北京阜外医院院 十病区 具体在哪?阜外貌似有两个地方

ContentsTable of 2010概述 Overview 先心病 Congenital Disease 冠心病 Coronary Disease 瓣膜病 Valve Disease 主动脉外科 Aortic Surgery 杂交手术 Hybrid Approach to Cardiovascular Disease 心脏移植 Heart Transplantation 技术协作 Technical Collaboration Program 交流 Communication 科研创新 Innovations 新知识 New Knowledge 专家简介 Specialists 国家心血管病中心简介 Brief on NCCD,China2 5 8 10 12 13 14 15 16 20 22 27 29Similar to previous version, 'OUTCOMES 2010' systematically summarized the achievements made in the past year by Fu Wai Surgical team. The e ort and contribution of each colleague in this team deserves our heartfelt encouragement and praise. It is an inspiration to the whole team by having revealed these successful cases and satisfactory results in the annual report. Also, we wish to express our sincere appreciation of the patients' rm trust and our peers' kind support. The year of 2010 was remarkable to each one in Fu Wai Hospital that National Center for Cardiovascular Disease (NCCD) was officially established, and Fu Wai Hospital has been selected as the clinic department of NCCD. Given the serious increasing incidence of cardiovascular disease in China, the creation of NCCD stands for a milestone as our government has decided to gradually divert its focus in combating the disease from the sole treatment through surgery or medication to more preventative measures like cultivating healthy life styles. Nevertheless, it is a new challenge to the whole Fu Wai Surgical team that we should carry out more research on this new task and strive for more successes in this new eld. Innovation and Quality — always at Fu Wai HospitalShengshou Hu, MD, FACC President of Fu Wai Hospital Director of Cardiovascular Institute胡盛寿 教授阜外心血管病医院院长 心血管病研究所所长一如既往的,《阜外医院外科年度报告2010》系统回顾了“阜外医院外科团队” 过去一年的工作。使我们团队的每一名员工都能看到自己辛勤付出的收获;从我 们优良的治疗效果和患者满意的康复中得到鼓励,并以此作为鞭策自己继续前进 的动力,是这份报告希望达到的一个目的。我们也希望通过年报所显露的高质量 的工作,来感谢那些一直信赖我们的患者,感谢那些一直支持我们的同行。 2010年,对阜外医院的每一名成员而言都是不同寻常的一年。国家心血管病中心 (NCCD)在这一年正式建立了,阜外医院成为这一国家级中心的临床医疗部。 NCCD的建立意味着在面对中国目前心血管病流行趋势日益严峻形势下,我国政 府将把对抗心血管病的重心从临床疾病的手术、药物治疗,逐渐转向以预防为主 的生活方式的干预。这也就意味着每一位阜外医院的成员都必须去面对未来新增 加的任务和挑战,以争取在新的征程中创造更好的业绩。 “创新与品质”,是我们阜外团队永恒的追求!2010 OUTCOMES1 概 述Overview年手术量及手术死亡率In 2010 the surgical volume in Cardiovascular Surgery Department reached 9,384 in Beijing headquarters. This is a new milestone for Fu Wai Hospital, which positioned us one of the top cardiovascular surgical centers world-wide. Operative mortality has been controlled at a low level for many years as opposed to the rising surgical volume mentioned. In 2010, operative mortality for all cardiovascular surgical procedures was down to 0.73%. 阜外医院心血管外科2010年的手术量达到9384例(不含分院及协作点的手术量),居世界前 茅。在手术量逐年增长的同时,一直保持了较低的手术死亡率。2010年手术死亡率仅为0.73%。10,000 9,000 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 01 07
2,689 3,522 3,510 3,670 4,283 4,774 5,805 5,873 6,628 7,078 7,606 Operations Mortalities 9,384 8,800 10% 9% 8% 7% 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% 0% 10% 9% 8% 7% 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% 0% 01 07 2009 &=1 &1&&=10 &10&&=40 &40&&=60 &60年龄分组死亡率Our department treated an increasing number of infants and elderly patients in recent years. Advanced or junior age is known as risk factors that can seriously a ect cardiac surgical outcome. 阜外医院心血管外科近年来收治的患者呈现出低龄和高龄患者持续增长,而中间年龄段患者 逐渐减少的趋势,这是导致手术死亡率增高的危险因素。Patients coming to Fu Wai Hospital for their cardiovascular surgery were from 31 provinces in main-land China, Hong Kong, Macao and 4 foreign countries, Mongolia, America, North and South Korea. 病人来自全国31个省市自 治区,以及香港、澳门地 区。还有蒙古、朝鲜、韩 国、和美国的患者前来就 诊。Surgical Volume and Operative MortalitiesMortalities of Age Groups (by the year)病种分类Fu Wai Hospital accumulated the biggest number of experiences in treating a vast variety of cardiac diseases surgically in China. The figure demonstrated the etiological distribution of cardiac surgery from 1997 to 2009 in our department. Congenital Heart Disease always ranked the rst, while Coronary Heart Disease increased obviously. 阜外医院心血管外科是全国收治心血管疾病种类最齐全的中心。这张手术患者病因学分类逐 年变化图基本反映出中国大陆的心脏病外科治疗谱。Congeital 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 01 07 2009 Coronary Rheumatic Aorta Degenerative Neoplasm Infective Misc 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 01 07 2009术后住院时间The department of cardiovascular surgery achieved a reduction in post-operative stay, based on the progress of surgical experiences and nursing qualities. 术后住院时间的缩短反映出医疗与护理质量的进步。Etiology Composition (by the year)Average Post-Op Hospital Stay22010 OUTCOMES2010 OUTCOMES3 红细胞及血浆用量Compared to the surgical volume growth, the consumption of Red Cell and FFP noticeably decreased in recent years, which re ected our improvement on quality of health care and service. 在手术量持续增长的同时,使用红细胞和血浆的总量却在明显减少,这明确反映了医疗质 量的提高。10,000 9,000 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0
Consumption of Red Cell and FFP(comparing with the surgical volume)先天性心脏病Congenital DiseaseOperations 8,800 7,6069,384Red Cell & FFP
