
又是一个星期一的早晨,一周一次的升旗仪式就要开始了。同学们怀着激动的心情排着整整齐齐的队伍来到了操场。在振奋人心的《歌唱祖国》的乐曲声中,升旗仪式正式开始。3位身着整洁校服的同学走出了队列。他们迈着整齐的步伐向旗台走去,迅速来到旗杆下拴好了国旗。“起来,不愿做奴隶的人们,把我们的血肉筑成我们心的长城……”在雄壮的国歌声中,在冉冉升起的国旗下,同学们庄严地举起右手,向无数先烈用鲜血染红的五星红旗致敬。 望着眼前那一面随着初升的太阳舒展开来的五星红旗,我不禁想起了曾经在电视上看到的一幕:那是一次在云南高原最边远,最偏僻,地处海拔3200米之上,只有8户人家12个学生的某彝族小学校里举行的升旗仪式。那所学校的条件很差,教室只有一间草房,学生用的课桌都是石块垒成的,十分简陋。天刚蒙蒙亮,一个虎头虎脑的小男孩吹响了羊角,这是小学校的集合号。12个穿着破旧的学生排成两队进入操场,等待升旗。太阳刚刚爬上东面的山崖,露出半张红红的脸。女老师用庄重的语调宣布升国旗仪式开始,3个男孩正步走出队列,迅速来到旗杆下拴好了国旗。女老师又宣布:奏国歌!我正疑惑,他们拿什么奏国歌?这么穷的地方难道还有音响和乐器?只见几个学生变戏法般捧起一张张鲜绿的树叶贴到唇边,一个学生吹起了羊角,两个学生吹响了唢呐。一曲别有韵味的国歌,在这木叶、羊角、唢呐的合奏下,就这样随着晨风在山间回荡。鲜艳的五星红旗也紧随着国歌那铿锵的旋律,冉冉地向上升起。孩子们旦俯测谎爻荷诧捅超拉全都停止了嬉闹,神情庄重地注视着越飘越高的国旗。面对此情此景,我的心被深深地震撼了。热泪在不知不觉间涌出眼眶,挂满了整个面颊。 山里孩子的学习、生活条件都没我们好,但是他们对祖国的热爱却丝毫不亚于我们。尽管我们城里的孩子吃的是肯德鸡、麦当劳,喝的是乐百事、雪碧,穿的是阿迪达斯、青蛙王子,但是我们千万不能忘记那些和我们生活在同一片蓝天下的贫困山区的孩子们。让中国每一片土地上的人们都富裕起来是我们这些共产主义接班人的责任。祖国的明天等待着我们去创造。五星红旗——中华民族的象征,也将更高地飘扬在世界的东方。 “前进——前进”,那鲜艳的五星红旗,那站在红旗下的12名学生,还有那庄严的升旗仪式,将和眼前的这次升旗仪式一起永远铭记在我的心头。1.山里孩子的升旗仪式和我们平时见到的升旗仪式有什么不同?2.读了短文你有什么感想?
In olden times when wishing still helped one, there lived a King whose daughters were all beautiful, but the youngest was so beautiful that the sun itself, which has seen so much, was astonished whenever it shone in her face. Close by the King’s castle lay a great dark forest, and under an old lime-tree in the forest was a well, and when the day was very warm, the King’s child went out into the forest and sat down by the side of the cool fountain, and when she was dull she took a golden ball, and threw it up on high and caught it, and this ball was her favorite plaything. Now it so happened that on one occasion the princess’s golden ball did not fall into the little hand which she was holding up for it, but on to the ground beyond, and rolled straight into the water. The King’s daughter followed it with her eyes, but it vanished, and the well was deep, so deep that the bottom could not be seen. On this she began to cry, and cried louder and louder, and could not be comforted. And as she thus lamented someone said to her, “What ails thee, King’s daughter? Thou weepest so that even a stone would show pity.” She looked round to the side from whence the voice came, and saw a frog stretching forth its thick, ugly head from the water. “Ah! old water-splasher, is it thou?” “I am weeping for my golden ball, which has fallen into the well.” “Be quiet, and do not weep,” answered the frog. “I can help thee, but what wilt thou give me if I bring thy plaything up again?” “Whatever thou wilt have, dear frog,” said she—“my clothes, my pearls and jewels, and even the golden crown which I am wearing.” The frog answered, “I do not care for thy clothes, thy pearls and jewels, or thy golden crown, but if thou wilt love me and let me be thy companion and play-fellow, and sit by thee at thy little table, and eat off thy little golden plate, and drink out of thy little cup, and sleep in thy little bed — if thou will promise me this I will go down below, and bring thee thy golden ball up again.” “Oh, yes,” said she, “I promise thee all thou wishest, if thou wilt bring me my ball back again.” She, however, thought, “How the silly frog does talk! He lives in the water with the other frogs, and croaks, and can be no companion to any human being!” But the frog when he had received this promise, put his head into the water and sank down, and in a short time came swimming up again with the ball in his mouth, and threw it on the grass. The King’s daughter was delighted to see her pretty plaything once more, and picked it up, and ran away with it. “Wait, wait,” said the frog. “Take me with thee. I can’t run as thou canst.” But what did it avail him to scream his croak, croak, after her, as loudly as he could? She did not listen to it, but ran home and soon forgot the poor frog, who was forced to go back into his well again. The next day when she had seated herself at table with the King and all the courtiers, and was eating from her little golden plate, something came creeping splish splash, splish splash, up the marble staircase, and when it had got to the top, it knocked at the door and cried, “Princess, youngest princess, open the door for me.” She ran to see who was outside, but when she opened the door, there sat the frog in front of it. Then she slammed the door to, in great