CLEAR FEELING gxg是什么牌子子...

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Powered by Discuz X3.2clear是什么牌子的化妆品?-55BBS 我爱购物网
雅芳保湿柔肤水美宝莲真彩造型慕司胭脂美宝莲真彩造型眼影ZA俏翘睫毛膏美宝莲眼部及唇部卸妆液美宝莲的眼线液和眉笔都是不错的美宝莲莹透亲颜自然无暇蜜粉乳液粉饼我用的是色彩地带干湿两用粉饼,但是我不怎么喜欢,到现在我都没有找到我喜欢的粉饼。美宝莲水晶纯美唇膏,一开始用的不错,因为我用的是试用装,后来买了一支感觉不怎么样!曼秀雷敦的水分润唇膏感觉没有网上说的那么好,其实经验还是要靠自己积累。ZA真美白隔离霜NIVEA妮维雅没什么效果,而且不适合你,因为酒精浓度比较高,用了会刺激伤你年轻娇嫩的肌肤,雅芳更不适合你,因为他家的东东便宜的基本没什么效果,而且东西根本不值那个价,你现在化妆的确有点早,不过想化妆也没什么,作为女生追求美是人之常情,先简单说说化妆的基本步骤吧,首先洗脸,拍爽肤水(收敛水或者化妆水都一样的),抹乳液滋润,建议用Clean&Clear一套,接下来是隔离霜,因为你有痘痘所以不建议用粉底液,会刺激痘痘,用具有修颜效果的隔离霜其实效果和粉底液效果是一样的,隔离霜的刺激还小一些,还可以修正你偏黄的肤色,同时隔离彩妆对皮肤的伤害,建议用THE FACE SHOP(TFS)的绿隔,20块钱左右,再下来用遮瑕膏遮住脸上的痘印斑斑点点啊,建议用VOV的花漾玫瑰遮瑕膏,30块左右,不想用遮瑕膏也行,下来是扑散粉定妆,反正前面已经用到隔离霜隔离彩妆了,散粉用什么都成,好点坏点不所谓的,只是为了减少脱妆,当然这步也可以省略,下面就是画眉毛,你年轻稍微修下眉型就行了,不画还自然点,因为眉毛比较难画,画不好很影响整体,下来就是眼睛,买一支伊莱琦的眼线笔贴着眼皮画眼线,可以增大眼睛,不画也可以,直接买跟眼影棒顺着眼皮走向涂一条便可,眼影棒颜色随自己喜欢选择,街上到处都有卖的,一两块钱就可以买到,眼影用好的坏的效果其实不是太明显的,只是说好的颜色更正一些,对皮肤刺激小些,下面就是睫毛膏,建议用查名一猫的,八块钱左右,效果还不错,根根分明,很适合学生用,唇彩就好办多了,用什么都可以,你这个年龄用唇膏太显老,有以上这些,基本的生活妆就不成问题了,还有什么想知道的尽管问好了,希望以上这些可以对MM有帮助,当然每天晚上的卸妆也是很重要的,一定要卸的干净才不会对痘痘有影响~~ 想要轮廓明显,最快捷并且简单的方法就是打腮红,当然这个腮红和普通的腮红不一样,其实就是阴影粉,从你颧骨最开始的地方往下巴两侧刷阴影粉,就是比你正常肤色暗一号的颜色,这样从视觉上脸就小了而且轮廓明显了很多 至于风吹或者脸热花妆,只需要在抹乳液之后抹上一曾定妆液就不会花妆了~~
你属于油性皮肤,像你说的应该是很严重,你用的化妆品挺一般的,不知道你是什么经济,像CLEAN CLEAR可以说是垃圾牌子。不知道你是什么经济基础,我个人以前也比较油,用的是安利的男士化妆品,效果确实挺好的!用完就有效果,用一段时间就会变成中性皮肤,我个人觉得化妆品用好的值,面子问题!不妨去试试!好象二百多!
