AE中,画面中出现一个红底黑字的长条: 3D camera cameratracker cc2015doesn't work with time remapping,如何解决?
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1205 issues
Copied from googlei18n/noto-fonts#718 filed by @c933103
See三式潜航輸送艇 , in noto font, the character cannot enclose a hiragana character into it as would have been expected. (The combination: ゆ? )
Updated 03/08/
The latest 4.1.0-SNAPSHOT logs the following message:
06-24 18:38:39.462 / E/MapboxEventManager: FlushTheEventsTask borked: org.json.JSONException: Forbidden numeric value: NaN
06-24 18:38:39.463 / W/System.err: org.json.JSONException: Forbidden numeric value: NaN
06-24 18:38:39.505 / W/System.err:
at org.json.JSON.checkDouble(
06-24 18:38:39.506 / W/System.err:
at org.json.JSONObject.put(
06-24 18:38:39.507 / W/System.err:
at org.json.JSONObject.putOpt(
06-24 18:38:39.507 / W/System.err:
at com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.telemetry.MapboxEventManager$FlushTheEventsTask.doInBackground(
06-24 18:38:39.507 / W/System.err:
at com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.telemetry.MapboxEventManager$FlushTheEventsTask.doInBackground(
06-24 18:38:39.508 / W/System.err:
at android.os.AsyncTask$
06-24 18:38:39.508 / W/System.err:
06-24 18:38:39.509 / W/System.err:
at android.os.AsyncTask$SerialExecutor$
06-24 18:38:39.509 / W/System.err:
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
06-24 18:38:39.509 / W/System.err:
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
06-24 18:38:39.511 / W/System.err:
No crashes though.
Updated 26/07/
Linux jxqctk 3.2.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.2.41-2+deb7u2 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Debian GNU/Linux 7.0
Caused by: Cannot run program &/home/xxxx/android-sdk-linux/build-tools/23.0.1/aapt& (in directory &/tmp/tmpUshLhC/Umeng_feedback&): error=2, No such file or directory
sudo apt-get install
sudo apt-get install lib32stdc++6 lib32z1
Updated 24/06/
Relatively low priority, but it&d be nice to have a set of tests which ensure things aren&t broken.
Updated 24/06/
The socket logic and message creation could be cleaned up, so let&s do this.
Updated 24/06/
Add ability to create and display announcements within the Android and desktop apps. Each application would check an endpoint for the latest announcements and display if needed. Some things which this endpoint would provide include:
App version code
Blocking (can the announcement be dismissed?)
Announcements would be used to notify users of breaking changes (for example, if a new API version is rolled out), major product announcements, etc.
Updated 24/06/
[ ] 红包 热点曝光监控+热点点击监控【点播+直播】
[ ] 广告 热点曝光监控+热点点击监控
[ ] 百科 热点曝光监控+热点点击监控
[ ] 投票 热点曝光监控+热点点击监控
[ ] 云图 热点曝光监控+热点点击监控
Updated 05/07/
See, the following two images are mismatched with their descriptions:
- react-native-android-studio-android-sdk-platforms-windows.png
- react-native-android-studio-android-sdk-build-tools-windows.png
Updated 02/07/
This issue seems somewhat related to #6760 , but different enough for a different issue.
The main differences are &
1. The crash happens when there are a lot of components (e.g. 1000 Views nested inside each other). But in the particular instance of our app, the crash also happens when there are relatively fewer components (~100) and we receive a 4xx, 5xx level response from a HTTP call. I have not been able to reproduce this in an isolated project with ~100 components and failed HTTP requests.
2. I am experiencing the crash when I&m NOT connected to Chrome Debugger. It works fine when connected to the debugger.
All I see is this, without a stack trace whatsoever.
A/libc: Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1, fault addr 0xbbadbeef in tid 27250 (mqt_js)
Since the issue happens when I&m not connected to the debugger, it makes it more serious because I cannot distribute the app. Any leads on how to debug this would be helpful.
Updated 02/07/
If a YouTube playlist is found as a search result, it could create a YouTubePlaylistSearchResult with YouTubePlaylistItems, these could in turned be used to create a special kind of playlist for the FrostWire playlist.
Such playlist would be made entirely out of the youtube urls, and the user wouldn&t have to download the tracks, just play the playlist and stream it at will.
Optionally the tracks could be saved for offline consumption.
Updated 23/06/
We should remove the welcome to pro screen that appears after checkout for users who have just gone thru the renewal flow, since they have already been pro users for a period of time. Replace with a snackbar that auto dismisses that says. &Success! Thank you for renewing your Lantern Pro account&
Updated 23/06/
The iOS guide mentions appProperties to update the props of the root-view. There doesn&t seem to be such a method for Android.
Updated 06/08/
Reproduce this on os x:
Updated 20/07/
Criar o menu com todos os seus itens e anima??es de acordo com o marvel app.
Updated 23/06/
In order to test the android bindings for core-gl we need to run the core unit tests on Android.
