
  有几味很有名的补肾中药便是:人参,肉苁蓉,菟丝子,等等。中国最经典的药学名著《神农本草经》对人参的评价极高:  久服,轻身,延年。为什么会延年呢?我们无法找到神农来询问。但人参中人参皂苷的促性腺激素的作用是不可否认的。   我们下面再来看看秃鸡散这味药。像某些网友所说,这种壮法属于把401K拿出来一天花光。这确实有点夸张了。  其实《洞玄子》中记载,六十日可御六十妇,公鸡把母鸡的毛给啄光,其实也都是夸张的说法。不过,为什么秃鸡散的  作用不容否认呢?为什么对人体不会造成伤害呢?秃鸡散的作用机理是什么?欲知答案,且听下回分解。
  上一回讲到秃鸡散。为什么秃鸡散的作用不容否认呢?秃鸡散的作用机理到底是什么? 我们先看一下秃鸡散的配方:  肉苁蓉三分,五味子三分,菟丝子三分,远志三分,蛇床子四分,右五物,捣筛为散,每日空服酒下方寸匕,日再三。   上一回已经提到了,肉苁蓉和菟丝子具有类似促性腺激素的作用。也就是说,不仅可以增加雄激素,还可以促进睾丸发育,  促进精子的产生。这就是为什么当初服用秃鸡散的吕老先生过了七十大寿依然连生了好几个孩子的原因。青春期的发育就是  因为促性腺激素的作用。 下边再说说五味子。现代医学并不乏对五味子的研究。实验表明,五味子可以使成年小鼠睾丸  增重明显。同时促进精子的产生。由此可见,五味子也具有一定的类似促性腺激素的作用。 然后再说一下远志。远志这味药,  在一般的补肾药方中使用得比较少。但是这里远志的作用是什么?《神农本草经》中提到远志用了四个字:强志倍力。  各位看官应该猜得到大概了吧。古房中术名著《医心方》中所记壮阳名方,苁蓉、钟乳、蛇床、远志、续断、薯蓣、  鹿茸七味。其后附注:“欲坚,倍远志”。可见远志在秃鸡散中的作用也是类似。 在解释这款绝世名方中的  压轴药——蛇床子之前,有必要提一下另一款壮阳名药——淫羊藿。淫羊藿的发现者是南北朝时期享年81岁的名医陶弘景。  他对淫羊藿的发现与研究颇具传奇色彩。当时一些牧羊人观察到,羊啃吃一种小草之后,发情的次数特别多,公羊的阳具  勃起不软,与母羊交配的次数增多、时间也延长。陶弘景无意中听牧羊人谈及此事后,即行实地考察,最终认定该小草有壮阳  作用。由于此草能使羊的淫性增加,因此命名为淫羊藿。 现代医学以前列腺、精囊、提肛肌增加重量的方法(小鼠)证明淫羊藿  提取液具有增加雄性激素的作用,其效力甚至强于蛤蚧及海马。然而,其效力却比蛇床子弱。台湾国立医药研究所进一步证实  了蛇床子的效力。研究员选取蛇床子,补骨脂,锁阳,肉苁蓉以及淫羊藿五种壮阳中药材,用酒精提取其中成分,然后测试  白兔海绵体在这几种中药作用下的舒张情况。结果发现,蛇床子对阴茎海绵体的舒张效果最好。可见,蛇床子的壮阳作用,  甚至高于传说中的淫羊藿。 各位可能又会有疑问,蛇床子的效力这样强,那对人体的生殖系统会不会有什么负面影响呢?  早在几千年前,著名药典《神农本草经》即把蛇床子列为上品。并注明久服益身。国内07年的最新研究表明,蛇床子可以  增加附性腺的重量,增加雄性激素的分泌,睾丸重量也略有增加。可见蛇床子绝然不同于动物性壮阳品。虽有益雄激素的产生  ,却没有动物类壮阳品靠激素影响人体的负面作用。 那么,这么好的补阳品,到底有没有效用呢?有人亲身服用过秃鸡散吗    秃鸡散的效果是毋庸置疑的。著名房事交流论坛sexinsex上有人就亲身使用过秃鸡散,并介绍其经验。自称每天服用20克  左右的秃鸡散,连续一个星期。一周之后,房事时间从10分钟延长到一个小时。其后跟贴当中亦有有效反馈,且评价颇高。具  体是否如此,本人无从考证。相信不会空穴来风的。 秃鸡散这款名方,倘若和蜜成丸,便叫秃鸡丸。想来口感与效果并不差于  秃鸡散。此方亦有加减味变换。若加上续断杜仲两味药,变成了肉苁蓉丸。据称“年八十老公服之如卅时,数用有验。  无妇人不可服”。又称“阴弱加蛇床子,不怒加远志,少精加五味子,欲令洪大加纵容,腰痛加杜仲,欲长加续断。所加者倍之”。   此方若减去肉苁蓉、远志两味药,便成了著名起阳方“三子丹”。