
朋友,我觉得是您撸的方式不对哪!我点进你的主页看了你的提问历史,关键词有“撸”,“漂亮女生”,“郭敬明”,“在校学生”等,由此我推断你的年龄应该和我相仿,甚至可能比我还小一些。在20岁上下这个年纪,是不应该出现撸完就灰飞烟灭这种情况的。究其深层次原因,存在两种可能性:1.您的心态比较压抑;2.您的身体素质欠佳;下面针对两种可能性,我来深入分析一下您可能存在的问题,并提出我的一些理解。1.您的心态比较压抑;这又从三个角度可以看的出来:(1)性格内向(2)家庭隐患(3)读郭敬明再来逐条分析:(1)性格内向您也多次提问了关于跟漂亮女孩搭讪的学问,这说明您还是性取向大众化,并且可喜的是,虽然您目前身体状况欠佳,但目前仍有性冲动,说明生殖系统运转正常。所以请保持信心,您一定可以撸个痛快。这个性格内向对撸管的影响啊,和激素无关,和心事有关。比如说您今天街上看着一美女,如果比较开朗的话,看人家两眼,厉害点的再搭个讪,如果没有下文的话这事儿就过去了。这里的关键点在于情绪的释放。当我真的跟一个美女建立了交流,哪怕是眼神交流(自然的相视,不笑都行),实质上都是进行了情绪的释放,反而看过就过了,自然的再看下一个去。但是因为您见到漂亮女孩儿不太敢说话,但是眼睛又转不过去,这就造成了情绪的积累。说白了就是,您看到一个美女,不敢说话,但是美女擦肩而过走了,您会在心里不断犯嘀咕:“我要是跟她要个电话就好了,我要是再勇敢一点就好了”,而大街上美女那么多,每一个都或多或少地会造成一点积累,攒的多了心里就有疙瘩,用这几天流行的说法就是:好心塞你想啊,撸管讲究的是一个豪迈、洒脱,心塞怎么能撸好管呢是不是?说这个人的情绪对撸管的影响啊,我想借一个数学上的概念来类比,叫作卷积。英文叫convolution,看我撸神。卷积定义:f 是个随时间变化的函数,可以分解为一系列脉冲函数,这个脉冲就可以理解为您看到一个美女时心理产生的波动。g 是t- τ的函数,t是个时间点定为当时当下,这个函数跟“脉冲发生时刻——当前时刻”的时间跨度有关。这是个随时间衰减的函数,看到每个美女的那种小激动、包括没有搭讪的懊悔,都会随着时间消散。(f*g)就是卷积,其实就是个积分,那就是您的心情总和。性格外向的人,我们说了,会有频繁的情绪释放,也就是g 是个衰减的很快的函数,因此那一个个脉冲,冲完一个没一个,哪个都不搭着哪个。但是如果您性格过于内向甚至有些闷骚的话,g的衰减力度不够强,上一个脉冲还没过去,咣当又来一下,这谁能受得了。这为什么会影响撸管呢,像我撸的时候,是全神贯注的,跟随着那位无辜的日本少女的一颦一笑,一套一弄,节奏清晰明快。并且就像一个编程高手,眼里看着代码0101,心里算计着内存的调用一样。我在撸的时候,眼里看着的是姿势6969,但我脑子里揣测的是她内分泌的变化,哪里敏感易伤,应轻拢慢捻抹复挑,哪里厚重,当列缺霹雳,丘峦崩摧,洞天石扇,訇然中开。只有这样才能撸出风格,撸出水平。如果您心里总有块垒郁结,手里的把柄也是软了硬硬了软,那么节奏就乱了。什么是节奏?眼——手——屌——下丘脑射精中枢四点一线,同步400%为最好。否则得话,你已经银瓶乍破水浆迸,但思想上还没有准备,身体各个模块都没有配合,就像起跑线上一人抢跑,剩下的没反应过有的愣在那,有的跟着跑两步,节奏全无。人体也是个系统,各个子系统之间有和谐的耦合,而如果撸管撸的好,手里握着的就是指挥棒,协调着七经八脉演奏了一曲忠诚的赞歌。否则得话,不光生殖泌尿系统受影响,消化、呼吸、免疫概莫能外,无怪乎虚弱头晕,真叫个一管肝肠断,天涯何处觅知音。所以撸管啊,讲究一个“三不撸”:闷不撸,怒不撸,悲不撸。天气闷热,心情烦躁,此时排汗受阻使分泌废物难以排出体外,应尽量降低代谢水平。这个时候撸啊,就像捂着排气扇玩孤岛危机,电脑会停摆,人会头晕。怒发冲冠,暴戾恣睢,此时肾上腺激素如同一匹脱肛的野马,撸起来容易失控。