Operation Red Cell(U) FFP(bag) 先天性心脏病手术量及死亡率Congenital heart defect is the most common anomaly of the neonates in main-land China. There are 100,000 to 150,000 newborns with congenital heart defects every year in the nation. Congenital heart defect correction remains the largest number of cardiac procedures at Fu Wai Hospital. 先天性心脏病是中国大陆新生儿最常见的先天性缺陷,全国每年约出生10-15万先天性心脏病 患儿。先天性心脏病矫治术的数量一直居阜外医院心血管外科各类手术的首位。ECMO辅助At Fu Wai Hospital, ECMO has been regularly used for patients with acute cardiogenic shock, and got excellent results. 在阜外医院,ECMO辅助治疗已经成为救治急性心源性休克患者的常规手段,并取得良好疗效。survival 38 48 58 71 42 7 29 9 18
71 29 33 death 29 Operations 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0
03 09 1,586 1,581 1,999 1,864 1,883 2,033 2,179 2,857 2,843 3,230 3,430 3,636 3,927 Mortalities 3,920 8% 7% 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% 0%Congenital Surgery — Amounts and Mortalities2005 Cases 25ECMO in Fuwai Hospital先天性心脏病手术患者的年龄分布Adult congenital heart defect correction still accounted for a big proportion of the total congenital heart procedures, which was Chinese-speci c compared with western countries. 成人先天性心脏病矫治仍占据着治疗中较大的比率,这是颇具中国特色的。ECMO示意图&=1 100% 80% 60% 40%&1& &=3&3 &&=18&18ECMO辅助20% 0% 01 07 2009Congenital Patients Age Groups (by the Year)42010 OUTCOMES2010 OUTCOMES5 复杂先心病矫治In Fu Wai Hospital, the volume of patients with complex congenital heart disease (complexity superior to that of Tetralogy of Fallot) has increased obviously in recent years. Simultaneously, the result of surgical correction for these patients improved greatly.体重小于5公斤的先心手术患者比率Light body-weight is a risk factor that can seriously aff however the number of pediatric patients with light body-weight tends to increase obviously in the future. 低体重是影响手术的一个危险因素,但这部分患儿的明显增加是将来的趋势。近年来阜外医院收治的复杂先心病患者(心脏畸形改变复杂程度超过法洛四联症)数量明显 增加,手术效果也明显改善。Case 600 550 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 21.1% 15.5% 425 13.9% 12.4% 9.1% 173 109 9 170 210 371 218 315 11.9% 11.9% 281 10.7% 168 9.5% 4.9% 6.8% 5.3% 3.1%
Mortality 541 24% 22% 20% 18% 16% 14% 12% 10% 8% 6% 4% 2.2% 2% 0%5% 4% 3% 2% 1% 0% 01 07 200905 2007 Complex Congenital Procedures and MortalitiesComplex: Complexity Superior to that of Tetralogy of FallotPercentage of Patients BW&= 5 Kg in CongenitalFu Wai Hospital has modified Nikaidoh procedure for surgical treatment of complete TGA complic ate d w i t h p u l m o n a r y stenosis, and initiated the concept of 'Double Root Translocation'(DRT) procedure. In recent 2 years, DRT procedure was successfully used for correction of Double-outlet right ventricle (DORV) accompanying non-committed ventricular septal defect (remote VSD). 阜外医院通过改良Nikaidoh 手术,首先提出了“根部 双调转”(DRT)术式治疗 完全大动脉转位合并肺动 脉狭窄,使复杂大动脉转 位外科治疗更进一步。近 两年来,阜外医院又运用 DRT手术成功地为室间隔缺 损远离两大动脉的右室双 出口患者进行解剖矫治。动脉调转类手术Jatene procedure has been regularly performed for patients with Transposition of the Great Arteries in Fu Wai hospital. In addition, modi ed Nikaidoh procedure, modi ed REV procedure with the preservation of native pulmonary valve and 'Double Root Translocation' (DRT) procedure were perfectly performed for treatment of complete TGA with ventricular septal defect and pulmonary stenosis. For corrected TGA, Double Switch procedure was successfully accomplished for patients' anatomical correction. 阜外医院已将高难度的Jatene手术常规运用于完全性大动脉转位的治疗;并成功采用改良 nikaidoh手术、改良REV术式及“根部双调转”(DRT)术式治疗完全大动脉转位合并肺动 脉狭窄、室间隔缺损的复杂病例。双调转术也被成熟运用于矫正型大动脉转位患者的解剖 矫治。Operations 120 100 8075.00%法洛四联症In main-land China, Tetralogy of Fallot lies on the front of cyanotic congenital heart diseases. The department of cardiovascular surgery of Fu Wai Hospital has broad experiences on surgical correction of Tetralogy of Fallot, with excellent outcome in the world. 法洛四联症是中国大陆居紫绀类先天性心脏病首位的疾病。阜外医院心血管外科在根治法洛 四联症方面积累了丰富的经验,并取得了居国际先进水平的治疗结果。Case 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 MortalityMortalities 106100.00% 75.00%20% 18% 447 448 431 16% 389 14% 340 332 12% 277 270 264 10% 235 213 204 8% 195 6.9% 177 6% 4.7% 4% 2.7% 3.4% 3.6% 2.4% 2.4% 2.1% 2.1% 1.3% 2% 3.3% 2.6% 0.9% 1.7% 0% 01 07 2009111120% 100% 80% 60% 40%74 5550.00%818460 40 20 0 4
19 913.89%14 200120.00% 4.05%20%7.41% 8.33% 4.27%14.29% 15.79% 11.11%Tetralogy of Fallot( Jatene, REV, Nikaidoh, DRT and Double Switch) Switch Operations200720092.70% 0%62010 OUTCOMES2010 OUTCOMES7 冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病Coronary Disease冠状动脉旁路移植术手术量及死亡率In 1974, Fu Wai Hospital performed the first case of CABG in main-land China. The surgical volume of CABG increased rapidly with the climbing morbidity of coronary heart disease. In
patients received CABG operation in Fu Wai Hospital. In contrast to the rising surgical volume, the mortality of isolated CABG has remained stable six years in succession lower than 1%. 1974年阜外医院心血管外科实施了中国大陆首例冠状动脉旁路移植术(冠脉搭桥术)。伴随 着冠心病在中国大陆发病率的节节攀升,阜外医院冠状动脉移植术的数量也在迅猛增长,治 疗效果也已达到国际先进水平。2010年为2705例患者实施了冠状动脉旁路移植术,其中单纯 冠状动脉旁路移植术2122例。单纯冠状动脉旁路移植术的死亡率已连续6年低于1%。Operations 2,400 2,000 1,600 1,200 800 400 0348 362 524 971 626 708 1,193 1,258 1,300 1,506 1,527 1,629 1,790 2,122心脏跳动下的冠状动脉旁路移植术 (O?-pump CABG)In main-land China, beating heart bypass surgery (O -pump CABG) was rstly performed at Fu Wai Hospital in 1996. Our department has broad surgical experience in o -pump CABG with low hospital mortality. 阜外医院心血管外科于1996年在中国大陆最早开展心脏跳动下的冠状动脉旁路移植术,在 这一领域内积累了丰富的临床试验。