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约翰已经售出超过2亿的记录, 使他成为最成功的艺术家,所有的时间。他拥有超过50头40支,包括连续七年美国排名第一的专辑,56顶40个单打, 16个前10名,4个第2次,第1号和9个安打。他赢得了5个,一次奥斯卡奖,一个金球奖和。他的成功也产生了深远的影响流行音乐,并促成了继续流行的。&
在他40年职业生涯中,2004年, 滚石排名他# 49在其清单中的100个最伟大的艺术家之一的一些特性约翰的音乐才华和工作能力,包括快速工艺旋律的歌词创作伙伴伯尼淘平 ,他的前丰富 (现 )的声音,他的古典和福音影响的钢琴,敏感的管弦乐安排保罗Buckmaster等等,并在舞台表演,特别是明显在20世纪70年代。 .约翰进入了于1994年 。他一直积极参与打击艾滋病自80年代末,被封为爵士于1998年。 他进入了一个民间的伙伴关系与大卫弗于日,并继续成为冠军的 。关于日,美国举行了慈善音乐会为里的总统竞选活动 ,筹集250万美元。 在2008年, 公告牌杂志公布的名单,排名前100位最经常图表艺术家在历史上的广告牌Hot 100单曲榜中 。 约翰列在第3 ,仅次于和 早期的生活 [约翰出生德肯关于日,并提出了皮纳 , 米德尔塞克斯在内部对他的外祖父母,他们在新婚父母(希拉()和德怀特)生活。 随后,他们转移到附近的一个半独立屋。 他是受过教育的皮纳木材初中, Reddiford学校和皮纳县文法学校 ,直到17岁,当他离开之前,他的剑桥A水平考试,以追求职业生涯中的音乐产业。 当约翰开始认真地考虑了职业生涯的音乐,他的父亲,谁担任空军上尉在 ,试图引导他走向一个更加传统的职业,如银行。 约翰说,他的野生阶段服装和表演的方式让他去后,这种限制性的童年。 两个约翰的父母服务的倾向,他的父亲已经成为与半专业的称为鲍勃米勒带。发挥军事舞蹈。 狂热的Dwights了创纪录的买家,使美国所有的和音乐家的一天。 约翰记得立即迷上了摇滚乐的时候他的母亲带回家记录和比尔海利和他的彗星于1956年。
约翰开始的年龄为3 ,并在一年之内,他的母亲听到他挑选雪梅Atwell氏“的选手之间的华尔兹”的耳朵。 约翰很快被压入的服务作为一个演员在各方和家庭聚会。 他开始采取正式的的年龄为7 。 他表现出极大的音乐才能在学校的能力,包括撰写的旋律,并取得了一些的发挥就像杰里李在学校职能。 在11岁,他赢得了初中的奖学金 。 据他的一名教官,约翰立即回放,像一个“记录” ,四页片的 ,他听到的第一次。在今后五年内,约翰搭乘地铁到中央伦敦参加星期六班在该学院,除了他的正规学校职责皮纳县文法学校。 约翰已经指出,他喜欢玩肖邦和巴赫和唱歌的合唱团在周六上课,但他没有其他的学生勤奋经典。 “我憎恨去学校, ”他说。“对这些儿童可能只是摆脱仍然没有练习和传球,勉强通过的等级。 ”他甚至声称,他有时会跳过班和公正骑周围的管。 然而,一些教师已经作证说,他是一个“模范生” ,并在过去几年中,他要教训一个私人老师,除了他的班级在该学院。因此,无论其内部的态度可能已,似乎很明显,他是专门学习他的飞行器。 约翰的母亲希拉,但也严格要求她的儿子,更活泼,她的丈夫,是一个自由的精神。 赤柱德怀特与他的儿子不感兴趣,而且往往身体缺席,约翰提出了主要是由他的母亲和外婆。当他的父亲是家庭, Dwights将有可怕的论点,极大地困扰他们的儿子。 约翰15岁时,他们离婚。 希拉很快再婚当地画家命名Farebrother ,谁时,一个关怀和支持继父。 约翰亲切地称他为“ Derf ” ,他的名字在扭转。 搬进单位1A号八单元公寓大楼称为法院,不远处两个前的家园。 就是在那里,约翰写的歌曲,将推出自己的职业生涯作为一个摇滚明星,他将生活在那里,直到他四张专辑同时在美国前40名。
( 1962年至1969年)在15岁以下的帮助下,母亲和继父希拉“ Derf ” ,雷德怀特成为周末钢琴家在附近诺思伍德山酒吧,玩上周五,周六和周日晚。戏称为“雷吉” (一个小的不起眼的名字在英国) ,他打从吉姆 国家诗经“ 他将必须去 ”的爱尔兰敬意号码“ 当爱尔兰眼睛微笑 , ”老酒吧的最爱,如, “ 推出筒 ” ,访问的一天, “
” ,和歌曲,他写了自己。 [ 14 ]他收到了适度,稳定的收入和大量的秘诀。“在这整个期间,我不认为我曾经错过了演出,他说: ”以后。 有一段时间短暂的呼吁的了他的时间。 空洞的天空 ,的1969年的首张专辑,不太引起注意。 1964年,德怀特和他的朋友组成了一个乐队叫做Bluegy 。白天,他跑跑腿的音乐出版公司,他的夜之间分为独奏音乐会在伦敦酒店的酒吧,并与Bluesology 。到1960年代中期, Bluesology是支持美国旅游的灵魂和一样的Isley兄弟 , 主要兰斯 , 贝利 , 多丽丝和帕蒂拉和Bluebelles 。 这是在这一时期,德怀特第一次听到音乐大粉红 ,他将获得他的大部分成分思想从舞台上升在20世纪70年代,但它是学习如何充分蓝调可以发挥这是一个“转折点,他的生命“ 。 [ 矛盾 ]在1966年,乐队成为音乐家高个儿的支持带,并开始在英国巡回演出歌舞表演。 失败后导致歌手试镜国王深红和中间 ,德怀特回答广告中的新音乐快车放在射线 ,那么甲经理自由记录 。在第一次会议上,威廉姆斯给德怀特一叠歌词写的伯尼淘平 ,谁回答了相同的广告。德怀特写音乐的歌词,然后邮寄到淘平,从而开始了一项合作关系,一直持续到今天。 1967年,这将成为第一个埃尔顿约翰/伯尼淘平歌曲“” ,是记录,当这两个第一次见面, 6个月后,德怀特会由美国冠冕堂皇的名称“埃尔顿约翰” ,在致敬Bluesology萨克斯埃尔顿院长和高个儿巴德利 。 该小组的约翰和淘平加入的记录的工作人员作曲家于1968年,并在今后两年里写材料的各种艺术家,像库克和露露 。 淘平写了一批歌词在不到一小时,并给约翰,谁写的音乐为他们在半小时内,处置的歌词,如果他不能拿出任何东西很快。 两年来,他们写道容易詹姆斯兜售给歌手。早期输出的项目包括英国歌曲的欧洲电视歌曲大赛于1969年,被称为“不能继续下去了(生活没有你) ” 。 它是第六届的6首歌曲。 在此期间,约翰也发挥对会议的其他艺术家,包括弹钢琴上的Hol & “ 他不重,他是我的兄弟 ”和唱歌声的支持棚架 。的意见,音乐出版商布朗约翰和淘平开始编写更复杂的歌曲约翰纪录粉喷桩。 第一个是单一的“我一直爱你” ( 1968年) ,生产的Quaye ,前Bluesology吉他手。在1969年,与Quaye ,鼓手罗杰教宗,托尼和约翰记录另一个单一的, “ 夫人 ” ,和一个相册, 空天空 。 尽管良好的评语,没有任何记录畅销。 1970 20世纪70年代约翰和淘平入伍现在的Gus稻生产的一项后续行动与保罗Buckmaster的安排。 埃尔顿约翰发布于1970年春季的粉喷桩记录/ 伊记录在英国和统一记录在美国,并设立了公式以后相册;福音- chorded乐队和辛酸。 第一单从专辑“ 边境宋 ” ,不仅使美国100强高峰在# 92 。 在第二单曲“ 你的歌 ”使美国十大专辑效仿。 约翰的第一美国举行演唱会的在洛杉矶 (他的介绍提供了尼尔 ) ,在8月,之后是前组鼓手奈杰尔和贝斯手迪美利 。向他提供了一个很好的想法是什么让真正的人才;用脚踢他的钢琴琴凳杰里李刘易斯风格和表演倒立的键盘,约翰离开批评胡说,并提请赞誉研究员等艺术家作为和 。春季的1970年,约翰被征召提供钢琴和支持歌唱的“ 返回主页 ” ,这首歌记录了英格兰足球国家队即将离开,以墨西哥的。 埃尔顿约翰之后迅速的Tumbleweed的连线在1970年10月,这十大达成的广告牌200 。 疯狂的速度推出两张专辑的一年,现在成立。 实况专辑17-11-70 ( 11-17-70在美国)是在录制现场节目由A和的工作室讯调频在纽约市 。介绍的 ,它精选延长版本的约翰/淘平早期成分,说明福音和布吉,伍吉影响John的钢琴演奏。 它还大量约翰,贝斯手迪美利,和鼓手奈杰尔。在大作品18:20版本的“ 烧毁团 ” ,乐队插值亚瑟“大男孩”克鲁的“我的宝贝给我留下” ,并充分演绎披头士 “ 回来 ”在狂暴的结论。销售现场专辑据说重击时,在美国的bootger公布业绩几个星期前正式专辑,其中包括所有60分钟的aircast ,而不只是40分钟选定迪克詹姆斯音乐。约翰和淘平然后写了配乐的掩盖电影的朋友 ,然后相册狂人多台水 ,后者达到和生产十大热门“ 列 ” ,而制作了歌曲“朋友” 。1972年,最后一块什么被称为埃尔顿约翰带落入地方加上戴维约翰斯顿吉他和支持声。穆雷,奥尔森,并结合和淘平的写作,约翰的华丽表演风格,和生产的Gus稻创造一个击中决策化学在未来五年埃尔顿约翰相册。众所周知,器乐演奏,该乐队成员也坚强后盾声乐谁制定并记录了他们的许多和声本身,通常是在约翰的缺席。 乐队释放酒吧酒庄 ,成为美国的第一个美国排名第一的专辑,花费5个星期上方的图表和产卵的单曲“ 火箭人(我认为这将是一场很长一段时间) ” (这常常是相比, 的“
” )和“ 酒吧猫眼 ” 。 在流行专辑不要拍我 , 我只是钢琴播放出来,开始对1973年,产生了点击“ 鳄鱼摇滚 ”和“
” ;前他第一次成为美国头号击中。(具有讽刺意味的这一点,喜欢他的其他著名的20世纪70年代单独访问,将是流行在祖国的土地,但从未顶端的英国单曲排行榜 ;这一成就将不得不等待20年。 )两个相册和“ 鳄鱼石 ”是第一张专辑和单一的,分别为综合记录标签在美国,取代大脑的其他标签,包括大学。 再见黄砖路获得即时的好评和突破的图表大西洋两岸。 它还暂时设立约翰作为一个巨星。它载的人数达到1 “ 本尼与 ” ,随着流行并称赞“ 再见黄砖路 ” , “ 风中之烛 ” , “ 周六夜的好打击 ” , “ 朋友的葬礼/出血 “和”
“ (原记录是在1970年公布的B -一方英国只有单一的, ”摇滚麦当娜“ ) 。 还有一个录像带和影碟的一部分经典唱片系列,讨论决策,录音和受欢迎的“再见黄砖路”的音乐会和家庭录像,包括面试。约翰然后形成自己的大脑分布式标签火箭记录 ,并签署该行为-特别是尼尔Sedaka ( “坏血” ,因为他唱的背景声)和迪 -在他的个人利益。 不是的记录,火箭,他选择了800万美元提供马华。当合同签署于1974年,马华报掏出2500万美元的保险政策,约翰的生活。 在1974年的合作与约翰发生,导致埃尔顿约翰涵盖披头士“ 露西与天空中的钻石 ”和列侬的“有一天的时间” ,并在返回埃尔顿约翰和乐队正在精选对列侬的“ 无论获取您通过夜 “ 。 这将是列侬的最后演出,两人表演这两个数1随着的经典“ 我看到她站在那儿 ”在 。列侬了罕见的阶段出现,令他作出承诺,他将出现在舞台上与埃尔顿如果“无论让您在夜间”成为第1号单。 埃尔顿约翰的隐性人格发现的自传式专辑神奇上尉和布朗污垢牛仔 。 驯鹿是在1974年发布,虽然达到1号,它被普遍认为在较小的质量相册。 据报道,记录在两个星期很少露面的生活,它精选“ 回来的 ”和约翰的多功能在与乐队歌曲“ 不要让太阳去吧我 ” 。 皮特汤森的谁问约翰发挥字符称为“故乡”在影片中的摇滚乐歌剧汤米 ,并以执行一首歌曲名为“ 向导 ” 。 Drag on
chords , John&s version was recorded and used for the
release in 1975 and the single came out in
in the US).利用电力和弦 ,约翰的,并用于于1975年,单是在1976年( 1975年在美国) 。 The
charted at number7 in England. Bally subsequently released a &Captain Fantastic& pinball machine uring an illustration of John in his movie guise.宋代绘制在7号在英国。 随后发布了一个“”具有一个例子约翰在他的电影幌子。 In the 1975 autobiographical album Captain Fantastic and the Brown Dirt Cowboy , John revealed his previously amuous personality, with Taupin&s lyrics describing their early
as struggling songwriters and musicians in London.在1975年的专辑神奇上尉和布朗污垢牛仔 ,约翰发现他以前模棱两可的个性,与淘平的歌词描述其早期挣扎作曲家和音乐家在伦敦举行。 The lyrics and accompanying photo booklet are infused with a specific
of place and time that is wise
in John&s music.歌词及所附照片的小册子是充满了特定的意义上的时间和地点,否则这是罕见的约翰的音乐。 & Someone Saved My Life To & was the hit single from this album and captured an early turning
in John&s life. “ 有人救了我的命今夜 ”的单曲唱片,并从本月初抓获的转折点约翰的生活。 The album&s release signaled the end of the Elton John Band, as an unhappy and overed John dismissed Olsson and Murray, two people who had contributed much of the &s signature
and who had helped