There two ways to run the tests:
- Create a native executable, linked with the tests and execute from the adb shell
- Create an apk with a small Java class to kick things of like #4671
Furthermore, there are a couple types of tests:
- &Simple& tests - no dependencies on fs, network, etc
- Fixture tests - need fixures from the fs to run
- Network tests - need an http server
- Render tests - need a headless renderer
Updated 11/07/
这四种类型可以分为两大类: ‘standard’ 和 ‘singleTop’可以在同一个栈中加载很多activity。区别于下面一组在于,这两个模式不会移除其他Activity。
‘singleTask’ 和 ‘singleInstance’的Activity会使用单例模式,并且这个Activity会是一个新的栈的root。
launch mode可以在 AndroidManifest文件中配置,也可以使用Intent flags,比如FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK, FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP 和 FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP 。
standard:不论当前任务栈中是否存在该Activity,都会新建一个Activity,如 任务栈为A->B,要启动B 那么任务栈为 A->B->B
singleTop:如果当前要创建的Activity就在任务栈的顶端,那么不会创建新的Activity,仅仅调用Activity的onNewIntent, 如果不在栈顶(或者栈中没有该Activity),那么还是会创建新的Activity,如任务栈为A->B。启动B,任务栈变为 A->B。如果启动A, 那么任务栈为 A->B->A。 声明成这种启动模式的Activity也可以被实例化多次,一个任务当中也可以包含多个这种Activity的实例。
singleTask:这种启动模式表示,系统会创建一个新的任务,并将启动的Activity放入这个新任务的栈底位置。 但是,如果现有任务当中已经存在一个该Activity的实例了,那么系统就不会再创建一次它的实例,而是会直接调用它的onNewIntent()方法。 声明成这种启动模式的Activity,在同一个任务当中只会存在一个实例。注意这里我们所说的启动Activity,都指的是启动其它应用程序中的Activity, 因为”singleTask”模式在默认情况下只有启动其它程序的Activity才会创建一个新的任务,启动自己程序中的Activity还是会使用相同的任务 如果当前任务中存在要启动的Activity,那么就不会创建新的Activity,如果不存在就会创建新的Activity,如任务栈为 A->B->C,启动B ,那么任务栈就会变为A->B。
注意: 1.设置了”singleTask”启动模式的Activity,它在启动的时候,会先在系统中查找属性值affinity等于它的属性值taskAffinity的Task存在; 如果存在这样的Task,它就会在这个Task中启动,否则就会在新的任务栈中启动。因此, 如果我们想要设置了”singleTask”启动模式的Activity在新的任务中启动,就要为它设置一个独立的taskAffinity属性值。 2.如果设置了”singleTask”启动模式的Activity不是在新的任务中启动时,它会在已有的任务中查看是否已经存在相应的Activity实例, 如果存在,就会把位于这个Activity实例上面的Activity全部结束掉,即最终这个Activity 实例会位于任务的Stack顶端中。 3.在一个任务栈中只有一个”singleTask”启动模式的Activity存在。他的上面可以有其他的Activity。这点与singleInstance是有区别的。
singleInstance:将一个Activity的launchMode设置为该值时,表明这个Activity独自占用一个任务队列,这个队列中不让在加入其他的Activity。 系统不会向声明成”singleInstance”的Activity所在的任务当中再添加其它Activity。 也就是说,这种Activity所在的任务中始终只会有一个Activity,通过这个Activity再打开的其它Activity也会被放入到别的任务当中。
应用场景:网易新闻。 假设主界面为 MainActivity,显示新闻的界面是 DetailActivity,显然显示任何一条新闻都会使用 DetailActivity,即把新闻内容通过 Intent 传给 DetailActivity 就可以了。 假设你正在看新闻1(即在 DetailActivity),此时手机收到服务器的推送:收到一条通知(新闻2),点击通知就会跳转到 DetailActivity 并显示新闻2,当你点击通知时,因为目前栈顶的 Activity 就是 DetailActivity,因此这里就是使用 SingleTop 的地方,即点击通知后以 SingleTop 加载模式打开 DetailActivity 并显示新闻2,因此新闻1的 DetailActivity 就被覆盖掉了。 此后你点击返回键会回到主界面。
应用场景:微信的主界面(一般应用主界面都会以 SingleTask 启动)。 你打开微信主界面(在栈的最底部)后,进入朋友圈(在栈的顶部),此时你点击 Home 键回桌面,并打开网易新闻。 假设你想将网易新闻的一条新闻分享给微信好友,那么就按照 分享->微信->好友A->分享给他->留在微信。接着会跳转微信的主界面,即不是你原本所在的朋友圈,并且微信的栈只剩下一个元素:主界面的 Activity。这里就使用了 SingleTask(即以 SingleTask 加载模式打开微信主界面)。
再举一个例子,Android系统内置的浏览器程序声明自己浏览网页的Activity始终应该在一个独立的任务当中打开, 也就是通过在元素中设置"singleTask"启动模式来实现的。这意味着,当你的程序准备去打开Android内置浏览器的时候, 新打开的Activity并不会放入到你当前的任务中,而是会启动一个新的任务。而如果浏览器程序在后台已经存在一个任务了,则会把这个任务切换到前台。
应用场景:闹铃的响铃界面。 你以前设置了一个闹铃:上午6点。在上午5点58分,你启动了闹铃设置界面,并按 Home 键回桌面;在上午5点59分时,你在微信和朋友聊天; 在6点时,闹铃响了,并且弹出了一个对话框形式的 Activity(名为 AlarmAlertActivity) 提示你到6点了(这个 Activity 就是以 SingleInstance 加载模式打开的),你按返回键,回到的是微信的聊天界面,这是因为 AlarmAlertActivity 所在的 Task 的栈只有他一个元素, 因此退出之后这个 Task 的栈空了。如果是以 SingleTask 打开 AlarmAlertActivity,那么当闹铃响了的时候,按返回键应该进入闹铃设置界面。
Updated 11/08/
Updated 23/06/
[x] Provide a minimal code snippet /
example that reproduces the bug.
let testDate = Date.UTC(, 10, 0, 0, 0);
let output = new Date(testDate).toLocaleDateString();
&Text style={styles.text}&{output}&/Text&;
[x] Provide screenshots where appropriate
go to phone settings and change the language to Deutsch (Deutschland)
launch the app
[x] What&s the version of React Native you&re using?