70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 01 07 2009Mortalities 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% 05 %19971999Isolated CABG — Amounts and MortalitiesCABG示意图动脉旁路血管的运用Arterial grafts, especially internal thoracic artery (ITA) grafts, are known for their excellent longterm patency and therefore are the conduits of choice for coronary revascularization. Extensive experience with arterial grafts used as conduits in CABG procedures bene ts patients and can ensure better outcomes. 动脉旁路血管有利于保持桥血管远期通畅率,尤其是内乳动脉,效果更为明显。阜外医院心 血管外科一直注重采用动脉旁路血管进行血运重建,以确保患者能获得良好的治疗效果。VG Alone VG+1IMA VG+2IMAs 1IMA+RA Others AG AloneO -pump CABGA retrospective review of prospectively collected data was conducted of 6,665 consecutive patients undergoing isolated CABG at Fu Wai Hospital during . All patients were followed up until 30th Sep 2008. Compared with On-pump CABG, O -pump CABG is associated with small short-term gain but increased long-term risk of repeated revascularization and major vascular events, especially among high risk patients. Moreover, O -pump CABG is more resource consuming and less cost e ective in the long run. --- ‘Circulation 2010 Apr 27;121(16):1800-8.’100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 20012003200520072009Arterial Grafts阜外医院研究组对年间在院内接受单纯CABG治疗的6665例患者进行随访研 究(全部随访至2008年9月),比较常温不停跳和体外循环辅助两种CABG手术方式的 近、远期结果。发现尽管采用常温不停跳的手术方式对患者术后早期恢复有一定的优 势,但会增加远期再次再血管化治疗和发生主要血管事件的风险,尤其是对那些术前 具备高风险因素的病人。长远评估疗效花费比,常温不停跳CABG的也要差于体外循 环辅助下CABG。82010 OUTCOMES2010 OUTCOMES9 瓣膜性心脏病Valve Disease心脏瓣膜手术种类构成的逐年变化图 心脏瓣膜手术量Fu Wai Hospital performed the largest number of valve procedures in China. In
patients received valvular operation in Fu Wai Hospital. 阜外医院心血管外科是中国最大的瓣膜手术中心,2010年完成心脏瓣膜手术3035例。100% 3,200 2,400 1,600 800 0 938 1,062 1,065 1,113 770 1,295 1,841 1,864 1,473 2,104 2,540 2,710 3,035 2,326 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 99 05 99 05
M&AVR MVR MVP AVR AVP TVR TVPFrom 1997 to 2010, the proportion of mitral valve replacement always occupied a major share of the total valve procedures. 从1997年至2010年,二尖瓣置换术一直占据首位。Composition of All Valve Procedures (by the Year)Operations Involving Valvular ProceduresTissue 15.58%心脏瓣膜手术患者病种构成的逐年变化图From 1997 to 2010, rheumatic valve disease occupied a major share of valve diseases at Fu Wai Hospital, while the ratio of such disease declined year by year. 从1997年至2010年,阜外医院心血管外科收治的心脏瓣膜患者均以风湿性心脏瓣膜病变 居首,但所占比重却在逐渐下降。Rheumatic Congenital Aortic Aneu Degenerative Ischemic Misc Infective人工瓣膜的种类In 2010, mechanical valve replacement accounted for 84.2% of total valve replacement. 2010年人工机械瓣的使用占到瓣膜替换的 84.2%。Homo/Auto 0.20%Mechanical 84.21%Composition of Valve Prostheses100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0%不同年龄患者所用人工瓣膜种类Although mechanical valve replacement occupied the major share of total valve replacement, more young patients prefered to select Auto/Homo valves, while more elder patients prefered tissue valves. 低龄患者采用ROSS手术或同种瓣比率较大,高龄患者使用生物瓣比率较高。1997199920012003200520072009The Etiology Distribution of All Valvular ProceduresTVP 15.67% M&AVR 19.25% TVR 0.53% AVP 1.51%Mech 100% 80% 60% 40%TissHomo/Auto心脏瓣膜手术分类Valve replacement was still the major type of valve procedure. 心脏瓣膜置换术仍是主要的手术治疗类型。AVR 20.46%MVR 31.71% MVP 10.87%20% 0%&1010-1920-2930-3940-4950-5960-69&70二尖瓣环成形术Composition of All Valve Procedures in 2010Valve prostheses and ages. Percentage102010 OUTCOMES2010 OUTCOMES11 杂交手术 主动脉外科Aortic Surgery主动脉外科手术量The department of cardiovascular surgery of Fu Wai Hospital has been taken as the No.1 choice for patients with aortic aneurysms and dissection in China. In 2010, the surgical volume of aortic open-surgery was 461 cases, and endovascular repair were successfully performed for 150 patients. 阜外医院心血管外科在主动脉瘤和主动脉夹层这一治疗领域内居国内领先。2010年完成主 动脉直视手术461例,实施腔内覆膜支架血管修复术150例。500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 01 92 98 97 96 26 45 45 156 181 207 214 231 150 63 64 80
280 345 Aortic Surgical Operation Intra-Luminal Aortic Stent 461 370 364Hybrid Approach to Heart DiseaseHybrid Procedure-Combining Catheter Intervention and Surgical Operation-is a new concept in treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Fu Wai Hospital has made pioneer achievement in this area. 运用杂交技术治疗心血管疾病,是近年来新出现的治疗概念。杂交技术同时结合了介入和外科治 疗的优势,为患者提供简便有效的治疗。阜外医院外科在这一新兴领域内进行了开拓性的工作。140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 17 0 3
48 74 56 57 41 135 Aortic Coranary CongenitalHybrid Procedures — Combined Catheter Intervention and Surgical OperationStent elephant trunk procedure not calculated in Intra-lumonal aortic stent Volume of Aortic Surgery2009主动脉弓部杂交手术示意图One-stop hybrid approach can be used in treating multivessel coronary heart disease with left main branch involved. It also can be used for the management of neonates with pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum and of Fallot's tetralogy with major aorto-pulmonary collateral arteries. For patients who su ered from atrial septum defect complicated by partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection or ventricular septum defect combined with coarctation of aorta, Hybrid approach can make the one-stage correction for their defects simpler and safer. In addition, for type A or B aortic dissection, and aortic pseudoaneurysm with aortic arch involved, 'One-stop hybrid approach' , such as carotid arterial-bypasssupported endovascular aneurysm repair of the aortic arch lesions, has shown promising results as a less invasive alternative to conventional open-surgery. 