 0000 44 ae 69 2e d1 6c db 89 42 5b 4b 32 cd 6f 9b f8 D.i..l..B[K2.o..
&& & ClientSignKey
&& & 0000 c2 fc 6f 65 61 31 56 6c 2b 00 47 4c 36 a8 f3 17 ..oea1Vl+.GL6...
&& & ClientSealingKey
&& & 0000 fb b6 6d b2 5e 18 e0 61 17 a5 60 cf 83 9a c1 6c ..m.^..a..`....l
&& & Timestamp
&& & a 6d b0 31 b2 cc 01
&& & negotiateFlags &0x&{
&& & UserName (length = 10, offset = 64)
61 00 74 00 65 00 72 00
&& & LmChallengeResponse (length = 24, offset = 74)
90 a7 20 3b 4d 34 97 85 de 0f 7b 3b 51 58 .!.. ;M4....{;QX
82 62 ff aa 3d eb
&& & NtChallengeResponse (length = 108, offset = 98)
&& & c a6 14 71 6a 80 47 60 53 80 82 91 0c 5d 7c .,..qj.G`S....]|
00 00 00 00 00 00 80 5a 6d b0 31 b2 cc 01 .........Zm.1...
82 62 ff aa 3d eb 00 00 00 00 02 00 08 00 D..b..=.........
4b 00 59 00 49 00 01 00 08 00 53 00 4b 00 S.K.Y.I.....S.K.
49 00 04 00 08 00 73 00 6b 00 79 00 69 00 Y.I.....s.k.y.i.
08 00 73 00 6b 00 79 00 69 00 07 00 08 00 ....s.k.y.i.....
85 b0 31 b2 cc 01 00 00 00 00
&& & EncryptedRandomSessionKey (length = 16, offset = 206)
48 46 cd 2f 03 75 ac 45 b7 c4 a0 fb c7 24 9.HF./.u.E.....$
&& & AUTHENTICATE_MESSAGE (length = 222)
4c 4d 53 53 50 00 03 00 00 00 18 00 18 00 NTLMSSP.........
00 00 6c 00 6c 00 62 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 J...l.l.b.......
00 00 0a 00 0a 00 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 @.......@.......
00 00 10 00 10 00 ce 00 00 00 35 82 08 60 J...........5..`
61 00 74 00 65 00 72 00 91 21 90 a7 20 3b p.a.t.e.r..!.. ;
97 85 de 0f 7b 3b 51 58 44 85 82 62 ff aa M4....{;QXD..b..
&& & 0060 3d eb 1c 2c a6 14 71 6a 80 47 60 53 80 82 91 0c =..,..qj.G`S....
&& & c 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 5a 6d b0 31 b2 ]|.........Zm.1.
&& & 0080 cc 01 44 85 82 62 ff aa 3d eb 00 00 00 00 02 00 ..D..b..=.......
53 00 4b 00 59 00 49 00 01 00 08 00 53 00 ..S.K.Y.I.....S.
&& & 00a0 4b 00 59 00 49 00 04 00 08 00 73 00 6b 00 79 00 K.Y.I.....s.k.y.
&& & 00b0 69 00 03 00 08 00 73 00 6b 00 79 00 69 00 07 00 i.....s.k.y.i...
&& & 00c0 08 00 d2 24 85 b0 31 b2 cc 01 00 00 00 00 39 c7 ...$..1.......9.
&& & 00d0 48 46 cd 2f 03 75 ac 45 b7 c4 a0 fb c7 24
&& & Public Key (length = 270)
01 0a 02 82 01 01 00 c1 9b 92 0c 62 07 29 0............b.)
&& & f 3c ed e6 94 bb cd a3 b1 90 11 29 0a 72 50 S.&.........).rP
5d 19 16 f7 0c 09 1e a2 89 11 24 3a f8 cb ..].........$:..
&& & c ce 5b 42 56 6b 95 e1 92 5e a9 a1 fd 70 ac .&.[BVk...^...p.
32 83 61 a5 11 35 be 9c d3 7c 9e b5 16 a4 ..2.a..5...|....
db 44 3b 1a c1 da 32 1c ad 27 db 54 4e 03 ...D;...2..'.TN.
c8 8f de 4e de c0 c9 d4 1e 2f 0c 48 c5 2f .....N...../.H./
ee 3b c6 f9 42 cf b9 fe d3 1d bb 5c 90 bb ,..;..B......\..
e3 ef e9 a3 28 69 f9 6a 32 64 29 db 87 ca ......(i.j2d)...
