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论文作者:杨爱英 论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:编辑:gcZhong点击率:4134
论文字数:4273论文编号:org031154语种:中文论文 Chinese地区:中国价格:免费论文
摘 要:分析在夏洛蒂?勃朗特笔下的简?爱身上呈现出的两种性格,一方面是理性、冷静、自我奋斗精神、激进的反抗和叛逆;另一方面则是过于虔诚、服从、保守。它们中的任何一对可相互替代或转换。
《简?爱》是一部神奇的小说。作品之神奇在于作者心灵蕴藏着丰富而复杂的内容。多少年以来,该小说不断受到关注,而其中的女主人公简?爱这个人物形象也随之不断地在人们心里复活着。作为一个社会转型期的文学典型,她丰富的内心世界, 包括矛盾的性格一向是学者们关注的焦点。例如, 特里?伊格尔顿(TerryEagleton)在他研究勃朗特姐妹的专著《权力的神话》(Myths ofPower)一书,指出夏洛蒂的作品存在一种固有的、两种模糊并内部分裂的价值观之间的斗争,即女主人公一方面表现出理性、冷静、自我奋斗精神、激进的反抗和叛逆;另一方面则过于虔诚、服从、保守,它们中的任何一对可相互替代或转换。
简?爱首先是以叛逆者的形象走进读者的视野的。在盖兹海德,也许是“孤儿”的身份使简?爱从小免于家庭的管束,养成了她追求独立、崇尚自我的天性,可是她偏偏在舅妈家遭遇了由自己的贫穷和性别带来的歧视和虐待。虽然家里的男主人已去世,但年幼的表兄、家里唯一的男性约翰?里德已登上家长的宝座。耀武扬威地宣称:“家是我的,或者过几年就是我的了。”无情地排斥简?爱这个寄人篱下的“外人”。幼小的简?爱拒绝喊他为“里德主人”,在遭到他的毒打时,还手与他对打。势单力薄的简?爱最后被囚禁在一间冰冷恐怖的红房子里, 但依然想着“以逃跑、绝食或发疯”来抗议这不公平的世道。简?爱还敢对抗以恩人自居、却为儿子撑腰的舅妈,揭露她的虚伪和狠毒。总之,幼小的简? 爱充满了对人压迫人的等级社会的强烈不满,并倔强地捍卫自己的人格和尊严。
当罗彻斯特与巴莎的婚姻真相被揭穿后,成婚受挫的简?爱面临一个重大的抉择:听从罗彻斯特对自己命运的安排,做他的情妇;还是自爱自强,做自己的主人?虽万般缠绵,但理智告诉她,如果此时屈从对方的意志,那么自己也迟早会重蹈巴莎或他众多情人的覆辙。强烈的自我保护意识使简?爱选择了后者。她宁愿在一个穷乡僻壤当一名“自由和正直的乡村女教师”,也不愿苟且偷安做别人的附庸。简?爱的选择再次证明,简?爱不仅具有较自觉的自我意识,还勇于挑战社会等级制规范,保持和维护自己的尊严和独立的人格。然而,尽管如此, 简?爱仍无法逃避主流性别意识对她的影响。她在积极地呼唤平等、争取自主身份的同时,也不时地暴露出自己传统守旧的另一面。
首先,简?爱对男性的审美评判和价值取向体现出传统的依附心理。罗彻斯特吸引简?爱的重要因素之一是他的“阳刚”。对简?爱来说,罗彻斯特粗犷的阳刚之美比圣?约翰精致的古典式美更具魅力,他的阳刚强胜正好反衬自己的柔弱娇小。对男子汉外表的迷恋正好说明她内心渴望被呵护的弱者心理。征服简?爱的不仅仅是罗彻斯特外表的阳刚,还有他内在的“强悍”。简?爱对罗彻斯特的专横、傲慢和粗鲁似乎没有抵触情绪,因为“他对我的深情厚谊抵消了对其他人的严厉”;她甚至爱屋及乌,认为“他的阴郁、粗鲁和以前道德上的过错”“来源于残酷的命运……他生来就有更好的志向,更高的原则,更纯洁的趣味”。在他们的恋爱过程中,读者不仅看到这位一向衣着朴素的家庭女教师突然欣欣然“为悦己者容”,还深切体会到她“经营”爱情的那份“小心”和“苦心”。本该陶醉在幸福中的“准新娘”一方面担忧自己将来在婚姻中的地位;另一方面则担心对方是否会对自己怀有长久的热情,这种 “不安全感”完全源自于她的依附心理。
由于简?爱潜意识中对男性的崇拜,她的反抗和叛逆精神在小说的后半部更是大打折扣。昔日愤世嫉俗、敢爱敢恨的斗争锋芒日渐减弱,显示出迎合妥协的趋势。如她与传教士堂兄的关系,在作者的笔下,堂兄圣?约翰是狂热的基督徒,“一个纯粹的社会正统意识的形象”。他与罗彻斯特虽志趣不同,但同样是一个独断专横的大男子主义者,企图摧毁简?爱的自我。简?爱尽管对他古怪的性格不敢恭维,但在他面前可谓诚惶诚恐,不由自主地处在他的“威力”下,“他渐渐对我有了一种影响,使我失去了心灵的自由……我陷到一种使人感到冰冷的魔力之下”。当圣?约翰威逼简?爱与自己结婚,以实现个人自私的传教目的时,简?爱显得优柔寡断,顾虑重重。在他献身宗教的力量的感化下,她的自我防线几乎处于崩溃的边缘,差点成为圣?约翰宗教和父权的俘虏。虽然简?爱最后挣脱了他的控制, 但此刻的简?爱已不再是一个为追求幸福和自我实现而义无反顾的人,她正在变成一个服从者,一个可以被父权和宗教左右的人。
小说在接近尾声时,发生了一系列令读者意想不到的事变:简?爱时来运转,不仅找到了亲戚,还意外地继承到一大笔遗产;而罗彻斯特则惨遭厄运: 他的疯妻子巴莎烧毁了桑菲尔德并葬身火海,罗彻斯特一夜间不仅家产化为乌有,自己还在火灾中身受重伤,双目失明。当罗彻斯特绝望地哀叹自己是废物,不如一棵遭雷击的枯木时,简?爱这样劝慰道:“你不是枯树残桩,先生―――不是遭到雷击的树;你苍翠,富有生气。不管你要不要,你的根部周围都会长出花草,因为它们喜欢你的浓荫;它们生长的时候,喜欢靠近你,围绕你,因为你的力量给了它们如此完全的支持。”显然,如果罗彻斯特是苍翠的大树,那么她自己就是树荫下的花草了,主从关系一目了然。总之,虽然简?爱被赋予平等、甚至当家作主的条件,但由于她潜意识的自卑情节和依附心理,她对自己的角色定位还是回归到了传统的、主流意识形态对女性的期待中,即崇拜男性,从属男性。简?爱既具有较明确的自我意识,又不乏依附心理。她既为争取平等的地位和权利与父权势力展开针锋相对的斗争,又为被主流意识形态所接纳而不自觉地做出顺从迎合的姿态。简?爱在激进与保守、叛逆与妥协这两种对立的价值观之间游离,正是这种意识形态上的模糊性使简?爱具有双重性格。
为演绎简?爱矛盾分裂的性格,一方面想成为主流社会推崇和期望的“家庭天使”;另一方面又渴望实现自己内心真实的愿望,作者将女主人公内心的骚动巧妙地体现在“阁楼上的疯女人”巴莎?罗彻斯特身上。不少女性主义评论家因此常将简?爱与巴莎相提并论。例如,吉尔伯特(SandraM' . Gil- bert)和古芭(Susan Gubar)将疯女人巴莎定义为简?爱的“最真实最黑暗的双重性格”( the truest and darkestdouble),是简?爱实施“内心隐秘的愿望”,即摧毁那个象征父权制大厦桑菲尔德庄园的 “替身”。这个情节为女主人公矛盾的双重性格做了形象的注释。
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青岛理工大学琴岛学院毕业论文用纸 第6页 摘 要 《简?爱》是现实主义时期著名的女作家夏洛蒂?勃朗特的代表作品她被认为是一位卓越的女作家。&&&&因为她在小说中描述的是与传统不同的女主人公简?爱的勇于追求自由、平等和独立精神。&&&&它也是作者的自传体小说。&&&&通过对简?爱的性格进行剖析,证明了简?爱是一个标准的女权主义者。&&&&简?爱这个人物形象,博得读者的爱怜,在英国文学史上是位具有代表性的人物,不仅表现在外表的朴实无华,而且表现在她性格上的独特魅力。&&&&简?爱因其性格中所具有的强烈反抗意识而特别地引人注目。&&&&她坚持自己的原则去不断反抗不公平的社会。&&&&她用尽全力去追求自由,平等,独立和真爱。&&&&经过坚持不懈的努力她最终获得自尊,自由和真爱。