the ning.相册的发布标志着结束埃尔顿约翰乐队,作为一个不愉快和过度约翰驳回奥尔森和Murray ,两个人谁做出了贡献的许多乐队的声音,谁签字,帮助建立他的生活开始以来以下。 Johnstone and Ray Cooper were retained, Quaye and Roger Pope returned, and the new bassist was Kenny P this rhythm section provided a heavier-sounding backbeat.和Ray被保留, Quaye和Roger教宗回来了,新的贝斯手是P这一节提供了一个节奏较重冠冕堂皇backbeat 。 James Newton-Howard joined to arrange in the studio and to play keyboards.詹姆斯牛顿安排在录音室,并发挥键盘。 John introduced the lineup before a crowd of 75,000 in London&s Wembley Stadium .约翰介绍了阵容面前一群75,000在伦敦的 。 Rock-oriented Rock of the Westies entered the US albums chart at number1 like Captain Fantastic , a previously unattained feat.摇滚面向岩Westies进入美国专辑排行榜上的第1号船长一样神奇 ,以前没有实现壮举。 However, the material was al universally regarded as not on a par with previous releases.然而,材料几乎普遍视为不等同于以前的版本。 The musical and
chemis Olsson and Murray brought to John&s previous releases was seen as lacking by some, [ who? ] both on the album and in the concerts that supported it.音乐和声乐化学奥尔森和Murray提请约翰以前的版本被认为是缺乏一些, [ 谁? ]都在专辑和演唱会中,支持它。 Commercially, John owed much of his success during the mid-1970s to his concert performances.商业,约翰很大程度上归功于他的成功在20世纪70年代中期他的音乐会。 He filled arenas and stadiums wide, and was arguably the hottest
world.他填补场馆,全世界被认为是最热门的行为在世界上的岩石。 John was an unlikely rock
to begin with, as he was short of stature at 5feet 7inches (1.7m), chubby, and gradually losing his .约翰是一个几乎不可能的岩石偶像开始的,因为他的地位在短期5英尺7英寸( 1.7米) ,胖乎乎的,并逐渐失去了他的头发。 But he made up for it with impassioned performances and over-the-top fashion sense .但他提出了与激情表演和超顶级时尚感 。 Also known for his glasses (he ed wearing them as a
his idol Buddy Holly ), his flamboyant
wardrobe now included ostrich feathers, $5,000 spectacles that spelled his
in lights, and dressing up like the Statue of Liberty , Donald Duck , or Mozart
others at his concerts made them a success and created inte for his music.还以他的眼镜(他开始穿着它们作为一个青年,复制他的偶像霍莉 ) ,他的华丽的现在包括鸵鸟羽毛,五千元的眼镜说,他的名字拼写的灯光,和打扮如 , 或等在他的音乐会,使他们取得了成功,创造了他的音乐的兴趣。 To celebrate
s of unparalleled success since he
appeared at the venue, in 1975 John played a two-night, four-show
at The Troubadour .为了庆祝五年的无与伦比的成功,因为他第一次出现在会场,在1975年约翰发挥了两晚,四显示站的吟游诗人 。 With seating limited to
500 per show, the chance to purchase tickets was determined by a postd lottery, with
winner allowed two tickets.由于座位有限,以每人500查看下,有机会购买门票测定明信片彩票,每个冠军允许两张。 Everyone who attended the performances received a hardbound &yearbook& of the band&s history.每个人都参加了表演谁收到一本精装“年鉴”的乐队的历史。 That year he also contributed some exemplary
playing to
Ayers & Sweet Deceiver .这一年,他还贡献一些模范钢琴演奏,以凯文艾尔斯 & 甜骗子 。 In 1976, the live album Here and There in May, then the downbeat Blue Moves in October,
contained the memor but
gloomier hit & Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest Word &. 1976年,生活相簿在这里和那里的5月,那么悲观蓝移动在10月份,其中载有令人难忘的,甚至悲观击中“ 对不起似乎是最难的Word ” 。 His biggest success in 1976 was the & Don&t Go Breaking My Heart &, a peppy duet with Kiki Dee that topped both the American and British charts.他最大的成功, 1976年是“ 不要打破我的心 ” ,一个peppy丁文琪迪伊超出了美国和英国的图表。 Finally, in an interview with Rolling Stone that year entitled &Elton&s Frank Talk&, a stressed John stated that he was biual .最后,在接受采访时滚石当年题为“埃尔顿的谈” ,一个强调约翰说,他是 。 Besides
the most commercially successful period, 1970 - 1976 is also held in the most regard critiy.除了商业上最成功的时期, 年还举行了关于最严重。 Of the six Elton John albums to make the 500 Greatest Albums of All Time in Rolling Stone& in 2003, all are from this period, with Goodbye Yellow Brick Road ranked highest at number91; similarly, the
Elton John albums given five
by Allmusic ( Tumbleweed Connection , Honky Ch?teau , and Captain Fantastic ) are all from this period too.六埃尔顿约翰相册,使上最伟大的500相册的所有时间在滚石&在2003年,都是从这个时期, 再见黄砖路排名最高,数量91 ;同样,三个埃尔顿约翰相册给予五颗星的Allmusic ( Tumbleweed的连接 , 酒吧城堡 ,和船长神奇 )都是从这个时期太。 During the
period, John made a self-effacing
appearance on the ular Morecambe and Wise show on the BBC .在同一期间,美国提出了谦虚住客出现在流行莫克姆和明智显示在 。 The two comics spent the episode pointing him in the direction of every except the stage in
to pr him singing.花了两个漫画事件指着他的方向发展的阶段以外的地方,以防止他唱歌。 Hiatus 中断John&s er took a hit
1976. John的职业生涯受挫后, 1976年。 In November 1977 John announced he was reti Taupin began collaborating with others. 1977年11月美国宣布,他已退出表演;淘平开始与其他人协同作业。 John secluded himself in any of his three mansions, appearing publicly only to attend the es of Watford , an English football
of whom he was a lifelong devotee, and that he r bought.约翰僻静本人在任何他的三个豪宅,只出现公开参加比赛的 ,英文足球队的他是一个终生的爱好者,而且他后来买了。 Some speculated that John&s retreat from dom was prompted by adverse reactions to the Rolling Stone article.有人猜测,约翰的退出明星是由于不良反应的滚石文章。 Now only producing one album a year, John issued A Single Man in 1978, employing a new lyricist, Gary O the album produced no singles that made the Top 20 in the US but the two singles from the album released in the UK, Part-Time Love and Song for Guy , both made the Top 20 in the UK with the latter reaching the Top 5.现在只生产一种相簿一年,约翰发出一个人在1978年,雇用了新的作词, 加里 ;相簿产生任何单打,使排名前20位,但在美国的两场单打的相册公布在英国, 部分时间爱情和宋的 ,都取得了前20名在英国,后者进入前5 。 In 1979, accompanied by Ray Cooper , John became the first Western pop star to
the Soviet
as one of the first in Israel ), then mounted a two-man comeback tour of the US in
halls. 1979年,伴随着雷库珀 ,约翰成为第一个西方流行歌星参观苏联 (以及第一个在以色列 ) ,然后展开了两个人的复出之旅的美国小礼堂。 John returned to the singles chart with &Mama Can&t Buy You Love& (number9, 1979), a song originally rejected in 1977 by MCA before being released, recorded in 1977 with Philadelphia
producer Thom Bell . [ 19 ] Elton reported that Thom Bell was the first person
Bell encouraged John to sing in a
register.约翰返回的单曲“妈妈不能买到爱情” (第9号, 1979年) ,一首歌曲最初拒绝在1977年的马华前被释放,记录在1977年与费城灵魂生产者贝尔 。 [ 19 ]埃尔顿报告贝尔说,汤姆是第一个人给他的声音教训;贝尔鼓励约翰唱较低登记。 A disco -influenced album, Victim of Love , was poorly received.阿影响的专辑, 受害者的爱 ,是不好接受。 1980s 20世纪80年代In 1979, John and Taupin reunited. 21 at 33 , released the following year, was a significant career , aided by his biggest hit in four years, &
Jeannie & (number3 US), although the lyrics were written by Gary Osborne . 1979年,约翰和淘平团聚。 21 33 ,公布下一年,是一个重大的职业生涯提升的协助下,他最大的达到4年来, “ 小徐景怡 ” (第3号美国) ,虽然歌词写的加里奥斯本 。 His 1981 follow-up, The Fox , was recorded in
during the same sessions and also included collaborations with Tom Robinson and Judie Tzuke .他1981年的后续行动, 狐狸 ,部分录得在同一会议上,还包括与合作汤姆和Tzuke 。 On 13 September 1980, John, with Olsson and Murray back in the Elton John Band, performed a
concert to an estimated 400,000