[x] Does this occur on iOS, Android or both?
only Android, on iOS this works fine.
[x] Are you using Mac, Linux or Windows?
Updated 01/08/
The problem
Hi all! I updated Appium to the new one 1.5.3 recently and faced with issue that on Android wifi connection doesn&t enable or disable using new implementation driver.setConnection(Connection.NONE); and driver.setConnection(Connection.WIFI);
on single and multithreaded tests.
Appium 1.5.3
I checked this implementation on Appium 1.4 version and it works fine
OS/version used to run Appium: EL Capitan
Node.js version (unless using|exe): Node v6.2.2
Mobile platform/version under test: Android
Real device or emulator/simulator: Real devices Samsung S4(5.0.1) and Nexus 5 (5.1.1)
Appium CLI or|exe: Appium CLI and Appium application
Device API level: 21
Link to Appium logs
public void setWifiOff() {
((AndroidDriver&?&) appiumcontroller().getMobileDriver()).setConnection(Connection.NONE);
Updated 23/06/
react-native v0.27.2 :
ViewPagerAndroid nested , the inner ViewPagerAndroid content couldn&t show 。
//===========outer View 1===========
&Text&Page 1&/Text&
//===========inner View 1===========
&Text style={{color:'#000000'}}&Sub Page 1&/Text&
//===========inner View 2===========
&Text style={{color:'#000000'}}&Sub Page 1&/Text&
//===========outer View 2===========
&Text&Page 2&/Text&
The inner view couldn&t show , but can be slide
Updated 30/07/
Hello and thanks for contributing! To help us diagnose your problem quickly, please:
Include a minimal demonstration of the bug, including code, logs, and screenshots.
Ensure you can reproduce the bug using the latest release.
Only post to report a bug
direct all other questions to: /questions/tagged/mapbox
Platform: Android
Mapbox SDK version:4.1.0-beta
Steps to trigger behavior
Allow setting/adding multiple Icons to Marker and allow setting to display it at certain zoom level.
For e.g. if added two Icons iconA, iconB then Display iconA from zoom level 1 to 9 and display iconB from Zoom level 9 to 21
Best would be allow adding different layers to map, all markers added to those layers and it should be possible to control those layers dynamically (e.g. show, hide layers based on Zoom level and other callbacks )
Expected behavior
Actual behavior
I found clustering but that&s not what we want :(
Let me know if this is already possible. & I didn&t found it in code or doc yet
Updated 17/08/
Hi, all. I&ve been working an Android project and can&t really figure out a way to pass arguments to the react native run-android cli. The specific one I am looking for is &offline before the gradlew (graddle wrapper is taking forever to resolve dependency due to some packages I use.) Using this option actually help reduce my build time from 4 mins to 40 seconds. It would be nice if we could pass additional gradle wrapper parameters with react native run-android. Please advise. Thanks.
Updated 21/07/
On Android, when scrolling through horizontal ListView, if you scroll slightly up as well the RefreshControl starts to appear. This is undesirable and does not happen in iOS. When scrolling horizontal normally you cannot scroll up and down at the same time, one shouldn’t be able to activate the refresh control when scrolling horizontally.
To reproduce this behavior, start scrolling left/right then move your finger down as in a refresh. The refresh control will come down and interrupt your horizontal scroll.
Minimum code sample: (or pasted below).
React Native version is ^0.26.0.
Occurs only on Android.
Using a Mac.
Code sample:
'use strict';
var React = require('react-native');
var SampleApp = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function() {
dataSource: new ListView.DataSource({ rowHasChanged: (a, b) =& a !== b })
render: function() {
dataSource={this.state.dataSource.cloneWithRows([1, 2, 3])}
refreshControl={&RefreshControl refreshing={false}/&}
renderHeader={() =& (
&ScrollView horizontal&
&View style={[, { backgroundColor: 'red' }]}/&
&View style={[, { backgroundColor: 'green' }]}/&
&View style={[, { backgroundColor: 'blue' }]}/&
renderRow={row =& &View&&Text&{row}&/Text&&/View&}
var styles = StyleSheet.create({
width: 200,
height: 200,
AppRegistry.registerComponent('SampleApp', () =& SampleApp);
Updated 02/08/
Snackbar messages
Add user notifications with snackbar where is needed
Updated 22/06/
Hello and thanks for contributing! To help us diagnose your problem quickly, please:
Include a minimal demonstration of the bug, including code, logs, and screenshots.
Ensure you can reproduce the bug using the latest release.