运用“一站式”杂交手术治疗的疾病有:冠心病左主干合并多支血管病变;新生儿室间隔完 整的肺动脉闭锁或重度肺动脉瓣狭窄;法乐氏四联症合并粗大的体肺侧支血管;房间隔缺损 合并部分肺静脉异位引流;以及室间隔缺损合并主动脉缩窄的一期矫治等。另外,对于A型 主动脉夹层、B型主动脉夹层以及主动脉假性动脉瘤累及到主动脉弓部的复杂病变,阜外 医院通过采用“一站式”杂交手术治疗,有效降低了手术损伤,为不能耐受传统手术的高 危病人提供了新的治疗选择。主动脉夹层示意图主动脉外科手术构成图The figure demonstrated the composition of aortic surgery from 1997 to 2010 in Fu Wai Hospital. The treatment for aortic root, ascending aorta and aortic arch occupied the major position. 这张图显示了阜外医院年间主动脉 外科手术的构成情况。主动脉根部、升主动 脉及主动脉弓病变的处理占主要份额。Arch Incld 30.0% Root &/ or aAo 48.6%Thorac dAo 9.4% Thorac+Abdmn 3.7% Abdmn Ao 3.9% Entire Ao 1.2% Misc 3.3%Composition of Aortic Surgery 122010 OUTCOMES2010 OUTCOMES13 心脏移植技术协作Heart Transplantation心脏移植数量Since June cases of Heart Transplantation have been performed at Fu Wai Hospital, among which 60 were done in 2010. All patients got strict follow-up, with the mean followup time of 2.5 years (the longest was 6.6 years). The one-year's survival rate was 95 %, and the ve-year's survival rate reached 87%. 自2004年6月开始,在院内完成心脏移植234例。其中2010年实施心脏移植60例。对全部 234例患者进行严格随访,平均随访2.5年,最长随访6.6年,随访率100%。结果发现我院 移植后患者1年生存率达95%,3年生存率91%, 5年生存率87%;明显高于国际心肺移植协 会统计的同期生存率。Technical Collaboration ProgramFu Wai Hospital has carried out technique collaboration program with many hospitals all over the country. With the technique support of Fu Wai Surgical Team, their surgical treatment results for cardiovascular diseases improved rapidly. Because of the technique collaboration program, many patients can get outstanding surgical care close to their home. From 2009 to 2010, 22 hospitals took part in this program. In
cases of cardiovascular surgery were successfully performed in these hospitals with the support of Fu Wai Surgical Team. 阜外医院与全国多家医院开展了技术协作。阜外外科团队在协作医院开展技术支持,大力 推进全国心血管外科技术进步。同时使大量患者在当地就能方便接受到阜外医院的优质医 疗服务。年间,阜外医院新增协作医院22个。2010年,阜外外科团队在各协 作医院成功完成各类心血管外科手术2065例。60 45 30 15 9 0 08 33 26 32 38 36602010Heart Transplantation心脏移植生存率图100 90 Survival(%) 80 70 60 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 Years after operation 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Congenital 240 200 160 120 80 61 40 0 9 08
161 168 212 Valvuar CABG Misc 785 666新增技术协作中心分布图新增技术协作中心2010年手术量 新增技术协作中心 年手术量Heart transplantation survival at Fu Wai Hospital454心脏移植后心肌活检160Cardiovascular surgeries performed in technique collaboration program in 2010心脏移植示意图Post-transplantation Myocardial Biopsy142010 OUTCOMES2010 OUTCOMES15 交流CommunicationThe Third Complex Congenital Heart Disease Forum and Surgical Training Program on Management of Double Outlet of Right Ventricle 右心室双出口的外科治疗研习班On April 1-3, 2010, The Third Complex Congenital Heart Disease Forum and Surgical Training Program on Management of Double Outlet of Right Ventricle was successfully held in Fu Wai Hospital. More than 200 surgeons and anesthetists from all over the country took part in the conference. In addition, several live shows of surgical treatment for challenging cases were presented during the conference. The long-term results of traditional surgical treatment of double outlet right ventricle with non-committed VSD, associated with pulmonary stenosis, were unsatisfactory. The team of Fu Wai Hospital, got a satisfactory midterm results of those anomalies by using Double-Root Translocation (DRT) technique. The DRT technique is thought as an innovative breakthrough by refrain many disadvantage of traditional Rastelli procedure. On August 12-15, 2010, the China Heart Congress & International Heart Forum Beijing 2010 was held successfully, with the theme of 'Innovation·Translation·Health' , hosted by Fu Wai Hospital. The Health Minister, Chenzhu, attended the opening ceremony and announced the creation of National Center for Cardiovascular Disease. The congress is the largest and the most comprehensive conference in China in featuring the latest developments in all areas of cardiovascular diseases, including basic, clinical, and preventive elds. About 6,000 people attended this conference, including experts from mainland china, Hong Kong, Tai Wan, and world-wide famous cardiovascular specialists from 15 countries. Distinguished surgeons presented their original scientific works and debated the hottest topics and controversies on day to day clinic practice on branch forum of Cardiac Surgery, especially for the advancement in minimally invasive surgery, comparison between open surgery and endo-vascular repair for aortic disease. Plenary discussions were also performed for left ventricular retraining of TGA. -15日,由阜外医院组织的“中国心脏病大会暨北京国际心血管病论坛2010” 成功举办。大会的主题是“创新?转化?促健康”。卫生部部长陈竺出席大会开幕式,并宣 布了国家心血管病中心的成立。 “中国心脏病大会”是我国心血管病领域最具综合性的大会,内容涵盖心血管病预防、基 础研究和临床等各个领域。来自15个国家的知名心脏病学专家,以及来自包括香港、台湾 地区的国内专家学者共6000余人参加了这次学术盛会。 心血管外科专家们在外科分论坛上全面展示了他们在治疗先天性心脏、冠心病、瓣膜及主 动脉疾病方面的原创性工作,并共同讨论了目前心血管外科所面临的挑战。尤其是在微创 外科进展、主动脉外科开放式手术治疗与腔内介入治疗的比较,以及在超龄大动脉转位患 者左室训练等热点问题上进行了深入的探讨。 -3日,“复杂先天性心脏病外科治疗研讨会暨培训班第三期:右心室双出口的外 科治疗研习班”在阜外医院成功举办。