最后一条特别一点,也不是不能,就是一边留着泪点着烟一边撸,那个画面太美,我不敢看。(2)家庭隐患通过您的问题及描述都说亲情无关个人的好坏、性格、成就亲情只关乎血缘,血浓于水有一天你突然发现,自己不是亲生的,那么亲情是不是就荡然无存了呢我冒昧的猜测,您可能对目前的家庭生活,带有轻微的不安全感。这种不安全感,潜在的影响了您撸管质量。在这里我也顺便回答一下这个问题。那就是,不用担心。人的情感依附来源于共同经历,更来源于对未来的预期。我的父母为什么爱我,我为什么爱他们?因为我已经跟他们生活了20多年,小时候我爸带去山上打拳,我妈领我去开碰碰车,这是共同经历;更重要的是,作为独生子,我将来要担负养老的责任,另一方面,我还没有踏上社会,在今后的许多年里,我还需要他们的经验和指引,这是未来预期。那么您担心的血缘关系呢,其实那才是个一戳就破的脆弱纽带。共同经历已经不可逆转咱不提了,即便好,你现在告诉我,我不是亲生的,我是那美克星人,那又能怎么样?将来我还是要给我的父母养老,当我在社会上遇到了困惑,还是只有这两位中年人能真正掏心窝子给我意见啊,有什么区别呢?(3)读郭敬明这是您提问历史中的截图,有三条是关于郭敬明的。看郭敬明,看小时代都没有问题,但是引起我注意的是,“郭敬明抄袭有人骂,知乎抄Quora为何没人骂?”您提问了两遍,第一个问题没有获得关注又追加了一个同样的问题。看郭敬明,看小时代都没有问题,但是引起我注意的是,“郭敬明抄袭有人骂,知乎抄Quora为何没人骂?”您提问了两遍,第一个问题没有获得关注又追加了一个同样的问题。这就反映出您对这个问题是非常关注的,结合“爵迹抄袭Fate”的问题可以明显看出,您属于郭敬明的热衷支持者,不能说狂热吧,反正是倾注了不少心血。您可能会奇怪,郭敬明和我撸管有什么关系呢?有,关系大了去了。撸管是雄性人类受性欲驱动,在没有合适性伴侣的情况下,对自己进行性刺激并获得性快感地行为。这是建立在雄性激素分泌产生的性冲动基础上的,而一个人的精神状态,他接触的是什么样的文化,读什么书,听什么音乐是会极大地影响他的激素分泌的。我这里并不是针对郭敬明及其作品,而是他的目标群体,是小学、初中爱幻想的未成年女生,就不应该有20岁左右的青年男性。您长期浸淫在这种文化当中,雄性激素分泌水平难免受到干扰,这会直接影响到您的性唤醒、勃起、高潮等一系列反应。楼主,为了您的身体健康和未来事业着想,请认真考虑考虑我这番话,请选择合适的读物丰富自己的心灵。2. 您的身体素质欠佳;从您的问题描述中获取数据如下:170cm 60kg BMI20.7 体脂含量大概22% 代谢率低 有点儿食欲不振从这里可以看出,您的BMI偏低,BFR偏高,而且在170这个高度上,60kg是偏瘦了的。再加上“代谢率低,食欲不振”等症状,可以说您目前的身体机能是较为不太适合撸管的,应尽量减少性生活频率,注重调养。而且我更加担心的是,如果您长期处于这样一种身体状态,是否存在某种疾病的可能性?我没有医学相关专业背景,知乎上也不可能有人通过文字描述来进行详细诊断,建议您及时就医,切莫拖延!3.正确的撸管方式(1)撸之前的准备工作想必您已经轻车熟路,在此不赘述。提供一点个人经验之谈,就是关闭通讯工具,免除打扰。(2)撸之后的保养工作,是本题的题眼。楼主在后来的回答中提到喝红牛,个人觉得这不是很可取,一个是为了撸管喝功能性饮料,似无必要;二是喝也应该撸之前喝呀。这里又有几个需要注意的问题:a.多吃蛋白质含量高的,可以冲杯蛋白粉喝;b.勤换内裤,保持干爽卫生。总结一下:广交朋友、豁达心胸,不操无谓的心,少读小四的书。相信您一定能撸的越来越精彩,越来越好看!我还想用一首不完整的歌来表达一下我是怎么撸管的:沿着女优起起伏伏温柔的曲线......珍惜苍天赐给我的金色的滑黏............豪情不变年复一年......我站在风口浪尖紧握住日月旋转最后祝你,身体健康,再见!
