Synap Forte 知道这是一种止痛药有哪些,这种止痛药有哪些国内叫什么?哪里可以买得到?

Synap Forte 知道这是一种止痛药,这种止痛药国内叫什么?哪里可以买得到?_百度拇指医生
?Synap Forte 知道这是一种止痛药,这种止痛药国内叫什么?哪里可以买得到?
* 百度拇指医生解答内容由公立医院医生提供,不代表百度立场。
* 由于网上问答无法全面了解具体情况,回答仅供参考,如有必要建议您及时当面咨询医生Parmol Forte是一种什么药?_百度知道
Parmol Forte是一种什么药?
  是一种镇痛退热的处方药。  常用于,但不局限于治疗头痛,肌肉酸痛,关节炎,肩背疼痛,牙痛或发冷发热等。  不能过量使用,过量使用可能导致严重后果。成人每次最大用量1克,一日最多4克;过量使用可能导致肝脏功能损伤。假如您每日饮酒三次,请咨询您的医生,用量每日或许不超过2克。假如您曾因饮酒导致肝损伤,您可能不适合使用该药。  因此用药前,必须告知您的医生,你是否曾有肝病,或者是否有饮酒史。  用此药时,请勿自行使用其它镇痛退热的药物;因为许多其它同类药物中,均含有该成分,您很可能因此服用过量。  更多详细的说明,请看以下英文资料  Generic Name: acetaminophen (oral/rectal)  (a SEET a MIN oh fen)  What is Parmol?  Parmol is a pain reliever and a fever reducer.  Parmol is used to treat many conditions such as headache, muscle aches, arthritis, backache, toothaches, colds, and fevers.  Parmol may also be used for other purposes not listed in this medication guide.  What is the most important information I should know about Parmol?  There are many brands and forms of Parmol available and not all brands are listed on this leaflet.  Do not use more of this medication than is recommended. An overdose of Parmol can cause serious harm. The maximum amount of acetaminophen for adults is 1 gram (1000 mg) per dose and 4 grams (4000 mg) per day. Taking more acetaminophen could cause damage to your liver. If you drink more than three alcoholic beverages per day, talk to your doctor before taking acetaminophen and never use more than 2 grams (2000 mg) per day.  Do not use this medication without first talking to your doctor if you drink more than three alcoholic beverages per day or if you have had alcoholic liver disease (cirrhosis). You may not be able to use Parmol.  Before using Parmol, tell your doctor if you have liver disease or a history of alcoholism.  Do not use any other over-the-counter cough, cold, allergy, or pain medication without first asking your doctor or pharmacist. Parmol (sometimes abbreviated as &APAP&) is contained in many combination medicines. If you use certain products together you may accidentally use too much acetaminophen. Read the label of any other medicine you are using to see if it contains acetaminophen or APAP.  Avoid drinking alcohol while taking this medication. Alcohol may increase your risk of liver damage while taking Parmol.  What should I discuss with my healthcare provider before taking Parmol?  Do not use this medication if you are allergic to Parmol (Tylenol).  If you have certain conditions, you may need a dose adjustment or special tests to safely use this medication. Ask a doctor or pharmacist about using Parmol if you have:  * or  * a h  It is not known whether Parmol will harm an unborn baby. Before using acetaminophen, tell your doctor if you are pregnant.  This medication can pass into breast milk and may harm a nursing baby. Do not use this medication without telling your doctor if you are breast-feeding a baby.  How should I use Parmol?  Use this medication exactly as directed on the label, or as prescribed by your doctor.  Do not use more of this medication than is recommended. An overdose of Parmol can cause serious harm. The maximum amount for adults is 1 gram (1000 mg) per dose and 4 grams (4000 mg) per day. Using more acetaminophen could cause damage to your liver. If you drink more than three alcoholic beverages per day, talk to your doctor before taking acetaminophen and never use more than 2 grams (2000 mg) per day.  If you are treating a child, use a pediatric form of Parmol. Carefully follow the dosing directions on the medicine label. Do not give the medication to a child younger than 2 years old without the advice of a doctor.  Measure the liquidform of Parmol with a special dose-measuring spoon or cup, not a regular table spoon. If you do not have a dose-measuring device, ask your pharmacist for one. You may need to shake the liquid before each use. Follow the directions on the medicine label.  The Parmol chewable tablet must be chewed thoroughly before you swallow it.  