来自全国各地的200多名医师参加了会议。沿袭以 往研习班的特色,会议安排了典型病例手术演示。 右室双出口合并肺动脉狭窄及远离型室间隔缺损的治疗以往中远期效果不够理想,阜外团 队采用根部双调转术(DRT)治疗这种畸形取得了优良的中期结果,避免了传统的Rastelli 术式的诸多缺陷,在手术技术方面取得了革命性的突破。China Heart Congress & IHF Beijing 2010 中国心脏大会暨北京国际心血管病论坛2010NormalDORV162010 OUTCOMES2010 OUTCOMES17 Reconstructive Heart Valve Surgery Forum 心脏瓣膜外科重建手术论坛The Reconstructive Heart Valve Surgery Forum was successfully held on September 24-25, 2010, at conference hall of Fu Wai Hospital. Both domestic and international experts on heart valve surgery attended the meeting. The Forum invited Professor Alain F. Carpentier, the world-famous surgeon known as 'the father of modern heart valve repair surgery' , to make an excellent presentation on the stateof-art development of reconstructive treatment for heart valve. This was his second visit of China and Fu Wai Hospital after a gap of 10 years. The guest lecturers also included Dr. Kevin Accola, the cardiac surgeon from Florida hospital in USA, and Dr. Alain Berrebi from Georgia Pompidou European Hospital in France. In addition, Professor Alain F. Carpentier made a live show of surgical treatment for challenging cases during the conference. 由阜外心血管病医院主办,中华医学会胸心血管外科学分会、北京医学会心血管外科专业 委员会和爱德华(上海)医疗用品有限公司协办的“心脏瓣膜外科重建手术论坛”于2010 年9月24-25日在阜外心血管病医院成功举行。 论坛特别邀请来自法国,具有“瓣膜修复之父”美誉的Alain F Carpentier 医师就“瓣膜成 形修复治疗术”作了极其精彩的演讲。这是 Carpentier 医师在时隔10年之后,再次访问中 国和阜外医院。来自美国的Kevin Accola医师和来自法国的 Alain Berrebi医师也就瓣膜重建 术作了学术发言。 论坛还专门安排 Carpentier 医师就经典病例进行手术演示,使来自各地的参会者受益匪浅。The Fu Wai Conference on Aortic Surgery 2010 第二届阜外主动脉外科国际研讨会In order to share and exchange experience on aortic disease treatment, on December 4-5, 2010, more than 400 surgeons and anesthetists from 105 medical centers took part in 'The Fu Wai Conference on Aortic Surgery 2010' . Distinguished specialists presented their thorough considerations about the treatment for type A and type B aortic dissection, ascending and aortic arch disease, thoracic-abdominal aortic aneurysm and aortic root aneurysm. Plenary discussions were performed on 'one-stop hybrid approach' for repairing of the aortic arch lesions, time and strategy selection for treatment of type A aortic dissection, EAVAR treatment for complex abdominal aneurysm and rescue therapeutic intervention for rupture of abdominal aneurysm and surgical re-intervention for complications after aortic surgery. ~5日,“第二届阜外国际主动脉病变治疗研讨会”在北京顺利举行。来自 一百多家医疗中心的400多位外科专家、麻醉医师参加了会议。 与会专家就升主动脉及近端主动脉弓部病变腔内支架治疗的时代是否真的到来、“一站 式”杂交手术治疗累及主动脉弓部复杂病变技术、主动脉A型夹层手术治疗的时机与策略 选择、复杂腹主动脉瘤EAVAR手术、腹主动脉瘤破裂抢救性介入治疗、大血管手术中的血 液保护技术以及主动脉病变治疗后并发症的再次外科干预等重要问题进行了论深入而广泛 的交流和探讨。182010 OUTCOMES2010 OUTCOMES19 科研创新New Research■ Supported by the Major State Basic Research Development Program of China “973&项目 Basic Research on causes, development and intervention of congenital heart diseases 先天性心脏病形成、发展和干预的基础研究 ■ Supported by the National Key Technology Research and Development Program “十一五”国家科技支撑计划资助项目 Research on Key Technology of Heart and Lung Transplantation 心肺移植关键技术研究 ■ Supported by the R&D Special Fund for Health Professional 卫生行业科研专项项目 Clinical research on application of thoracoscopic and hybrid techniques in Cardiovascular Disease 胸腔镜技术和复合技术在心血管疾病中的应用研究 ■ Supported by Science Foundation of Ministry of Education of China 教育部创新团队 Comprehensive Surgical Treatment for Patients in Advanced Stage of Heart Failure 心力衰竭晚期外科综合治疗的研究 ■ Supported by National Nature Science Foundation of China 国家自然科学基金资助项目 Experiment study on treatment for acute lung injury caused by Cardiopulmonary Bypass with pumpless interventional lung assist system inserted into pulmonary artery-left atrial and embedded with continuous hemo ltration. 持续血滤嵌入式肺动脉-左房无泵肺辅助治疗体外循环术后急性肺损伤的实验 研究 The study on attenuating myocardial ischemia–reperfusion injury after ischemic post-conditioning by Sevo urane. 七氟烷缺血处理对心肌缺血再灌注损伤保护的策略优化和机理研究 The Research on intracardiac survival and extracardiac redistribution of transplanted cell managed by low-energy laser. 低能激光处理对移植后细胞心内存活和心外再分布影响的研究Experiment study on improvement of cardiac nerve remodeling after myocardial infarction by Pedicled Omentum Wrapped procedure. 大网膜包裹术改善心肌梗死后心脏神经重塑的实验研究 The Research on the pathomechanism of reduction of extracellular matrix (ECM) production in the wall of ascending aortic aneurysm. 升主动脉瘤壁细胞外基质(ECM)生成减少及其病理机制的研究 ■ Supported by Research Foundation of Capital Medical Development 首都医学发展基金资助项目 A study on establishing network system for medical care service in Beijing for the neonate and the infant with congenital heart disease. 北京地区新生儿及小婴儿先天性心脏病救治网络的建设 The clinic research on treatment of ischemic cardiomyopathy by transplantation of revascularized autologous atrial tissue patch. 再血管化自体心房肌组织移植治疗缺血性心肌病临床研究 The clinic study on improving operation outcome of aortic valve plasty by promoting standardized multimodality therapy. 采取规范化的综合措施提高主动脉瓣成形手术疗效的临床研究 ■ Supported by Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China 高校博士点科研基金 The preliminary research on hematological dynamic change in the early stage during extracorporeal membrane oxygenation support by blood visco elasticity monitoring. 