看懂了原理,大家自然希望有什么方法可以减少撸管,下面有一些内容可以对减少撸管有帮助,不过是英文的,开始,我觉得自己把他翻译成中文会好些,但是为了让大家牢牢地记住以下内容,还是你们自己去理解多看,查单词,然后记在心里面!同时提高大家的英语水平!FATAL MISTAKES Rebooters MakeLast week there was a comment made by a forum member here that bothered me a lot. He said:I know i will get hate for this but anyway, I must enlighten some of you. Most of the people on here will never fully quit PMO or make it past 100 days. I know people need to stay motivated but it's difficult.It bothers me because it's not true. And it bothers me because I want everyone in this forum to succeed. It's been more than 3 years since I discovered Reuniting/YBOP and it's been almost 1 year since I created this forum. I've seen it all. I've read it all. I don't consider myself addicted to porn anymore.Gary Wilson and Marnia Robinson are the true pioneers in this field. It is thanks to them that we have thousands of men around the world trying to quit porn based on scientific understanding of how it affects our brains. I will be forever grateful to them.However, scientific understanding is not enough, as evidenced by the huge amount of rebooters struggling and having a hard time with this addiction.What I'm going to share with you guys is nothing new. You probably already read it somewhere else. But it is not given enough importance around here. People are worrying too much about porn induced ED, dopamine this and dopamine that, testosterone levels, wet dreams, etc. But not enough on how to actually beat this addiction.This thread is not meant to be motivational. Motivation is temporary. You can watch a Nike football commercial on YouTube, get all pumped up and motivated, and then relapse 4 days later. It means nothing.This thread is meant to give understanding. It's meant to give you the final piece of the puzzle needed in order to beat pornography addiction.I believe, from the bottom of my heart, that anyone who understands and applies what I'm going to share here is going succeed quitting porn.All you have to do is avoid making these 3 mistakes.Please take your time to truly absorb what you're going to read next. This stuff is not obvious and many men are completely unaware of it, specially those who are new to rebooting. Successful rebooters probably won't benefit as much from this thread.Sit down, take your time, and go grab a cup of coffee or tea, as I'm going to share with you the top 3 fatal mistakes a rebooter can make.Mistake #1: Using Porn to Stop Feeling Bad(当你感觉不爽的时候,你就想通过撸管来爽一把,这和玩游戏一个道理:最近工作那么累,来,lol一把,最近学习终于考完了,我去,lol一把,这是一个道理)People who are unaware of this mistake are going to have a very difficult time quitting porn.This is what usually happens:You're very stressed about work or school.
You spent all your day working your ass under pressure and you know that the upcoming days are going to be the same. There's pain in your body. You're mentally exhausted. You want to relax and feel good. So what do you do? Watch porn.You go out to have fun one night. There's one girl you really like, so you try to talk to her, but she keeps ignoring you. One of your more outgoing friends keeps making her laugh with his jokes. You're jealous. You say to yourself "Fuck this shit" and start approaching other women right there. They all reject you. Even one of them said to you "Get away from me!". You go back home feeling incredibly frustrated. Your mood is very down. You start to wonder if you'll ever be able to get a beautiful girlfriend. You get temporarily depressed. It's painful. You want to escape these feelings. So what do you do? Watch porn.You went out drinking last night. You had a lot of fun, but now you're left with a terrible hangover. You have a headache, nausea, stomach pain. You can't concentrate or do anything. You're just lying there drinking some Gatorade. Obviously, being hungover sucks. You want to stop feeling bad, at least for a few moments. So what do you do? Watch porn.You're bored as fuck in your house. You and laziness become one. You're not in the mood for anything, not even watching a movie. Boredom, boredom, and more boredom. Who wants to feel bored? Nobody. Time runs slowly. Nothing is fun. You go to Facebook and there are no interesting updates. You refresh your favorite forums and there are no new replies to your posts. There's nothing to do. You start becoming anxious and restless. So what do you do? Watch porn.Please, stop this.You need to stop medicating yourself with porn every time you feel pain and discomfort.This is ignorance to the reality of life.Stress, depression, frustration, hangovers, boredom, injuries, physical pain, anxiety, embarassment. You know what they are? You know what they're called?They're called LIFE.Do not run away from life. Do not run away from reality.We will never become happy if we keep doing this.In Buddhism this is called aversion. Running away from pain. Running away from