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QEJ耐根穿刺自粘型预铺防水卷材检验报告BAC防水卷材施工之地下防水处理的方法,地下水处理方法可以归结成两种:一种是降水,另一种是止水——防水帐幕。降水的方法有集水井降水和井点降水两类。集水井降水是在沿坑底周围开挖排水沟,将地下水引入坑底的集水井后用水泵抽出坑外。该方法在基坑开挖大,地下水位高而土质又不好时,容易引起流沙、管捅和边坡失稳情况下使用。QEJ耐根穿刺自粘型预铺防水卷材检验报告—五届500强开发商首选供应商品牌入围企业:鹏盛防水!产品特点:不透水性能强;抗拉强度高,延伸率大,尺寸稳定性能好对基层收缩变形和开裂适应能力强;耐高低温性能好,SBS适用于较低气温环境的建筑防水;耐穿刺、耐硌破、耐撕裂、耐腐蚀、耐霉变、耐候化性能好;工方便,热熔法施工四季均可操作,接缝可靠。QEJ耐根穿刺自粘型预铺防水卷材检验报告—选择“鹏盛”防水卷材的客户都这样安装节能门窗成主流四种节能门窗发展分析国家十二五规划更加明确节能减排的目标,建筑节能作为节能减排的重要组成部分也得到相关部门重视。    门窗作为建筑节能的重要力量也就倍受关注。雅之轩门窗负责人表示:节能门窗将会成为未来门窗市场的主流产品,为些我们雅之轩早在几年前就开始了节能产品的研发,现在的门窗产品完全符合国家的节能要求。    龙马木业负责人提醒我们,如果安装不规范,即使选材得当也难达到节能作用。目前,市场上的节能门窗按材料来分,主要有塑钢门窗、节能铝合金窗、纯木及铝包木门窗、复合材质窗四种。    塑钢门窗节能最显著    塑钢门窗的特点是节能显著,具有优良的气密性、水密性、隔音性和保温性,并且耐腐蚀性好,无需经常保养维修。但是,窗型的式样少且单一,五金件水平不高,产品安装及售后服务不到位。    塑钢门窗的价格差异主要由五个方面决定。首先是型材的好坏,好的每吨1.8万元,次的每吨不到1万元;其次是玻璃,单玻、双玻、中空玻璃价格不同;三是五金件,高低档的价格相差10倍;四是密封条、有每米几角钱的,也有1元多一米的;五是安装及服务。各种因素综合起来,价格约在500元至700元之间。    节能铝合金窗价格昂贵    铝合金质轻且强度高,耐腐蚀、变形量小、使用寿命长无任何污染。节能铝合金型材自上个世纪90年代中起用,采用新工艺,用增强尼龙将铝窗框的内外隔离以隔绝内外能量的交流,它适合于高层建筑、公用建筑等项目。断热铝合金门窗的市场价位在1000元至1800元之间。    木窗发生了质的变化    纯木窗采用集成材,木材经过特殊的工艺处理,防腐防变能力提高。纯木窗虽然品质一流,但造价高,部分市场价达3000元每平方米,一般适合于别墅等高尚低层住宅。    铝包木窗是在纯木窗外附铝合金。把铝合金用尼龙锁扣固定到木质产品上,大大加强了纯木门窗的耐用性。    复合材质窗增加强度    复合材质主体结构是节能铝合金,它结合了节能铝合金窗与木窗的两种优点,室内的装饰材料是纯木,呈现高级木门窗的特征。而室外完全采用断桥铝合金,保留铝合金门窗优良的耐候性。由于采用铝木结合的形式,具有更高的刚性、更大的采光通风面积。这种门窗的价格每平方米在2000元左右。    安装服务把最后关    尊瑞门窗负责人表示门窗行业有三分制作七分安装的说法,门窗质量问题多是由安装引起的,节能门窗的安装要求更加严格。一般情况下,厂家都会上门测量、设计开启、安装等内容,购买过程较漫长而且比较复杂,而且新型窗使用起来的维护、售后事项也多,所以门窗服务显得尤为重要。消费者,应在合同中明确安装材料及安装人工费等内容。    
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A. $625,000,000.B. EUR500,000,000.C. $8,125,000.
A. close to zero but increases with the addition of a pay-floating position in a swap.B. close to zero and is unaffected by the addition of a receive-floating position in a swap.C. equal to its maturity but decreases to near zero with the addition of a pay-floating position in a swap.