&&&& 关键词女权 反叛 独立 平等 真爱 青岛理工大学琴岛学院毕业论文用纸 第7页 ABSTRACT Jane Eyre is the most famous work of Charlotte Bronte who is considered as an extraordinary woman novelist. Because the novel throbs with the heart-beats of its author both literary critics and the readers have taken great interest in its unconventional heroine Jane Eyre whose unconventionality is shown in the heroine‘s pursuit of liberty equality and independence. It is an autobiographical novel in a certain degree. This essay attempts to prove Jane is a real feminist through the analysis of her personality. Jane Eyre is a typical and magnificent representative in English literature not only for her plain but famous appearance but also for her character‘s outstanding and alien thoughts. The image of Jane Eyre is brilliant for her rebellious character. She always insists on her principle to rebel and fights bravely against the unjust world. She still tries her best to pursue freedom equality independence and true love. By unremitting efforts she finally gets dignity freedom and true love. KEY WORDS: feminist rebel independence equality true love 青岛理工大学琴岛学院毕业论文用纸 第8页 Contents Introduction ………………………………………………………………………..9 Chapter One The Development of Jane Eyre‘s Resistance ……………………...10 1.1 Outburst period at Gateshead …………………………………………...10 1.2 Jane‘s resistance at Lowood Institution ……………………………… 11 1.3 The perfection period at Thornfield and Moor House ………………….13 Chapter Two Jane Eyre‘s Pursuit of Independence and Freedom ……………….14 2.1 Jane begins to realize the importance of independence and freedom …14 2.2 Jane gains strength from her teacher and her friend to achieve her independence ………………………………………………………....14 2.3 Jane develops her independence fully and learns the pleasure of it ...... 15 Chapter Three Jane Eyre‘s Attitude Towards Love …………………………… 18 3.1 True love should be based on equality and mutual understanding………..18 3.2 The marriage pursued by women must be based on true love ……........ 19 Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………….23 Acknowledgements ………………………………………………………………24 Bibliography ……………………………………………………………………25 青岛理工大学琴岛学院毕业论文用纸 第9页 Introduction Charlotte Bronte an English writer is a great critical realist in the 19th century. She writes lots of works in her life. She sets to work on a new novel Jane Eyre which is published in August 1847. Jane Eyre is her masterpiece which is a world famous novel. Jane Eyre has been translated into many languages and is always high in reading popularity. Jane Eyre a plain timid weak and pale girl who appears to be a heroine exists in numerous people‘s minds. It seems to be a strange phenomenon. How can she arouse the eminent attention of the readers throughout the world Because Jane Eyre stands for an idealized woman in the 19th century. Charlotte Bronte aims at awakening womens consciousness and courage to equal rights and freedom. Jane Eyre cuts a completely new woman image. She represents those middle-class working women who are struggling for the recognition of their basic rights and equality as a human being. Jane strives with all difficulties to gain women‘s liberation and to pursue freedom equality and true love. The analysis of Jane‘s personalities and her attitudes toward love has shown partly Jane‘s love ― a kind of direct enthusiastic and faithful love. The story of the independent-minded Jane and her love affair with Mr. Rochester opens up new dimension for women. She is a typical character of awakening bourgeois intellectual women. The heroine Jane moves most readers as a kind and unique image in spite of her plainness poverty and low position. The profound meaning of Jane‘s personalities makes this novel an extremely important work lists in the history of world literature as well as in the English literature. 