血液粘弹性监测体外膜肺氧合支持期间血液学早期动态变化的初步研究202010 OUTCOMES2010 OUTCOMES21 新知识New Knowledge英文期刊■ Hu S, Zheng Z, Yuan X, Wang W, Song Y, Sun H, Xu J. Increasing long-term major vascularevents and resource consumption in patients receiving o -pump coronary artery bypass: a single-center prospective observational study. Circulation. 2010 Apr 27;121(16):1800-8.■ Li SJ, Zhang H, Sheng XD, Yan J, Deng XC, Chen WD, Hu SS. Intraoperative Hybrid CardiacSurgery for Neonates and Young Children with Congenital Heart Disease:5Years of Experience. Ann Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. ):406-9.■ Ji B, Wang H, Miao N, Xing J, Liu W, Liu R, Long C. Clinical evaluation of ve commerciallyavailable adult oxygenators in terms of pressure drop during normothermic and hypothermic cardiopulmonary bypass. Int J Artif Organs. ):310-6.■ Wang R, Ma WG, Tian LX, Sun LZ, Chang Q. Valve-Sparing Operationg for Aortic RootAneurysm in Patients with Marfan Syndrome The Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon -80■ Zhang H, Yuan X, Jin PF, Hou JF, Wang W, Wei YJ, Hu S. Alteration of parasympathetic/sympathetic ration in infracted myocardium after Schwann cell transplantationnmodi ed belectrophysiological function of heart: a novel antiarrhythmic therapy. Circulation,
(11 suppl): S193-200.■ Huang JB, Liu YL, Sun PW, Lv XD, Du M, Fan XM. Molecular mechanisms of congenitalheart disease. Cardiovasc Pathol. 2010 Sep-O19(5):e183-93. Epub 2009 Sep 10■ Wang R, Sun LZ, Hu XP, Ma WG, Chang Q, Zhu JM, Liu YM, Yu CT. Treatment of complexcoarctation and coarction with cardiac lesions using extra-anatomic aortic bypass J Vasc Surg 3-208More than 92 ar ticles were published in peerreviewed journal in 2010, including 35 articles published in English. 2010年阜外医院外科 系统发表专业论著90余 篇,在心血管外科的临 床与研究领域内进行着 新知识的传播与交流。■ Gao G, Zheng Z, Pi Y, Lu B, Lu J, Hu S. Aspirin plus clopidogrel therapy increases earlyvenous graft patency after coronary artery bypass surgery a single-center, randomized, controlled trial. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2010 Nov 9;56(20):1639-43.■ Zhang Y, M Guzinski EI EgerⅡ MJ Laster, M Sharma, RA Harris, HC Hemmings Jr.Bidirectional modulation of iso urane potency by intrathecal tetrodotoxin and veratridine in rats British Journal of Pharmacology : 872-878■ Ji B, Long C, Zhu J, Liu Y, Sun L. Bene t of using total arch replacement combined withstented elephant trunk implantation during arch reconstruction. Surg. ):488-9; author reply 489-90. J Thorac Cardiovasc■ Yao YT, Fang NX, Shi CX, LiLH. Sevo urane postconditioning protects isolated rat heartsagainst ischemia-reperfusion injury Chinese Medical Journal ): ■ Zhou Q, Zhou JY, Zheng Z, Zhang H, Hu SS. A novel vascularized patch enhances cellsurvival and modi es ventricular remodeling in a rat myocardial infarction model. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. ):-3.■ Zhang H, Chen H, Wang W, Wei Y, Hu S. Cell survival and redistribution aftertransplantation into damaged myocardium J. Cell. Mol. Med. ): ■ Fan H, Zheng Z, Feng W, Zhang Y, Jin L, Li P, Hu S. Apical conicity ratio: a new index onleft ventricular apical geometry after myocardial infarction. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. ):-3.■ Zhang H, Hou JF, Shen Y, Wan Wei YJ, Hu S. Low level laser irradiation precondition tocreate friendly milieu of infracted myocardium and enhance early survival of transplanted bone marrow cells. J. Cell. Mol. Med. ): ■ Wang X, Zheng Z, Ao H, Zhang S, Wang Y, Zhang H, Hu S. E ects of aprotinin on short-termand long-term outcomes after coronary artery bypass grafting surgery. Ann Thorac Surg. ):1489-95.■ Wei H, Li ZW, Hu SS, Chen X, Cong XF. Apoptosis of mesenchymal stem cells induced byhydrogen peroxide concerns both endoplasmic reticulum stress and mitochondrial death pathway through regulation of caspases. P38 and JNK. J. Cell. Biochem. ): 967-978■ Liu YL, Hu SS, Shen XD, Li SJ, Wang X, Yan J, Wu X, Huang JB, Kong B. Midterm results ofarterial switch operation in older patients with severe pulmonary hypertension. Ann Thorac Surg. ):848-55.■ Yao YT, Li LH, Chen L, Wang WP, Li LB, Gao CQ. Sevo urane postconditioning protectsisolated rat hearts against ischemia-reperfusion injury: the role of radical oxygen species, extracellular signal-related kinases 1/2 and mitochondrial permeability transition pore Mol Biol Rep 39-2446■ Ma WG, Luo GH, Sun HS, Xu JP, Hu SS, Zhu XD. Surgical treatment of traumatic tricuspidinsu ciency: experience in 13 cases. Ann Thorac Surg. ):1934-8.。■ Huang JB, Liu YL, Lv XD. Pathogenic mechanisms of congenital heart disease. FetalPediatr Pathol. ):359-72.■ Liu YL, Hu SS, Shen XD, Li SJ, Wang X, Yan J, Wu X, Huang JB, Kong B. Safety and e cacy ofarterial switch operation in previously inoperable patients. J Card Surg. ):400-5.■ Guo HW, Chang Q, Xu JP, Song YH, Sun HS, Hu SS. Coronary artery bypass grafting forKawasaki disease. Chin Med J (Engl). ):1533-6.■ Gao PX, Xiong H, Zheng Z, Li L, Gao R, Hu SS. Evaluation of antiplatelet e ects of amodi ed protocol by platelet aggregation in patients undergoing &one-stop& hybrid coronary revascularization. Platelets. ):183-90.