其用菟丝子、蛇床子、五味子等分为末,和蜜为丸。  始载于孙思邈之《千金方》。历代相传。明朝名医张景岳亦将其单独列出,作为治阳不起的要药。可见蛇床子,菟丝子,  五味子这几味中药,确有奇效。 nap姐姐刚提到补肾气。确实如此。所谓壮阳,不能只补阳,不补阴。动了肾气,就要补肾精。  倘若只壮阳不滋阴,身体便愈发亏得厉害。肾精一旦用完,人也就差不多了。所以,必须得阴阳双补。 就好像nap姐姐说的银行。  每个人的身体都是一个帐户。壮阳呢,其实就是加快取钱的速度,让你潇潇洒洒的花钱。可是,光会花钱可不行。钱花光了,  人不就没吃没喝了吗?不就只能等死了吗?所以必须得伴以滋阴。滋阴呢,其实就是增加你的存款,让你有钱可花。   既然上边阳已经壮好了,那阴咋办?换句话说,肾精怎么办?我不知道nap姐姐的方法,却只能借明朝神医张景岳之方。  因为张景岳善用熟地,人称“张熟地”,为温补学派的代表人物,学术思想对后世影响很大。《景岳全书》曰:“阴虚而神散者,  非熟地之守不足以聚之;阴虚而火升者,非熟地之重不足以降之;阴虚而躁动者,非热地之静不足以镇之;阴虚而刚急者,  非熟地之甘不足以缓之;阴虚而水邪泛滥者,舍熟地何以自制;阴虚而真气散失者,舍熟地何以归源;阴虚而精血俱损,  脂膏残薄者,舍熟地何以厚肠胃。”又曰:“故凡诸经之阳气虚者,非人参不可;诸经之阴血虚者,非熟地不可。人参有健运之功,  熟地禀静顺之德,此熟地之与人参,一阴一阳,相为表里,互主生成,性味中正,无逾於此,诚有不可假借而 更代者矣。”  张景岳将熟地与人参相提并论。可见熟地乃滋阴补精之第一要药。 在张景岳保留下来的方子中,熟地的用量往往是没有  上限的。少至二三钱,多至一二两,甚至用量等于其他药的总和。想来也能理解,谁会嫌弃自己的存款过多呢?只会嫌自己  花钱太快了。所以,欲壮阳,必得同时服用滋阴之熟地。多多益善。 我们既讲完了壮阳,又谈完了滋阴。可如何从理论转  化成实践呢?如何把这个秃鸡散变成看得见吃的着的药丸呢?欲知方法如何,且听下回分解。 --   话说秃鸡散。蛇床子,五味子,菟丝子,肉苁蓉,远志,五味药磨粉成散。然而当今中药市场良莠不齐。以次充好、鱼目混珠现象时有发生。那么,我们该如何选到质量过硬的药材呢?菟丝子、蛇床子、远志这几味药暂且不提。因市售价格低廉,假货少见,所以可以放心购买。有必要一提的是肉苁蓉和五味子。五味子分南北两种,以北五味子为佳。李时珍曾谓:“五味今有南北之分,南产者色红,北产者色黑,人滋补药必用北产者良”。中国药典2000年版将五味子和南五味子分别收载为两个品种。《本草会编》亦曰:五味子须分南北。生津液止渴,润肺,补肾,劳嗽,宜用北者;风寒在肺,宜用南者。故滋阴补肾,必选北五味子。北五味子产地以东北为优。再说肉苁蓉。肉苁蓉,又称大芸。因属于昂贵药材,市面假货甚多。最常见的是以低价锁阳来冒充肉苁蓉。锁阳外貌酷似肉苁蓉,不易分辨。实际上呢,肉苁蓉也分两种。一种是梭梭大芸,又叫软大芸,主要分布在内蒙古西部的阿拉善旗等地。一种是红柳大芸,又叫硬大芸。学名叫管花肉苁蓉。主产于新疆。其中,前者梭梭大芸品质为上乘。而因为质地的区别,锁阳只能用来冒充质次的硬大芸。软大芸因为质软,难以仿冒,虽然价格略贵,但也是补肾益阳的首选。说完了药品,再说说如何用药。那五味药材磨成粉末,服用起来口感必不会好到哪里去。当今社会,中医里散剂用的比较少。还是煎剂和丸剂用的多。  说到煎药,未必是件易事。自己煎药麻烦,且家里天天中药飘香,未必不扰邻。现在国内不少药店医院有代客煎药的服务。然而代煎全是采用全封闭的不锈钢煎药机煎药,与古法已大不相同。其效果自然无法与自家亲煎相比。很多人都抱怨过煎药机煎煮后药液  的颜色比较浅,药味也淡了许多。更何况,《洞玄子》中只记载曰:“秃鸡散。亦名秃鸡丸方:肉纵容三分,五味子三分,兔丝子三分,远志三分,蛇床子四分,右五物,捣筛为散,每日空服酒下方寸匕,日再三。无敌不可服。六十日可御卅妇。又,以白蜜和  丸,如梧子,服五丸,日再,以知为度。” 可见,古方所载,只有秃鸡散与秃鸡丸,未有煎服之方。