青岛理工大学琴岛学院毕业论文用纸 第10页 Chapter One The Development of Jane Eyre’s Resistance 1.1 Outburst period at Gateshead Jane Eyre seems to be pale thin and weak. She is like a piece of dust nobody pays attention to her. At any time she may disappear. She was born an orphan with an unfortunate family and long time repressive feeling she builds up her resistant emotion. Under this background everyone looks down upon her. Jane asks herself Dwhy was I always suffering always browbeaten always abused for ever condemned.‖ Bronte 2002:13 Her reason says Dunjust-unjust‖ Bronte 2002:14 A first angry voice bursts out from her deep heart. When John beats her again she attacks him viciously. She shouts at him DWicked and cruel boy You are like a murderer ―you are like a slave-driver―you are like the Roman emperorsquot Bronte 2002:7 When Mrs. Reed tells Mr. Brocklehurst that Jane has a bad character and a deceitful disposition she defends that DI am not deceitful: if I were I should say I loved you but I declare I do not love you: I dislike you the worst of anybody in the world except John Reed and this book about the liar you may give it to your girl Georgiana for it is she who tells lies and not I.quot Bronte 2002:48 However Jane is a brave soldier who dares to face up all kinds of injustice and fights against them. Before she leaves Gateshead she rebukes her aunt‘s cruelty DHow dare I Mrs. Reed How dare I Because it is the truth. You think I have no feelings and that I can do without one bit of love or kindness but I cannot live so: and you have no pity. I shall remember how you thrust me back―roughly and violently thrust me back―into the red- room and locked me up there to my dying day though I was in agony though I cried out while suffocating with distress ??Have mercy Have mercy Aunt Reed‘ And that punishment you made me suffer because your wicked boy struck me―knocked me down for nothing. I will tell anybody who asks me questions this exact tale. People think you a good woman but you are bad hard-hearted. You are deceitful‖ Bronte 2002:49 Jane suffers various violent treatments by her aunt and cousins she tries her best to be a good girl but only results in failure in Mrs. Reed‘s 青岛理工大学琴岛学院毕业论文用纸 第11页 eyes. Jane resists and resists but finally breaks out and speaks all her anger Jane‘s courage frightens Mrs. Reed for she knows Jane is right. In those days at Gateshead Hall Janes strong brave and unbending characteristics are expressed step by step. Her every behavior shows her great indignation. Isolation poverty discrimination and oppression cause her to revolt against the unfair society in her own way. Jane is driven away from and escapes from Reed‘s house partly because of fearless courage. Jane fights not only for just treatment but also for equality. This is the first step of the development of Jane Eyre‘s rebellious character. 1.2 Jane’s resistance at Lowood Institution Lowood Institution is a charity school for poor clergymen‘s daughters. Jane lives here for eight years. Her rebellious sprits become mature. In fact it is a hell for poor girls. The school is like a prison dominated by cold implacable cruelty and Brocklehurst. Children here are not supplied with enough food clothes and good treatment of disease. Many of them die of illness. They have no love and sympathy at all living in hunger and cold. Children must pray for God and thank for oppressors. Helen a clever intelligent and beautiful girl receives curse and beat finally loses her young life. She believes in God. She says to Jane DI am sure there is a future state I believe God is good I can resign my immortal part to Him without any misgiving. God is my father God is my friend: I love Him I believe He loves me.‖ Bronte