A. is exposed to an increase in interest rates.B. can turn the debt into floating rate by entering a receive-fixed swap position.C. can turn the debt into callable debt by entering into a receiver's swaption position.
A. To create synthetic dual currency debt, the portfolio manager can issue domestic debt and enter into a fixed-for-fixed currency swap where notional principal is swapped at origination.B. To create synthetic callable debt from existing noncallable debt, the portfolio manager can enter into a receiver's swaption.C. The all-in-cost is another way of saying "the internal rate of return of a financing alternative."
A. paying floating and receiving fixed in the swap.B. earning a positive spread on the difference between the bond they purchased and the fixed rate in the swap.C. using the payments received in the swap to pay on the bond issued.
A. $191,666 on Oct. 1.B. $189,583 on July 1.C. $187,500 on April 1.
A. Statement 3.B. Statement 2.C. Statement 1.
A. go long the stock futures but short the bond futures.B. have to choose a single futures contract and net the bond and stock position.C. go long both stock and bond futures.
A. disagree with both Statement 1 and Statement 2.B. disagree with Statement 1, but agree with Statement 2.C. agree with Statement 1, but disagree with Statement 2.
A. Sell 218 contracts.B. Buy 218 contracts.C. Buy 284 contracts.
A. take a long position in 152 contracts.B. take a short position in 156 contracts.C. take a short position in 152 contracts.
A. To synthetically create the risk/return profile of an underlying common equity security, buy the corresponding futures contract, sell the common short, and invest in a T-bill.B. For a fixed portfolio insurance horizon, using put options generally requires less rebalancing and monitoring than with the use of futures contracts.C. Futures contracts have a symmetrical payoff profile.
A. Buy 373 equity futures contracts.B. Buy 175 equity futures contracts.C. Sell 175 equity futures contracts.
A. Buy 182.B. Sell 169.C. Sell 176.
A. A minimum-variance hedge is better than a simple hedge because it accounts for translation risk.B. Options can be used to both directly and indirectly hedge currency risk. Futures can do the same.C. Direct hedging of the principal with futures allows investors to hedge away risk, but not to participate in any currency gains.
A. sell $11.2 million worth of futures contracts.B. sell $10 million worth of futures contracts.C. buy $11.2 million worth of futures contracts.
A. decrease the portfolio’s correlation with the Europe, Australia, Far East Index.B. make it easier to boost sector diversification relative to large-cap emerging-markets stocks.C. increase the portfolio’s return potential without sacrificing liquidity relative to large-cap emerging-markets stocks.
A. the basis will narrow.B. the basis will remain unchanged.C. the basis will widen.
A. complement VAR approaches since they account for scenarios that may not be properly considered in VAR approaches.B. are substitutes for VAR approaches since they better measure the entire spectrum of potential outcomes.C. can never be combined with VAR approaches because they are based on different probability distributions.
A. Duration.B. The potential loss from investing in stocks and bonds.C. The potential change of value in an asset or derivative in response to a change in some basic source of uncertainty.
A. is included in the statistic.B. can only be ascertained after the fact.C. is one minus the probability level.
A. not be used to set risk limits relative to a benchmark.B. be used to set risk limits on an absolute level.C. be used to identify the macroeconomic factors that have the greatest impact on overall portfolio performance.
A. Response 3.B. Response 2.C. Response 1.
A. $1,900,000.B. $1,760,000.C. $1,499,000.
A. Duration and delta are sufficient for modeling the risk of bonds and options.B. When a risk management problem is viewed as a long-run change in fundamentals, corrective action is required.C. When a risk management problem is viewed as temporary, the best course of action is often to take no action at all.
A. crush spread by holding a short position in soybeans and a long position in soybean meal and soybean oil.B. crack spread by holding a long position in soybeans and a long position in soybean meal and short position in soybean oil.C. crack spread by holding a long position in soybeans and a long position in soybean meal and soybean oil.
A. A trader creates a crush spread by holding a long position in soybeans and a short position in soybean meal and soybean oil.B. The difference in prices of crude oil, heating oil, and gasoline is known as a crush spread.C. A commodity spread results from a commodity that is an input in the production process of other commodities.
A. The forward price may appear higher at times, when the convenience yield is not considered.B. The convenience yield can be earned by the average investor who does not have a business reason for holding the commodity.C. The commodity borrower is willing to pay the value of the convenience yield less the cost of storage.
A. the amount of interest a lender of a commodity requires.B. the amount of return the investor requires who has bought and then lent a commodity.C. earned whether or not the underlying commodity is actually loaned.
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