
hermansky-pudlak syndrome本征特点主要是白化症及血小板机能异常所致出血倾向。骨髓内含有蜡样色素的巨噬细胞。...可能为常染色体显性遗传性出血性疾病。目前尚无特效治疗。
随着高等生物中十几个新的参与囊泡运输的 Hermansky-Pudlak 综合征(HPS)蛋白质的发现, 认为可能存在一类新的囊泡运输通路。该通路主要由新近鉴定的 3 个被称为溶
Herm ansky-Pud lak综合征是白化病综合征的一种,呈常染色体隐性遗传,具有高度遗传异质性。目前,国际上已经报道8种亚型(HPS1~8),其中HPS1最常见。HPS1
Herm ansky-Pud lak综合征是白化病综合征的一种,呈常染色体隐性遗传,具有高度遗传异质性。目前,国际上已经报道8种亚型(HPS1~8),其中HPS1最常见。HPS1
正 血小板具有摄取阿的平并贮存于其致密体的特性,并可用荧光显微镜对这些颗粒进行计数。为了探索致密体含量和血小板聚集5-羟色胺(5-HT)能力之间的关系以及致密体含量和血小板密度之
<font color="#0-819-9993
<font color="#0-
<font color="#0-女孩独有的雷特氏综合症(Rett&Syndrome)
我的第一篇The Economist的翻译大作
Neuroscience (1)
Calm the anxiety, help the
Oct 19th 2006 | ATLANTA
Economist print edition
New therapies for some aspects of
Rett syndrome may be on the horizon
针对雷特氏综合症(Rett Syndrome)的某些症状的新治疗方法即将到来
BIOLOGISTS routinely give human diseases to
rodents in an attempt to learn what has gone awry in people.
Sometimes the result mimics the human condition better than others,
but rarely is the rodent version so accurate that it surprises even
the scientists who made it. Such is the case with a mouse form of
Rett syndrome that has helped to identify a promising new treatment
for people.
Rett syndrome is a complex neurological
disorder that was first described in 1966 by Andreas Rett, an
Austrian doctor. It affects mainly girls. Most of the people who
have it are profoundly and multiply disabled, and highly dependent
on others throughout their lives. Between the ages of six months
and 18 months, children with the syndrome become mentally retarded,
wring their hands repeatedly, suffer from anxiety and often have
difficulty walking and breathing. Although the severity of symptoms
and the age at which they manifest themselves varies, Rett syndrome
has just one cause: mutations in a single gene called
Huda Zoghbi of the Baylor College of Medicine
in Houston, Texas, and colleagues, who discovered this fact,
wondered whether the syndrome is the result of a mutated version of
MeCP2 failing to
repress other genes, making them overly active. If so, the other
genes would be causing the various physical and mental problems
that affect sufferers. The researchers developed a way to test
their idea in mice and presented the results at the annual Society
for Neuroscience conference held this week in
位于得克萨斯州休斯敦市的贝勒医学院(Baylor College of Medicine)的科学家Huda Zoghbi和他的同事发现了这一事实,并且想知道MeCP2基因的突变失去了对于其它基因的抑制并最终导致其它基因的过分活跃是否就是这种疾病的起因。如果是这样,这些过度活跃的基因就会引起各种各样困扰患者的身体和精神问题。研究人员运用老鼠模型做实验找到了一个方法来印证他们的想法,并把他们的结果发表在了这周在亚特兰大召开的年度神经学大会上。
To keep things straightforward, the researchers
chose to work with mice who carried just one copy of the gene. As
MeCP2 resides on
the X-chromosome, this meant studying male mice as
females have two X-chromosomes. Studying these
creatures, Dr Zoghbi saw that the rodents with a mutant form of the
gene were affected similarly to people: they developed tremors and
spasticity in their forelimbs, became susceptible to seizures and
suffered breathing problems.
他们的方法单刀直入,研究人员选择研究只带了一个基因拷贝的老鼠。由于MeCP2位于X染色体上,所以他们选择研究雄性老鼠,因为雌性老鼠含有两个X染色体。在研究这些老鼠的过程中,Huda Zoghbi发现这一基因变异的老鼠会表现出同人类患者相似的症状:这些老鼠会战栗,前肢会形成强直状态,他们也更容易被捕捉,并出现呼气困难。
But the mice also developed the psychological
aspects of the disease. People with Rett syndrome withdraw socially
and recently scientists have found that up to 75% of patients are
so anxious that a stress hormone called cortisol can be found in
their urine. The mice also spent less time with other animals,
preferred closed spaces and trembled noticeably when handled by the
scientists. The animals produced abnormally high levels of the
stress hormone, which is called corticosterone in
The team therefore started hunting for the
exact molecular cause of the anxiety. A likely culprit was a small
peptide called CRH that is released in a part of the brain
associated with stress and anxiety. They found that the peptide was
overly abundant in the mutant mice, and that its expression was
usually repressed by the normal version of MeCP2.
The results point to a likely therapy. From
past work, scientists know that mice that lack the molecular
receptors needed to detect CRH are less anxious than normal
animals. Thus, Dr Zoghbi predicts that knocking out the receptors
with drugs will help calm the animals.
The best part, she says, is that such a drug
already exists, is known to be safe, and is already used in humans
for the treatment of depression and anxiety. Thus, if the drug
calms the mutant mice, the team could soon start clinical trials in
people with the syndrome.
Although the drug is unlikely to relieve all of
the symptoms of the disorder, decreasing anxiety in people with
Rett syndrome may mitigate symptoms including learning
difficulties, the inclination to withdraw socially and even the
tendency to hyperventilate. Such a drug would be a comfort to
sufferers and their carers.


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