我是穷学生一组了。常常看到网上推荐的所谓平价化妆品,其实一点也不平价。我这身处小地方的人,还买不到这些品牌。我来推荐几款适合学生的,买得到的,平价化妆品吧!  1 洗面奶:  cleanclear(有美白的,控油的,祛逗的)价格一般不超过20元。洗得干净,又不紧绷。最近,我新买了茶树控油的一款,也很好用的。在超市买的,20.5元。  若是肯再多花3,4块钱,曼秀雷敦的也很好。  2 爽肤水:  妮维娅的。市面上有白瓶的,粉瓶的,绿瓶的,我都用过了。很好。因为我本人属于过敏肤质,一般不会乱用,这些水水很好的。200ML的大瓶一般不超过50元。能用小半年呢。我用得很多,也能用4个月。  3乳液  资生堂家的泊美植物水润系列。朱茵代言的。我觉得这是个不容马虎的一步 。以前总是花个20几块买的乳液,当时觉得很便宜,其实十分难用,又油又不补水,最后都扔了,真是浪费。这是我强力推荐的。  真的很好用。一点都不油。(当年我脸上长疱疹,恢复期的时候专用的,性质很温和)。这也是我卖得最贵的了,一瓶65元。不过真的很值!  4 面霜  至今没有用到65块钱以下,值得称赞的。  5 防晒霜  推荐泊美的,哈哈,真的不油。30倍的,搞特价时买的,可能是六七十块,忘了。另外还附赠了一大瓶晒后修护着哩。相当的补水。超级划算!!一个夏天是够用了。  opera的也不油,防晒效果也很好,同学在用。 50块左右  6隔离霜  the face shop 大米系列,我用的是紫色的,这款产品在网上口碑极好,于是买来用,只用一点就可以铺满整张脸了。赞!ZA的真希美白隔离霜口碑也不错,本人没用过,不过同学用得挺好,贵了点!  7身体乳液  雅芳的牛奶乳液就不错。一大瓶才25块,浪费着用,还能用一年。  8 眼霜  未找到合适的  先推荐这些把,我本人超爱过敏,小护士的东东,雨水的东东,明兰的东东,我都有过惨痛的过敏经历。所以,我选择的标准就是,绝对平价,绝对温和,绝对好用
20岁的皮肤作好清洁防晒和补水就好,这个年纪千万不要乱用化妆品,不然皮肤会逐渐的变的糟糕,选择一些安全口碑好的品牌,不要用玉兰油和CIEAN CLEAR,还有李医生,这些对皮肤都有伤害的,我给你推荐安全的品牌曼秀雷敦,露得清都不错的
瑞丽评出的史上最好用的化妆品瑞丽评出的史上最好用的化妆品最满意洗面奶:   1.露得清 深层净化洗面乳    洗面奶   3.佰草集 平衡洁面乳      最满意洁面皂:    纯榄滋养皂    温和洁面皂   3.清肌精 洁面皂      最满意去角质产品:   1.ZA 去角质霜    深层清洁去角质霜    圣艾芙 杏子磨砂膏         最满意化妆水:   1.雪肌精   2.契尔氏小黄瓜水   #水         最满意乳液:    黄油    全能乳液   3.雪肌精乳液      最满意面霜: 水磁场    深度锁水保湿霜    宛若新生活肤霜      最满意防晒产品:    倩碧城市隔离      3.佰草集 防晒喷乳      最满意精华素:   1.雅诗兰黛 ANR系列   2.兰芝 水库精华    水元素精华         最满意眼霜:   #039;s 牛油果眼霜   2.雅诗兰黛 ANR晚间特润修护眼霜   润泽眼霜      最满意清洁去痘面膜:   1.贝佳斯 绿泥白泥粉泥 系列    泥娃娃 清洁面膜    蜂蜜燕麦3 in 1调理面膜      最满意美白去斑面膜:   1.佰草集 新七白美白嫩肤面膜   2.露得清 细白修护面膜    酒粕面膜      最满意补水滋养面膜:    一饮而尽    花香面膜   3.兰芝睡眠面膜     最满意按摩膏:   1.婵真 调理霜    纯肌粹 按摩美容液   3.雪肌精 美白按摩面膜      最满意护唇用品:   ’s 1#   ’s bees 小蜜蜂   3.曼秀雷敦 薄荷系列      最满意护手霜:    玫瑰手霜   2.露得清 护手霜   3.屈臣氏 骨胶原护手霜      最满意身体乳液:    系列    纤体霜    牛奶乳肤乳      最满意喷雾:    玫瑰喷雾   2.雅漾 活泉水喷雾   3.法国依云      最满意卸妆产品:    橄榄卸妆油   2.欧莱雅 眼唇卸妆液   3.ZA卸妆油      最满意妆前打底乳霜:      2.兰芝 隔离霜    猪油膏      最满意粉底液品牌:    系列    系列    系列   (因为种类实在太多,所以只针对了品牌投票)      最满意粉底霜:    水凝粉霜    光润粉霜(暂无图)    纯中药修护粉底霜      最满意粉饼:    凝脂粉饼    净白光彩防晒粉饼    珍珠焕彩两用粉饼      最满意散粉蜜粉:    红色恋人   版本较多,争议较大    蒲公英粉   3.娇兰 焕彩流星粉球      最满意遮瑕膏: 明彩笔    保湿遮瑕膏    遮瑕膏      最满意高光产品:    淡粉高光修饰液    星纱盘         最满意腮红:    蒲公英粉    唇颊可丽饼    液体腮红         最满意眼线产品:    眼线胶    眼线胶    眼线液      最满意眼影:   1.PN 眼影膏       恋爱魔镜 魔法眼影      最满意睫毛膏:   1.美宝莲 胖子睫毛膏    睫毛膏   3.AS 纤长卷翘睫毛膏      最满意修眉用品:   1.ZA 眉笔   2.AS 魔幻眉粉    修护眉彩      最满意唇膏品牌:   1.AS 安娜苏    魅惑唇膏   3.EL 靛彩丰润唇膏      最满意唇彩:   1CHANEL CRISTALLE GLOSS 晶亮唇彩    柔丽唇彩    水漾修护唇彩      最满意指甲油:   1.AS 安娜苏 魔幻指甲油      3.ZA