&& & 0090 ff 40 9d c8 55 96 b2 2b 9b 59 dd e7 2e b4 07 15 .@..U..+.Y......
&& & 00a0 97 d1 4e 2c de 54 ef 42 dd 1a ba eb 1b ac 97 19 ..N,.T.B........
&& & 00b0 13 e0 b2 64 9d a0 52 71 99 0e 6c 84 1c b8 49 ed ...d..Rq..l...I.
&& & 00c0 75 5f af b6 a4 6c 57 70 15 f5 e5 14 80 f1 40 5e u_...lWp......@^
&& & 00d0 4b 47 95 9b 74 e2 31 c3 62 a7 ab 2e 94 14 fe c3 KG..t.1.b.......
&& & 00e0 80 ed db c4 e0 09 80 d1 bb 84 cf 96 c0 d4 f9 e7 ................
&& & 00f0 ec 2c eb 9b d7 bf 88 15 c3 6c 5f ac f8 d6 45 65 .,.......l_...Ee
9c aa 4c 67 3a f0 fd 02 03 01 00 01
&& & Encrypted Public Key (length = 270)
&& & a 1b 20 17 d1 0d 02 ee 35 25 38 f5 a5 c5 89 _.. .....5%8....
&& & 0010 80 be b3 e3 3b cb fd 20 ad cc 7b c0 09 37 89 4b ....;.. ..{..7.K
c9 c6 67 b2 b5 3b 75 f8 b1 a7 73 66 63 d3 hC..g..;u...sfc.
f4 a0 61 7e 14 e9 7e 54 5b 84 c6 27 81 99 ....a~..~T[..'..
&& & d 96 4a 32 31 53 2b 3d 6b b5 5a 2c 2a 62 98 ?].J21S+=k.Z,*b.
33 65 0c 2b b2 fb 29 d7 cc 32 3a e9 62 1e bu3e.+..)..2:.b.
&& & a f0 f0 2e 18 0a a5 24 78 f9 ac eb b9 1a 55 t*......$x.....U
&& & c d7 49 7d 78 53 e4 fd 25 7a ff 22 7b 24 98 *l.I}xS..%z.&{$.
e7 eb eb f7 6d 10 1b 8b 48 c8 c5 6d 9b f4 .T....m...H..m..
&& & 0090 aa 86 2d bc c9 ee c8 f2 67 9f b8 1d bf 2e f6 c4 ..-.....g.......
&& & 00a0 12 95 f7 ce 5b 1c 81 99 e0 fa 6c 28 e6 3d 2d 72 ....[.....l(.=-r
&& & 00b0 da 67 ef 6a a6 83 fc b4 f7 c4 21 61 6c cc 0e 82 .g.j......!al...
&& & 00c0 06 2b 55 63 d3 7d 0a 42 b8 73 ba 9c 7e 7d ed 27 .+Uc.}.B.s..~}.'
&& & 00d0 68 65 d1 24 1b d5 01 26 3a 0f b9 f1 79 80 b4 01 he.$...&:...y...
&& & 00e0 40 fe 71 26 85 68 4a 16 61 7b 8a ef ff ca 83 4f @.q&.hJ.a{.....O
&& & 00f0 43 c1 78 e4 92 a4 3c 80 3e 74 be 13 91 d2 7e 01 C.x...&.&t....~.
68 4b fa 75 2a c6 38 00 70 97 e6 6d
&& & Signature
00 00 7b d4 da 38 58 f1 fd 39 00 00 00 00 ....{..8X..9....
&& & SSL_read: Failure in SSL library (protocol error?)
&& & Authentication failure, check credentials.
&& & If credentials are valid, the NTLMSSP implementation may be to blame.