Only post to report a bug
direct all other questions to: /questions/tagged/mapbox
Platform: Android
Mapbox SDK version: 4.1.0-beta.3
Steps to trigger behavior
Load mapview
Load markers onto mapview
This occurred after upgrading from 4.0.1, but seems to persist after downgrading.
Expected behavior
Map with path and markers displayed
Actual behavior
This occurs with both online and offline maps. I&ve also tested with several map styles.
The map is displayed, as is the path, but any place there&s a marker or symbol is a black box.
You can see in the background of the attached image (behind the progressdialog box) Three tall black rectangles in the place the markers are supposed to be located. the smaller rectangles are symbols for road direction and what I believe is a highway.
Updated 17/08/
Currently we use the bounds of the map itself to invalidate View Markers in bounds. This underneath uses getPointAnnotationsInBounds. There are cases (eg. big icons) where these bounds are not ideal. You need to scroll an extra bit before the annotation appears. We should be able to increase the bounds by default and look into making this configurable.
Updated 22/06/
I am new to React Native. I followed
tutorial. When I run the projeect in terminal, Build failed with an exception error will display. but I set android_home (sdk location) correctly in bashrc
export ANDROID_HOME=~/Android/Sdk
PATH=&~/Android/Sdk/tools:~/Android/Sdk/platform-tools:${PATH}& export PATH
Build file &/home/sugeivan/react/sugeivan/android/app/build.gradle& line: 110
What went wrong:
A problem occurred evaluating project &:app&.
SDK location not found. Define location with sdk.dir in the file or with an ANDROID_HOME environment variable.
Updated 02/07/
Speaking with the Wikimed community, it&s popup that this Wikipedia community would love to get feedback from the field about articles.
To do so it would be greate to have in the wikimed app:
* An option activating a feedback box
* This feedback box would allow to put a text (maybe a picture) to each article (at the end).
* The feedback would be saved locally and each time the device is online, this would be puched as new topic to a pre-defined Wikipedia talk page.
Updated 22/06/
I am getting these error when running &react-native run-android&. Need suggestion why this coming. My Emulator port is showing 5554 port.
Updated 06/07/
Edit: After some discussion, it was decided that the iOS client has the correct behavior firing gesture events when interacting with disabled widgets. Android client&s behavior should be adjusted.
It is expected not to be able to interact with an ImageView using gestures if the ImageView is disabled.
var page = new tabris.Page({
title: "Using an image view as a button",
topLevel: true
var image = new tabris.ImageView({
layoutData: {centerX: 0, centerY: 0, width: 400, height: 400},
image: {src: ""},
highlightOnTouch: true,
enabled: false
}).on("tap", function() {
console.log("Image tapped.");
Updated 18/07/
The react-native run-android supports setting a build variant via arguments but always uses the default application id when starting the app via adb.
So when you have a debug release and set applicationIdSuffix &.debug& then the adb command is executed with the wrong package name.
See /facebook/react-native/blob/d4cc5b53cdbead0c2d0/local-cli/runAndroid/runAndroid.js#L123
React native version = 0.27.2
Updated 02/07/
Hello and thanks for contributing! To help us diagnose your problem quickly, please:
Include a minimal demonstration of the bug, including code, logs, and screenshots.
Ensure you can reproduce the bug using the latest release.
Only post to report a bug
direct all other questions to: /questions/tagged/mapbox
Platform: Android
Mapbox SDK version:
Steps to trigger behavior
Enable tracking mode in MapboxMap:
&br>&code>final TrackingSettings trackingSettings = mapboxMap.getTrackingSettings();
Draw routes from my current position to a specific location with: &code>mapboxMap.addPolyline(polylineOptions);&/code>
Start driving, following the routes in map.
Expected behavior
The location icon is drawn and animated in center of the routes
Actual behavior
the location icon (circle shape) is usually drawn beside the routes.
How to solve?
Is there a way to snap GPS to the icon to the center of the routes? After looking at the source code of the android sdk, I saw the position icon is updated automatically by &code>GpsLocationListener&/code>. Is there any way to disable it, and update the position myself? like the code below:
private LocationListener mLocationListener = new LocationListener() {
public void onLocationChanged(Location location) {
mSnapLocation = calculateSnapePosition(location, routes);
Updated 22/06/
step 1、通过app 先调出微信支付(但并不支付)
step 2、kill 掉原app
step 3、点击微信支付返回
1、不修改源码情况 程序crash
if (Wechat.instance.getWxAPI() == null) {
Wechat.instance.getWxAPI().handleIntent(getIntent(), this);
进入1 ,但手机效果不正常
修改startMainActivity 方法
final String packageName = getPackageName();
final Intent launchIntent = getPackageManager().getLaunchIntentForPackage(packageName);
final String mainActivity = launchIntent.getComponent().getClassName();
final Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN);
intent.setComponent(new ComponentName(packageName, mainActivity));
Intent intent = new Intent();
Updated 28/06/
When a user shares their code and their friend uses it to purchase pro, we should notify the user whose code was used with a snackbar saying. &Congratulations, your referral code was used by a friend to buy pro, X free months have been applied!