discomfort.All these bad feelings are temporary. Boredom, stress, hangovers, feeling down. They will all pass.If we keep taking refuge in porn and running away from pain and discomfort then we will never be able to grow as persons and become real men.We need to break out of this cycle. Or at the very least try to.Otherwise, what are you going to do when things get tough in life? Hide in your room? Become depressed?What are you going to do when you realize that hitting on girls brings up a lot of anxiety and nervousness? Run away? Make excuses?What are you going to do when you're stuck in a traffic jam for 2 hours and you're hungry as fuck? Complain? Hit the horn endlessly?What are you going to do when you realize that losing weight isn't as easy as you thought it would be? Give up? Binge on junk food?We need to stop using porn as a pain reliever.We need to face reality, not run from it.Please understand what I'm talking about here. If you do then you will be able to identify every time you're using porn as an escape.Read carefully the following text taken from In Buddha's Words:The first of these distinctions, drawn in Text I,2(1), revolves around the response to painful feelings. Both the worldling and the noble disciple experience painful bodily feelings, but they respond to these feelings differently. The worldling reacts to them with aversion and therefore, on top of the painful bodily feeling, also experiences a painful mental feeling: sorrow, resentment, or distress. The noble disciple, when afflicted with bodily pain, endures such feeling patiently, without sorrow, resentment, or distress. It is commonly assumed that physical and mental pain are inseparably linked, but the Buddha makes a clear demarcation between the two. He holds that while bodily existence is inevitably bound up with physical pain, such pain need not trigger the emotional reactions of misery, fear, resentment, and distress with which we habitually respond to it. Through mental training we can develop the mindfulness and clear comprehension necessary to endure physical pain courageously, with patience and equanimity. Through insight we can develop sufficient wisdom to overcome our dread of painful feelings and our need to seek relief in distracting binges of sensual self indulgence.“Monks, when the uninstructed worldling experiences a painful feeling, he sorrows, grieves, he weeps beating his breast and becomes distraught. He feels two feelings—a bodily one and a mental one. Suppose they were to strike a man with a dart, and then strike him immediately afterward with a second dart, so that the man would feel a feeling caused by two darts. So too, when the uninstructed worldling experiences a painful feeling, he feels two feelings—a bodily one and a mental one.“While experiencing that same painful feeling, he harbors aversion toward it. When he harbors aversion toward painful feeling, the underlying tendency to aversion toward painful feeling lies behind this. While experiencing painful feeling, he seeks delight in sensual pleasure. For what reason? Because the uninstructed worldling does not know of any escape from painful feeling other than sensual pleasure. When he seeks delight in sensual pleasure, the underlying tendency to lust for pleasant feeling lies behind this. He does not understand as it really is the origin and the passing away, the gratification, the danger, and the escape in the case of these feelings. When he does not understand these things, the underlying tendency to ignorance in regard to neither-painful-nor-pleasant feeling lies behind this.“If he feels a pleasant feeling, he feels it attached. If he feels a painful feeling, he feels it attached. If he feels a neither-painful-nor-pleasant feeling, he feels it attached. This, monks, is called an uninstructed worldling who is attached to birth, aging, who is attached to sorrow, lamentation, pain, dejection, who is attached to suffering, I say.“Monks, when the instructed noble disciple experiences a painful feeling, he does not sorrow, grieve, he does not weep beating his breast and become distraught. He feels one feeling—a bodily one, not a mental one. Suppose they were to strike a man with a dart, but they would not strike him immediately afterward with a second dart, so that the man would feel a feeling caused by one dart only. So too, when the instructed noble disciple experiences a painful feeling, he feels one feeling—a bodily one, and not a mental one.