17,8岁时候我都在用百草集,尤其百草集的面膜很不错,而且用后不会有副作用,也适合敏感肌肤,并且个人百草集的东东很适合年龄小的女孩子。 化妆品建议用好的品牌东西,现在我的彩妆就选MAC或者dior的东西,好的东西一般都是在流行趋势上,所以很容易打造出流行又漂亮的妆容。不用没一样都买,买一些经常使用的就好,粉饼,隔离,几款眼影,唇彩,腮红就可以了。 而且现在年轻的皮肤更要注意保养,不可以随便买化妆品,不好的化妆品会对年轻的肌肤造成伤害 我不知道用什么最好,但我自己是用玉兰油洗脸,妮维亚的爽肤水,还用过玉兰油的天然萃取系列,强生宝宝用的东西也不错,少刺激.反正CLEAN CLEAR的爽肤水最好不要用,酒精量太高,容易长痘
扫描下载客户端学霸快快出现 帮忙翻译为英文 在实施服装品牌多元化的同时,杉杉还致力于产业多元化_百度知道
学霸快快出现 帮忙翻译为英文 在实施服装品牌多元化的同时,杉杉还致力于产业多元化
打造一个知名品牌已非易事。转让了部分股权,也是企业实施“走出去”战略的重要一步。一件事是在南下市场调研的火车上。目前看来,另一方面要把“杉杉”的品牌和“潇洒”的口号叫响,杉杉旗下何以“群星荟萃”。1995年,不要太潇洒哦”、营销方式以及定价权、电解铜箔制造、厚垫肩,怎么在中国才流行几年就被消费者放弃了呢,以及开拓国际市场的经验,没有一点美感、新材料等领域,郑永刚拿着借来的6万块钱到电视台投放了中国服装业第一个电视广告————“杉杉西服。产品知名度给企业带来了品牌效应,如同穿盔甲,杉杉在上海中百一店开设了首家服装品牌专卖厅,这离不开杉杉20年来一以贯之的品牌创新理念,必须换掉重做,印有统一杉杉标识的广告在各地媒体、投资3大事业板块,在服装产业市场容量渐趋饱和的情况下,成为在多元化中融汇专业化特色的综合性企业集群,在当前应对国际金融危机的不利影响之际,“潇洒”成了杉杉西服追求的直接目标,包括属于自己的物流体系、久游网,我国西服销量滑入低谷、保证了企业的利润率;将资金投入中科英华。杉杉集团董事长郑永刚的名片像一个“商标大全”———上面印有“杉杉服装”,杉杉知名度越来越高,品牌为企业赢得了发展的主动权。1991年,更使金融投资业务也取得优异成绩,就一家企业而言:全世界穿了几百年的西装。目前、松江铜业等。”郑永刚悟出一个道理、引入高水平的战略管理团队,对方对商标格外看重、“鲁比昂姆”……总共20多个杉杉旗下的知名品牌、羽纱支撑”,在新能源。自创品牌 赢得发展主动权上世纪80年代末。品牌带来了什么,一方面从服装加工工艺上改进,成功的道路不止一条!“要让消费者觉得穿上西装很潇洒,杉杉选择了非相关多元化经营这一更为开阔的发展方式。”当时企业生产的西装清一色都是“黑炭衬。伴随着这句广告语的流行、系统的人才培养机制,杉杉建立了锂电池综合材料、热缩材料基地和辐照技术产业基地等高新科技产业优势企业。刚刚接任宁波甬港服装厂厂长的郑永刚想不通,杉杉就能共享对方遍布70多个国家和地区的商业资源。杉杉从此走上了有形资产与无形资产相结合的发展新路。1989年9月:原来品牌如此重要、“杉杉女装”,现已形成服装,是杉杉在经营模式上的又一次创新之举,“如果商标在生产过程中损坏了,杉杉在服装界第一个完成CI战略导入。郑永刚认为,“那种轻薄软挺的潇洒感觉跟国产西装很不一样,正是这些品牌丰富了杉杉集团的盈利空间。对于众多的服装企业而言,他看到一个年轻人穿着一套进口西服,这条道路的前景十分广阔,杉杉还致力于产业多元化拓展、城市霓虹灯上出现?郑永刚表示、宁波银行。郑永刚说?随后发生的两件事让他明白了事情的原委、道路灯箱、科技,经多年布局学霸快快出现
Ssmart&quot.&quot. At present, the way of marketi,including their own logistics system., comprehensive enterprise clusters is become in the diversification of professionalcharacteristic fusion, Bank of Ningbo: the originalb to put money into China kinwa, in the disadvantageous influence to cope with the international financial crisis on the occasion? Zheng Yonggang said that the brand has won the initiative development for enterprises, hand improvements from the garment p the strategic, it cannot do without the firs 20 years to brand innovat brand and &quot..A thing is in the south of Market Rs of the last century: the world put hundreds of years of suit.What brand brought, Shanshan garment brand monopoly opened its first office in S, long swim the net,Shanshan is ghair interlining.&quot, also is the enterprise implement &s garment industry the first television advertising -- &quot. With the slogan of the popular!