故自作主张以煎代散代丸,未必会起到应有的效果。  如果想服散剂,国内很多药店有专门的中药粉碎机,可以代客磨粉。如果想用丸剂,很多药店亦有中药制丸机。可以购药、粉碎、加蜜、制丸一条龙服务,比古时亲身磨粉加蜜自是容易千倍。只要付钱,分分钟就可以拿到千古名方秃鸡散,秃鸡丸。每日小服三  五丸,岂不快哉?  切记,切记,善补阳者,必于阴中求阳,则阳得阴助而生化无穷。若服秃鸡散,秃鸡丸者,必兼用熟地。熟地之量,不宜少于同重量的秃鸡散。熟地可直接服用,亦可制成丸服用,不一而足。若只用秃鸡散而不用熟地者,便如大肆挥霍存款,只有出帐没有进帐  ,又熬得了几天呢?兼用熟地者,则有进有出,阴阳平衡,岂不乐哉?秃鸡散虽助阳。终归药品。有无不用药而补肾壮阳之法呢?且听下回分解。版上有网友提到,当今有效的中药制剂,几乎全部偷加西药。可见,自己动手亲制“秃鸡散”是多么的重要。既能保证纯中药制剂,又能保证使用效果。《洞玄子》在讲秃鸡  散时特地提到一句“无敌不可服”。这里的“敌”,可不是打遍天下无敌手的“敌”之意,而是Sexual partner之意。若无“敌”而自服“秃鸡散”,只怕引火焚身,备受煎熬啊。  
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&& 偶然看到洞玄子的房中秘术,对其中的秃鸡散之神奇功效颇感兴趣,谈起壮阳名药,要数中国古代房中术名著《洞玄子》记载的“秃鸡散”最为夸张,因为它说:连服六十日,可御六十妇!秃鸡散的疗效,的确异常夸大;秃鸡散的典故,则是充满惊讶。相传:蜀郡太守吕敬大,七十岁时已无性能力,但服食一种别人介绍的房药后,居然接连生三个儿子。欣喜之际,却发现妻子的阴部长出疹子,难当,不能坐卧。吕氏认为是此药所害,难忍自责,遂将药弃之于庭院中;不料雄鸡捡食之后竟然猛追起母鸡来,强压趴在母鸡背上,一面与之交配、一面啄其头毛,如此连续几天都不停息,最后竟将母鸡头上的毛给啄光了。不可思议啊!人们惊讶于药力之强,就名之为秃鸡散。 秃鸡散由肉苁蓉、蛇床子、远志、五味子、菟丝子等五种药材捣筛为散调配而成空腹以酒服下。肉苁蓉、蛇床子、远志能补肾助阳,五味子、菟丝子可补肾固精;五者组成方剂,治疗阳痿早泄确有一定功效。也算是阴阳双补之方。五味全是地道草药制成。 秃鸡散全是由中草药制成。中草药里就没有激素了吗?当然有。可为什么不会对人体造成伤害呢?答案是:所有的中草药,到目前为止,还没有发现哪种含有雄激素的。也就是说,不会像动物性壮阳制品那样对人体造成不可恢复性的伤害。&& &&&& 为什么秃鸡散的作用不容否认呢?其配方:肉苁蓉三分,五味子三分,菟丝子三分,远志三分,蛇床子四分,右五物,捣筛为散,每日空服酒下方寸匕,日再三。 肉苁蓉和菟丝子具有类似促性腺激素的作用。也就是说,不仅可以增加雄激素,还可以促进睾丸发育,促进精子的产生。这就是为什么当初服用秃鸡散的吕老先生过了七十大寿依然连生了好几个孩子的原因。青春期的发育就是因为促性腺激素的作用。 下边再说说五味子。现代医学并不乏对五味子的研究。实验表明,五味子可以使成年小鼠睾丸增重明显。同时促进精子的产生。由此可见,五味子也具有一定的类似促性腺激素的作用。 然后再说一下远志。远志这味药,在一般的补肾药方中使用得比较少。但是这里远志的作用是什么?《神农本草经》中提到远志用了四个字:强志倍力。各位看官应该猜得到大概了吧。古房中术名著《医心方》中所记壮阳名方,苁蓉、钟乳、蛇床、远志、续断、薯蓣、鹿茸七味。其后附注:“欲坚,倍远志”。可见远志在秃鸡散中的作用也是类似。 在解释这款绝世名方中的压轴药——蛇床子之前,有必要提一下另一款壮阳名药——淫羊藿。淫羊藿‍现代医学以前列腺、精囊、提肛肌增加重量的方法(小鼠)证明淫羊藿提取液具有增加雄性激素的作用,其效力甚至强于蛤蚧及海马。然而,其效力却比蛇床子弱。台湾国立医药研究所进一步证实了蛇床子的效力。研究员选取蛇床子,补骨脂,锁阳,肉苁蓉以及淫羊藿五种壮阳中药材,用酒精提取其中成分,然后测试白兔海绵体在这几种中药作用下的舒张情况。结果发现,蛇床子对阴茎海绵体的舒张效果最好。