@chipstehr this will need the same language as #4757
Updated 21/06/
The Dimensions API allows you to get either window or screen size :
'window ', { width: 360, height: 592, scale: 3, fontScale: 3 }
'screen ', { width: 360, height: 640, scale: 3, fontScale: 3 }
However, it looks like &window& doesn&t subtract the size of the status bar (the one on top of the screen on Android). I feel like it should, otherwise, while setting a layout that&s supposed to use all of the space, part of your view is gonna get cut off (most likely by 24 pixels, which seems to be the standard size for the status bar).
This is mostly problematic when setting background images, flex does the job well for regular views.
I don&t know what behavior should be set as default, if what we currently have is the intended behavior, it would be nice to have a way to get the status bar height through the Dimensions API.
Updated 02/08/
Updated 21/06/
More details to be added once requirements for messaging are finalised.
Updated 21/06/
This is a table view of all WESST schools.
Updated 21/06/
The event feed is specific for each school
Updated 21/06/
Updated 21/06/
while using the test card number, i am getting this error. &payment method invalid&
Updated 21/06/
Now that animating a marker to a new location performs better, we should use setPosition() to take in more parameters. For example, it would be great if I could call marker.setPosition(new LatLng(), 5000); and the marker would animate linearly using the time. Also including a callback would be good so I could perform an action when the animation finishes.
cc: @zugaldia @tobrun @bleege @ivovandongen
Updated 27/06/
Additional Chromecast support with the app and the Ooyala HTML5 Video Player.
Updated 21/06/
Dev PR: /owncloud/android/pull/1599
Updated 16/08/
Expected Behaviour
calling init to return the same registrationId for the same app on the same device.
Actual Behaviour
The registrationId is always different on Android 5.1. It then needs to be re-synced with the back-end server.
Platform and Version (eg. Android 5.0 or iOS 9.2.1)
Android 5.1
Plugin version
phonegap-plugin-push 1.6.0 &PushPlugin&
Updated 21/06/
Hello, I have this fiddle not working in Android Chrome, works in firefox in Android and works in Desktop browsers too
$( document ).ready(function() {
$(".input-currency").inputmask('decimal', {
radixPoint: ",",
autoGroup: true,
groupSeparator: ".",
groupSize: 3,
autoUnmask: true
I cant insert commas using my Android device, point or comma keys don&t make nothing when are
pressed. Any idea? Sorry my english.
I noticed these error in 51.x version in Chrome mobile and I see it working in Chrome 47.x (I tested in iOS Chrome too)
Updated 29/07/
Updated 21/06/
Android Keystore Password Recovery
Updated 21/06/
Currently the share button is always black,
it should only turn black once it has been used.
Unused share button color should be #E0E0E0
Updated 28/06/
&XXXMB Remaining of your free monthly data& Should be: Roboto Bold (700), 10pt
&upgrade to Pro for unlimited data&.& text should be: Roboto Light (300), 10pt
Line leading over that whole block should be 14pt
Updated 20/06/
Should be #FFEA00
Updated 20/06/
(Hypnosis) MXPLRS|Kirill, открывай иссуй про файлы. потому што я не понял это раз и два я отдыхаю щас не до и2пд
(orignal_) Hypnosis:
надо чтобы при установке пакета эти файлы кллались в /sdcard/i2pd
(MXPLRS|Kirill) debian/tunnels.conf -> /sdcard/i2pd/tunnel.conf
(MXPLRS|Kirill) debian/subscriptions.txt -> /sdcard/i2pd/subscriptions.txt
(MXPLRS|Kirill) docs/i2pd.conf -> /sdcard/i2pd/i2pd.conf
(MXPLRS|Kirill) contrib/certificates -> /sdcard/i2pd/certificates
Updated 21/06/
[23:16:52] &Hypnosis> вопще надо с папками андройда получше разобраться. вот нетдб и прочую срань и2пд - это надо в спецпапку Кэш
[23:17:01] &Hypnosis> а конфиг - в спецпапку Филес
[23:17:44] &Hypnosis> но с кешем одна неясность - как очистка кеша взаимодействует с аппликацией которая запущена. Надо прояснить
Updated 21/06/
[21:49:13] [orignal] давай теперь гуй добавляй
[21:49:13] [orignal] и главное меню
[21:49:13] [orignal] а не только чтобы кнопка quit
[21:49:43] [Hypnosis] ну надо в ядро сразу проносить. фейковый гуй я могу уже щас добавить
[21:49:58] [Hypnosis] а вот ридцфг и вритецфг надо писать
[21:50:12] [Hypnosis] это я называю &проносить в ядро& =))
Updated 21/06/
React-native version 0.27.0
relate to /facebook/react-native/commit/f2c1868b56bdfc8b0d6feafed2cd440 this commit.
The touch event timestamp returns nanoseconds.
But PanResponder didn&t update expectedly, it calculates velocity using millisecond yet.
It causes lots of issue, such as Navigator gesture not response as expectedly.
Updated 02/07/
This fetch request sends &application/json& as ContentType on IOS but &application/ charset=utf-8& on Android:
fetch(url, {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
The server I&m working against requires application/json and fails when charset is added. I&ve filed a bug report with them too, but shouldn&t fetch behave identically on ios and android?
Updated 29/07/
Instead of having to specify the icon name and colour in the init call it would be nice to be able to specify it in the config.xml preferences.
Updated 20/06/
Demo of the bug:
Bug occurs on android: when a Switch is nested within ViewPagerAndroid, it does not animate when changing its state. The demo is using RN 24, but the bug occurs on RN 27.2 too.
edit: interestingly, it starts working after screen orientation changes.
