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For learning: Base language: Chinese (Mandarin)Category: Other
May 31, 2011
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Here are some easy steps for learning English for free using Italki resources.
1. Find Language Partners - Click on 'Language Partners' to find a native speaker to practice oral communication or just to learn about other cultures.
找语言伙伴 - 到语言伙伴中去寻找,要主动一点。可以从简单的对话开始交流。
2. Ask Questions - Have something specific you don't understand about another language? Click on Answers and get free help from the italki member community.
3. Discuss in Groups - Click on 'Groups' if you want to ask for help or offer help in a language. You can also discuss issues like culture, arts, society, travel or anything else you can think of.
4. View and Download Free Language Learning Resources - Click on 'Knowledge' and 'Resources' to get textbooks, podcasts, notes and other helpful guides.
5. Find a Language Teacher - You can find a professional teacher when you click on 'Language Teachers' to formally instruct you. Or you can hire a tutor to help you with your homework or materials.
6. Write a Notebook entry - Get helpful corrections from other native speakers for you Writing.
Good luck !!!
May 31, 2011
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& 2014 italki HK Limited.这是什么意思啊?完全不懂啊…_百度作业帮
看我空间另外一条问题怎么看?点我昵称 看我的提问<img class="ikqb_img" src="http://a./zhidao/wh%3D600%2C800/sign=a904b148cf24f8cceff6/2e2ebad668edce7dde7.jpg" esrc="http:/...
点我昵称 看我的提问Thanksgiving Day is usually on the last Thursday in November._百度作业帮
Thanksgiving Day is usually on the last Thursday in November.
Thanksgiving Day is usually on the last Thursday in November.感恩节通常在十一月最后的星期四.这是啥意思?我有点看不懂那是一个种族隔离和歧视盛行的年代,美国有些地区的法律甚至要求黑人给白人让座(黑人如果不让呢?),而且公交车的前半部为白人坐,黑人只能坐在后半部(劳资就坐前面,你敢把劳资怎_百度作业帮
这是啥意思?我有点看不懂那是一个种族隔离和歧视盛行的年代,美国有些地区的法律甚至要求黑人给白人让座(黑人如果不让呢?),而且公交车的前半部为白人坐,黑人只能坐在后半部(劳资就坐前面,你敢把劳资怎样?).黑人必须在前门交钱(交你吗 个 B,我哥哥好穷,学音乐,1个月才5800元工资,他上工交汽车经常不交钱混进去,),然后从后门上车.有时候,有的司机不等黑人上车就把车开走.(是上了车交了钱再下来从后门上车?我坐了这么多年公交车没有碰到这种情况!如果有的话,对不起!老子至少1各月不会付车费,直接后门上!除非给我一个说法!还是没上车司机走了?那就只能怪自己太慢了) 假如说出现括号里的情况会怎么样?
:(是上了车交了钱再下来从后门上车?,我坐了这么多年公交车没有碰到这种情况!如果有的话,对不起!老子至少1各月不会付车费,直接后门上!除非给我一个说法!!,还是没上车司机走了?那就只能怪自己太慢了) 说括弧里的话这人到底了解不了解美国黑人被歧视的历史?他是在说什么啊,和黑人受歧视有关吗...


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