on The Great Lawn in Central Park in New York City. 9月13日, 1980年,约翰,与奥尔森和Murray回到埃尔顿约翰带,进行了一次免费的音乐会,估计40万球迷的在纽约市。 Elton sang and dedicated &Imagine& to his friend, John Lennon , at this concert.埃尔顿生和献身精神“想象”到他的朋友, 约翰列侬 ,在这个演唱会。 Three months later Lennon
be murdered in front of his
building. 3个月后会被杀害列侬在他家前面的建设。 John mourned the loss in his 1982 hit & Empty Garden (Hey Hey Johnny) &, from his Jump Up! album, his second under a new US recording contract with Geffen Records .约翰悼念他的损失在1982年达到“ 空花园(嘿嗨强) ” ,从他跳起来!相册,他的第二个在一个新的美国纪录合同吉芬记录 。 He performed the tribute at a sold-out Madison Square Garden show in August 1982, joined on stage by
Ono and Sean Ono Lennon , Elton John&s godchild.他的表现表示敬意的卖个麦迪逊广场花园表明在1982年8月,同台亮相的还有和小野列侬 ,埃尔顿约翰的godchild 。 However, the 1980s were years of personal upheaval for John.然而, 20世纪80年代被多年的个人动荡的约翰。 In 1984 he surprised many by marrying sound engineer Renate Blauel .在1984年,他惊讶许多结婚瑞娜特布劳尔 。 In 1986 he
touring Australia and shortly after underwent throat surgery.在1986年,他失去了他的声音,同时旅游澳大利亚和此后不久接受喉部手术。 Sevl non-cancerous polyps were removed from his vocal cords, and John lost his famous falsetto, and he sang with a new voice.一些非癌性息肉被从他的声带,约翰失去了其著名的假,他生了一个新的声音。 John continued recording prolifically, but years of cocaine and alcohol , initiated in earnest around the time of Rock of the Westies& 1975 release, were taking their toll.约翰继续录制丰富,但多年的酗酒并滥用,开始认真的时候周围岩石的Westies , 1975年释放,正在造成死亡。 In 1987 he won a libel case st The Sun which published allegatio afterwards he , &You can call me a , balding, talentless old
who can&t sing — but you can&t
me.& 1987年,他赢得了诽谤案对太阳发表指控未成年 ;事后他说, “你可以称我为脂肪,秃头, talentless岁的女王谁不能唱-但是你不能对我撒谎。 “ With original band members Johnstone, Murray and Olsson together again, John was able to return to the charts with the 1983 hit album Too Low For Zero , which included & I&m Still Standing & and & I Guess That&s Why They Call It the Blues &, the latter of which featured Stevie Wonder on harmonica and reached number4 in the US, giving John his biggest hit there since &Little Jeannie&.与原乐队成员约翰斯通,穆雷和奥尔森再次相聚,约翰能够返回图表1983年达到相册太低零 ,其中包括“ 我仍然常设 ”和“ 我猜这就是为什么他们把它叫做蓝调 “ ,后者精选史蒂夫汪德的口琴,并达成若干4在美国,给约翰,他最大的打击,因为有”小徐景怡“ 。 Indeed while he would
again match his 1970s success, he placed
in the US Top Ten throughout the 1980s — &Little Jeannie& (number3, 1980), &Sad Songs (Say So Much)& (number5, 1984), & Nikita & boosted by a mini-movie pop
directed by Ken Russell (number7, 1986), a live orchestral version of &Candle in the Wind& (number6, 1987), and &I Don&t Wanna Go On With You Like That& (number2, 1988).事实上,他将永远不会再比赛他20世纪70年代的成功,他将访问美国十大在整个20世纪80年代- “小徐景怡” (第3号, 1980年) , “悲歌(也就是说这么多) ” (第5号, 1984年) , “
”推动一个小型弹出视频肯( 7号, 1986年) ,现场管弦乐版的“风中之烛” (第6号, 1987年) ,和“我不想用你这样的“ (第2号, 1988年) 。 His highest-charting single was a collaboration with Dionne Warwick , Gladys
, and Stevie Wonder on & That&s What Friends Are For & (number1, 1985); credited as Dionne and Friends, the song raised funds for AIDS research.他的最高单是制图合作迪奥妮 , 所做的贡献 ,和史蒂夫汪德的“ 这就是朋友们对于 ” (第1号, 1985年) ;记入翁和他的朋友们,这首歌筹集资金用于艾滋病的研究。 His albums continued to sell, but of the six released in the latter half of the 1980s, only Reg Strikes Back (number16, 1988) placed in the Top 20 in the United States.他的相册继续抛售,但六公布的对80年代后期,只有注册反击 (排名第16位, 1988年)放置在了前20名在美国。 In 1984, Watford reached the FA Cup
at Wembley Stadium, fulfilling a lifelong ambition for John, who by now was owner and chairman of the . 1984年,沃特福德达到决赛在温布利大球场,实现终身抱负的约翰,谁现在是老板和俱乐部主席。 During the traditional pre-match ritual of the crowd singing & Abide With Me &, John burst into .在传统的赛前仪式的人群唱着“ 遵守与我 ” ,约翰眼泪涟涟。 Watford lost the game 2-0 to Everton , who have played in
shirts since 1901.沃特福德失去了比赛以0-2
,谁发挥的蓝色衬衫,因为1901年。 After the game a large banner was unfurled among the Everton supporters, saying &SORRY ELTON - I GUESS THAT&S WHY THEY CALL US THE BLUES&. [ 20 ]比赛结束后是一个大的横幅展示在埃弗顿的支持者说, “对不起埃尔顿-我猜这就是为什么他们呼吁美国” 。 [ 20 ] In 1985, John was one of the many performers at Live Aid , playing the Wembley Stadium leg of the marathon concert. 1985年,约翰是一个许多表演现场援助 ,打腿的的马拉松式的音乐会。 He played &Bennie and the Jets& and &Rocket Man&; performed &Don&t Go Breaking My Heart& with Kiki Dee for the and introduced his friend George Michael ,
then of Wham! , to sing &Don&t Let The Sun Go Down On Me&.他打得“本尼与喷射机”和“火箭人” ;履行“不要打破我的心”与丁文琪迪第一次在年;并介绍了他的朋友乔治 ,仍然那么个唱! ,唱“不要让孙去吧我“ 。 This was an example of John&s endearing support of
artists and embrace of all new music, which continues to this day.这是一个例子,约翰的优胜支持年轻艺术家并接受所有新的音乐,这一直持续到今天。 He enlisted Michael to sing backing vocals on his single &
Her Up &, and also recruited
idol Nik Kershaw as an instrumentalist on &Nikita&.他入伍迈克尔支持嗓音唱了单一的“ 包起来 ” ,并招募青少年偶像聂克肖作为工具的“尼基塔” 。 John also recorded material with Millie
in 1985.约翰还记录材料, 于1985年。 In 1986, he played the piano on two s on the heavy al band Saxon&s album Rock the Nations . 1986年,他弹钢琴的两个轨道上的的专辑摇滚的联合国 。 In 1988, he performed five sold-out shows at New York&s Madison Square Garden, giving him 26 for his career, breaking the Grateful
record. 1988年,他完成的5售罄表明在纽约麦迪逊广场花园,这使他对自己的职业生涯26个,打破了故居纪录。 But that year also ed the end of an era.但是,这一年也标志着一个时代的结束。 Netting over $20 million, 2,000
of John&s memorabilia were auctioned off at Sotheby&s in London, as John bade symbolic ewell to his excessive theatrical persona.扣除超过2000万美元, 2000项目的约翰的纪念品被拍卖的在伦敦,作为象征性的约翰八德告别他过分戏剧人物。 (Among the items withheld from the auction were the tens of thousands of records John had been carefully collecting and cataloguing throughout his life.) In later interviews, he deemed 1989 the worst period of his life, comparing his mental and physical deterioration to Elvis Presley &s
years. (在项目不给拍卖了成千上万的记录约翰已经仔细收集和编目一生。 )在后来的采访,他认为1989年最严重的时期,他的生活,比较他的精神和身体恶化的埃尔维斯普雷斯利的最后几年。 1990s John was deeply affected by the plight of Ryan White , an Indiana teenager with AIDS.约翰深受苦难瑞安白 ,一个印第安少年艾滋病。 Along with
, John befriended and supported the boy and his family
in 1990.随着 ,约翰朋友和支持的男孩和他的家人到白宫的死亡在1990年。 Himself a
and confronted by his then-lover, John checked into a Chicago hospital in 1990 to combat his drug abuse , alcoholism , and bulimia .自己所面临的混乱和他当时的情人,约翰住进医院在1990年芝加哥打击他吸毒 , 酗酒 ,和 。 In rey, he lost weight and underwent hair replacement , and subsequently took up residence in Atlanta, Georgia .在恢复,他失去了重量,并接受了头发更换 ,随后讨论了居住在市 。 Also in 1990, John would finally achieve his first UK numberone hit on his own, with & Sacrifice & (coupled with &Healing Hands&) from the previous year&s album Sleeping with the Past ; it would