“While experiencing that same painful feeling, he harbors no aversion toward it. Since he harbors no aversion toward painful feeling, the underlying tendency to aversion toward painful feeling does not lie behind this. While experiencing painful feeling, he does not seek delight in sensual pleasure. For what reason? Because the instructed noble disciple knows of an escape from painful feeling other than sensual pleasure. Since he does not seek delight in sensual pleasure, the underlying tendency to lust for pleasant feeling does not lie behind this. He understands as it really is the origin and the passing away, the gratification, the danger, and the escape in the case of these feelings. Since he understands these things, the underlying tendency to ignorance in regard to neither-painful-nor-pleasant feeling does not lie behind this.“If he feels a pleasant feeling, he feels it detached. If he feels a painful feeling, he feels it detached. If he feels a neither-painful-nor-pleasant feeling, he feels it detached. This, monks, is called a noble disciple who is detached from birth, aging, who is detached from sorrow, lamentation, pain, dejection, who is detached from suffering, I say.“This, monks, is the distinction, the disparity, the difference between the instructed noble disciple and the uninstructed worldling.”(SN 36:6; IV 207–10)Mistake #2: Being Hard On Yourself Every Time You Relapse(每一次撸管,你都感觉很愧疚,心理的阴影很有罪恶感)Ok, so you just "relapsed".Calm down. Breathe.Stop the drama. Stop the "I'm so sick of this" comments.Don't get angry. Don't feel guilty.It won't do you any good.I made this mistake so many times in the past.Read my journal. I was a "chronic relapser" as others have said.Here's what usually happens:A guy relapses and masturbates to porn. He couldn't take it anymore and had an hour long porn session. After he's done, he feels terrible with himself. He comes to the forum and posts on his journal."What a fucking pussy I am""I can't believe I gave in, how will I ever beat this?""I've had enough of this shit""My life is a mess"Sometimes he feels angry. Sometimes he feels guilty. Sometimes he feels down. He takes relapse very seriously and ends up feeling very bad with himself. He then goes and commits mistake #1 in order to stop feeling bad, which in turn will make him feel more bad afterwards. So he binges until he's completely depleted. Then he tries rebooting again, remaining completely unaware of his mistake. Some days later he relapses and once again goes hard on himself, unable to break free of this cycle.Listen, the next time you relapse, don't be hard on yourself. Calm down. Open your "relapse spreadsheet" (which I believe everyone should have) and mark the current date with an X. Then calmly get back on track as soon as possible. Minimize your binge as much as you can. You're not back to zero every time you watch porn.There is this damaging belief in the forum that success is measured by how many straight days you go without porn.There's a Hall of Fame, yes, but this is just a way to encourage people. It's not an indication of whether you're successful or not.Please understand. Let's use some common sense here.If a guy goes from watching porn every day to watching porn 3-4 times a month, then he's already successful.Why would a guy like him be so hard on himself every time he relapses? It just doesn't make any sense. He's way ahead millions of men around the world who are completely hooked on porn.All he needs to do is keep trying to reduce the amount of relapses per month. That's why I believe having a spreadsheet is crucial. It will give him some perspective on how much he has progressed.With time he will discover that the chaser effect loses its strength. Getting back on track after relapsing gets easier and easier.He might or might not be able to get into the Hall of Fame, but it doesn't matter. The addiction no longer has control over him.That, my friends, is true success.And the mere fact that you're a member of this forum and you're trying to leave porn behind is enough reason to be proud and stop beating yourself up.Mistake #3: Focusing Too Much On NOT Watching Porn
(不要想我不看,我不看,你要做的就是把生活中必需做的事情做好,这也就是转移注意力)Guess what?If you're thinking about not watching porn, you're thinking about porn.As long as porn is in your mind, you will have a lot of trouble letting it go.The correct approach is to just forget about it.Stop obsessing about what day you're on.Stop posting on your journal stuff like "Omg quitting porn is so difficult, the urges are so strong!"Stop hanging out too much on this forum.Just forget about porn. Disregard it as an option in your life.Focus your mind on the stuff that matters. Your family, your dreams, your health, your career.When urges arise, watch them mindfully. Observe them. Do not react. Do not suppress them. Do not push them away.Just kindly smile and focus your mind on something else.Watching porn is not an option. It's not a part of your life anymore.It's a thing of the past.
撸其实没什么快感,可以说是没感觉,只是有想射的冲动,只有在憋住时那0.1秒时的快感,我们为什么要为那0.1秒快感而糟蹋身体呢?我看过一个演讲说的是精液是由脊髓液和性激素组成。而脊髓和大脑液成分相同它们可以说是唇亡齿寒相互依懒的关系,所以撸多了会造成脑萎缩,轻的会造成智商情商下降,严重的可以导致死亡。为了祖国的发展住手吧! 还有撸之前或之后或平时吃几个鸡蛋能减轻头晕症状。


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