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  WASHINGTON ― The Food and Drug Administration is reporting the first U.S. drug shortage tied to the viral outbreak that began in China. The agency said late Thursday that the maker of the drug contacted health officials recently about the shortage. Officials declined to identify the manufacturer or the product. China ranks second among countries that export drugs and biotech medicines to the U.S. The agency says there are currently no U.S. shortages of biotech products, medical devices or other key health care products tied to the outbreak. 558
  Warning: some of the images in the gallery above may be too graphic for some viewers.A Tennessee woman is warning others after she says she
  University of Wisconsin assistant men's basketball coach Howard Moore lost his wife and young daughter in a fatal car accident near Ann Arbor, Michigan early Saturday morning.Moore, his wife and his two children were hit head-on by a female driver going the wrong way, Michigan State Police said.That driver, along with Moore's 9-year-old daughter Jaidyn and his wife, Jennifer, died as a result of the crash, police said.Moore, 46, and his 13-year-old son Jerell are being treated at the University of Michigan Hospital. The family's dog also died in the accident, police said.The university, where Moore has coached since 2015, said Moore is in stable condition in the ICU and his son is "up and walking around.""Howard has been a terrific ambassador for Wisconsin for nearly 30 years, dating back to days as a UW student athlete," the university said in a statement. "Our hearts are with Howard and Jerell and we, as a community, will support and lift up the entire Moore and Barnes families."Head coach Greg Gard said the university is "devastated.""Howard is so much more than a colleague and coach," Gard said in a statement. "He and Jen and their children are dear friends to everyone they meet. Their positivity and energy lift up those around them.""We will miss Jen and Jaidyn dearly and we will put our arms around Howard and Jerell and the entire family, giving them love and support during this unspeakable time."Moore, who graduated from the university, returned to assist in coaching after spending five seasons as head coach at the University of Illinois at Chicago."He has always been an incredible representative of our athletic department and a positive influence on everyone around him," director of athletics Barry Alvarez said in a university statement. "We are truly heart-broken for his family and will be doing everything possible to help him through this tragic time."Dozens flooded social media with messages of support and love for Moore.Coaches and college basketball teams -- including from
  When Shawna Justice was working on trapping some cats in a neighborhood in Riverview, Michigan, Saturday, she happened to see a dog in someone's yard and she thought he was dead. But when another dog barked, the lifeless dog lifted his head."To think he has spent God knows how long in that backyard dying like that is a very sickening thing," said Justice, who said that she called Riverview police Saturday in hopes of getting help for the dog that was in a fenced yard and no one was home. Justice said the officer on the other end of the line told her that he knew what dog she was talking about and said they'd been out there before and that his owners indicated the dog was about 18-years-old, had hip dysplasia and said there was nothing that could be done. Justice went live on Facebook with an urgent plea for people to call Riverview police to respond to her location quickly and get some sort of medical care for the dog that she knew could not withstand the heat much longer in his condition. The dog, that appears to be a Greyhound-mix, was emaciated. There was another dog in the yard and there was food and water available, but the emaciated dog was in no shape to get to it. Officers did arrive and could be heard on Justice's Facebook recording. "We're going to call animal control. I know they don't work on the weekend," said one officer, who told Justice that they would notify animal control on Monday. "She's suffering from that hip disease. Our canine has the same thing."The officers said they'd be back to check on the dog and see if the owner was home and then they left.
Justice, believing the dog would not survive until Monday, remained at the house until the dog's owners returned home. They heard she was live on Facebook and they were upset.
  WASHINGTON ― Alaska Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski says she's “struggling” over whether she can support President Donald Trump given his handling of the virus and race crises roiling the U.S. Murkowski said Thursday to reporters on Capitol Hill that she was “thankful” for retired Gen. James Mattis' extraordinary rebuke of Trump for politicizing the military.
Mattis' comments, published Wednesday, accused Trump of dividing America, saying that Trump "does not evn pretend to try" to unite the countrty.Asked about her support of president, Murkowski replied, “I have struggled with it for a long time.” Murkowski retracted her endorsement of Trump in 2016 after the “Access Hollywood” tape revealed he had bragged about sexually assaulting women. She voted to acquit Trump of House impeachment charges earlier this year. Murkowski is among the first Republican lawmakers to formally rebuke Trump for his handling of Monday's photo op, which required hundreds of largely peaceful protesters to be removed from a park near the White House so Trump could walk to a nearby church, which had been burned during a weekend riot. 1137}


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