&& & ------------------ Original ------------------
&& & *From: * &Marc-Andr Moreau&&marcandre.moreau@xxxxxxxxx&;
&& & *Date: * Mon, Nov 21,
&& & *To: * &Max Nemo&&max2131@xxxxxxx&; **
&& & *Cc: * &freerdp-devel&&freerdp-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx&; **
&& & *Subject: * Re: [Freerdp-devel] NTLM/CredSSP woes
&& & If the lengths were correct, did you pass the username, domain name and
&& & password as arguments to xfreerdp? NTLMv2 will for sure fail if those
&& & absent
&& & On Sun, Nov 20, 2011 at 4:23 PM, Max Nemo &max2131@xxxxxxx& wrote:
&& & & Hello Marc-Andr ,
&& & & I tried both domain and non-domain accounts - the result is absolutely
&& & & same:
&& & & Domain account: VDCSP\SmartLogon, password Qal
&& & & Non-Domain account: WIN\Test, password Qal
&& & & Both of these accounts can log in successfully if RDP Security is
&& & & What you saw as account and domain name lengths (zeroes) is what
&& exactly
&& & & was dumped by FreeRDP.
&& & & & & Username (length = 0)
&& & & & &
&& & & & & Domain (length = 0)
&& & & It seems that my setup is not special by any means - the test domain
&& & & comprised of Server 2008 SP2 (DC) + Server 2008R2 SP1 - both of them
&& & & act as TS.
&& & & The servers in a production domain I tried to connect to (obviously,
&& & using
&& & & difference domain and account information) reported the same error.
&& & & Best regards,
&& & & Maxim
&& ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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&& & contains a definitive record of customers, application performance,
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&& & data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
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&& & _______________________________________________
&& & Freerdp-devel mailing list
&& & Freerdp-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
&& & https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/freerdp-devel
&& ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
&& All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure
&& contains a definitive record of customers, application performance,
&& security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this
&& data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
&& http://p.sf.net/sfu/splunk-novd2d
&& _______________________________________________
&& Freerdp-devel mailing list
&& Freerdp-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
&& https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/freerdp-devel
&& ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
&& All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure
&& contains a definitive record of customers, application performance,
&& security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this
&& data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
&& http://p.sf.net/sfu/splunk-novd2d
&& _______________________________________________
&& Freerdp-devel mailing list
&& Freerdp-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
&& https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/freerdp-devel
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Next Message by Date:
Please contact me (off-list might be best unless others want this
info), but does anyone have a good reference checklist of the steps
required to deploy RemoteApp (I have this working aside from the SSL
cert on 2008 R2 test server) and then run that app with freerdp?
see the --app switch but I'm not sure how to then specify the app on
the server I want to run.
You can configure many remote apps on a
RemoteApp server.
Also, is a cert required to be installed and configured on the
RemoteApp server before freerdp can connect to a RA app?
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costs. Try it free! http://p.sf.net/sfu/Citrix-VDIinabox
Freerdp-devel mailing list
Previous Message by Thread:
Is winXP SP3 supported by freerdp seamless mode? If so, what are t he
neccessary steps to get this to work. So far, I have been unable to get it to
 strace -f xfreerdp -u uname -p passwd --app --plugin rail.so --data &||cmd& --
pid 31837] read(7, 0x9fd59a0, 4096)    = -1 EAGAIN (Resource temporarily
[pid 31837] select(6, [5], NULL, NULL, {0, 0}) = 0 (Timeout)
[pid 31837] select(9, [3 5 7 8], [], NULL, {5, 780647}) = 1 (in [8], left {4,
[pid 31837] select(4, [3], NULL, NULL, {0, 0}) = 0 (Timeout)
[pid 31837] recv(8,
16384, 0) = 251
[pid 31837] poll([{fd=7, events=POLLIN|POLLOUT}], 1, -1) = 1 ([{fd=7,
[pid 31837] writev(7,
[{&;\3\5\0\1\0@\5\0\0\0\0\372\6*\4\22\0\t\0&\2\7\0\35\1@\5\2\0@\5&..., 760},
{NULL, 0}, {&&, 0}], 3) = 760
[pid 31837] read(7, 0x9fd59a0, 4096)    = -1 EAGAIN (Resource temporarily
[pid 31837] select(6, [5], NULL, NULL, {0, 0}) = 0 (Timeout)
[pid 31837] select(9, [3 5 7 8], [], NULL, {5, 781631}^C &unfinished ...&
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Please contact me (off-list might be best unless others want this
info), but does anyone have a good reference checklist of the steps
required to deploy RemoteApp (I have this working aside from the SSL
cert on 2008 R2 test server) and then run that app with freerdp?
see the --app switch but I'm not sure how to then specify the app on
the server I want to run.
You can configure many remote apps on a
RemoteApp server.
Also, is a cert required to be installed and configured on the
RemoteApp server before freerdp can connect to a RA app?
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