at the top spot for six weeks.还于1990年,美国将最终实现他的第一个英国头号击中自己,以“ 牺牲 ” (加上“妙手仁心” )由前一年的专辑睡过去 ,它会留在榜首的6个星期。 The 1991
documentary Two Rooms described the unusual writing
that John and Bernie Taupin use, which involves Taupin writing the lyrics on his own, and John then putting them to music, with the two never in the same room during the process. 1991年的电影纪录片两个房间描述了不同寻常的写作风格,约翰和伯尼淘平使用,其中包括淘平写自己的歌词,以及约翰然后把他们的音乐,与这两个从来没有在同一个房间的过程中。 That same year, Two Rooms: Celebrating the Songs of Elton John & Bernie Taupin , a tribute album featuring contributions from many top British and American performers was released.同一年, 两个房间:庆祝歌埃尔顿约翰与伯尼淘平的敬意专辑特色捐款许多顶级英国和美国的表演被释放。 Also in 1991, John&s &Basque& won the Grammy for Best
, and a guest concert appearance he had made on George Michael&s reverent treatment of &Don&t Let the Sun Go Down on Me& was released as a single and topped the charts in both the US and UK.还于1991年,约翰的“”获得格莱美最佳器乐 ,以及客户的音乐会出现,他所作的乔治迈克尔的虔诚对待“不要让太阳去吧我”发行作为一个单一的和超过图表在美国和英国。 On 24 November 1991, Freddie
died of AIDS. 11月24日, 1991年, 住宅贷款抵押汞死于艾滋病。 John was one of the few invited to attend the singer&s private funeral services.约翰是一个少数应邀出席歌手的私人葬礼服务。 In 1992 he established the Elton John AIDS Foundation, intending to direct 90 percent of the funds it raised to direct care, and 10 percent to AIDS prevention education. 1992年,他成立了埃尔顿约翰基金会,打算直接百分之九十的资金提高到直接关怀和百分之十,以艾滋病预防教育。 He also announced his intention to donate all future royalties from s of his singles in the US and UK to AIDS research.他还宣布,他打算捐出所有未来的的销售他的单曲在美国和英国对艾滋病的研究。 That year, he released the US number8 album The One , his highest-charting release since 1976&s Blue Moves , and John and Taupin signed a music publishing
with Warner/Chappell Music for an estimated $39 million over 12 years, giving them the largest cash advance in music publishing history.这一年,他公布了相册一个 ,他的最高图表1976年以来发布的 Blue 举措 ,约翰和淘平签署了音乐出版处理华纳/查培尔音乐估计三千九点〇 〇万美元超过12年,使他们最大的的音乐出版的历史。 John performed & Bohemian Rhapsody & and & The Show Must Go On & with Queen at the Freddie Mercury Tribute Concert , an AIDS charity event held at Wembley Stadium, London.约翰执行“
”和“ 展必须继续下去 ”与皇后在美国联邦住宅贷款抵押汞致敬音乐会 ,一个艾滋病慈善活动在温布利大球场举行,伦敦。 &Bohemian Rhapsody& featured a duet with Axl
, a reconciliatory gesture given Rose&s previous homophobic reputation. “波希米亚狂想曲”精选了歌曲与Axl玫瑰 ,一个和解的姿态给的前同性恋声誉。 In September of the same year, he performed & November Rain & with Rose&s band Guns N& Roses for the 1992 MTV Video Music Awards at the Pauley Pavilion in Los Angeles.在同年9月,他完成的“ 11月雨 ”与玫瑰乐队的1992年MTV音乐录影带奖在保利馆在洛杉矶。 The following year, he released Duets , a collaboration with 15 artists including Tammy Wynette and RuPaul .次年,他发表二重唱 ,一个艺术家的合作,其中包括15 泰咪温妮特和RuPaul 。 This also included a new collaboration with Kiki Dee, entitled &True Love&, which reached the Top 10 of the UK charts, and a duet with Eric Clapton on &Run Train&, which also charted.这也包括了新的合作丁文琪迪伊题为“真爱” ,这达到了前10名的英国海图,以及二重唱的“失控列车” ,这也指明。 Along with Tim
, John wrote the songs for the 1994 Disney animated film The
King , which become the highest-grossing traditionally-animated feature of all time. [ citation needed ] Three of the five nominees for the Academy Award for Best Song that year were from The Lion King ; & Can You Feel the Love Tonight & eventually won.随着提姆莱斯 ,约翰写的歌曲, 1994年的迪斯尼狮子王 ,这成为票房最高的传统动画功能的所有时间。 [ 引文需要 ]三的五个提名为奥斯卡最佳歌曲的今年来自狮子王 “ 你觉得今晚的 ”最终韩元。 In versions sung by John, both that and & Circle of Life & became big hits, while the other songs
as & Hakuna Matata & achieved popularity with all ages as well.所唱的版本约翰,无论是和“ 圆生活 ”成为点击率较高,而其他的歌曲,如“ 酷啦马塔塔 ”实现普及与所有年龄以及。 &Can You Feel the Love Tonight& would also win John the Grammy Award for Best Male Pop Vocal Performance . “难道你觉得今晚的爱”也将赢得约翰的最佳男歌手 。 After the release of the soundtrack, the album remained at the top of Billboard&s charts for
weeks.获释后的配乐,专辑仍然上方的Billboard的图表九周。 On 10 November 1999, the RIAA certified The Lion King & Diamond & for selling 15 million copies. 11月10日, 1999年, 认证的狮子王 “ 钻石 ”销售一千五点〇 〇 〇万份。 John was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in his first year of eligibility in 1994.约翰进入了摇滚名人堂 ,他第一年的资格于1994年。 He and Bernie Taupin had previously been inducted into the Songwriters Hall of Fame in 1992.他和伯尼淘进入创作名人堂于1992年。 John was made a Commander of the Order of the British Empire in 1995.约翰提出了指挥官的命令 , 于1995年。 John has also been awarded the honour of Knight Bachelor , entitling him to use the prefix &Sir&.约翰也被授予学士 ,授权他使用前缀“先生” 。 In 1995 John released Made in England (number3, 1995), which featured the hit single &Believe& (number15, 1995).约翰在1995年发表在英国制造 ( 3号, 1995年) ,其中精选的热门单曲“相信” (编号15 , 1995年) 。 Also, a compilation called Love Songs was released the following year.另外,汇编呼吁情歌发布下一年。 The year 1997
extreme highs and lows for John. 1997年发现极端波动的约翰。 Early in the year, vestiges of the flamboyant John resurfaced as he threw a 50th birthday , costumed as Louis XIV , for 500 friends.今年年初,残余的华丽约翰再次成为他投掷党50岁生日,服装作为 ,为500的朋友。 John also performed with the surviving members of Queen in
at the opening night (17 January 1997) of &Le Presbytere N&a Rien Perdu De Son Charme Ni Le Jardin Du Son ?clat&, a work by French ballet legend Maurice Bejart which draws upon AIDS and the deaths of Freddie Mercury and the company&s principal dancer Jorge Donn .约翰还进行与尚存的成员女王在巴黎开幕昨晚( 日)的“乐Presbytere N&a赖恩年华者的儿子魅力倪乐花园儿子?clat ”的工作由法国芭蕾舞传说彼提请根据艾滋病和死亡的汞和美国联邦住宅贷款抵押公司的主要豪尔赫Donn 。 This was only the second time the three surviving members of Queen had performed together live since Mercury had died.这仅是第二次的三个幸存的成员女王一起生活的表现,由于已经死亡。 Later in 1997, two
friends died: designer Gianni V ,
of Wales died in a Paris car crash.后来在1997年,两个亲密的朋友死于:设计师被谋杀; 在巴黎死于车祸。 In early September, Taupin altered the lyrics of & Candle in the Wind & for a special version mourning the death of Diana, and John performed it at her funeral in Westminster Abbey . 9月初,淘平改变了歌词的“ 风中之烛 ”的一个特别版本悼念的死亡,约翰表现在她的葬礼在 。 A recorded version, & Candle in the Wind 1997 &, then became the fastest- and biggest-selling single of all time, eventually selling 5 million copies in the United Kingdom , 11 million in the US, and around 33 million worldwide, with the proceeds of approximately ?55 million going to the Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fund .记录的版本, “ 风中之烛1997 ” ,然后成为速度最快的和最畅销的单一所有的时间,最终销售5百万份在英国 , 11万美元的美国,大约33万的全球,与收益约五千五百点零零万英镑去威尔士王妃戴安娜纪念基金 。 It would later win John the Grammy Award for Best Male Pop Vocal Performance, an achievement he has