&quot.In 1989 September, thick pads, how in the China was popular a few years by consumers to give up, Shanshan choose non related diversification that a more ot be too cool oh&quot, the system of talent, don&#39,and experience to develop the international market,SShanshan dress&quot, the introduction of the world&#39.Zheng Yonggang thinks, Zheng Yonggang took the borrowed 60000 dollars to the TV station launched China&#39, Shanshan can share mechanism of training each other across more than 70 countries and regions of the introduction of resources, in the field of new energy, is Shanshan andan innovation in the business model? Two then something happened that made him understand what happened,Shanshan&quot, commercial high level strategic management team, gradually in the capacity of garment indus has become the direct goalpursuit Sthin softvery clear feeling with homemade suits are not the same, the &quot, a;, Shanshan clothing industry in the first to complete theimport CI strategy, lithium battery electrolytic coppecool&s card as a &quot, to ensure the profit of the enterprise, & Zheng Yonggang said, heat shrinkable material base and irradiation technology industrial base of high-tech industry advantage of enterprises. A total of more than 20 under the banner of the well-known brandshanshan, on the other hand? Zheng Yonggang said. Shanshan has embarked on the tangible assets and intangible assets of the new development road of combining.&quot, Shanshan is also committed to theindustrial diversification development, must replace the redo, the other party to the trademark is paif a trademark has been damaged in the pan important step to walk&quot, camlet support&quot, it is these brand rich Shanshan G -- emblazoned with &quot, &star studded&quot.Own brand to win the initiative in the development ofThe 80&#39, &Ruby Angmu&quot. Another thing is Yonggang garment factorywas a Hongkong foundry business, success is more than one way. Now, not a bit of beauty., &quot,trademark Daquan&quot. In 1991, he saw a young man dressed in a suit that imports, road lamp box, our country suit sales slide into the bottom. In 1995,investment 3 business sectors, to create a well-known brand is not easy. For manygarment enterprises.Zheng Y., Shanshan has established comprehensive material., &s top 500 enterprises as a strategic investor, neon lighShanshan garment& When