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作者:寄托家园作文版普通用户& &&&共用时间:45分0秒& &&&521 words
All nations should help support the development of a global university designed to engage students in the process of solving the world's most persistent social problems.
Globalization is an extremely fashionable hotspot that no country can shun from such mixture of universal culture and ideology. Then the speaker recommends that all nations should provide support to the construction of a global university which impart student to solve the world's social problems. On an individual level, I do not agree with the speaker's suggestion about the global university, considering the essential function and possibilities of developing a university.
To begin with, admittedly, the social problem is severe in some countries. People suffer great pain and mental distress according to the persistent social problems. In some developing country, the social and legal rule exist many disadvantage and fallacies. For example, people haven't any freedom to accuse or even discuss the national problems such as scandal, bribe and so forth. More serious as some extreme group and local government, they may conflict with the central government and leaders. Therefore some part of the country may engender a local war. Thus, people who live there will lead a tough life. So considering such aspects of social problems, it is rational to build such a global university.
However, when it comes to academic fields such as a university, the core task of college or university is research and education rather than solving social problems. Students live in university for several years, their primary purpose is to learn knowledge as much as they can. Then some of them or even most of them would undertake a job relative with science and technology. The rapid development of science and technology impels every university to refresh itself to innovate. Research is the most important standard to evaluate a university’s level. As we know, the better the university is, the more academician and laboratories it owns. If a university pay all attention to educate students that how to solve social problems, it may miss the essence and core objective and goal of a university. So the speaker's viewpoint about developing a university which mainly educates students to solve social problems is absurd.
Furthermore, asking all nations to construct such university in the world is difficult and almost impossible. First of all, how to choose the place of the university is a problem. Most countries intend to build such a university in their own country. Thus they can benefit more form the university which built by the whole world. How to arrange and manage the university is also hard. In the second place, the social problem renders different in distinct places. Some place may yearn for the financial support to their society. Some country may want solve the issue about booming population. Other may be lack the medical apparatus and employee. Owing to such possible reasons, the course and subjects designed in the university is quite uncertain. Students may confuse with those complicate social problems without special training and primary higher education. Thus it is not that easy as the speaker's thinking to build such a university in the world.
In sum, I do not agree with the viewpoint to build a global university with all nations' help. It is entirely possible to cost a lot of money and energy without any effect and return at last. We should consider more function and essence of a university, and the possibility to construct such a university.
最后登录在线时间0 小时寄托币861 声望0 注册时间阅读权限15帖子精华0积分207UID164865
寄托新兵, 积分 207, 距离下一级还需 -57 积分
声望0 寄托币861 注册时间精华0帖子
Globalization is an extremely fashionable hotspot that no country can shun from such mixture of universal culture and ideology. Then the speaker recommends that all nations should provide support to the construction of a global university which impart [U]student/s [/U]&&to solve the world's social problems. On an individual level, I do not agree with the speaker's suggestion about the global university, considering the essential function and possibilities of developing a university.
To begin with, admittedly, the social problem is severe in some countries. People suffer great pain and mental distress according to the persistent social problems. In some developing country, the social and legal rule exist many disadvantage and fallacies. For example, people haven't any freedom to accuse or even discuss the national problems such as scandal, bribe and so forth. More serious as some extreme group and local government, they may conflict with the central government and leaders. Therefore some part of the country may engender a local war/skirmishes. Thus, people who live there will lead a tough life. So considering such aspects of social problems, it is rational to build such a global university. 我觉得这个可以具体的写出一些国家的名称,例如Philippine,Nepal,怎么没想到criminal rate J
However, when it comes to academic fields such as a university, the core task of college or university is research and education rather than solving social problems. Students live in university for several years, their primary purpose is to learn knowledge as much as they can. Then some of them or even most of them would undertake a job relative with science and technology. The rapid development of science and technology impels every university to refresh itself to innovate. Research is the most important standard to evaluate a university’s level. As we know, the better the university is, the more academician and laboratories it owns. If a university pay all attention to educate students that how to solve social problems, it may miss the essence and core objective and goal of a university. So the speaker's viewpoint about developing a university which mainly educates students to solve social problems is absurd.
Furthermore, asking all nations to construct such university in the world is difficult and almost impossible. First of all, how to choose the place of the university is a problem. Most countries intend to build such a university in their own country. Thus they can benefit more form the university which built by the whole world. How to arrange and manage the university is also hard. In the second place, the social problem renders different in distinct places. Some place may yearn for the financial support to their society. Some country/ies may want solve the issue about booming population. Other may be lack the medical apparatus and employee. Owing to such possible reasons, the course and subjects designed in the university is quite uncertain. Students may confuse with those complicate social problems without special training and primary higher education. Thus it is not that easy as the speaker's thinking to build such a university in the world. 我觉得还有各地的文化风俗、宗教背景的问题,因为解决社会问题是一个比较地区化的问题,这样显然会涉及到各地的特有习惯,而地区间的有些习惯显然是conflicted,例如新教派人士或许就不愿意和犹太教的人在一起。。。等等。。。
In sum, I do not agree with the viewpoint to build a global university with all nations' help. It is entirely possible to cost a lot of money and energy without any effect and return at last. We should consider more function and essence of a university, and the possibility to construct such a university.