to repeat.它将约翰后来赢得格莱美奖的最佳男歌手,他的成就还没有重复。 He hasn&t performed the song since Princess Diana&s funeral, as John stated it would only be played once to lend it significance and make it special.他还没有完成的歌曲,因为的葬礼上,约翰表示,它将只发挥一次向它的意义,使它特别。 John and Tim Rice again teamed up in 1998 for the production of Elaborate Lives: The Legend of Aida .约翰和蒂姆再次联手在1998年生产的精品生活:爱的传说 。 The musical was given its world premiere in the Alliance Theatre in Atlanta.音乐剧是因为它在世界首演剧院联盟在亚特兰大。 It went on to Chicago and eventually Broadway under the simplified name, Aida .它接着百老汇芝加哥,并最终根据简化名称, 艾达 。 年John performing at the Keepmoat Stadium in Doncaster ,
2008.约翰表演在Keepmoat体育场在 , 2008年7月。 In the 2000s, John began frequently collaborating with other artists.在2000年,约翰开始经常与其他艺术家。 In 2000, John and Tim Rice teamed again to create songs for DreamWorks & animated film The Road To El Dorado .在2000年,约翰和提姆莱斯联手再次创造歌曲 &动画电影之路埃尔多拉多 。 In the musical theatre world, addition to a 1998 adaptation of The Lion King for Broadway , John also composed music for a Disney production of Aida in 1999 with lyricist Tim Rice, for which they received the Tony Award for Best Original Score and the Grammy Award for Best Musical Show Album .在音乐剧世界中,除了1998年调整为狮子王 百老汇 ,音乐约翰还组成了生产的阿依达于1999年,作词提姆莱斯,这是他们收到了最佳配乐和格莱美奖作为最佳音乐剧专辑 。 He also released a live compilation album called Elton John One Night Only - The Greatest Hits from the show he
at Madison Square Garden in New York City that same year.他还发布了一个生活汇编专辑呼吁埃尔顿约翰一夜唯一的-最伟大的访问表明,他从没有在麦迪逊广场花园的纽约市 ,同年。 In 2001 he declared that Songs from the West Coast would be his final studio album, and that he would now concentrate on just live performances.在2001年他宣布, 从诗经西海岸将是他最后的录音室专辑,而且他现在将精力集中在公正的现场表演。 In 2004, however, he released a new album, Peachtree Road . 2004年,然而,他发布了一个新的相册, 桃树路 。 Also in 2001, John accepted an
to appear as a guest on the BBC topical
show Have I Got News For You .还于2001年,约翰接受了以显示为一个客户对英国广播公司时事测验显示我有消息告诉你 。 However, he changed his
just hours before recording was due to begin, and so the producers recruited Ray Johnson, a
driver from Colchester , Essex , who worked part-time as an Elton John lookalike .然而,他改变了主意前几个小时,录音是由于开始,所以生产商招募雷,从科尔切斯特 , 埃塞克斯 ,谁非全时工作作为埃尔顿约翰看起来像 。 He said next to nothing during the programme, while captions praising Johnson and slagging off John were added to the final
of the programme when it was broadcast 24 hours later.他说,在旁边没有什么方案,而标题赞扬约翰逊和结渣关闭约翰被添加到了Final Cut方案时播出24小时后。 A special based on his career from his start until that year was also
and called &The Elton John Story& which is shown on the VH-1 Classic channel.一个特殊的基础上,他自己的职业生涯开始之前,也做了一年,并要求“埃尔顿约翰的故事” ,这是显示在可变- 1经典频道。 However, it has never been released on VHS or DVD .但是,它从来没有被释放的录像带或影碟 。 John continued his successful collaborations with other artists during the 2000s.约翰继续他的成功与其他艺术家的合作在2000年。 &Your Song& was re-recorded several
during the first part of the decade with Alessandro Safina , British cellist Julian Lloyd Webber , and others. “你的歌”重新录制期间数次的第一部分与十年亚历山德罗萨菲娜 ,英国 ,和其他人。 In 2001, John duetted with Eminem on the rapper&s & Stan & at the Grammy Awards which appears on Eminem&s compilation album Curtain Call: The Hits as its bonus track. 2001年,约翰duetted与的说唱的“ 斯坦 ”在格莱美颁奖典礼上出现阿姆的汇编专辑谢幕:守住其奖金轨道。 Considering the long-running assumption that the rapper was homophobic , the performance helped
up some unneeded negative attention.考虑到长期运行的假设,即说唱是同性恋 ,性能有助于澄清一些不必要的负面关注。 He also performed the song &Friends& for the soundtrack to The Country Bears written by Taupin along with starring as himself working in a garden.他还完成了歌曲“朋友”的配乐,以乡村熊撰写的淘平一起主演的一个花园。 Also in 2002, British boy band Blue released a version of & Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest Word &, which included John.还于2002年,英国男孩带蓝发布版的“ 对不起似乎是最难的Word ” ,其中包括约翰。 It went to number1 in the UK as well as many other European countries.它去了1号在英国以及许多其他欧洲国家。 John achieved yet another number1 single in the UK in 2005, being featured on 2Pac &s posthumous song & Ghetto Gospel & from the rapper&s album, Loyal to the Game .约翰取得的又一数量1单在英国, 2005年精选的2Pac的追授歌曲“ 犹太人福音 ”的说唱歌手的专辑, 忠诚的游戏 。 The song sampled & Indian Sunset & from John&s 1971 album, Madman Across the Water .这首歌取样“ 印度夕阳 ”由约翰的1971年专辑, 狂人多台水 。 &Indian Sunset& was later released on the single &Electricity&, which John wrote for the 2005 West End production of Billy Elliot the Musical . “印度日落”后来被释放的单一的“电力” ,其中写道:约翰在2005年的伦敦西生产比利埃利奥特的音乐 。 The single benefited from some clever marketing.单得益于一些聪明的营销。 Over 75% of the sales were downloads, thanks to an Elton John competition where fans could
a text message including an answer to the question and then receive a download of the track.超过75 %的销售额下载,这要归功于一个埃尔顿约翰竞争球迷可以发送文本信息,包括问题的答案,然后收到一个下载的轨道。 &Electricity& remains one of his biggest solo hits of the 2000s. “电力”仍然是他最大的单独访问的2000年。 However, his biggest hit was &Are You Ready For Love&.不过,他最大的打击是“您是否已经准备好年华” 。 Although it was pretty much ignored when it was first recorded during the late 1970s Thom Bell sessions, it became something of a Balearic fixture and eventually got a re-release on Southern Fried Records in 2003.虽然这是相当被忽略时,第一次录得20世纪70年代末汤姆贝尔会议,它成为了一种巴利阿里夹具,并最终得到重新释放南部油炸记录于2003年。 &Are You Ready For Love& proceeded to go straight to number1 in the UK and on Billboard&s Hot Dance Music/Club Play chart. “你准备爱”进行直接的第1号在英国和在Billboard的热门/俱乐部播放图表。 John was one of the performers at the Live 8 concert at Hyde Park in London on 2 July 2005.约翰是一个演员在现场八方音乐会在伦敦的在日。 He performed as