the enterprise production suit exclusively &quot. I Zheng Yonggang realized that, this roadis very broad prospects, more make financial investment business also achieved outstanding results, technology, has been the formation of clothing. Just as Ningbo Yonggang garment factory director Zheng Yonggang think impassability, with unified Shanshan logo advertTo make consumers feel that wear . The transfer of part of the shares.Zheng Yonggang said, Shanshan under why &quot. The popularity of the products to the enterprise has brought the brand effect非常荣幸能够回答你的问题
由于本人能力有限 下面是来自百度的翻译
如有不便敬请谅解In the implementation of the clothing brand diversification at the same time.Shanshan Group Chairman Zheng Yonggang&#39
发布时间: 11:09:46
作者:Daniel Cook
steambirds Survival()
在物理学中,著名的物理学家Arthur Eddington曾经用“时间箭头”这个短语描绘时间是按照单一方向而出现。当涉及到广义相对论的时候,你将会意识到时间是可被压缩的,并且能够按照各种不同的方法去操作它,特别是按照接近光的飞行速度。然而即使方法再多样,时间总是一如既往地朝前进。
Steambirds: Survival Mobile
Daniel Cook
Today, we are launching Steambirds Survival for iOS. The layout has been rejiggered to work nicely on the iPhone. And there’s a wonderfully expansive HD version for the iPad that it easily my favorite way to play Steambirds. The Android version will follow shortly.
All of them are free, so give it a go and let me know what you think.
Though this new mobile version of Steambirds Survival shares the same name as web-based game, by partnering with Halfbrick (of Fruit Ninja fame) we’ve transformed it into a much bigger (and my opinion, better) game.
Improved progression system with new missions:
There are 64 missions, 8 of which are infinite survival modes.
If you liked Steambirds and want to play it forever, this is your game.
(Sometimes you need something a bit meatier than a tiny handful of puzzle levels.)
This is our first free-to-play game on mobile.
Like most of our games, we take the ‘free’ part pretty seriously.
I want people to buy because they love the game and can’t get enough.
I’m very curious what lessons we’ll learn.
Multiple player planes: We added a really fun recruitment system that lets you hire multiple player controlled planes.
Running through a level with three Chickadees feels amazing.
Previously lackluster planes like the Cockroach turn into fascinating exercises in multi-plane tactics.
New Reinforcement powerup: You can call in NPC allies to fight along side.
This leads to rather epic mix ups with dozens of planes pinwheeling about in a deadly dance.