Updated 02/07/
Updated 20/06/
java.lang.RuntimeException: startPreview failed
at android.hardware.Camera.startPreview(Native Method)
at com.proapps.callflashlight.CameraSurface.surfaceCreated(
at android.view.SurfaceView.updateWindow(
at android.view.SurfaceView.access$000(
at android.view.SurfaceView$3.onPreDraw(
at android.view.ViewTreeObserver.dispatchOnPreDraw(
at android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals(
at android.view.ViewRootImpl.doTraversal(
at android.view.ViewRootImpl$
at android.view.Choreographer$
at android.view.Choreographer.doCallbacks(
at android.view.Choreographer.doFrame(
at android.view.Choreographer$
at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
at android.os.Looper.loop(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
java.lang.RuntimeException: startPreview failed
at android.hardware.Camera.startPreview(Native Method)
at com.proapps.callflashlight.CameraSurface.surfaceCreated(
at android.view.SurfaceView.updateWindow(
at android.view.SurfaceView.access$000(
at android.view.SurfaceView$3.onPreDraw(
at android.view.ViewTreeObserver.dispatchOnPreDraw(
at android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals(
at android.view.ViewRootImpl.doTraversal(
at android.view.ViewRootImpl$
at android.view.Choreographer$
at android.view.Choreographer.doCallbacks(
at android.view.Choreographer.doFrame(
at android.view.Choreographer$
at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
at android.os.Looper.loop(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
Updated 19/06/
Steps to Reproduce
- Open the app and visit the discover section
- Search for your favorite keyword
- Observe the nicely formatted results
- Visit another section in the app
- (Optional) Wait an hour and come back to the app
- Visit the discover section
Buggy Behavior
- The results from the previous search are shown, but the keyword is missing from the input field
I think that adding the keyword back, helps bring context back to this page, but I think it brings up some other things worth discussing.
Should the discover section reset back to it&s default state after a certain timeout?
Should there be an easier way to cancel a search? (Currently, it&s not possible)
Updated 19/06/
Disabling ad filtering helps. HTTPs is not filtered.
Updated 20/06/
See the commit /PurpleI2P/i2pd/commit/2a38aa982d1cf7f6432f
Updated 21/06/
Updated 19/06/
Updated 23/06/
Logs here - 1310940
Updated 23/06/
Updated 02/07/
Expected Behaviour
I have this MD valid notification icon (white! on transparent background)
So by definition this is a valid icon. And I expect it to show up as the apps notification icon in the status bar when I set this plugins icon property in the android config object.
Actual Behaviour
The icon is a white square.
Reproduce Scenario (including but not limited to)
Steps to Reproduce
Put icon in platforms/android/res/drawables/pushicon.png, its 5555 bytes.
Put &meta-data android:name="com.parse.push.notification_icon" android:resource="@drawable/pushicon" /& in &AndroidManifest.xml& platforms/android/application
and &uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="21" android:targetSdkVersion="23" /&
run cordova build android --device
When the Android build finished in the
it ends up as being recompressed and alpha channel removed
Platform and Version (eg. Android 5.0 or iOS 9.2.1)
Android 5.1
(Android) What device vendor (e.g. Samsung, HTC, Sony&)
Wiko Lenny 2
Cordova CLI version and cordova platform version
Cordova CLI 6.2.0
Android 5.1.1
Plugin version
phonegap-plugin-push 1.6.2 "PushPlugin"
Setting those makes no difference:
&uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="15" android:targetSdkVersion="23" /&
&uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="14" android:targetSdkVersion="23" /&
Updated 19/06/
Реклама в проводнике между файлами:
Updated 27/06/
When I fetch an https domain it will crash then exit the app,But for http domain it works fine.
What might cause this problem?Thanks
something like this
.then((responseData) =& {
Updated 02/07/
I&ve been using Navigator completely fine for the last month until today. While mounting the navigator, it worked fine in dev, but when I assembled a release build, it kept throwing:
TypeError: undefined is not a function (evaluating 'this._descriptors[componentName].indexOf(route)')
At line 191 of
After rebuilding a few times this started happening in dev mode too. After hours, I finally put a console.warn right before the offending call& and it all worked from then on out& I have no idea why this is, but I suspect a race condition, does anyone have any insight into this?
Updated 02/07/
On Android:
Sometimes the &navigate to& button appears and sometimes it does not when a marker has been tapped. Also is it possible to move or disable the &center of user location& button on the top right corner ?
Kepp up the good work I love your module :+1:
Updated 12/07/
Remove every TODO/FIXME from the code
[x] The code has no Todo&s
[ ] The code has no Fixme
Updated 07/07/
You need US IP, or find apk
User - 1155233
Updated 20/06/
API23, default spinner only draw a red square instead of a circle. It works on ios.
&react&: &15.0.2&,
&react-native&: &0.26.2&,
&react-native-material-kit&: &^0.3.2&,
Updated 12/07/
Updated 04/07/
In the , it :
In the SDK Platforms window, choose Show Package Details and under Android 6.0 (Marshmallow), make sure that Google APIs, Intel x86 Atom System Image, Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image, and Google APIs Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image are checked.