Make sure your hands are dry when handling the Parmol disintegrating tablet. Place the tablet on your tongue. It will begin to dissolve right away. Do not swallow the tablet whole. Allow it to dissolve in your mouth without chewing.  To use the Parmol effervescent granules, dissolve one packet of the granules in at least 4 ounces of water. Stir this mixture and drink all of it right away. To make sure you get the entire dose, add a little more water to the same glass, swirl gently and drink right away.  Do not take a Parmol rectal suppository by mouth. It is for use only in your rectum.  Wash your hands before and after inserting the suppository.  Try to empty your bowel and bladder just before using the Parmol suppository. Remove the outer wrapper from the suppository before inserting it. Avoid handling the suppository too long or it will melt in your hands.  For best results from the suppository, lie down and insert the suppository pointed tip first into the rectum. Hold in the suppository for a few minutes. It will melt quickly once inserted and you should feel little or no discomfort while holding it in. Avoid using the bathroom just after inserting the suppository.  Stop using Parmol and call your doctor if:  * you still have a fever after 3 days of use  * you still have pain after 7 days of use (or 5 days if treating a child)  * you have a skin rash, ongoing headache, or any or  * if your symptoms get worse, or if you have any new symptoms.  Urine glucose tests may produce false results while you are taking Parmol. Talk to your doctor if you are diabetic and you notice changes in your glucose levels during treatment.  Store Parmol at room temperature away from heat and moisture. The rectal suppositories can be stored at room temperature or in the refrigerator.  What happens if I miss a dose?  Since Parmol is often used only when needed, you may not be on a dosing schedule. If you are using the medication regularly, use the missed dose as soon as you remember. If it is almost time for your next regularly scheduled dose, skip the missed dose and use your next dose as directed. Do not use extra medicine to make up for a missed dose.  What happens if I overdose?  Seek emergency medical attention if you think you have used too much of this medicine.  The first signs of an Parmol overdose include loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, sweating, and confusion or weakness. Later symptoms may include pain in your upper stomach, dark urine, and yellowing of your skin or the whites of your eyes.  What should I avoid while taking Parmol?  Do not use any other over-the-counter cough, cold, allergy, or pain medication without first asking your doctor or pharmacist. Parmol (sometimes abbreviated as &APAP&) is contained in many combination medicines. If you use certain products together you may accidentally use too much acetaminophen. Read the label of any other medicine you are using to see if it contains acetaminophen or APAP.  Avoid drinking alcohol while taking this medication. Alcohol may increase your risk of liver damage while taking Parmol.  What are the possible side effects of Parmol?  Get emergency medical help if you have any of these signs of an allergic reaction:
swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat.  Stop using this medication and call your doctor at once if you have a serious side effect such as:  * low fever with nausea, stomach pain, and loss of appetite  * dark urine, clay- or  * jaundice (yellowing of the skin or eyes).  This is not a complete list of side effects and others may occur. Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. You may report side effects to FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.  What other drugs will affect Parmol?  There may be other drugs that can interact with Parmol. Tell your doctor about all your prescription and over-the-counter medications, vitamins, minerals, herbal products, and drugs prescribed by other doctors. Do not start a new medication without telling your doctor.  Where can I get more information?  Your pharmacist can provide more information about Parmol.