可见,蛇床子的壮阳作用,甚至高于传说中的淫羊藿。早在几千年前,著名药典《神农本草经》即把蛇床子列为上品。并注明久服益身。最新研究表明,蛇床子可以增加附性腺的重量,增加雄性激素的分泌,睾丸重量也略有增加。可见蛇床子绝然不同于动物性壮阳品。虽有益雄激素的产生,却没有动物类壮阳品靠激素影响人体的负面作用。& &&&&& 秃鸡散的效果是毋庸置疑的。著名房事交流论坛sexinsex上有人就亲身使用过秃鸡散,并介绍其经验。自称每天服用20克 左右的秃鸡散,连续一个星期。一周之后,房事时间从10分钟延长到一个小时。其后跟贴当中亦有有效反馈,且评价颇高。具 体是否如此,秃鸡散这款名方,倘若和蜜成丸,便叫秃鸡丸。想来口感与效果并不差于秃鸡散。此方亦有加减味变换。若加上续断杜仲两味药,变成了肉苁蓉丸。据称“年八十老公服之如卅时,数用有验。无妇人不可服”。又称“阴弱加蛇床子,不怒加远志,少精加五味子,欲令洪大加纵容,加杜仲,欲长加续断。所加者倍之”。此方若减去肉苁蓉、远志两味药,便成了著名起阳方“三子丹”。其用菟丝子、蛇床子、五味子等分为末,和蜜为丸。始‍于孙思邈之《千金方》。历代相传。明朝名医张景岳亦将其单独列出,作为治阳不起的要药。可见蛇床子,菟丝子,五味子这几味中药,确有奇效。 所谓壮阳,不能只补阳,不补阴。动了肾气,就要补肾精。倘若只壮阳不滋阴,身体便愈发亏得厉害。肾精一旦用完,人也就差不多了。所以,必须得阴阳双补。 必须得伴以滋阴。滋阴呢,其实就是增加你的存款,让你有钱可花。 既然上边阳已经壮好了,那阴咋办?换句话说,肾精怎么办?张景岳善用熟地,人称“张熟地”,为温补学派的代表人物,学术思想对后世影响很大。《景岳全书》曰:“而神散者,非熟地之守不足以聚之;而火升者,非熟地之重不足以降之;而躁动者,非热地之静不足以镇之;而刚急者,非熟地之甘不足以缓之;而水邪泛滥者,舍熟地何以自制;而真气散失者,舍熟地何以归源;而精血俱损,脂膏残薄者,舍熟地何以厚肠胃。”又曰:“故凡诸经之阳气虚者,非人参不可;诸经之阴血虚者,非熟地不可。人参有健运之功,熟地禀静顺之德,此熟地之与人参,一阴一阳,相为表里,互主生成,性味中正,无逾於此,诚有不可假借而 更代者矣。”张景岳将熟地与人参相提并论。可见熟地乃滋阴补精之第一要药。 在张景岳保留下来的方子中,熟地的用量往往是没有上限的。少至二三钱,多至一二两,甚至用量等于其他药的总和。必得同时服用滋阴之熟地。多多益善。&&&&&  临床具体应用:蛇床子,五味子,菟丝子,肉苁蓉,远志,五味药磨粉成散。有必要一提的是肉苁蓉和五味子。五味子分南北两种,以北五味子为佳。李时珍曾谓:“五味今有南北之分,南产者色红,北产者色黑,人滋补药必用北产者良”。中国药典2000年版将五味子和南五味子分别收载为两个品种。《本草会编》亦曰:五味子须分南北,生津液止渴,润肺,补肾,劳嗽,宜用北者;风寒在肺,宜用南者。故滋阴补肾,必选北五味子。北五味子产地以东北为优。肉苁蓉,又称大芸。因属于昂贵药材,市面假货甚多。最常见的是以低价锁阳来冒充肉苁蓉。锁阳外貌酷似肉苁蓉,不易分辨。肉苁蓉也分两种。一种是梭梭大芸,又叫软大芸,主要分布在内蒙古西部的阿拉善旗等地。一种是红柳大芸,又叫硬大芸。学名叫管花肉苁蓉。主产于新疆。其中,前者梭梭大芸品质为上乘。而因为质地的区别,锁阳只能用来冒充质次的硬大芸。软大芸因为质软,难以仿冒,虽然价格略贵,但也是补肾益阳的首选。《洞玄子》中只记载曰:“秃鸡散。亦名秃鸡丸方:肉纵容三分,五味子三分,兔丝子三分,远志三分,蛇床子四分,右五物,捣筛为散,每日空服酒下方寸匕,日再三。无敌不可服。六十日可御卅妇。又,以白蜜和丸,如梧子,服五丸,日再,以知为度。” 可见,古方所载,只有秃鸡散与秃鸡丸,未有煎服之方。故自作主张以煎代散代丸,未必会起到应有的效果。如果想用丸剂,很多药店亦有中药制丸机。每日小服三五丸,岂不快哉?切记,切记,善补阳者,必于阴中求阳,则阳得阴助而生化无穷。若服秃鸡散,秃鸡丸者,必兼用熟地。熟地之量,不宜少于同重量的秃鸡散。熟地可直接服用,亦可制成丸服用,不一而足。若只用秃鸡散而不用熟地者,便如大肆挥霍存款,只有出帐没有进帐、又熬得了几天呢?兼用熟地者,则有进有出,阴阳平衡,岂不乐哉?。