However, this is the illustrative image:
Notice that Android SDK Platform 23 and Sources for Android SDK are checked. Are these required? If yes, it should be noted. If not, perhaps they should be unchecked in the image? They weren&t checked in my installation by default.
Another thing: Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image is noted as required to be checked, however the image shows it as unchecked. And while Google APIs Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image is supposed to be checked per the docs, the illustration has it unchecked, and instead has Google APIs Intel x86 Atom System Image checked (note the lack of _64).
I apologize if these are considered nit-picks, but ambiguities are confusing for newbies, such as myself ?
I&d be glad to make a PR once given clarification as to the correct verbiage.
Thank you!
Updated 02/07/
If you display a &Modal& and then log console.warning, the YellowBox is shown behind the Modal. It should always be shown on top of application UI.
Fixing this will likely need some Android experience and changes in Java code.
Modal: /facebook/react-native/tree/master/ReactAndroid/src/main/java/com/facebook/react/views/modal
Redbox: /facebook/react-native/tree/master/ReactAndroid/src/main/java/com/facebook/react/devsupport
Updated 02/07/
Device: Galaxy S6 (SM-G920F)
Opsys: Android 6.0.1 (Kernel: 3.10.61-7025264)
Crashed first time after attempting to log-in via &Duns& account on &Test& Shib.
Second attempt - crashed upon selecting of &Test&.
Tried again - logged me in automatically, works fine!?
Previous Android App (Installed Feb 2016) was also uninstalled properly.
Updated 04/07/
Platform: Android
Mapbox SDK version: 4.1.0-beta.2
Steps to trigger behavior
I tried to use MarkerView instead of Marker. When I want to scroll the map, if I touch a marker view, the scroll doesn&t work. See here:
Expected behavior
When I begin to scroll the map with a finger on a MarkerView, the touch should be delegated to the map.
Updated 16/08/
Enabling debug logging proves the decoded samples are at a different rate to unity&s audio settings. This should be handled by the decoder now as it is on other platforms.
Updated 17/06/
Please Note - includes context-sensitive UI updates for the drop downs: *
a) FILTER (for courses/ modules) for the specific student/
b) &Compare to& for applicable students per module/
FYI below - as per MW email dated 17/06/2016:
So, on the engagement graph, the option that says ‘Module’ actually needs to say ‘Filter’, and will give the student a choice of ‘All Activity’, their courses, and their modules.
We’ll make an end point to allow you to populate.
So if a student was taking one course it would look like this:
All Activity
BSc Learning Analytics
And if they happened to be taking two courses it would look like this:
All Activity
BSc Learning Analytics
The indents are just indents in the menu test to make it easier to read.
In our new API we will pass you the course id, name, module id and name and
module instance id.
Although you display the module id (or name) when you query it’s the instance that you send.
We’ll clarify this later.
The period option stays the same.
The compare to options available depend on what Filter they student chose, as follows:
All Activity:
Compare to Friends (names in the drop down as now)
Compare to Friends (as above), Top 10 (not 10% any more), Average
Module: Compare to Friends (as above), Top 10 (not 10% any more), Average
If the student selects a friend, and they are not on that course or module, no data will be returned by the API, so you just need to put a message saying ‘No data available’.
You don’t need to customise the friends list to only sure ones on that course or module.
We’ll probably want to do that in the future though.
So we’ll give you an updated API list to make this work later today,
Updated 21/06/
Updated 17/06/
Expected Behaviour
I need to to some stuff when a notification is received in the event notification. It must works in Android
Actual Behaviour
Currently the event is shotted in iOS but not in Android
Reproduce Scenario (including but not limited to)
My apps receive correctly the push notifications from GCM and you can see them in the mobile. I want to execute some tasks when the notification arrive to the phone but the on.(&notification&) event is not fired.
Steps to Reproduce
Platform and Version (eg. Android 5.0 or iOS 9.2.1)
Android 6.0.1
(Android) What device vendor (e.g. Samsung, HTC, Sony&)
LG Nexus 5X
Cordova CLI version and cordova platform version
cordova --version
cordova platform version android
Plugin version
cordova plugin version | grep phonegap-plugin-push
Sample Push Data Payload
Sample Code that illustrates the problem
Logs taken while reproducing problem
Updated 13/07/
Exactly speaking,
onResponderRelease is not triggered on Android if it nested with Text, but works well with IOS devices. Here is my quite simple code:
render (){
&Image onResponderRelease={()=&{alert(1)}} onStartShouldSetResponder={()=&true} source={{height: 100, width: 100, uri: 'http://dimg04./images//u00ldq8C668.jpg'}}/&
Updated 16/08/
On android video and music can play at the same time.
Updated 16/06/
@atavism, @myleshorton reminded me we needed this on the team call today,
when a user deauthorizes a device this alert should pop up.
It is essentially a stock android alert, which i am in favor of using in these types of situations.
Specs below.
- &Deauthorize Device& Title: Roboto Medium(500), 18pt, #000000
- &Are you sure&& Dialog: Roboto Regular(400), 14pt, #000000, Line leading 21pt
- &CANCEL& and &OK& Buttons: Roboto Medium(500), 14pt, #00BCD4
Elevation on this should be 4dp
Updated 24/06/
We landed a big update to how to integrate RN to existing applications..
However, this focused on iOS and Swift mostly and the Android wording is basically the same as before with minor modifications. Do the same sort of thing for Android as we did for iOS.
