
Patti Smith’s achingly beautiful new book, “M Train,” is a kaleidoscopic ballad about the losses dealt out by time and chance and circumstance. Losing her husband, the guitarist Fred (Sonic) Smith, to heart failure in 1994 at the age of 45. Losing her brother, Todd, a month later to a stroke. Losing her early New York friend and roommate, Robert Mapplethorpe, to AIDS in 1989. Her book is about moving from a time when her children were little and “the things I touched were living” (“my husband’s fingers, a dandelion, a skinned knee”) to a time when she increasingly began to capture and memorialize moments from her life in photos and words ― to create, as an artist, talismanic souvenirs of the past. Of which this book is one.
帕蒂?史密斯(Patti Smith)凄美动人的新书《M列车》(M Train)如同一曲千变万化的歌谣,吟唱随时间、际遇与环境所失去的一切。1994年,她的丈夫,吉他手弗莱德?“音速”?史密斯(Fred [Sonic] Smith)年仅45岁就死于心脏病。一个月后,她的兄弟托德(Todd)又死于中风。她早年在纽约的朋友与室友罗伯特?梅普尔索普(Robert Mapplethorpe)则在1989年死于艾滋病。这本书是关于她人生阶段的转变――曾几何时,她的孩子们年纪还小,“我所触碰的一切都还是活生生的”(“丈夫的手指、一朵蒲公英、削瘦的膝盖”);如今,她开始更多地捕捉和缅怀自己曾在照片和文字中记载的生活,以艺术家的身份,为旧日时光创作出护身符式的纪念品。这本书也是其中的一件。
Musician, poet and photographer, Ms. Smith, 68, is remarkably attuned to the sound and sorcery of words, and her prose here is both lyrical and radiantly pictorial. Like her famous black-and-white Polaroid photos (some of which are scattered throughout the book), the chapters of “M Train” are magic lantern slides, jumping, free-associatively, between the present and the past, and from subject to subject. She captures a passing mood (melancholia she can turn in her hand “as if it were a small planet,” impossibly blue) as deftly as she conjures her cat Cairo (“an Abyssinian runt with a coat the color of the pyramids”) or a childhood memory (“a skate key on a cherished lace from the shoe of a 12-year-old boy”) or a sad, post-Sandy Christmas in the Rockaways. (“Styrofoam snowmen and waterlogged sofas were draped in tinsel.”)
Whereas Ms. Smith’s haunting 2010 memoir, “Just Kids,” centered on her early years in New York in the late 1960s and ’70s and her friendship with Mr. Mapplethorpe, this volume is more peripatetic, chronicling her peregrinations around the world and into the recesses of her imagination, though always returning to her home base in Manhattan. Its unities are not of time and place, but the landscape of Ms. Smith’s own mind ― her dreams, her memories, her preoccupation with certain artists (Jean Genet, William S. Burroughs, Sylvia Plath), books (“The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle,” “After Nature,” “2666”) and television shows (“The Killing,” “Law & Order,” “CSI: Miami”).
2010年,史密斯那本令人难忘的回忆录《只是孩子》(Just Kids)主要是关于20世纪60年代末到70年代她在纽约度过的早年岁月,以及她与梅普尔索普的友情,而这本书更像是漫游,记录她周游世界的经历,以及在自己幻想中的休憩,不过到最后她总会回到曼哈顿的家中。它并未串联起时间与地点,而是连接起她心中的一处处风景:她的梦境、她的回忆,乃至她对某些东西的迷恋――诸如艺术家让?热内(Jean Genet)、威廉?S?巴勒斯(William S. Burroughs)、西尔维娅?普拉斯(Sylvia Plath);还有《奇鸟行状录》、《追随自然》(After Nature)、《2666》等书籍,以及《谋杀》(The Killing)、《法律与秩序》(Law & Order)、《犯罪现场调查:迈阿密》(CSI: Miami)等电视剧。
As in a poem or a song, leitmotifs occur again and again: a chair (her father’s, the novelist Roberto Bola ’s, an ornate white plastic one glimpsed in Tangier), a cafe (in Greenwich Village, in the Rockaways, in Berlin), the many, many cups of coffee consumed by the author at home and everywhere she traveled.
正如在诗歌或歌曲之中一样,在她的书里,某些主调也会一再重现,比如椅子(她父亲的椅子、小说家罗贝托?波拉尼奥[Roberto Bola 、她在丹吉尔瞥见的一把华丽的白色塑料椅子);咖啡屋(格林威治村的咖啡屋、罗卡韦的咖啡屋与柏林的咖啡屋),还有她在家里和到处旅行时用掉的无数咖啡杯。
Many of Ms. Smith’s trips are quixotic to say the least. She and Fred journeyed to St.-Laurent-du-Maroni, a small border town in northwest French Guiana so that she could visit the ruins of a French prison colony ― because Genet had once written about the place with reverence, and she wanted to retrieve some stones from the site and deliver them to him.