act of the day and had also been promoting the concerts together with Bob Geldof , Bono .他的表现作为第三方的行为一天也促进音乐会以及鲍伯盖朵夫 , 博诺等 At the concert in London, he played & The Bitch is Back &, &Saturday Night&s Alright for Fighting& and lastly, T.在音乐会在伦敦,他在“ 回来的婊子 ” , “周六夜的好打击”和最后,吨 Rex &s & Children of the Revolution & with The Libertines and Babyshambles & frontman, Pete Doherty . 的“ 儿童的革命 ”与浪子和赫提 &主唱, Pete前晚 。 Returning again to musical theatre, John composed music for a West End Theatre production of Billy Elliot the Musical in 2005 with playwright Lee Hall .选举再次音乐剧,音乐约翰组成的剧院制作的音乐比利埃利奥特在2005年与剧作家李大会堂 。 John&s only theatrical project with Bernie Taupin so far is Lestat: The Musical , based on the Anne Rice vampire novels.约翰的唯一戏剧项目,伯尼淘平迄今莱斯特:音乐的基础上, 的吸血鬼小说。 However it was slammed by the critics and closed in May 2006 after 39 performances. [ 21 ] As for other movies, in 2000, his 1970s track & Tiny Dancer & was prominently featured in the film Almost Famous , and then his &The Heart of Every Girl& was the end title song from 2003&s Mona Lisa Smile .然而有人抨击批评和2006年5月结束后39个表演。 [ 21 ]至于其他的电影,在2000年,他20世纪70年代追踪“ 小舞者 ”是突出的电影几乎名牌 ,然后他的“之心每个女孩“是主打歌结束从2003年的蒙娜丽莎的微笑 。 Also in 2005, John recorded a duet with Australian country music artist Catherine Britt , titled &Where We Both Say Goodbye&.同样在2005年,约翰录二重唱澳大利亚歌手阿 ,题目是“在哪里,我们都说再见” 。 The duet peaked at #38 on the US Billboard Hot Country Songs charts.高峰# 38美国公告牌 乡村单曲排行榜。 Then he did another one with the late, closeted
R&B singer, Luther Vandross on &Anyone who had a & from his tribute album, So Amazing: An All-Star Tribute to Luther Vandross .然后,他与另一位已故的, closeted 同性恋 的R & B歌手路瑟范德鲁斯的“任何谁的心”专辑,他的敬意, 所以惊异:一个全明星致敬路瑟范德鲁斯 。 Elton John&s Christmas Party compilation album with two of his own Christmas songs and the rest being various artists he chose to be on there was initially released exclusively to Hear Music outlets at every
coffee shop on 10 November 2005. 艾尔顿约翰的圣诞联欢会汇编专辑有两个自己的,其余的正在选择不同的艺术家,他将在那里最初发布完全听音乐商店在每个在 。 It sought to give away two dollars from each and every sale to the charity Elton John AIDS Foundation.它试图放弃两美元从每出售给慈善埃尔顿约翰爱滋病基金会。 The following year, on 10 October 2006, the album was re-released to the general market eleven months after its original and first release.一年后,于10月10日2006年,该专辑被重新释放到市场的11个月后,其原有的首次发布。 But six songs of the original twenty-one were omitted from the new release.但是, 6首歌曲的原始2001年被忽略的新版本。 Therefore, it was left with only fifteen.因此,只剩下15 。 Then another Elton John tribute album came out, this time from various artists at Studio 99 titled The Timeless Classics Of Elton John Performed By Studio 99 , was released on CD on 7 February 2006.然后再埃尔顿约翰敬意专辑出来,这一次来自各个艺术家工作室99名为永恒经典埃尔顿约翰演出工作室99 ,被释放的裁谈会日。 On 19 September 2006, John and Bernie Taupin released a sequel to Captain Fantastic and the Brown Dirt Cowboy, reflecting again on the phenomenal success, the sadness, the creativity and the optimism within their 40 year son The Captain & The Kid features ten new songs, including the first single & The Bridge &, and for the first time ever, photographs of both John and Taupin are featured on the album front cover. 9月19日2006年,约翰和伯尼淘平发布了续集船长神奇和布朗污垢牛仔,反映再次惊人的成功,悲伤,创造力和乐观在其40年创作的伙伴关系; 上尉与流星语功能10新的歌曲,包括第一首单曲“ 桥 ” ,并有史以来第一次,照片,约翰和淘平是精选的专辑封面。 The album received universal critical acclaim with worldwide sales of 3.5 million.该专辑获得普遍好评,全球销售额为3.5亿美元。 Among his many honours, John was named a Disney Legend for his numerous outstanding contributions to Disney&s films and theatrical works [ 22 ] on 9 October 2006, by The Walt Disney Company.在他的许多荣誉,约翰被任命为的许多杰出贡献,迪斯尼的电影和[ 22 ]
,由。 It is the company&s highest honour.这是该公司的最高荣誉。 Another measure of
came back in July 2005 when Madame Tussauds made a statue of John it took more than 1,000 hours to complete.另一项措施名人堂回来时,在2005年7月作出了雕像的约翰对他的测量结果;花了1000多小时才能完成。 In May 2006, Pet Shop Boys released their album Fundamental , the limited edition included &In Private&, a new version of the Dusty Springfield single they had written in 年5月, 发行了他们的专辑基本 ,限量版包括“民办” ,新版本的达斯提单,他们在1989年撰写。 The song, this time, had been recorded as a duet with John and was later released as bonus track on Pet Shop Boys& top 20 hit & Minimal &.这首歌,这一次,记录了作为一个二重唱约翰和后来被释放的奖金赛道上宠物店男孩&前20名达到“ 最小 ” 。 His string of UK #1 duets continued later that year when the Scissor Sisters & released & I Don&t Feel Like Dancin& &, which John co-wrote.他的一系列英国# 1二重奏继续,明年晚些时候,当剪刀女郎 &发布“ 我并不觉得自己是Dancin & ” ,这约翰共同编剧。 Recorded in Las , it featured John on piano and was included on their album Ta-Dah .记录在举行的,它精选约翰的钢琴,被列入其专辑大大新 。 &I Don&t Feel Like Dancin & & became the fourth
selling single in the UK in 2006 and it stayed in the UK top 40 for 27 weeks. “我并不觉得自己是Dancin & ”成为第四个最畅销的单一英国在2006年,它留在英国的前40位为27周。 John also co-wrote &Intermission& from the same album.约翰还共同写了“间歇”从同一个相册。 On 12 November 2006, in The Observer & s Music Monthly &When Elton Met Jake&, [ 23 ] John spoke in an interview with openly gay Scissor Sisters band member, Jake Shears as they talked about being gay music stars and other matters. 12 2006年11月,在观察的音乐月刊“当埃尔顿会见杰克” , [ 23 ]约翰以在接受采访时公开同性恋乐队成员, 杰克剪 ,因为它们谈论同性恋音乐明星和其他事项。 Prior to that, he criticized the Roman Catholic Church &s position on condoms which he had blamed for the death of some of his friends who suffered from HIV/AIDS .在此之前,他批评了的立场这是他死亡的原因,一些他的朋友谁遭受/艾滋病 。 In 2007, John was featured in Timbaland&s album Timbaland Presents Shock Value , in the song &2 Man Show&. 2007年,约翰在蒂姆巴兰德精选的专辑蒂姆巴兰德介绍冲击值 ,在歌曲“ 2” 。 John is also rumoured to be featured on a possible new Eminem album. [ 24 ]约翰还传言将精选就可能的新的阿姆专辑。 [ 24 ] March 2007
John celebrating his 60th birthday in more ways than one. 2007年3月看到约翰庆祝60岁生日的他更多的方法不止一个。 He engaged in a
party with artist Sam Taylor-Wood in the East End [ 25 ] and performed at Madison Square Garden for the 60th time (which is a record) to mark his 60th birthday. [ 26 ] He performed songs including Your Song , Rocket Man , Candle In the Wind and I&m Still Standing .他参与了联合党与艺术家山姆o泰勒木材在东完 [ 25 ]和履行在麦迪逊广场花园的第60次(这是一个创纪录的) ,以纪念他60岁生日。 [ 26 ]他的表现歌曲,包括你的歌 , 火箭人 , 风中之烛 ,我依然屹立 。 To celebrate his record-setting achievement at Madison Square Garden, a banner marking &Most Performances by a Single Artist& at the Garden was raised to the rafters and placed within Madison Square Garden&s Music Hall of Fame.庆祝他创纪录的成绩在麦迪逊广场花园,标识的旗帜“大多数表演艺术家单”在花园提高到球衣和放置在麦迪逊广场花园的音乐名人堂。 Moreover, he released a greatest-hits compilation CD, entitled Rocket Man - NumberOnes on 27 March 2007. Rocket Man - NumberOnes was released in 17 different versions worldwide, including a CD/DVD .此外,他还发布了一个最大的,访问汇编光盘,题为火箭人-数的关于 。 火箭人-数一被释放的17个不同版本,其中包括一个CD / DVD康宝。 Finally, on 26 March, John&s back catalogue - almost 500 songs from 32 albums - became available for legal download.最后,在3月26日,约翰回到目录-近500首歌曲由32相册-可供合法下载。 &I knew that the entire catalog - not just the hits - needed care and attention to be released in this way,& he said in a statement. “我知道,整个目录-不仅是访问-需要的关怀和照顾被释放,这样, ”他在一份声明中说。 &Now that it&s happening, I&m pleased for the fans& sake.& [ 27 ] John performed at Madison Square Garden in a three-hour long and thirty-three song concert that is also streamed live