Updated 02/07/
Hi, I have tried your desktop and mobile applications and I don&t feel comfortable to type my github password in the application. I know its probably secure and all that but I simply don&t trust it enough. For the moment I will use IRC transport which seems to be really great (except for missing history bot).
I think you could do some kind of token authentication - I could grab token from your website in my browser and than copy it to your application. This is already supported via IRC transport so it should not be that difficult.
Updated 16/06/
The message is along the lines of &x activity points sent from my jisc analytics app& & has no detail (this week/overall) or context (what does the number mean) if it is going up on twitter or facebook.
How about &this week my course engagement score is x compared to course average y (sent from my jisc analytics app)& or similar?
Updated 21/06/
?hnlich wie
ben?tigen wir eine Android-Library, die die Interaktion mit der Youthweb-API für Android-Entwickler vereinfacht. Wenn du eine solche Library entwickelt hast oder entwickeln m?chtest, dann würden wir uns freuen, wenn du dich meldest. :smile:
Updated 16/06/
Fix native module WeChatModule tried to override WeChatModule for module name RCTWeChat.If this was your intention, return true from WeChatModule#canOverrideExistingModule() bug
Updated 28/07/
clicking on the facebook link from the engagement graph offers me &complete action using& but Browser is not one of the supported mechanisms. If I choose firefox I get a status message &no link found in this share&.
When I click twitter, I get the expected &twitter is not installed on this device& & should I be getting the same for facebook if I don&t have the facebook app?
Updated 21/06/
let headers = new Headers({
'Cookie': options.cookie,
fetch(url, {
method: 'POST',
headers: headers,
}).then(data =& {
rn 0.25 is OK,but in 0.27.2 sever can not receive cookie
Updated 02/07/
Moved over from #1301 as it will require more work considering android&s complex toolchain setup.
Updated 16/06/
In Gaia GPS for mobile, the user can get a &guide me& view to a waypoint that shows the direction and distance away.
For this contract, you will design and implement a better user interface, hopefully on both iOS and Android. A &radar& like interface may be what&s needed.
Provide mockups of the view. You are designing the UI, though we may offer design improvements from an artist.
Implement on iOS.
Implement on Android.
Time Estimate
1-2 weeks between design and discussion.
You need to know iOS or Android programming, hopefully both.
You should have experience in UI/UX.
You should probably have experience with Gaia GPS or similar apps.
Updated 18/07/
For this contract, you will fix a series of reproducible, user-reported bugs in Gaia GPS for Android, and implement well-described UI changes. Candidates for this contract should want a long-term contract or employment.
First, you will work on a few prescribed bugs and improvements. Then you will advise how you think you should spend more time iterating on app.
Examples of changes:
improve the cramped tableview that shows when making a Route
users report multiple issues importing MBTiles files
the Trip Stats table does not show a Descent stat (exists on iOS)
the Trip Stats table does not match the user interface on iOS
You would provide pull requests to complete assigned tasks, and advise on further work to do.
Time Estimate
Some bugs may take as little as 5 minutes, others may take more than a day to debug and fix.
You would need to commit to a potentially long term contract (and/or full-time employment), because this would involve getting up to speed on the code. This project is more efficient when done for a longer period.
This contract is suitable for someone with a lot of native Android Java experience. You should have expertise in UI/UX, and/or use Gaia GPS or similar apps.
Updated 06/07/
Screenshots for Gaia GPS on the Google Play Market are currently created manually.
For this contract, the developer will implement a system to automate screenshot capture, similar to how Gaia GPS for iOS is already set up using Fastlane.
provide a written description of the frameworks/methods you will use
implement and automate the capture of US screenshots
work with a member of the Gaia GPS team to finish international screenshots, handing off the least technical part to a junior developer at Gaia GPS
Time Estimate
This project is hard to estimate. We are looking for a skilled developer to work on a fixed day rate until the work is completed. It will take at least a few weeks.
Expertise in screenshot automation or other infrastructure work for Android is a plus.
Updated 16/06/
com.dsatab.exception.TalentTypeUnknownException: Unknown TalentType:Schwarze Gabe: Verborgenes Wissen erspüren
at com.dsatab.xml.HeldenXmlParser.onPreHeroSaved(
at android.os.AsyncTask$
at android.os.AsyncTask$SerialExecutor$
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
Updated 15/06/
If, when the user is submitting a request to publish (upload), there are outstanding commits in the repository on Door43, the user must be notified of the pending changes and uploading should be aborted.
There are changes to this translation on your Door43 account. You must import those changes before uploading.
After dismissing the notice the user will be sent back to the home screen where they will be prompted to import the changes.
There are changes to your translation of &book& in &language& on your Door43 account. Would you like to import those now?
[No] [Yes]
If the user chooses [No] the dialog is dismissed and no further action is taken.
If the user chooses [Yes] the translation will be imported from their Door43 account and merged into the local one.
Testing for outstanding commits
The proper way to test for outstanding commits on the server is to simply perform a push request.
If the push request succeeds then all is well.
If the push request fails then the server contains outstanding commits and the upload must abort.
Possible Future Enhancement
In the future this process may be enhanced by re-opening the target translation after the import has finished.
Edit: A draft of the new upload requirements are at
Updated 15/06/
1205 issues
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