
来源:&&&&日期: 08:47
Greece hands over Olympic Flame to Rio
Summer Games organizers (Xinhua) Updated: -- :Greek actress Katerina Lehou (R), playing the role of High Priestess, lights an Olympic torch during the handover ceremony of the Olympic Flame to the delegation of the
Rio Olympics, at the Panathenaic Stadium in Athens, Greece, April , . [Photo/Agencies]ATHENS - The Flame burning for this summer's Rio Olympic Games was handed over to the Brazilian organizers in a spectacular ceremony held at Panathinaic Stadium in Athens on Wednesday.At the marble venue of the first modern Olympics in , Hellenic Olympic Committee President Spyros Capralos passed the Sacred Flame to the President of the Rio
Organizing Committee Carlos Nuzman, wishing best success to the XXXI Games.Nuzman left the stadium with the Sacred Light under the warm applause of some , Greeks and foreign tourists who had flooded the site.Greek President Prokopis Pavlopoulos, international Olympic movement representatives, and Olympic medalists were also among the crowd that welcomed warmly the Olympic Flame when it entered the stadium.The Sacred Light was carried by the Greek silver medalist in high jumping in the
Atlanta Games Niki Bakogiannis, after having crossed a large part of Greece (about , kilometers) over the past week.It was one of the highlights of the traditional handover ceremony which opened with the children's choir of the National Olympic Academy of Greece supported by the Philharmonic Band of the City of Athens singing the Olympic, Greek and Brazilian national anthems.Silver world rowing champion in
Katerina Nikolaidou who will compete in the Rio Games in August was the last torchbearer to carry the flame inside the stadium.It was the end of the first leg of the Torch Relay on Greek soil, which had started on April
at ancient Olympia when the Sacred Light was ignited by the sun's rays during a ritual ceremony at the birthplace of the Olympics.After Nikolaidou lit the cauldron inside the stadium, dozens of Greek actors and dancers playing the roles of Ancient Greek goddesses, priestesses and young men performed an emotional choreography signed by artistic director Artemis Ignatiou that was inspired by Greek mythology and depictions on ancient Greek urns, murals and statues.Deepened SOE reforms can revitalize Chinese economy (China Daily) Updated: -- :The government will improve the competence of SOEs and turn them into fully independent market entities. [Photo/IC]The long-awaited blueprint for reforming and revitalizing the State sector has been released and it promises to give a huge boost to China's battle against the downward pressure on its economy. More importantly, the latest drive to deepen reform of State-owned enterprises may, in the long run, prove wrong those who believe that China's growth miracle has run its course.On Sunday, guidelines were jointly issued by the Communist Party of China's Central Committee and the State Council to reorganize and restructure some SOEs so that they can be a long-term pillar of the Chinese economy.By cultivating a number of key SOEs with considerable innovation capability and international competitiveness, Chinese policymakers aim to retool and revive the world's second-largest economy by giving entrepreneurs and market forces a bigger role.Currently, the central government manages more than
companies under the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, while local governments own and run many more companies.These SOEs play a vital role in the national economy, and, in general, they enjoy a dominant position in the market with easier access to credit and more policy support.However, many SOEs are deemed to be less efficient than private enterprises and not robust enough to help counter the economic slowdown.The latest plan will introduce "mixed ownership" by bringing in private investment, and the government expects "decisive results" by . If they succeed, such reforms will improve the efficiency of SOEs by forcing them to embrace market competition more aggressively and become financially self-supporting.At a time when the Chinese economy is expanding at its slowest pace in more than two decades, it is a brave move by the Chinese authorities.But if the success of the last round of such reforms in the late s is any indication, it may be among the most effective of all the support measures that the Chinese government has adopted to grapple with the ongoing economic slowdown.Then, by drastically cutting down the number of State-owned enterprises and raising their efficiency, the Chinese government managed to render the loss-making State sector into the backbone supporting much of the country's double-digit growth.The economic challenges that China faces now are no less severe than those of a quarter of a century ago. But Chinese leaders are determined to make good their commitment to reform the SOEs and the overall national economy, so as make China's growth more sustainable..K
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