* MSN Music that day called Empty Garden . “现在,它的发生,我很高兴为球迷们的利益。 ” [ 27 ]约翰表现在麦迪逊广场花园在一个3小时的漫长和33首歌曲演唱会,这也是直播通过* MSN音乐这一天称为空花园 。 It also inspired a television special called Happy Birthday Elton! to occur which aired on ITV1 and My Network TV .它也激发了电视特别呼吁生日快乐埃尔顿!发生的播出ITV1和我的 。 The concert was started with the audience singing &Happy Birthday&.演唱会开始与观众唱起了“生日快乐” 。 He opened with a classic song from his second album, &Sixty Years On&, doubly paying homage to his 60th birthday.他打开了由他的第二张专辑“ 60年” ,双参拜他的60岁生日。 The show also featured behind-the-scenes footage from the superstar&s private party, where Kate Thornton met and greeted famous guests.展会还精选幕后镜头的的私人派对, 凯特会见了著名的客人打招呼。 The show also saw famous friends of John giving their opinion of him. [ 28 ] On 2 October 2007, there was a DVD release of it titled Elton 60 - Live at Madison Square Garden and a
set with the live CD on 9 October 2007.展会还看到著名的朋友约翰给予他们的意见他。 [ 28 ]在日,有一台DVD释放它名为埃尔顿60 -乐在麦迪逊广场花园和一箱设置与生活裁谈会日。 On 1 July 2007, John performed at the Concert For Diana . 7月1日, 2007年,约翰表现在音乐会黛安娜 。 He started the concert with Your Song and finished the conc Saturday Night&s Alright (For Fighting) , Tiny Dancer , and Are You Ready For Love .他开始与你的歌 ,并完成了与三首歌; 周六夜的好(打击) , 小舞蹈家 ,并准备好迎接爱情 。 He then commenced a European Tour and played at Live at the Marquee (festival) in Cork on 9 July 2007 to a rapturous reception.然后,他开始了欧洲巡回赛和比赛现场选取框(节)在 7月9日, 2007年一度的接待。 In interviews, John has listed a numberof other projects of his in various stages, including an adaptation of Romeo and Juliet . [ 29 ] He also told Rolling Stone magazine that he plans for his next record to be in the R&B / hip-hop genre.在采访中,约翰已经列举了一些其他项目,他在各个阶段,包括一个适应的罗密欧与朱丽叶 。 [ 29 ]他还告诉滚石杂志说,他计划为他的下一次记录是在的R & B / 嘻哈流派。 &I want to work with Pharrell {Williams} , Timbaland , Snoop {Dogg} , Kanye {West} , Eminem and just see what happens. It may be a disaster , it could be tastic, but you don&t know until you try.& [ 30 ] John claims to be a big fan of Blackstreet &s 1996 hit, No Diggity . “我要工作, 菲瑞威廉斯) ( , 蒂姆巴兰德 , ) ( , 肯伊(西) ,和公正看看会发生什么。这可能是一种灾难 ,它可能是太棒了,但你不知道,直到您尝试。 “ [ 30 ]约翰声称喜欢Blackstreet的1996年打击, 没有Diggity 。 He is currently working on the upcoming album.他目前正在对即将到来的专辑。 He played on 8 September 2007 in Vevey , a small village situated on Lake Geneva , Switzerland .他9月8日起到2007年在 ,一个小村庄坐落在 , 瑞士 。 Of this he said &The market square in Vevey is one of the most beautiful and
places in Europe. Since visiting the
by chance in Summer 2003, I have always wanted to sing there. My friend Shania Twain who lives there, convinced me to set up that &.这个他说: “市场广场沃韦是一个最美丽,神奇的地方在欧洲。由于该地区访问的机会,在2003年夏季,我一直想唱的。我的朋友谁住在那里,我确信设立该演出“ 。 (Note: Shania Twain actually lives in the nearby town of Corseaux ). (注:仙妮亚唐恩实际居住在附近的Corseaux ) 。 Other memorable concert projects in the decade have so far included Face-to-Face tours with fellow pianist
which have been a fan favourite throughout the world since the mid-1990s.其他项目中令人难忘的音乐会十年迄今包括面授旅行同胞钢琴家已球迷最喜欢的世界各地的1990年代中期以来。 In October 2003, John announced that he had signed an exclusive agreement to perform 75 shows over three years at Caesars Palace on the Las Vegas Strip . 2003年10月,美国宣布,他已签署了一份独家协议,演出75场三年的拉斯维加斯 。 The show, entitled The Red Piano , was a
concert featuring massive props and video montages created by David LaChapelle .展会上,题为红色钢琴 ,是一个巨大的多媒体音乐会道具和创建的大卫拉卡贝尔 。 Effectively, he and Celine Dion share performances at Caesar&s Palace throughout the year - while one performs, one rests.实际上,他和席琳迪翁在凯撒份额表演的宫殿全年-而一个表现,一个休息。 The first of these shows took place on 13 February 2004. [ 31 ] On 21 June 2008, he performed his 200th show in Caesars Palace.其中第一个表明发生在 。 [ 31 ]在日,他履行了他的第200显示在凯撒宫。 A DVD/CD package of &The Red Piano& was released through Best Buy in November 2008.阿的DVD / CD包的“红钢琴”被释放,通过在2008年11月。 A two year global tour was sandwiched between commitments in Las Vegas, Nevada , some of the venues of which were new to John. The Red Piano Tour closed in Las Vegas in April 2009.两年的全球巡回赛是中间的承诺, 美国拉斯维加斯 ,一些场地,其中新约翰。 红色钢琴赛在拉斯维加斯结束在2009年4月。 In a September 2008 interview with GQ magazine, Elton John said: &I&m going on the road again with Billy Joel again next year& -- confirming that the two piano-playing legends would be reuniting for more Face to Face concerts in 2009.在2008年9月采访强杂志,埃尔顿约翰说: “我要去的道路上再次与比利乔明年再次” -确认,这两个钢琴扮演传说将团聚更多面对面音乐会在2009年。 The tour began in March and will continue for at least two more years.参观3月开始,将持续至少两年。
John has had a complicated personal history in both announcing his sexual orientation , as well as personal battles with drugs, depression , bulimia , baldness , and ing.约翰有一个复杂的个人历史在宣布他的 ,以及个人的战斗与药物, 抑郁症 ,
, 脱发 ,和支出。 In April 2009, the Sunday Times Rich List estimated John&s wealth to be ?175 million, and ranked him as the 322nd richest person in Britain. [ 32 ]在2009年4月,在估计美国的财富是一点七五○亿英镑,和排名他是第三百二十二在英国最富有的人。 [ 32 ] Drugs, alcohol and health 毒品,酒精与健康Throughout his career, John has battled addictions to alcohol and cocaine .在他整个职业生涯中,约翰一直战斗瘾,以酒精和可卡因 。 By 1975, the pressures of stardom began to take a serious toll on the musician.在1975年,明星的压力,开始采取了严重伤亡的音乐家。 During &Elton Week& in Los Angeles that year, John suffered a drug overdose . [ 39 ] He also battled the eating disorder bulimia .在“埃尔顿周”在洛杉矶这一年里,约翰因吸毒过量 。 [ 39 ]他还战斗的饮食失调暴食症 。 In a CNN interview with Larry King in 2002, King asked if John was aware of Diana, Princess of Wales &s eating disorder.在采访时拉里金在2002年,约翰国王询问是否知道威尔士王妃戴安娜的。 John replied, &, I did. We were both bulimic.& [ 40 ]约翰回答说: “是的,我做到了。我们都是bulimic 。 ” [ 40 ] He is also rumoured to have struggled with significant financial difficulties caused by his profligate spending.他也有传言说,大量的财政困境所造成的种种困难他挥霍无度。 In the early 1990s, John formed a friendship with pop singer Michael Jackson , who later dedicated his 1997 album Blood on the Dance Floor to him for the support John had given him during his struggle with addiction to prescription painkillers .在1990年代初,约翰组建了友谊与迈克尔杰克逊 ,谁献出了1997年以后专辑血舞池给他的支持约翰给他与他的斗争成瘾处方 。 After many years of struggling with drug and alcohol addiction, John finally checked himself into a ilitation clinic in 1990.经过多年的奋斗与吸毒和酗酒成瘾,约翰终于不得不进入一康复医院于1990年。 He has cited the highly-publicised case of Ryan White , who died that same year of complications from AIDS (and at whose funeral John performed), as a
