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i请填写生词本名称!Chin-De Chiang_百度百科
Chin-De Chiang
Chin-De Chiang,导演,主要作品《男孩与女孩的战争》。
上映时间剧名扮演角色导演主演担任职务1978男孩与女孩的战争Chin-De Chiang秦祥林,林凤娇导演
Chiang是什么意思 Chiang在线翻译 Chiang什么意思 Chiang的意思 Chiang的翻译 Chiang的解释 Chiang的发音 Chiang的同义词 Chiang的反义词 Chiang的例句
Chiang['maeθju:] Chiang 基本解释城镇;羌语;手机查看Chiang的意思,微信扫一扫页面右侧二维码。关注 911查询大全 后发送 Chiang 即可Chiang 网络解释1. 1. 蔣:林语堂做了仔细的资料收集,发现美国公众对西安事变的看法有违事实,包括<>在内的主流报纸声称这是一次政治绑架,而且,由于张(Chang)和蒋(Chiang)的拼写和发音近似,很多美国人连到底谁抓了谁都搞不清楚.2. Chiang2. 江:chevron packing 人字形轴封 | chiang 江 | chibli 利比亚地中海沿岸的干热风3. 张:CHI子之次池志枝知芝芷姿祉致戚梓智紫慈志赐炽 | CHIANG张 | CHICK戚4. 清迈大学 (泰国):80 BANDUNG Institute of Technology 万隆技术学院 (印度尼西亚) | 81 CHIANG 清迈大学 (泰国) | 82 KYUNGPOOK National University 庆北大学 (韩国)Chiang 双语例句1. Finally, Chiang's utter dependence on America, his suppression of anti-American demonstrations, the presence of American military men in China, the maintenance of a naval base on China's soil, special treaties signed with the United States - all of which exacerbated the nationalistic feelings of the literate Chinese public - also produced a great discontent in army circles, wounding the officers'patriotic vanity and making him a target for Communist propaganda.&&&&最后,由于蒋介石完全投靠美国,镇压反美示威,由于美国在中国驻军,在中国领土上建立海军基地,由于蒋介石同美国签订了许多不平等条约,这一切不仅使中国的知识界群情鼎沸,民族主义情绪高涨,而且也使军队内部产生严重的不满情绪,因为这一切伤害了军官们的民族自尊心,并为共产党提供了反蒋宣传的材料。2. He met both Sun Yat-sen, the founder of the republic that followed, and Chiang Kai-shek, the Nationalist generalissimo who ruled China for much of the inter-war period.&&&&他也见到了中华民国的两位领袖,建立者孙逸仙,和在大部分内战时期统治中国的民族统帅,蒋介石。3. Now, the sound of temple-worship for the founder of Wudang boxing Zhenwu, the Jade Emperor, Chiang Lingguan and statues.&&&&现在,榔梅祠殿内供奉着武当拳的创始人真武、玉皇大帝、文武灵官等神像。4. Chiang的反义词4. So i took the next bus to Jhudong, and met with Chiang around 2 o'clock. NT140&&&&我搭了下一班开往竹东的客运,并於约两点钟与阿强碰面。5. This article examines the reasons of Chiang Ching-kuo`s political reform in his afterlife.&&&&本文即在探讨蒋经国决定进行政治改革的背景。6. The main display is Miss Chiang Ching-kuo years of Olympic collections.&&&&主要展示的是吴经国先生多年来的奥运藏品。7. 7. Understand Chiang Ching-kuo and Deng Xiao-ping`s learning background, political experiences and characteristics of their leadership&&&&一、了解蒋经国与邓小平的学习背景与从政历程和领导特质。8. Some members of Congress also said that Chiang Kai-shek gave the United States billions of dollars in military aid, has been the KMT corruption.&&&&有些国会议员还说美国送给蒋介石的几十亿美元的军援,都被国民党贪污了。9. The entrance of foreign investment promotes the real wage hike of the foreign investment concentration area of Yangtze River Delta, while it has negative effect in the foreign investment concentration area of Chu Chiang Delta.&&&&外资的进入促进了长江三角洲外资集中地区实际工资的提高,但是却对珠江三角洲外资集中地区实际工资的提高起到了消极作用。10. 10. Chiang Kai-shek had died in 1975, and though his son Chiang Ching-kuo inherited the island's presidency, there was concern that he might not have the prestige to hold Taiwan together.&&&&蒋介石於一九七五年溘逝,蒋介石之子蒋经国继承台湾总统的职权,有人担心蒋经国欠缺统治台湾的必要威望。11. &#x39;&#x31;&#x31;&#x67E5;&#x8BE2;&#xB7;&#x82F1;&#x8BED;&#x5355;&#x8BCD;11. Public sympathy is all on the side of the students, Chiang Kai-shek and his running dogs are completely isolated, and his ferocious features have been completely unmasked.&&&&&&一切社会同情都在学生方面,蒋介石及其走狗完全陷于孤立,蒋介石的狰狞面貌暴露无遗。12. First, beside approving the success of the international exchange banquet on September 22 and the keynote speech on September 25, Professor Chiang Che-ming reminded us to get prepared for the SB2005 Tokyo and that SB Magazine was an excellent exchange platform. Associate Professor Yu Chao-ching recommended that we set up an English website and requested government cooperation. Professor Su Ching-hua explained that policy and assessment indicator were the foci of the SB2002 Oslo, and it lacked an integrated research team like us. In addition to reporting the commendations from overseas teams, Miss Wu Lu Lee-shih pointed that the challenges in SB policies, technologies and education were hidden behind the seminar.