Just because of these ideas Helen hasn‘t a little rebel against that kind of cruel treatment. However Jane is not like Helen. She always tries to rebel though she is still a child. She tells Helen: DA great deal: you are good to those who are good to you. It is all I ever desire to be. If people were always kind and obedient to those who are cruel and unjust the wicked people would have it all their own way: they would never feel afraid and so they would never alter but would grow worse and worse. When we are struck at without a reason we should strike back again very hard I am sure we should―so hard as to teach the person who struck us never to do it again.quot Bronte 青岛理工大学琴岛学院毕业论文用纸 第12页 2002:82 This rhythmic and forceful speech embodies the deep bourgeois oppression of the lower women and Jane‘s rebellious spirit. To achieve independence as an equal human Jane never yields to fate and background. She does as she says. Her attitude towards her cousins her aunt and Mr. Brocklehurst all proves it. Another woman Miss Temple is also admired and deeply loved by Jane. Miss Temple‘s learning stimulates Jane‘s longing for intelligence and Miss Temple‘s kindness stirs up her enthusiasm for ideal life. So when Miss Temple leaves Lowood Jane can‘t put up with dullness and isolation there. She thinks that now she is left in her natural element and begins to feel the stirring of old emotions. Jane looks forward to a new life and a free sky. No matter what will happen in the future she will face it bravely. The rebellious fury is burnt again. Then Jane makes an advertisement and gets a governess profession at Thornfield. In this period Jane‘s rebellious spirit is up to a new standard and catches a more profound meaning. Her fighting is not only against a person but against the social convention. 1.3 The perfection period at Thornfield and Moor House At Thornfield Jane as a grown-up changes her harshness into a refined woman with good education delicacy of feeling and gentleness of manners. At Thornfield she gets along well with everyone. Jane is mild to everyone. Adele a girl without talent is carefully taught by Jane and made safe and happy. In such a wild world she forgets her pain and her misery. Furthermore she learns to be tolerant to others‘ shortcomings. Hearing that Mrs. Reed is dying she comes back soon to Gateshead. Although she once has told Mrs. Reed that she never wants to see her again she forgets and forgives her. Jane‘s delicate feeling is best revealed when she meets Rochester who is hurt. She gives him a hand in a polite way. In spite of his rude rejection she says DI can not think of leaving you sir at so late an hour in this solitary lane till I see you are fit to mount your horses.‖ Bronte
When Jane falls in love with Rochester she is awaken and still keeps her resistance she makes her every effort to rebel against social prejudice and customs struggling for independence and true love. She dares to say Dno‖ to anyone including 青岛理工大学琴岛学院毕业论文用纸 第13页 her master Mr. Rochester who is domineering and arrogant. When she talks with Mr. Rochester she doesn‘t avoid saying what she thinks whether Mr. Rochester is happy or not. On the wedding between Jane and Rochester Jane is told that Rochester has married before. Bertha Mason a mad woman is his wife who has been living in Thornfield. At the bad news Jane knows if she lives with him she will fall into the category of mistress and lose her respect. The dream of freedom happiness and the independence which she was looking forward to would become fancies. The strength of reason is power over emotion. Jane leaves Thornfield resolutely to meet unknown fate in the future. When she almost starves to death St. John helps her. Jane‘s spirit of revolt is obviously expressed by her refusal of St. John‘s offer of marriage .Jane never changes her will to follow St. John. She thinks DIf I join St. John I abandon half myself if I go to India I go to premature death‖ Dif I do make the sacrifice he urges I will make it absolutely: I will throw all on the altar―heart vitals the entire victim.‖ Bronte