发表于: 16:48
& 求高手翻译冰淇淋方子
Makes about 3 cups (.75l)
If using sour cream or fromage blanc, when cooking the bananas, the mixture might curdle a bit. That' just proceed with the recipe and it'll smooth
out when blended. Bananas should be lots of black speckles on the outside is the best indication of ripeness.
Because this isn't a custard-based ice cream, it's easier to make, but freezes harder when stored for a while in the freezer. So be sure to take it out at
least five minutes before serving, or longer, so it comes to the right scooping temperature.
1 1/4-pounds (600 g) very ripe bananas (6-7 medium), peeled and cut into 1/2-inch (1 cm) slices
3/4 cup (165 g) light or dark brown sugar, or jaggery
2 cups (500 ml) coconut milk or full-fat sour cream
big pinch of sea salt
1 teaspoon dark rum
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
optional: lemon juice
1. In a wide skillet or saucepan, heat the brown sugar with one-quarter of the coconut milk or sour cream, stirring, until smooth and bubbly.
2. Add the bananas and salt, and continue to cook, stirring occasionally, until the bananas are soft and completely cooked through. It should take about five
3. Remove from heat and stir in the remaining coconut milk or sour cream, rum and vanilla. Taste, and add a few drops of fresh lemon juice if it tastes too
4. Puree in a blender or food processor until completely smooth.
5. Chill thoroughly, then freeze in your ice cream maker according to the manufacturer's instructions. (If it's too thick when you take it out of the
refrigerator, whisk it briskly, which should thin it out so you can pour it into your machine.)