Does your game have a clear “Arrow of Play”?
After launching the web version of Steambirds Survival, I was unhappy with the mission structure.
Originally there was an open list of planes that you could unlock in any order.
It seemed like a good idea at the time since ‘openness’ and ‘choice’ are good, right?
But we saw that a lot of players would cherry pick a few planes and then after they found one that they liked, they’d just play that plane to grind the in-game currency, copper. As a result, the progression lacked a clear feeling of momentum that encouraged you to trying out a wide variety of different play styles.
With the new mission structure, you unlock cities one at a time and each city reveals more cities to play.
Within each city, there are 8 sub-missions that give the player to demonstrate increasing levels of mastery to pass. Now, there’s a very clear direction to the unlocking and this should give players short term and long term goals to work towards.
In physics, Arthur Eddington coined the phrase ‘arrow of time’ to describe how time appears to flow in a single direction.
As you dabble in general relativity, you realize that time is wonderfully compressible and can be manipulated in a variety of clever ways, especially near the speed of light.
Yet even with all this variation, it consistently advances forward.
When I look at a design, I always ask “What is the arrow of play?”
This is a directional property of the mechanical systems that always moves the player forward. And like time, there’s often a surprisingly amount of variation that occurs along the way.
Some players advance slowly, others take strange side paths, but all advance.
Tools for creating the arrow of play
In Steambirds Survival, there are a variety of systems that result in a distinct arrow of play.
Inevitable decay: Plane health almost always goes downward.
There are very rare health boosts, but they are at best a temporary reprieve.
Escalation: Enemies slowly increase over time.
Waves get larger.
Difficult enemies spawn with increased frequency.
Even the best players find themselves at a point where they can’t fight back the chaos any longer and errors creep in.
Short term goals: Short term, you are trying to live long enough to complete mission goals that are just on the edge of your capabilities.
Repeated patterns: Each mission goal unlocks new mission goals.
Once you learn the pattern you can repeat it again and again building momentum like train wheels accelerating down the track.
Resource flow: Each goal you complete earns you copper, which you spend to either facilitate the completion of goals or to unlock new cities. There is a clear resource flow from sources of currency to sinks of currency.
Limited choices:
Unlocking new cities in turn lets you unlock more cities, eventually getting to the point where you have explored all the content in the game.
At once point in my career I thought linearity was a curse. And it is when taken to extremes.
But it is also a tool.
If you end up overwhelming most players with too many choices, the perceived quality of the choices provides goes down.
In Steambirds Survival, there are always at least 4 choices.
You can unlock up two cities.
Or you can attempt missions in at least two cities.
The hope is that it is clear what to do next.
Linear affordances:
The map of cities is a simple list that scrolls in along one dimension.
Should I have made a map that scrolls in two dimensions?
I could have, but I’m not sure it would have improved the quality of the choices that the player made.
Instead, by restricting the dimensionality of the UI, the player can focus on picking a city instead of wandering around a map, trying to remember which corner the next locked item is located at.
(I learned this lesson from map scrolling in Lemmings.
One of my favorite tools for simplify interfaces)
Games are about change.
The system moves from one state to another at the poking and prodding of the players. Each tick of the clock or press of a button creates momentum that leads the player on a joyful rush through challenge after mastery challenge. You start slowly.
The player builds speed and eventually they steam forward in a continuous state of flow.
The arrow of play leads inevitably to a sense of pacing.
Yet critically it approaches these not from a traditional narrative perspective, but as a property of the game systems.
The beats of the game rhythm are those clicks and taps turning tight loops over and over.
Steambirds is a turn-based strategy game, a genre typically seen as a slow and plodding.
Yet in the middle of a dog fight, it can feel like an action game.
A system that lacks a clear arrow of play results in players being mired in odd dead ends.
It isn’t enough to make a game that has feedback loops, widgets to master and all the various atomic elements of a game.
It also needs a strong sense of momentum that like time or entropy hurtles the play forward.()
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