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友达打入德日美供应链 今年拼增30% 群创拓展大陆市场 成长上看40%。分享友达(2409)及群创冲刺的车用2015年有许多视听活动,比如赢康的“最合视”巡展,美国Infocomm2015等等,这些活动都给广大的视听尽管有所顾虑,但是压力触控的暗潮已经在终端厂商乃至上游供应链厂商中蠢蠢欲动。两岸的龙头触控企业不仅仅能提供压力触控,同时也在发力压力回馈。今年中小尺寸面板价格大跌,即使是高阶的LTPS面板价格也持续走跌。友达执行副总向富棋分析,LTPS面板价格下日江粉磁材(002600.SZ)发布了关于筹划重大资产重组的停牌公告,拟以发行股份及支付现金一周前,锤子科技发布了定价899元的“坚果手机”,也被业界称为小锤子。《手机报》获悉,这款手机搭载的5.5寸德国柏林IFA消费电子展即将拉开帷幕。作为全球三大电子展之一,IFA展会几乎覆盖全球所有的消费电子产品,对于日,“2015首届全球生物识别博览会”(GBRE2015)在深圳大中华交易广场隆重举行,在目前,全球只有为数不多的几家特种玻璃专业厂商能够生产质量可靠、厚度小于100微米的超薄玻璃,德国高科技集团肖“小米们”的成功,少不了的是一直隐藏在其背后的供应链玩家,而随着这批国产手机厂商征战海外市场,一些ODM厂商日天通股份(600330.SH)发布了本年度半年财报,显示本报告期内实现营业收入6.4亿元在近日台湾举办的“Touch Taiwan”上,华映展出众多可弯曲显示屏,华映科技技术总监梁建铮博士指出,华日晚九点,《手机报》将在南山科技园音乐大厦2楼举办科技盛会“Force Touch Party 富始他 趴”,针对压力触控技术的难点及瓶颈进行探讨;同时邀请压力触控技术产业链的上下游企业,破解产业困局,共同开创新的时代篇章。日本触控面板制造大厂郡是(GunzeLimited)公布上年度(2013年度;2013年4月-2014年3月摩根士丹利出具最新面板产业报告指出,尽管消费者支出缩减,但面板业目前正积极升级产品,在技术不断精进的情况下,日日本媒体读卖新闻报导,夏普考虑出售面板事业,计划将面板事业分拆出去、接受外部企业出资成为Force Touch 技术,可识别用户触摸时的压力,通过点和按来进行不同的操作,实现文本处理,表格处理,以及玩游戏时不同操作需求,能够带来一种更强大的工具或体验。Force Touch将再次颠覆人机交互方式,并快速“改写”触控产业格局。在2015 Touch Taiwan展上,友达再次成为了会场关注的焦点。友达董事长兼总经理彭双浪直言“今年会一直以来,OLED被视为未来显示技术的方向,但受困于生产良品率低及成本高等因素,导致出货量低,无法大规模应用亮点一:提供最全压力触控的供应链厂商
(压力触控屏、压力触控模组、压力软件方)翻翻今年上半年触摸屏、显示屏上市公司的财务报告就可以发现,随着全球智能手机竞争格局进入新一轮的调整期,曾经业8月26日晚间,长电科技(600584.SH)公告称,公司发行股份购买资产并募集配套资金暨关联交易事项今日获IHS DisplaySearch 25日发布报告表示,大陆经济发展缓慢,造成当地内销市场的增长仍不景气;此8月18日,欧菲光(002456.SZ)发布2015年半年报显示,报告期内公司实现营业收入86.85亿元,比智能手机增长放缓后,功能机市场的萎缩继续加剧,一些老的模组生产线订单逐渐减少或消失,整个市场低阶模组的库存压OGS在终端市场成为了一类特殊订单,一般装机过程中,都是先把OGS触摸屏先消化掉后,再组装其它产品,并且在售今天下午2点,360奇酷发布会暨"周鸿祎个人脱口秀"于北京召开,这次,周鸿祎终于圆了他的手机梦。