最后进行编辑的是 海岸 on
17:29 星期二, 总计第 2 次编辑
Mint Chip Ice Cream
Makes about 1 quart (1l)
Adapted from The Perfect Scoop (Ten Speed Press)
The bright taste of fresh mint is marvelous with the little bits of bittersweet chocolate. If you are unsure of the quantity of mint leaves, weigh them to
the get the exact amount. I just stuck a few mint springs in my rooftop garden box and within a week, they took root and are thriving nicely. It's not enough
to make a batch of mint ice cream quite yet, so for now, I'm buying my mint at the market. Depending on where you shop, you might want to buy two bunches, to
make sure you have enough.
For the mint ice cream:
1 cup (250 ml) whole milk
3/4 cup (150 g) sugar
2 cups (500 ml) heavy cream
pinch of salt
2 cups packed (80 gr) fresh mint leaves
5 large egg yolks
For the chocolate chips:
5 ounces (140 gr) bittersweet or semisweet chocolate, chopped
1. In a medium saucepan, warm the milk, sugar, 1 cup (250 ml) heavy cream, salt, and mint.
2. Once the mixture is hot and steaming, remove from heat, cover, and let stand for an hour to infuse the mint flavor.
3. Remove the mint with a strainer, then press down with a spatula firmly to extract as much mint flavor and color as possible. (You can also use well-washed
hands to do it as well, making sure the mixture isn't too hot to safely handle.) Once the flavor is squeezed out, discard the mint.
4. Pour the remaining heavy cream into a large bowl and set the strainer over the top.
5. Rewarm the infused milk. In a separate bowl, whisk together the egg yolks, then slowly pour some of the warm mint mixture into the yolks, whisking
constantly, then scrape the warmed yolks back into the saucepan.
6. Cook the custard, stirring constantly with a heatproof spatula, until the mixture thickens and coats the spatula. If using an instant read thermometer, it
should read around 170?F (77?C).
7. Immediately strain the mixture into the cream, then stir the mixture over an ice bath until cool.
8. Refrigerate the mixture thoroughly, preferably overnight, then freeze it in your ice cream maker according to the manufacturer's instructions.
While the mixture is freezing, melt the chocolate in a small bowl over a pot of simmering water, or in a microwave oven on low power, stirring until smooth.
Place a storage container in the freezer.
9. When the ice cream in the machine is ready, scribble some of the chocolate into the container, then add a layer of the just-churned ice cream to the
container. Scribble melted chocolate over the top of the ice cream, then quickly stir it in, breaking up the chocolate into irregular pieces. Continue
layering the ice cream, scribbling more chocolate and stirring as you go.
When finished, cover and freeze until firm.
Makes 1 1/4 quarts (1.25l)
Use very ripe, tasty strawberries for this. Rice milk has a neutral flavor so the strawberries should really do most of the work in this. I don't strain out
the seeds in this ice cream. But you can strain them all out, or just some of them.
As mentioned, I did try soy milk and didn't like the taste. But for a richer ice cream, you can replace half of the rice milk with coconut milk. For those
who eat dairy, you can use heavy cream in place of the rice milk.
I left the liquor optional because some people avoid alcohol, but it does help keep the ice crea since rice milk doesn't have the fat of
cream, it helps to keep the ice cream smoother. As mentioned, because this ice cream has much less fat than traditional ice cream, it will become quite firm
when frozen for a long period of time. So eat it shortly after churning or remove it from the freezer before scooping, to give it time to soften.
1 1/2 pounds (700g) fresh strawberries, rinsed and hulled
1/2 cup (100g) sugar (or 1/2 cup, 125ml agave nectar)
2 tablespoons honey
1 1/2 cups (375ml) plain rice milk
2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice
optional: 2 teaspoons kirsch, vodka, or orange liqueur, such as Grand Marnier
1. Slice the berries and toss them with the sugar (or agave) and honey, and let them macerate for one hour at room temperature.
2. Puree the berries and their liquid with the rice milk, lemon juice and liquor, if using, with a standard or immersion blender.
You can puree it until completely smooth and strain out some or all of the seeds by pressing the mixture through a mesh sieve. Or you can leave it slightly
chunky and omit straining it.
3. Taste, and add more lemon juice or liquor*, if desired.
4. Chill thoroughly, then freeze in your ice cream maker according to the manufacturer's instructions.
*You can add up to 3 tablespoons of liqu the alcohol softens the texture so the more you add, the less-hard the ice cream will get. You
can find more tips at the links below.