&&&&&&首先,江哲铭教授在称许9月22日国际交流晚宴与9月25日专题演讲成功之余,也不忘提醒祐生必须为在东京举办之SB2005预做准备以及SB杂志是一很好的交流平台;喻肇青副教授建议祐生可设置一个英文网站,并请求政府方面的配合;苏庆华教授阐析此次国际研讨会内容多偏向政策与评估指标,但仍欠缺如祐生一般有全方位整合的研究团队;吕丽丝小姐除了转达国外团队对祐生之诸多褒奖外,也提出研讨会的内涵隐含永续建筑政策、技术与教育的挑战。13. 13. To control these mountains completely, of course, is bejond the capacity of any army in the world - a fact that some United States congressmen who think to conquer China for Chiang kai-shek with a few divisions of American troops might do well to ponder. However, a control only of a small section of the mountains can often be of extreme importance.&&&&&&要想完全控制这一片祟山峻岭,远非人世间的军队力所能及,这倒是值得那些以为出动几师美军就能替蒋介石征服中国的美国议员们好好想一想;可是只要控制这些山脉的一小部分,就往往能发生举足轻重的作用。14. In 1927, Chiang Kai-shek had come to power when Tu Yueh-sen, reputed opium king of Shanghai, had dispatched five thousand gangsters through the International Settlement against the workers in the native city.&&&&&&一九二七年,上海有名的私贩鸦片大王杜月笙派出五千名地痞流氓从公共租界进攻华界的工人,才使蒋介石得以上台。15. To win support for his neofascist program, young Chiang conducted a series of raids against the property of the rich.&&&&&&为了使他的新法西斯主义纲领获得人们的支持,小蒋接连查抄有钱人的财产。16. Chiang's coming to Taiwan in 1949 was not so much with some reluctancy as of his own most important choice.&&&&&&因此,与其说蒋来台是局势所逼,倒不如说是蒋在1949年所作的最重要的选择。17. Like many other young people, Lin Chi-ying and Chiang Chiu-ping dreamed of traveling the world.&&&&&&和许多其他的年轻人一样,林姬莹和江秋萍梦想能环游世界。18. Dr. Lin Tzi Chiang, 澳大利亚 Federation of Chinese Medicine and&&&&&&8:40–9:00 中医药研究的新概念、新途径及新视角。19. A particularly interesting investigation was conducted considerably later by Chiang Lin Woo a_nd myself dealing with the J-curve distribution of observed behavioral acts in seven American male custom situations.&&&&&&一个特别有趣的调查,进行了相当程度后,由蒋林胡a_nd自己处理与J曲线分布观察行为的行为七名美国男性风俗的情况。20. 20. Chuang Chuang, right, pushes away the lovely Miss Lin Hui, Chiang Mai, Thailand, Sept.&&&&&&前年九月三日在泰国清迈,大熊猫「创创」推开他可爱的另一半「林惠」。Chiang 单语例句Chiang的翻译1. Claire Chiang didn't plan on becoming a leading businesswoman in the hospitality industry.2. Politically, the public finds it a lot harder to categorize Demos Chiang.3. The association chairman Susie Chiang hoped more exchanges between Hong Kong and Taiwan will take place following the establishment of the two committees.4. Chiang believes it a smart move to let the Japanese handle the hot potato of tens of millions of refugees.5. Chiang explained that the notice can be issued only when the contravention is ongoing, or it's likely that the contravention will continue or be repeated.6. Chiang named the house " Ai Lu ", meaning love cottage.7. Negotiations were suspended for almost 10 years until June 2008 when Chiang and his mainland counterpart Chen Yunlin held their first meeting in Beijing.8. Searchers found the body of the last Chinese crewman in nearby Chiang Khong District early on Monday.9. The reserve pool was established on basis of Chiang Mai initiative, a bilateral currency swap arrangement introduced in May 2007.10. Wong was conspicuously absent because Madame Chiang saw her " as a decadent symbol of Western corruption of Chinese women ".Chiang是什么意思,Chiang在线翻译,Chiang什么意思,Chiang的意思,Chiang的翻译,Chiang的解释,Chiang的发音,Chiang的同义词,Chiang的反义词,Chiang的例句,Chiang的相关词组,Chiang意思是什么,Chiang怎么翻译,单词Chiang是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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