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He insists on Iran's traditional foreign political principles supporting hospitality between the two governments. He spoke of ambiguities in the JCPOA that could harm Iran&s national interest by aligning with Washington at the risk of endangering the Islamic Republic of Iran.,The Director of the National Health and Family Planning Commission, Li Bin said that China's population development is a major turning point for the country. Growth has slowed, the working-age population has decreased, whilst the population is ageing in general. The one-child policy was amended slightly in November 2013 after the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, where it stipulated that couples were allowed to have two children if one of them was an only child.。
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German Chancellor Angela Merkel speaks to the press while arriving to attend the Leaders' Meeting on refugee flows along the Western Balkans route in Brussels, Belgium, on Oct. 25, 2015.。
A Russian lawmaker said Assad had told the delegation he was willing to hold new parliamentary and presidential elections and would run again as president. Earlier, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said it was time to start preparing for elections in Syria. A Russian lawmaker who met President Assad talked about the Syrian leader's priorities.
Leaders of the Communist Party of China (CPC) met in Beijing on Monday for a four-day meeting to discuss changes, while the fifth plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee will review proposals for the five-year plan. After taking into account the proposals, a final plan will be ratified by the annual session of China's top legislature in March 2016.During the 13th five-year plan, China's development environment, conditions, and tasks will undergo new changes. With international development, there are more opportunities than challenges.、。
The set is finally pushed to tiebreak which saw both still play on a high level. The scoreboard goes all the way to 6-all and the Serb put up some sizzling shots for two consecutive points to seal the opening set in one hour mark.,Zhang Rongjun, president of Overseas Chinese Association in Saint Petersburg, Russia, hopes that the issue of Chinese enterprises securing stronger positioning in foreign markets is put on the agenda for the thirteenth five-year plan. &Our enterprises are usually interested in the data and the market, but neglect the people.&The market interprets the growth target as an important indicator of how leaders will prioritize growth and structural re-balancing, Zhu said.,An important task on the agenda of the 5th plenary session of the CPCCC, is the drafting of the 13th five-year plan. This is an important document that guides the country's economic and social development. It will have a significant impact on China and the rest of the world.
The country's interior ministry says the bus passengers were members of an elderly people's club who were on a day trip. The two vehicles collided head-on near a village north of Bordeaux. The crash is the deadliest road accident in France since 1982.『上海哪里做双眼皮』相关搜索
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