As a member of the Continental Drift Club ― an obscure society dedicated to Alfred Wegener, an explorer who pioneered the theory of continental drift ― she traveled to Reykjavik, Iceland, for a meeting, and stayed on to photograph the table used in the 1972 chess match between Bobby Fischer and Boris Spassky. A meeting was arranged with Mr. Fischer and after she stood up to one of his obscene tirades ― “I can be just as repellent as you, only about different subjects,” she recalls saying ― they end up spending several hours singing Buddy Holly songs and other tracks together, much to the surprise of his bodyguard.
她还是“大陆漂移俱乐部”的成员,这个鲜为人知的社团是为了向探险家与“大陆漂移学说之父”阿尔弗雷德?魏格纳(Alfred Wegener)致敬,她到冰岛的雷克雅未克参加社团会议,在那里拍下了鲍比?菲舍尔(Bobby Fischer)与鲍里斯?斯帕斯基(Boris Spassky)象棋比赛时用的桌子。后来她还在那儿同菲舍尔见了面,他对她发表了一番颇为淫秽的长篇大论,她也只能忍着――她记得自己当时说,“我可以像你一样令人讨厌,不过是以不同的话题”――后来他们一起唱巴迪?霍利(Buddy Holly)和其他人的歌,一连唱了好几个小时,他的保镖都惊呆了。
There is something faintly surreal or dreamlike about many of Ms. Smith’s adventures. She and Fred are taken into police custody during their trip to French Guiana, after officers pull over their hired driver ― who resembles an extra in the Jamaican film “The Harder They Come,” wearing “aviator sunglasses, cocked cap and a leopard-print shirt” ― and discover a man curled up in the trunk of his car. She takes Haruki Murakami’s “The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle” with her on a trip to Mexico City to give a speech about the painter Frida Kahlo and finds herself “looking forward to Mexican food, but the hotel menu was dominated by Japanese fare.”
史密斯的冒险故事中总有种淡淡的超现实气息或梦幻色彩。她和弗莱德去法属圭亚那时,警察拦下了他们雇来的司机,那家伙有点像牙买加犯罪电影《不速之客》(The Harder They Come)里的人,“戴着飞行员目镜、三角帽,穿着件豹纹衬衫”,警察发现他的车厢里还蜷着一个男人,于是把她和弗莱德也一并拘捕起来。她去墨西哥城做一次关于画家弗里达?卡洛(Frida Kahlo)的演讲时,随身戴着村上春树的《奇鸟行状录》,她“本来盼着能吃到墨西哥菜,却发现酒店菜单上全是日本料理。”
During her travels, Ms. Smith makes pilgrimages to the graves of writers she admires: Brecht, Plath, Rimbaud, Genet. The ghosts of such artists haunt these pages, as do the spirits of her beloved husband and brother. And a dark melody of loss threads its way through this volume. Her favorite coat ― lost. Her favorite Murakami book ― left in an airport bathroom. Her favorite camera ― left on a beach. Her favorite neighborhood cafe ― closed. Ms. Smith buys a tiny house near Rockaway Beach, Queens, and while it somehow survives Hurricane Sandy, she witnesses the myriad losses of her neighbors ― the boardwalk turned to splinters, a friend’s cafe gone, hundreds of homes burned to the ground or flooded.
If “Just Kids” was about starting out as an artist and setting forth in the world, “M Train” feels more like a look at the past through a rearview mirror. Ms. Smith writes of feeling “a longing for the way things were.” She writes about ghosts drawing us away from the present. She writes about singing “What a Wonderful World” for Fred at his memorial service and she writes about realizing that she is now older than Fred when he died ― and older than many of her departed friends.
如果说《只是孩子》是关于她作为艺术家的起点,以及她如何在这个世界上启程,《M列车》更像是通过后视镜对自己的过去做一次回望。史密斯写出了“对事物本来面目的怀念”;写出幽魂如何指引我们暂且离开当下的时光;她写到在弗莱德的追思会上为他唱起《多么美好的世界》(What a Wonderful World);写到她发现自己已经比弗莱德去世时年长、比自己所有英年早逝的朋友去世时都要年长时的心情。
“I’m going to remember everything,” she thinks, “and then I’m going to write it all down. An aria to a coat. A requiem for a cafe.” An eloquent ― and a deeply moving ― elegy for what she has “lost and cannot find” but can remember in words.
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