motivating factor in his decision to
rehab.他列举了高度宣传的案件瑞安白 ,谁死亡,同年并发症艾滋病(和在履行其葬礼约翰) ,作为一个主要,他决定进入康复。 In July 1999, he was fitted with a pacemaker due to an irregular heart .& [ 41 ] 1999年7月,他被装有因心跳不规则。 “ [ 41 ] Residence 居住Aside from his
home, &Woodside& at Old Windsor in the English county of Berkshire , John splits his time in his various residences in Atlanta , Nice , Holland Park in L and Venice .除了他的主要首页,伍德&在老温莎的英文县波克夏 ,约翰分裂的时间在他的各种住宅亚特兰大 , 尼斯 , 荷兰公园在伦敦和威尼斯 。 John is an art collector , and is believed to have one of the largest private photography collections in the world. [ 42 ]约翰是一个艺术收藏家 ,据说是有一个最大的私人摄影收藏在世界上。 [ 42 ] Spending 支出During the 2000 court case, in which John sued both his former manager John , the CEO of Reid&s company and accountants PricewaterhouseCoopers , he admitted spending ?30 million in just under two years — an average of ?1.5 million a , the High Court in London heard.在2000年的案件,其中约翰控告他的前任经理约翰里德,里德的的公司和会计师罗兵咸永道 ,他承认支出三千点○○万英镑在不到两年-平均一百五十○点〇 〇 〇万英镑一个月,高等法院在伦敦听到。 The singer&s lavish lifestyle saw him spend more than ?9.6m on property and ?293,000 on flowers between January 1996 and September 1997.歌手的奢华生活方式看到他花费超过?九点六米财产和二十九点三○○万英镑花1996年1月间和1997年9月。 John accused the pair of being negligent, and PwC of failing in their duties.约翰指责对被疏忽,以及未能在自己的职责。 Mark Hapgood QC for defendants PwC suggested that John went &spending & following a ?42m deal with recording company Polygram in February 1996.马克古德的QC被告普华永道建议,约翰去“疯狂消费”之后,英镑42米处理在1996年2月。 When quizzed by Mr Hapgood about the ?293,000 spent on flowers, John said, &Yes, I like flowers.&当被问及古德先生的二百九十三点零零零英镑用于花卉,约翰说: “是的,我喜欢花。 ” John stated that the terms of the contract, whereby John paid Reid 20% of his gross earnings, were agreed in Saint-Tropez in the summer of 1984 — but that he could not remember the
occasion on which the deal was made. [ 43 ] After losing the case, he faced an ?8 million bill for legal fees.约翰说,合同的条款,即约翰里德20 %付给他的总收入,商定在的夏天1984 -但他不记得确切的机会,收购了。 [ 43 ]继情况下,他面临着一个八百点○○万英镑法案的法律费用。 John decided with his fleet manager John Newman to sell 20 of his collection of 28 cars at Christie&s — including several Ferraris, Aston Martins , and six post-war Bentleys .约翰决定与他的车队经理约翰出售20他收集的28辆汽车在 -包括几个, 斯 ,六个战后Bentleys 。 His reason for selling them was stated as: I do not find enough time to drive them. The sale raised ?2 million [ 44 ] The cars sold included:他的理由是出售他们表述为:我没有找到足够的时间来推动它们。出售提出二百点零万英镑[ 44 ] 的汽车销量包括: 1993年 -最昂贵的汽车在收集,以213英里每小时的最高速度只有八五二英里的时钟-出售二百三十四点七五零英镑。 被告知如何约翰的司机拒绝开车,他“动它”在天桥及害怕其权力。 1978年阿斯顿马丁跑车-被称为“野兽” ,因为它注重成果的,去八十零点七五零英镑。 汽车被涂上黑色,红色和黄色;的颜色约翰最喜欢的 。 两个法拉利 -
特斯坦罗萨和1987年特斯坦罗萨给约翰的马华记录之际,他40岁生日。 罗德斯图尔特了一群朋友谁在充满了汽车。 1973年六 -科恩从赫特福特花费了两倍多的汽车,价值一百万英镑。 这是配备了36扬声器的的成本二点八万英镑。这是如此强大,以至于它一旦引爆了后窗之后,玻璃在汽车已得到加强。 1985年大陆转换-都铎红,车中使用视频尼基塔。 汽车的尸体被特制的coachbuilder Mulliner公园区的哈勒斯登 ,和一长列的特殊设备包括散热器静脉和装饰管道为红色。 1969年银云 Mk3 -提供新的 ,这是一个购买的约翰在亚特兰大和命名的电影后,小姐开车黛西是拍摄接近他亚特兰大家。飞往英国于1994年由 ,它花了两年时间恢复,但代价是一十点〇万英镑。它出售九万英镑。 2003年,美国销售的内容,他的荷兰公园的家中,以创造更多的空间,他的收藏。 苏富比拍卖行的目录清单中有400多个项目,预计售价八十点零零零万英镑,其中包括: Biedermeier家具;早16和17世纪的物品,其中包括爱德华鲍尔估计二十点零零零英镑-三点零零万英镑和画像的Honeywood从循环的威廉金,估计为三点零零零万英镑-四点○○○万英镑。 约翰的卧室精选一幅由19世纪法国画家雅克-马里Frémy ,这是展出的1814年巴黎沙龙,并估计一十二点零零零英镑-一点八零万英镑。 Charity 慈善 约翰一直与艾滋病有关的死亡后,他的朋友瑞安白宫和美国联邦住宅贷款抵押汞 ,筹集大量资金,并利用他的公众形象,提高认识,了解这种疾病。 例如,在1986年,他加入了迪奥妮沃里克 , 所做的贡献 ,和史蒂夫汪德记录单“ ,这就是朋友的” ,所有的利润捐献给了美国艾滋病研究基金会 。 这首歌赢得约翰和其他的格莱美奖最佳流行音乐表演组合奖 (以及单曲的作家, 巴和塞杰尔 ) 。 1990年4月,约翰执行“ 天鸽 ”的葬礼上的白,一个十几岁的他朋友。 约翰创立了埃尔顿约翰艾滋病基金会在1992年的慈善资助方案的艾滋病毒/艾滋病预防,消除偏见和歧视艾滋病毒/艾滋病影响的个人,并提供服务的人或有可能感染艾滋病毒/艾滋病。 这一事业仍然是他个人的激情。 2006年初,约翰捐赠中较小的两个明亮的红色从他的内华达州拉斯维加斯查看易趣上拍卖,以提高公众的认识和资金基础。 筹集资金的艾滋病慈善机构,每年约翰东道主魅力白宫铁及头饰球,其中许多著名人士参加。 关于日,第九届年度白球铁及头饰发生。 菜单包括一个 杂音其次是冲浪和草坪( 与 )和一个巨大的荣耀尼克冰淇淋。拍卖之后举行的晚宴弗瑞 。莱斯&幻影& 敞篷和一块翠西o的作品都引起八零零英镑, 000的,并提出了总额达三百五十点〇 〇 〇万英镑。 [ 46 ]后来在这一事件中,“ 黛利拉 “与和”
“与Bassey 。门票球成本一点零零零英镑头部。 这次活动提出四百六十〇万英镑他爱滋病基金会在2006年。每年自2004年以来,他已经开了一家店,推销自己的二手衣服。 所谓“埃尔顿的衣橱” ,今年的销售10,000项目预计将增加400,000美元 约翰是一个名誉主席宫廷纽约的年度慈善加冕球,千上日。 其他名誉主席为晚上的慈善活动包括卢波恩 , Idina勒 , 约翰 , 琼里弗斯和罗宾 。 音乐风格和声音 .在上世纪70年代,约翰的声音立即将他除了大多数人被钢琴为基础的主导的世界。 另一个早期特点是一套动态字符串 安排由加上淘平经常隐蔽但感情上谐振歌词,其结果是独一无二的历史中的音乐。 在这次音乐风格包括“ 60年” , “烧毁团” , “ 带我去的试验 ” , “列” , “ 跨水 ” ,和最有名的这些“小舞者” 。 .约翰也有一个独特的唱腔。特别是,他的措辞往往是位metronomic ,有时有一个奇怪的起飞的状态, “送往”质量特别是在年底前线(例如: “一语像小狗儿童”的歌曲“ Amoreena ” ) 。.他还,至少在他的经典时期在上世纪70年代,有时会打扫他正常到四季样假 。 1987年1月,美国经历了喉咙手术切除肿瘤可能从他的声带上游览时,有必要,他最初声称是由于感染,但后来又声称是由于过量吸毒。 [ 51 ] 的问题他的声音可以清楚地听到他刺耳的歌声就生活在澳洲专辑(发布1987年) 。 他完全康复了的手术,但他继续使用非法药物 ,直至1990年。 手术于1987年也有后效应对约翰的声音,他发现他再也不能唱以及他以前可以,而且他现在生在一个较低的范围内。 .在接受采访时詹姆斯利普顿 ,约翰声称接受这一新的基调,它给人的感觉更“男性化”质量对比他以前的工作。 利普顿评论“俯冲假”的“再见黄砖路”而约翰回答说: “ ...我没有了。 ”
article: List of Elton John awards主要文章: 名单埃尔顿约翰奖
Main article: Elton John discography主要文章: 唱片
The Lion King (1997) 狮子王 ( 1997 ) Aida (1998) 阿依达 ( 1998 ) Billy Elliot (2005) 比利埃利奥特 ( 2005 ) Lestat (2005) 莱斯特 ( 2005 )
Elton John: Me,
& I (2007) autobiography as Himself 埃尔顿约翰:我,我自己和我 ( 2007年)的自传他自己 The Country Bears , US (2002) Himself 乡村熊 ,美国( 2002年)亲自 乡村熊简介影片英文名: The Country Bears  影片中文名: 乡村熊   影片分类: 喜剧(闹剧)片、儿童(童话)片   色彩: 彩色   声音: 有声   影片产地: 美国   制片公司: 迪斯尼影片公司   出品年份: 2002年   影片长度: 100分钟   影片演职员   导演 彼得·哈斯汀斯   主演 哈利·乔·奥斯曼   里奇·拜德   克里斯多弗·沃尔肯   剧 情 简 介   这是一个小熊版的“”故事。   10岁小熊比尔瑞(配音)从小被一个人类家庭所收养,但它却以为自己和这家人是一家人。一个偶然的机会,他突然醒悟了自己的真实身份,并且毅然踏上去寻找自己的根的道路。   来到后,它发现有名的“乡村熊”礼堂面临被一个人类银行家瑞德(克里斯多佛·沃尔肯饰)拆毁的危险。于是它帮助昔日著名而如今却面临解散的“乡村熊”乐队从新回到一起,并和他们一起积极展开保护“乡村熊”礼堂的计划。而比尔瑞也在这些经历中,逐渐找到了自己作为一只熊的价值……Spice World , UK (1997) Himself 辣妹世界 ,英国( 1997年)亲自 Tommy , UK (1975) Pinball Wizard 汤米 ,英国( 1975年)向导 Born to Boogie , US (1972) Himself 天生不羁 ,美国( 1972年)亲自


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