■ Zhu YB, Wang Q, Liu YL, Liu XF, Li JA, Lv XD, Lin F. E ect of partial liquid ventilation onoleic acid-induced in ammatory responses in piglets Chinese Medical Journal ): ■ Pan X, Hu S, Li S, Zheng Z, Wang Y, Zhang Y, Yuan X, Li Y. Predictors for late insu ciency ofthe neo-aortic valve after the switch procedure. J Heart Valve Dis. ):731-5.■ Li JA, Liu YL, Liu JP, Li XF. Pulmonary artery perfusion with HTK solution prevents lunginjury in infants after cardiopulmonary bypass. Chin Med J (Engl). ):2645-50.■ Fan H, Zheng Z, Feng W, Wang W, Song Y, Lin Y, Hu S. Risk factors and prevention of uppergastrointestinal hemorrhage after a coronary artery bypass grafting operation. Surg Today. ):931-5.■ Fang NX, Yao YT, Shi CX, Li LH. Attenuation of ischemia-reperfusion injury by sevo uranepostconditioning involves protein kinase B and glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta activation in isolated rat hearts Mol Biol Rep 63-3769■ Wei Y, Cui C, Lainscak M, Zhang X, Li J, Huang J, Zhang H, Zheng Z, Hu S. Type-speci cdysregulation of matrix metalloproteinases and their tissue inhibitors in end-stage heart failure patients. J Cell Mol Med. 2010 Mar 9. [Epub ahead of print]■ Huang JB, Liu YL, Yu CT, Lv XD, Du M, Wang Q, Kong B. Lung biopsy ndings in previouslyinoperable patients with severe pulmonary hypertension associated with congenital heart disease. Int J Cardiol. 2010 May 20. [Epub ahead of print]222010 OUTCOMES2010 OUTCOMES23 ■ Ji B, Liu J, Hei F, Long C. Optimal strategy of selective cerebral perfusion during aortic archconstruction. Artif Organs. ):615-6.■ 楼松 龙村 李景文 黑飞龙 于坤 王仕刚 胡盛寿 许建屏 常谦 刘平 张海涛 孙寒松 王巍 血糖水平对成人体外膜肺氧合支持患者预后的影响 中国体外循环杂志 ):12-15■ Cui Y, Hei F, Long C, Feng Z, Zhao J, Yan F, Wang Y, Liu J. Perioperative monitoringof thromboelastograph on blood protection and recovery for severely cyanotic patients undergoing complex cardiac surgery. Artif Organs. ):955-60.■ 柳光茂 周建业 胡盛寿 张岩 左心辅助泵体外测试的研究 中国生物医学工程学报 ):106-108 ■ 许建屏 罗国华 宋云虎 胡盛寿 冠状动脉心肌桥的外科治疗 中国胸心血管外科临床杂志 ):10-12 ■ 姚允泰 李立环 雷迁 陈雷 程卫平 王伟鹏主动脉手术后非感染性发热的临床研究 中国胸心血管外科临床杂志 ):99-104 灌注损伤的影响 中华麻醉学杂志 ):344-346■ Lou S, Ding F, Long C, Liu J, Zhao J, Feng Z. E ects of peri-operative glucose levels onadverse outcomes in infants receiving open heart surgery for congenital heart disease with cardiopulmonary bypass. Perfusion. 2010 Nov 15. [Epub ahead of print]■ 敖虎山 苏建林 李长营 大剂量磷酸肌酸钠预先给药对心脏瓣膜置换术患者心肌缺血再 ■ 高歌 郑哲 胡盛寿 王巍 宋云虎 王欣 非体外冠状动脉旁路移植术后早期强化抗栓治疗对出血的影响 医学研究杂志 ):20-23■ Xu RX, Lin FQ, Zhang SJ, Chen X, Hu SS, Zheng Z. Signal pathways involved in reverseremodeling of the hypertrophic rat heart after pressure unloading. Int. J. Cardiol. : 414-423■ 尹朝华 王水云 赵振华 陈立宇 凤玮 李巅远 孙寒松 宋云虎 王巍 肥厚型梗阻性心肌病中文期刊■ 石佳 袁素 薛庆华 李立环 冠心病患者围术期应用磷酸肌酸的心肌保护作用研究 中国分子心脏病学杂志 ):44-47合并二尖瓣自身病变致二尖瓣关闭不全的外科治疗 中国心血管病研究 2010;8 (6):405-407■ 李守军 王维 郑哲 胡盛寿 刘迎龙 沈向东 闫军 王旭 晏馥霞 刘晋萍 赵举 婴儿期完全性肺静脉畸形引流矫治术近期疗效分析 中华外科杂志 ):731-733■ 王古岩 吉冰洋 刘宁宁 昌克勤 王越夫 何爱霞 李立环 非体外循环心脏手术凝血酶和血小板的激活及乌司他丁的影响 中国体外循环杂志 ):100-102■ 高歌 胡盛寿 郑哲 王巍 许建屏 宋云虎 王立清 孙寒松 双联抗血小板治疗对冠状动脉旁路移植术后出血及输血的影响 中国胸心血管外科临床杂志 ):1-5■ 范祥明 闫军 刘迎龙 李守军 沈向东 吴信 先天性二尖瓣关闭不全的再次手术 心肺血管病杂志 ):200-202 中华胸心血管外科杂志 ):145-147■ 朱耀斌 王强 李晓锋 李建安 凌峰 范祥明 李志强 刘爱军 黄景彬 刘迎龙 部分液体通气减轻油酸诱导乳猪重度肺损伤炎症反应的实验研究 中华实用诊断与治疗杂志 ):50-52■ 范祥明 闫军 王强 罗国华 吕晓东 刘迎龙 冠状窦顶重建治疗无顶综合征合并心内膜垫缺损和永存左上腔静脉■ 杨克明 张浩 濮仁富 年龄相关性冠心病患者骨髓间充质干细胞体外增殖能力的研究中国循环杂志 ):26-29■ 李景文 龙村 孙鹏 刘凯 考力 经白细胞滤器过滤后的体外循环余血回输对患者炎性细胞因子的影响 中国体外循环杂志 ):94-96■ 李志强 刘迎龙 李守军 沈向东 闫军 朱晓东 Hybrid技术治疗合并体肺侧支的法洛四联症心肺血管病杂志 ):9-11■ 胡强 刘凯 高国栋 温复兴 龙村 刘进 乳化异氟醚对离体大隐静脉舒张功能影响的研究实用临床医药杂志 ):8-10■ 罗国华许建屏王宗社刘锦屏 房间隔缺损封堵术后并发症的外科治疗 实用临床医药杂志 ):62-63 ■ 闫军 崔彬 刘迎龙 沈向东 李守军 王旭 李巅远 合并主动脉弓离断复杂先天性心脏病同期根治手术的临床疗效 中华医学杂志 ):489-491■ 魏以桢 吕滨 支爱华 高鑫 蒙延海 常谦 主动脉壁内血肿的临床分析及中期随访结果中国循环杂志 ):205-207■ 罗国华 闫军 刘迎龙 李守军 李巅远 胡盛寿 婴幼儿主动脉缩窄合并心内复杂畸形的一期手术治疗 中国循环杂志 ):132-134■ 魏以桢 李巅远 赵红 李汉美 细胞外信号调节蛋白激酶在一氧化氮对心肌缺血再灌注后保护剂抗凋亡的作用 中华实验外科杂志 ):946-948■ 杨克明王巍宋云虎袁昕 扩大标准供者供心的选择策略与临床结果 中华器官移植杂志 ):170-172 ■ 潘晓静 程卫平 体外循环冠状动脉旁路移植术围术期血浆血管加压素变化及对血液动力学的影响 中国体外循环杂志 ):41-44■ 高国栋 龙村 黑飞龙 刘晋萍 袁媛 于坤 冯正义 赵举 胡盛寿 许建屏 常谦 刘迎龙 张海涛王旭 刘平 107例体外膜肺氧合并发症回顾分析 心肺血管病杂志 ):296-300■ 郭宏伟 常谦 于存涛 孙晓刚 钱向阳 吴永波 冯钧 胡盛寿 主动脉窦瘤破入右心房的外科治疗效果 中华外科杂志 ):■ 王韧 孙立忠 常谦 朱俊明 刘永民 于存涛 田良鑫 熊辉 李巅远 保留主动脉瓣的根部重建术治疗马方综合征主动脉根部瘤 中华外科杂志 ):217-220■ 罗国华 许建屏 孙寒松 外伤性二尖瓣关闭不全的外科治疗 中华创伤杂志 ):713-715 ■ 潘湘斌 胡盛寿 李守军 沈向东 郑哲 张雅娟 李永清 皮铁 169例动脉调转手术治疗大动脉转位的早、中期结果 中华胸心血管外科杂志 ):217-220■ 赵鑫 常谦 朱俊明 刘永民 于存涛 张海涛 郑军 李滨 孙立忠 术后CT评价支架象鼻手术治疗慢性Ⅰ型主动脉夹层的降主动脉重塑效果 中华医学杂志 ):830-833■ 阿地力江·阿不都热苏力 孙寒松 马维国 龚丁旭 王巍 许建屏 常谦 胡盛寿 人工瓣膜功能障碍的外科治疗 中华胸心血管外科杂志 ):90-93■ 潘湘斌 郑哲 胡盛寿 李守军 张雅娟 魏英杰 高培显 林野 高歌 合并室间隔缺损的大动脉转位所致肺动脉高压的可逆性程度及其分子机制 中华胸心血管外科杂志 ):81-85■ 胡强 刘凯 高国栋 龙村 刘进 乳化异氟醚对人体外循环血清培养人血管内皮细胞ICAM-1表达变化的影像 中国分子心脏病学杂志 ):89-91■ 罗新锦 王巍 孙寒松 许建屏 胡盛寿 龙村 宋云虎 黑飞龙 体外心肺复苏技术在成人心搏骤停抢救中的应用 中国危重病急救医学 ):82-84■ 黑飞龙 楼松 龙村 李景文 于坤 刘晋萍 冯正义 赵举 胡盛寿 许建屏 常谦 刘迎龙 王旭刘平 体外膜肺氧合治疗回顾分析 中国体外循环杂志 ):4-7■ 石佳 薛庆华 袁素 李立环 复合辅酶对冠心病患者围术期心肌保护和肝脏保护作用的研究 心肺血管病杂志 ):371-374242010 OUTCOMES2010 OUTCOMES25 专家简介■ 王宇红 晏馥霞 李军 王嵘 王伟鹏 刘晋萍 李立环 李守军 胡盛寿 心房动脉双调转术治疗小儿先天性矫正型大动脉转位的围术期管理 实用儿科临床杂志 ):808-811Specialists■ Xiaodong Zhu, MDAcademician of China National Engineering Resarch Institute Chief Instructor of Department of Cardiovasular Surgery of Fu Wai Hospital 朱晓东 中国工程院院士 阜外心血管病医院心血管外科首席专家■ 薛庆华 王伟鹏 于钦军 刘明政 陈雷 程卫平 不同剂量芬太尼对心脏瓣膜置换术患者心房颤动转复的影响 中国循环杂志 ):302-304■ 林野 郑哲 胡盛寿 许建屏 吕锋 王巍 宋云虎 孙寒松 袁昕 潘湘斌 肾功能不全患者行冠状动脉旁路移植术的长期随访结果 中华外科杂志 ):39-41■ 李源 王欣 柳磊 刘玉学 王巍 胡盛寿 转化生长因子β1的表达与风湿性心脏病慢性心房颤动射频消融治疗的关系 中华外科杂志 ):820-824■ Shengshou Hu, MD, FACCPresident of Fu Wai Hospital Director of Cardiovascular Institute 胡盛寿教授 阜外心血管病医院院长 心血管病研究所所长Wei Wang, MD, Director, Cardiovascular Surgery Committee. Deputy Director: Chao Dong, MD, Xinjin Luo, MD, Yongbo Wu, MD, Zhe Zheng, MD. Tang Yue, MD 外科管委会 主 任:王 副主任:董 巍 超、罗新锦、吴永波、郑 哲、唐 跃■ 华琨 王小威 张维 周建 杨秀滨 李君晖 PBS/PLA胸骨可降解材料组织相容性实验研究第三军医大学学报 ):■ 华琨 王小威 张维 周建 杨秀滨 李君晖 PBS/PLA共混材料的制备及其细胞相容性研究南方医科大学学报 ):08■ 林野 郑哲 胡盛寿 许建屏 吕锋 王巍 宋云虎 孙寒松 袁昕 潘湘斌 三种不同肾功能评估方法对冠状动脉旁路移植术死亡的预测 中华心血管病杂志 ):99-102■ 张旌 王小启 孙寒松 许建屏 马维国 王德 王维 间断小切口与传统长切口采集大隐静脉的临床比较 中国胸心血管外科临床杂志 ):297-300■ 崔彬 许建屏 王巍 吕锋 熊辉 王水云 心肌间隔切除术矫治肥厚梗阻型心肌病及围术期治疗策略 中国胸心血管外科临床杂志 ):6-9Lihuan Li, MD, Director, Department of Anesthesia. Deputy Director: Lei Chen, MD, Minzheng Liu, MD, Weipeng Wang, MD, Fuxia Yan, MD. 