haste, sat down to dinner again, and was quite frightened. The King saw plainly that her heart was beating violently, and said, “My child, what art thou so afraid of? Is there perchance a giant outside who wants to carry thee away?” “Ah, no,” replied she, “it is no giant, but a disgusting frog.” “What does a frog want with thee?” “Ah, dear father, yesterday when I was in the forest sitting by the well, playing, my golden ball fell into the water. And because I cried so the frog brought it out again for me, and because he insisted so on it, I promised him he should be my companion, but I never thought he would be able to come out of his water! And now he is outside there, and wants to come in to me.” In the meantime it knocked a second time, and cried, “Princess, youngest princess! Open the door for me! Do thou not know what thou saidst to me Yesterday by the cool waters of the fountain? Princess, youngest princess! Open the door for me!” Then said the King, “That which thou hast promised must thou perform. Go and let him in.” She went and opened the door, and the frog hopped in and followed her, step by step, to her chair. There he sat and cried, “Lift me up beside thee.” She delayed, until at last the King commanded her to do it. When the frog was on the chair he wanted to be on the table, and when he was on the table he said, “Now, push thy little golden plate nearer to me that we may eat together.” She did this, but it was easy to see that she did not do it willingly. The frog enjoyed what he ate, but almost every mouthful she took choked her. At length he said, “I have ea now I am tired, carry me into thy little room and make thy little silken bed ready, and we will both lie down and go to sleep.” The King’s daughter began to cry, for she was afraid of the cold frog which she did not like to touch, and which was now to sleep in her pretty, clean little bed. But the King grew angry and said, “He who helped thee when thou wert in trouble ought not afterwards to be despised by thee.” So she took hold of the frog with two fingers, carried him upstairs, and put him in a corner. But when she was in bed he crept to her and said, “I am tired, I want to sleep as well as thou, lift me up or I will tell thy father.” Then she was terribly angry, and took him up and threw him with all her might against the wall. “Now, thou wilt be quiet, odious frog,” said she. But when he fell down he was no frog but a king’s son with beautiful, kind eyes. He by her father’s will was now her dear companion and husband. Then he told her how he had been bewitched by a wicked witch, and how no one could have delivered him from the well but herself, and that to-morrow they would go together into his kingdom. Then they went to sleep, and next morning when the sun awoke them, a carriage came driving up with eight white horses, which had white ostrich feathers on their heads, and were harnessed with golden chains, and behind stood the young King’s servant, faithful Henry. Faithful Henry had been so unhappy when his master was changed into a frog, that he had caused three iron bands to be laid round his heart, lest it should burst with grief and sadness. The carriage was to conduct the young King into his kingdom. Faithful Henry helped them both in, and placed himself behind again, and was full of joy because of this deliverance. And when they had driven a part of the way, the King’s son heard a cracking behind him as if something had broken. So he turned round and cried, “Henry, the carriage is breaking.” “No, master, it is not the carriage. It is a band from my heart, which was put there in my great pain when you were a frog and imprisoned in the well.” Again and once again while they were on their way something cracked, and each time the King’s son thought the carriage was breaking, but it was only the bands which were springing from the heart of faithful Henry because his master was set free and was happy.
In olden times when wishing still helped one, there lived a King whose daughters were all beautiful, but the youngest was so beautiful that the sun itself, which has seen so much, was astonished whene...
扫描下载二维码为什么我喜欢的女生不把我当成她的白马王子 而是青蛙王子 青蛙王子是什么意思_百度知道
为什么我喜欢的女生不把我当成她的白马王子 而是青蛙王子 青蛙王子是什么意思


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