Jane says to St. John DI scorn your idea of love.‖ Bronte
Jane dares to rebel against St. John‘s offer because she thinks they are equal. She has the right to rebel against him. This period is the perfection of Jane Eyre‘s rebellions. 青岛理工大学琴岛学院毕业论文用纸 第14页 Chapter Two Jane Eyre’s Pursuit of Independence and Freedom 2.1 Jane begins to realize the importance of independence and freedom Independence is the outstanding quality throughout the whole process of the novel. Jane Eyre is not pretty and her character is unique. She is maltreated by her cousins and aunt. One day when Jane takes John‘s book to read he beats her once more. John says that Jane has no business to take his books DYou have no business to take our books you are a dependant mama says you have no money your father left you none you ought to beg and not to live here with gentlemen‘s children like us and eat the same meals we do and wear clothes at our mama‘s expense‖. Bronte 2002:7 When she fights against him severely she is sent to Red Room. In the Red Room she is frightened but she keeps a clear mind that she realizes she needs to be saved from her blind fear of authority and be self-reliant. Her mind is in tumult and all her heart in insurrection her reason says Dunjust I never compromise to them. I shall be independent.‖ Bronte 2002:14 She hates Gateshead hates everyone there. She hates Mrs. Reed who is a bad hard-hearted woman. She treats her with miserable cruelty. Gateshead is a shelter for her which teaches her a lot of things. Only when she is independent can she be respected by others. After all she is a little girl it is hard for her to be economically independent. Therefore she decides to be independent self-sufficient in her mind. The Reeds are really mean to her and she thinks they suck. Of course the feeling is mutual. Therefore she is spared from the Reeds and is sent to a low budget orphan school called Lowood Institution. 2.2 Jane gains strength from her teacher and her friend to achieve her independenceAt Lowood Institution under the hypocritical Evangelicalism of the headmaster Mr. Brocklehurst she suffers further privation in the austere environment. The 青岛理工大学琴岛学院毕业论文用纸 第15页 condition there is disgusting but Jane doesn‘t submit to it. She gains her strength from her teacher and her fellow students to achieve her independence. Maria Temple an independent woman is the headmaster of the Institution. She is a responsible teacher and kind to the students even the low students. Consequently she gains respect and popularity from the people around her. From Maria Temple Jane learns that independence is a very important thing for everyone. In our modern society it seems to be more important to be independent. Jane learns the importance of duty and self-control through the friendship with Helen. At the beginning Jane has much sympathy for Helen. Because Helen doesn‘t dare to fight against the person who insults her. When Helen is to be flogged and to be asked to stand in the middle of a room that full of people. Jane thinks that Helen should turn against others when she is bullied she should resist against Miss Scatcherd and dislike Miss Scatcherd. From these we can see that Jane is not obedient to anyone if someone bullies her she will do the same thing to others. As known to all.
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