最后登录在线时间0 小时寄托币1565 声望0 注册时间阅读权限30帖子精华0积分1110UID199083
高级会员, 积分 1110, 距离下一级还需 490 积分
声望0 寄托币1565 注册时间精华0帖子
最后登录在线时间0 小时寄托币861 声望0 注册时间阅读权限15帖子精华0积分207UID164865
寄托新兵, 积分 207, 距离下一级还需 -57 积分
声望0 寄托币861 注册时间精华0帖子
我觉得这样就差不多了&&别担心 会有好结果的
我去年改期了,要不然去年就考了…… ;p
句式和语言不是一天两天能Improve的,你写不错了 :)
一点拙见,见谅&&做到能做到的,改变能改变的 在时间允许的范围内 最后 听天命 :)
最后登录在线时间0 小时寄托币994 声望0 注册时间阅读权限20帖子精华1积分529UID176473
初级会员, 积分 529, 距离下一级还需 -179 积分
声望0 寄托币994 注册时间精华1帖子
最后登录在线时间0 小时寄托币1565 声望0 注册时间阅读权限30帖子精华0积分1110UID199083
高级会员, 积分 1110, 距离下一级还需 490 积分
声望0 寄托币1565 注册时间精华0帖子
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#16&&|&& 16:10
来自: 浦东 花木街道)
没关系的~只要你的这次例假完全干净了~肚子不疼~基本上就没关系的~我6月份也是这样子的~ 后来医生确诊流产还给我开了病假~ 保守点说么隔三个月~可是其实只要自己流干净了就没有关系了的
#17&&|&& 18:33
来自: 闵行 浦江镇)
#18&&|&& 12:45
来自: 青浦 夏阳街道)
#19&&|&& 13:14
来自: 青浦 夏阳街道)
#20&&|&& 13:15
来自: 青浦 夏阳街道)
快乐着 在第18楼写到LZ,你好,我想咨询一下,青浦没有买斯利安的叶酸的吗?医院也没的配的吗?我也想买,药店么的以前好象听一个朋友说青浦没的卖。。。。。
#21&&|&& 16:03
来自: 青浦 夏阳街道)
#22&&|&& 10:39
来自: 青浦 夏阳街道)
#23&&|&& 12:35
来自: 浦东 花木街道)
#24&&|&& 16:06
来自: 闵行 浦江镇)
#25&&|&& 22:20
来自: 长宁 北新泾街道)
yvonxiao 在第3楼写到谢谢哦!我现在准备这个月在试试,不知道行不行还是先过几个月养好身体后再试不迟。
#26&&|&& 11:00
来自: 闵行 莘庄镇)
yvonxiao 在第1楼写到&&&大家好,我是新来的,在这个论坛潜了几天的水,今天注册了,想问一下大家,我上次的YJ是5月23日来的,到6月23日YJ没有来,本来我每次30天就会来的,过了几天用早孕SZ验了一下是弱阳,后来又验了一次也是弱阳,之后隔了几天又验了一下又是阴性了,又等了几天7月1日下午来了红色的,肚子比以往的时候痛,7月2日早上,好像流了一个块状物出来,因为之前YJ也有一些块的东西,但是又有点担心所以去了青浦的中山医院看医生,做了B超,没有孕囊,但是那个医生说有九天了没来,肯定是流产了,之后我又在医院验了尿是阴性的,那个医生说估计是流产了.但是我姨妈说有可能是我太想怀孕了,心里压力太大,所以.....我也不知道是不是流产还是月经推迟,因为平时没有推迟过这么长时间,不知道各位JM有没有我这样的情况啊?&&& 对了,这次大概四五天YJ干净了,也不知道上次的到底是啥问题,这个月还想准备受孕,不知道有没有问题.&& 希望大家能帮帮我日 15:36, yvonxiao 作第 1 次编辑我之前看过一个帖子,好像这叫生化妊辰,就是着床的时候没着好,要看中医调理的,好像男的也要检查JZ质量,你找找看,这里面有关于生化妊辰的帖子.
#27&&|&& 08:40
来自: 青浦 盈浦街道)
yuan7ying 在第26楼写到yvonxiao 在第1楼写到&&&大家好,我是新来的,在这个论坛潜了几天的水,今天注册了,想问一下大家,我上次的YJ是5月23日来的,到6月23日YJ没有来,本来我每次30天就会来的,过了几天用早孕SZ验了一下是弱阳,后来又验了一次也是弱阳,之后隔了几天又验了一下又是阴性了,又等了几天7月1日下午来了红色的,肚子比以往的时候痛,7月2日早上,好像流了一个块状物出来,因为之前YJ也有一些块的东西,但是又有点担心所以去了青浦的中山医院看医生,做了B超,没有孕囊,但是那个医生说有九天了没来,肯定是流产了,之后我又在医院验了尿是阴性的,那个医生说估计是流产了.但是我姨妈说有可能是我太想怀孕了,心里压力太大,所以.....我也不知道是不是流产还是月经推迟,因为平时没有推迟过这么长时间,不知道各位JM有没有我这样的情况啊?&&& 对了,这次大概四五天YJ干净了,也不知道上次的到底是啥问题,这个月还想准备受孕,不知道有没有问题.&& 希望大家能帮帮我日 15:36, yvonxiao 作第 1 次编辑我之前看过一个帖子,好像这叫生化妊辰,就是着床的时候没着好,要看中医调理的,好像男的也要检查JZ质量,你找找看,这里面有关于生化妊辰的帖子.我也认为MM这个是生化妊娠 是着床没着好的原因 &&
#28&&|&& 08:53
来自: 浦东 北蔡镇)
#29&&|&& 09:09
来自: 闵行 浦江镇)
#30&&|&& 10:33
来自: 闵行 古美街道)


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