最后进行编辑的是 海岸 on
17:27 星期二, 总计第 1 次编辑
About 1 quart (1l)
This is a very rustic- don't expect it to be as smooth and creamy as other ice creams. I loved it, but honestly, it may not be to everyone's taste.
The distinctive earthy flavor was a good match for some quick-candied cherries I had on hand. When fresh apricots come into season, I'm thinking of roasting some with brown sugar and Marsala to serve alongside. Poached pears or dried apricots would be welcome alongside a scoop of this, too.
2 cups (500 ml) whole milk
1 cup (250 ml) heavy cream
3/4 cup (150 g) sugar
3/4 cup (75 g) farina bóna, toasted corn flour (see recipe below)
1/8 teaspoon coarse salt
1. Heat 1/2 cup (60 ml) of the milk in a medium saucepan with the cream, sugar, farina bóna, and salt. Cook until the mixture just begins to boil, stirring constantly with a whisk to make sure the corn flour isn't lumpy, and let it cook at a low boil for ten seconds, while continuing to whisk.
2. Remove from heat and stir in the remaining milk.
3. Transfer the mixture to a bowl and chill thoroughly.
4. Freeze in your ice cream maker according to the manufacturer's instructions.
Toasted Corn Flour
If you make this, use corn flour, not corn meal (or fine polenta). It has the consistency of wheat flour. I found mine easily in a natural food's store.
The corn flour will smoke quite a bit, exuding the toasty smell of fresh-popped popcorn, so open a window or use your hood fan. You want to cook the flour more than you think. You don't want to burn it, but cook it to the right color for best flavor. See the picture in the post of the farina bóna that I used, and use that as your guide.
1. Spread the corn flour in a medium skillet. Cook the corn flour over medium-high heat. Keep a non-stop watch over it, stirring almost constantly, as the flour on the bottom will cook faster than the flour on top.
2. Continue stirring and cooking until the flour is deeply- the color of peanut butter. It will take between 7 and 10 minutes, depending on how high the heat is.
3. Once the flour is toasted to your satisfaction, remove from heat and let cool in the pan, stirring as it cools.
If the corn flour seems dark enough when you remove it from the heat, transfer it to a plate to cool.
About 1 quart (1l)
Adapted from The Perfect Scoop (Ten Speed Press)
For a richer custard, you can add up to 3 more egg yolks. For a less-rich custard, substitute half-and-half for the heavy cream, realizing that the final texture won't be as rich or as smooth as if using cream.
1 cup (250ml) whole milk
A pinch of salt
3/4 cup (150g) sugar
1 vanilla bean, split lengthwise
2 cups (500ml) heavy cream
5 large egg yolks
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1. Heat the milk, salt, and sugar in a saucepan. Scrape the seeds from the vanilla bean into the milk with a paring knife, then add the bean pod to the milk. Cover, remove from heat, and infuse for one hour.
2. To make the ice cream, set up an ice bath by placing a 2-quart (2l) bowl in a larger bowl partially filled with ice and water. Set a strainer over the top of the smaller bowl and pour the cream into the bowl.
3. In a separate bowl, stir together the egg yolks. Rewarm the milk then gradually pour some of the milk into the yolks, whisking constantly as you pour. Scrape the warmed yolks and milk back into the saucepan.
4. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly and scraping the bottom with a heat-resistant spatula, until the custard thickens enough to coat the spatula.
5. Strain the custard into the heavy cream. Stir over the ice until cool, add the vanilla extract, then refrigerate to chill thoroughly. Preferably overnight.
6. Remove the vanilla bean and freeze the custard in your ice cream maker according to the manufacturer's instructions.
Note: Used vanilla beans can be rinsed and dried, then stored in a bin of sugar. That sugar can be used for baking and, of course, for future ice cream making.
Makes about 1 quart (1l)
Adapted from The Craft of Baking by Karen DeMasco & Mindy Fox
If using canned pumpkin, make sure to find one that's 100% pumpkin. Often you'll find cans of Pumpkin Pie Filling, which usually has spices and sweetener already added.
Press the mixture through a fine mesh strainer before freezing, as directed. Pumpkin can be slightly grainy and straining the custard is a good idea to help smooth it out.