在发布会现场8月26日,为期三天的第四届 Touch Taiwan 2015在台北拉开帷幕。作为一年一度的台湾触控行业焦纵览2015年的半年报成绩,触显类产品毛利率下滑的绝不仅仅只有超声显示一家。《手机报》整理了触控行业前几大上市公司的半年报,触显类产品毛利率均有不同程度的下滑,最高幅度达到16.9%。在人机交互相关的产业里面,除了按键、触控面板、指纹模组等方案外,在苹果的推动下,压力触控也加入了进来,给智能目前行业中的难点仍是信号处理的软件算法,如噪声处理、分辨率、线性编码、矢量动量计算、同步协处理等等。8月24日晚间,京东方发布2015半年度报告,报告显示,2015年上半年京东方实现大幅持续盈利,营业总收入达随着智能汽车风潮崛起,车内搭载触控功能的屏幕渐成主流。 群创光电深耕车用显示面板领域多年,展现亮眼成绩;除了日本《朝日新闻》日前披露,夏普为了自保,打算分割面板事业,全部卖给鸿海董事长郭台铭。但据了解,鸿海方面热情不供应链传来的消息称,F-TPK宸鸿(3673.TW)将大批量采购最新的液晶显示器模组LCM加工设备,厦门工厂平板终端产品越来越边缘化,针对平板的触摸屏市场缓慢萎缩,少量暑期和毕业季新订单有些增长。----------日,由《手机报》杂志举办的2015全球首届摄像头博览会&2015全球生物识别博览会”完美落尽管早在2011年就已经开发出OLED电视面板,但被业界公认为“下一代显示技术”的OLED在电视领域的发展并据台湾《电子时报》报道,知情人士称,夏普将成为12.9英寸iPad Pro显示屏的主要供应商,而三星显示则会根据《手机报》掌握的市场信息,深天马对外销售的产品主要为中小尺寸类显示模组类产品,这类产品的市场均价在2015年上半年的价格几乎腰斩一半。价格下降的主要原因正是各家企业在业绩压力下为争夺增速放缓的市场订单互相压价导致的结果。手机液晶芯片的现货市场继续保持平稳态势,高阶芯片的出货增长速度,与低阶芯片的萎缩速度出现微妙的相同数据。--2015全球首届摄像头博览会同期论坛流程—双摄像头、OIS、大光圈良率是否成瓶颈?“AA制程”或决定其成败?8月20日,由《手机报》主办的《2015手机产业高峰论坛系列——“指纹&虹膜”支付如何撬动生物识别万亿市场》日, “2015首届全球生物识别博览会”暨“2015年全球首届摄像头行业博览会”(GBRE8月21日,《手机报》主办2015首届全球生物识别博览会进入第二天。观众比展会首日更加充满热情,许多展台都人8月20日,由《手机报》举办的“2015年全球首届生物识别博览会”在深圳市大中华国际交易广场隆重举行,并同期终端厂商的库存持续打压触控芯片整体市场的出货量,IC支持能力的增强反而有利于那些主要服务小品牌终端厂商和售后深圳作为全球最大的电子元器件供应基地,一旦触控芯片厂商和马达供应商及时跟进技术开发和产品量产的工作,又将引发供应链和产业的巨震。LCDandTP《旭日显示与触摸》杂志是《旭日手机报》旗下关于触控行业的月刊杂志,其内容覆盖了整个触控产业链,包括触控IC、触摸屏、液晶屏、玻璃盖板、设备、辅料等。《旭日显示与触摸》是行业内杂志,精准投放给行业内每一位客户,每月发行量达到三万册。热门文章最新文章LCDandTP《旭日显示与触摸》杂志是《旭日手机报》旗下关于触控行业的月刊杂志,其内容覆盖了整个触控产业链,包括触控IC、触摸屏、液晶屏、玻璃盖板、设备、辅料等。《旭日显示与触摸》是行业内杂志,精准投放给行业内每一位客户,每月发行量达到三万册。}


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