麻醉科 主 任: 李立环 副主任: 陈 雷、刘明政、王伟鹏、晏馥霞■ 孙海宁 王巍 宋云虎 许建屏 孙寒松 杨克明 罗新锦 胡盛寿 二尖瓣成形术治疗二尖瓣前叶脱垂的治疗分析 中国胸心血管外科临床杂志 ):283-286■ 孙海宁 王巍 段福建 许建屏 胡盛寿 主动脉左室通道术随访研究 中国循环杂志 ):140-142 ■ 孙海宁 王巍 宋云虎 许建屏 孙寒松 杨克明 罗新锦 胡盛寿 “缘对缘”技术矫治二尖瓣关闭不全疗效分析 心肺血管病杂志 ):364-366Cun Long, MD, Director, Department of Perfusion. Deputy Director: Feilong Hei, MD, Jinping Liu, MD. 体外循环科 主 任:龙 村 副主任: 黑飞龙、刘晋萍■ 陈伟丹 花中东 杨克明 孟强 张浩 张瑛 潘湘斌 王德 李岩 李守军 microRNA在先天性心脏病继发性肺动脉高压肺组织内变化的实验研究 中国细胞生物学学报 ):601-605Jianping Xu, MD, Director, Center of Cardiac Surgery for Adult. Deputy Director: Yunhu Song, MD, Hansong Sun, MD, Wei Wang, MD. 成人心脏中心 主 任:许建屏 副主任: 宋云虎、孙寒松、王 巍■ 张旌 孙寒松 杨秀滨 许建屏 常温非体外循环下手术治疗先天性冠状动脉瘘 心肺血管病杂志 ):367-370■ 王现强 郑哲 敖虎山 张士举 王洋 张浩 胡盛寿 同种异体人心脏主动脉与肺动脉瓣膜的生物力学比较 中国组织工程研究与临床康复 ):Hansong Sun, MD, Division Head, Ward 8 Shiwei Pan, MD, Deputy Head, Ward 8 八病区 主 任:孙寒松, 副主任:潘世伟■ 隋润铃 韩健 周建业 胡盛寿 周新民 冯增国 可降解组织工程心肌材料聚氨酯的评价 中国组织工程研究与临床康复 ):■ 郑哲 张路 胡盛寿 中华心血管病外科注册登记协作组 中国冠状动脉旁路移植手术风险 评估系统 中华心血管病杂志 ):1-5 ■ 樊红光 凤玮 郑哲 张岩 赵世华 胡盛寿 磁共振评估室壁瘤患者手术后室壁应力及收缩功能变化 中华心血管病杂志 ):108-111Yunhu Song, MD, Division Head, Ward 9 Liqing Wang, MD, Deputy Head, Ward 9 九病区 主 任:宋云虎, 副主任:王立清Hui Xiong, MD, Division Head, Ward 13 十三病区 主 任:熊 辉■ 王珏 郑哲 林富强 孙成超 徐瑞霞 胡盛寿 微小mRNA仔大鼠心脏逆重构中的变化 中华心血管病杂志 ):745-750■ 姜睿 胡盛寿 田月琴 何祚祥 郑哲 王巍 SPECT存活心肌评分对冠状动脉旁路移植手术远期心脏不良事件的预测作用 中华胸心血管外科杂志 ):154-157Shuiyun Wang, MD, Division Head, Ward 17 Wei Feng, MD, Deputy Head, Ward 17 十七病区 主 任:王水云 副主任:凤 玮262010 OUTCOMES2010 OUTCOMES27 Wei Wang, MD, Acting Director, Ward 26A 二十六A病区 代理主任:王 巍国家心血管病中心简介Feng Liu, MD, Deputy Head, Ward 26B 二十六B病区 副主任:柳 枫Brief on NCCD,ChinaAfter more than four years meticulous work, National Center for Cardiovascular Disease (NCCD), directly under the supervision of Ministry of Public Health of China, was o cially established in August, 2010 in Beijing. NCCD includes the Clinical Medicine Department and Prevention Research Department. The former relies on Fu Wai Hospital, while the latter, located at Mentougou District, consists of Prevention Center, Translation-medicine Center and Cardiovascular Information Center, is expected to be nished in 2013. Both common risk factors and incidence of cardiovascular disease markedly have a climbing trend with reformation of social economy and people's lifestyle in China. Common risk factors include hypertension, smoking, lipid disorder, diabetes, obesity, physical inactivity and unbalance dietary nutrition. Cardiovascular diseases turn into a huge burden of society, make a lot of patients disabled and lose their working and living abilities. Coexistent death resulting from cerebrovascular diseases and cardiovascular diseases tend to top all deaths in city and country populations. By carrying out a large-scale epidemiological study and exercising intervention on risk factors, NCCD aims to e ectively restrain, control and nally decrease the rapidly climbing morbidity and mortality of cardiovascular diseases in China. 经过4年多的精心筹备,直属卫生部的 “国家心血管病中心”(NCCD, China)于2010年8 月在北京正式成立。NCCD由临床医疗部和防治研究部两部分组成。临床医疗部依托于阜 外医院,而防治研究部将建于北京门头沟区。由心血管病防治中心、心血管病转化医学研 究中心和心血管病信息中心组成。防治研究部大楼将于2013年竣工。 近年来,我国居民生活方式发生明显转变,缺乏体力活动、膳食不合理以及吸烟等,导致 高血脂、高血压、高血糖、肥胖等危险因素日趋普遍,随之而来的心血管疾病已呈持续快 速上升态势。心血管疾病已成为我国高死亡率、高致残率、高医疗风险和高医疗费用的第 一大慢性疾病。 国家心血病中心将致力于组织动员全国心血管病专家队伍,进行了大规模的流行病学调 查,开展人群心血管病危险因素干预;从而对我国目前正在快速上升的心血管病发病率和 死亡率进行有效的遏制,并最终使之下降。Jianping Xu, MD, Acting Director, Ward 27A 二十七A病区 代理主任:许建屏Feng Lv, MD, Division Head, Ward 27B 二十七B病区 主 任:吕 锋Shou-jun Li, MD, Director, Center of Cardiac Surgery for Children. Deputy Director: Jun Yan, MD, Xiangdong Shen, MD, Xu Wang, MD. 小儿心脏中心 主 任:李守军 副主任: 闫 军、沈向东、王 旭Jun Yan, MD, Division Head, Ward 2 Qiang Wang, MD, Deputy Head, Ward 2 二病区 主 任:闫 军, 副主任:王 强Shoujun Li, MD, Division Head, Ward 6 Zhongdong Hua, MD, Deputy Head, Ward 6 六病区 主 任:李守军, 副主任:花中东Xiangdong Shen, MD, Division Head, Ward 16 Shaoxian Guo, MD, Deputy Head, Ward 16 十六病区 主 任:沈向东, 副主任:郭少先Qian Chang, MD, Deputy Director, Center of Aortic Surgery. 血管外科中心 副主任:常 谦 Qian Chang, MD, Division Head, Ward 10 Cuntao Yu, MD, Deputy Head, Ward 10 十病区 主 任:常 谦, 副主任:于存涛Haitao Zhang, MD, Division Head, ICU for Adult Ping Liu, MD, Deputy Head, ICU for Adult 成人ICU 主 任:张海涛, 副主任:刘 平Xu Wang, MD, Division Head, ICU for Children 小儿ICU 主 任:王 旭Juxian Yang, MD, Division Head, ICU in the second in-patient department 二部ICU 主 任:杨菊先Yue Tang, MD, Director, Department of Laboratorial Surgery. 实验外科 主 任:唐 跃282010 OUTCOMES2010 OUTCOMES29
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