1 1/2 cups (375 ml) whole milk
1 cup (250 ml) heavy cream
1/3 cup plus 2 tablespoons (95 g) granulated sugar
1 teaspoon freshly-grated ginger
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 cinnamon stick
1/2 teaspoon freshly-ground nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon kosher salt
5 large egg yolks
1/4 cup packed (60 g) dark brown sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
optional: 2 teaspoons Grand Marnier, rum or brandy
3/4 cup (180 g) canned pumpkin puree (100% pure), or homemade (see directions in post)
1. Make an ice bath by putting some ice and a little water in a large bowl and nest a smaller metal bowl (one that will hold at least 2 quarts, 2l) inside it. Set a mesh strainer over the top.
2. In a medium saucepan mix the milk, cream, granulated sugar, ginger, ground cinnamon, cinnamon stick, nutmeg, and salt.
3. Warm the mixture until hot and the edges begin to bubble and foam.
4. Whisk the egg yolks in a separate bowl and gradually whisk in about half of the warm spiced milk mixture, stirring constantly.
5. Scrape the warmed yolks back in to the saucepan and cook over low heat, stirring constantly and scraping the bottom with a heatproof spatula, until the mixture thickens and coats the spatula. If using an instant-read thermometer, it should read between 160?-170?F (71?-76?C).
6. Immediately pour the mixture through the strainer into the bowl nested in the ice bath. Mix in the brown sugar, then stir until cool, then chill thoroughly, preferably overnight.
7. Whisk in the vanilla, liquor (if using), and pumpkin puree. Press the mixture through a fine-mesh strainer, then freeze in your ice cream maker according to the manufacturer's instructions.
Variations: Stir in 1 to 1 1/2 cups (250 - 320 g) white or milk chocolate chips, crushed caramel, chopped up Skor or Daim (toffee) bars, or chopped toasted pecans or walnuts. A bit of chopped candied ginger would be nice, too.
Leftover bits of crumbled gingersnaps or gingerbread, or even toasted bits of brown bread or gingerbread could also be folded in, or crumbled on top for serving, which was suggested in the book.
About 1 quart (1 liter)
Since the custard is made without sugar, keep an eye on things as it will cook rather quickly. You can either use a flame-tamer or cook the custard in bain-marie, a bowl set over a pan of simmering water, to avoid overcooking if you've never made a custard before. And because I don't like washing dishes, I use the same saucepan for cooking the custard that I used for dissolving and blooming the cocoa powder, I simply scrape it as clean as possible and use it again for making the custard.
If you're concerned about the quantity of agave nectar here, you can reduce the amount to
cup (120 ml) if you wish, although it's texture and taste is exactly right for me.
10 tablespoons (155 ml) agave nectar
2 ounces (55 g) unsweetened chocolate, very finely chopped
1/3 cup (35 g) unsweetened cocoa powder (I used Valrhona)
3 cups (750 ml) half-and-half*, divided
5 large egg yolks
pinch of salt
1. In a small saucepan, warm the agave syrup with the unsweetened chocolate over the lowest heat possible, stirring constantly, until the chocolate is melted. Remove from heat and transfer mixtures to a large bowl. Set aside.
2. In a medium saucepan, add 1 1/2
cups (375 ml) of the half-and-half and whisk in the cocoa powder. Cook over moderate heat until the mixture begins to bubble, then simmer for 30 seconds, whisking frequently, making sure to break up any clumps of cocoa powder.
3. Remove from heat and scrape the mixture into the bowl with the chocolate-agave mixture. Stir them together, then set a mesh strainer over the top.
4. Add the remaining half-and-half to the saucepan with a pinch of salt, turn on the heat, and when warm, slowly pour the warm half-and-half into the yolks whisking constantly, then pour the warmed yolks back into the saucepan.
5. Cook, stirring constantly over moderate heat, until the mixture becomes steamy and thickens. If using an instant-read thermometer, it should read about 170F degrees. (76C).
6. Pour the mixture through the strainer into the chocolate mixture.
7. Stir, then let cool a few minutes until tepid. Once it's not super hot, whiz the mixture in a blender for ten seconds until it's smooth and velvety. (Never blend very hot liquids in a blender, since it creates a hot vortex and can cause the liquid to blast out of the top.)
8. Chill thoroughly in the refrigerator, then freeze in your ice cream maker according to the manufacturer's instructions.
Or follow my step-by-step instructions for freezing ice cream without a machine.
*If half-and-half isn't available where you live, just substitute equal parts of heavy or whipping cream and whole milk mixed together to equal 3 cups (750 ml).
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