太原哪个医院治疗阳痿早泄症状好?Im sorry I cant be any help

Circular Upgrade
color picker
(.rar, 2.3 MB)
Artist's Note
Here is the Updated version of my Theme Circular with the new addons.Credits - Sheikmm for the photoshop help, Thx Gustavo XD- UltraBE for the amazing SteamWheel skin- Burnwell88 for the really cool xclockOk so basically its the same Circular theme but with Notes, Weather, Mail, Rss, System info, and Network Info built in. So as you can see if you click on one of the tabs along the outer rim it expands out showing the info. Just copy Circular theme xclock and steamwheel to the skins folder, (overwrite any previous ones unless you have steamwheel than just put in the custom button under styles default mainbutton) and place the Circular folder into C:\Users\(yourname)\AppData\Roaming\Rainmeter\Themes
Featured in these Screenshots
Comments (162)
Doesn't appear to work on XP, just comes up with "No Skins available at 'directory'" I've changed it from the Isaac dir to my own (Including difference from your OS to XP). A readme explaining how to change the files to suit the user would be nice
Fri, Jan 29th at 11:34pm (6&years ago)
you put it
in the skins folder right?, did you restart rainbrowser? o.o
Sat, Jan 30th at 12:20am (6&years ago)
Yes and yes
Sat, Jan 30th at 01:33am (6&years ago)
ok so whats wrong? o.o like what happens? tell me exactly in like a timeline
Sat, Jan 30th at 01:45am (6&years ago)
Start Rainmeter, Error "There are no availiable skins at: "C:\Documents and Settings\Alex Simmons\My Documents\Rainmeter\Skins"
-Though there is because all my other themes load correctly. Rainmeter has started, theme contains no skins and is non-functional.It appears to be the Theme file you provided not the Skin config files
Sat, Jan 30th at 01:51am (6&years ago)
Ahh Walla, Added CheckUpdate=0To the 4th line, just below SkinPath
Sat, Jan 30th at 02:10am (6&years ago)
hrm let me check the dl
Sat, Jan 30th at 02:11am (6&years ago)
its there, but i included 4 folders, Circular SteamWheel and xclock go into the skin folder, the Circle theme goes into the appdata folder
Sat, Jan 30th at 02:12am (6&years ago)
I've thrown the Cirular folder into the XP directory ofC:\Documents and Settings\Alex Simmons\Application Data\Rainmeter\Themes\And i modified the Rainmeter.thm file with what i said above, i believe the problem lay (as stated by the error) that it was trying to check for updates for rainmeter skins that didn't exist on my pc but you had and incorporated sometime on your desktop but inactive for the theme, for example MagicTabs. Disabling the update checker makes it work fine
Sat, Jan 30th at 02:25am (6&years ago)
How did u disable it? o.o
Sat, Jan 30th at 03:26am (6&years ago)
on which skin btw? there area few lolz
Sat, Jan 30th at 03:50am (6&years ago)
could you show me where? i wanna know just in case someone else asks i can help them fix it XD
Sat, Jan 30th at 04:43am (6&years ago)
i love it.......thx for shareing ..... keep it up :) :D :X
Sat, Jan 30th at 04:53am (6&years ago)
Thx, and to you for the amazing clock in the middle! i can imagine how much time it took XD
Sat, Jan 30th at 05:39am (6&years ago)
Sure Baserka (had to go to a party, so delayed response), the Skins themselves are faultless (as far as i know) It's if the user uses the supplied theme file you included (circular/rainmeter.thm) Your file reads as[Rainmeter]TrayExecuteDL=!execute [!RainmeterActivateConfig "Enigma" "Enigma.ini"]SkinPath=C:\Users\Isaac\Documents\Rainmeter\Skins\I simply addedCheckUpdate=0Result:[Rainmeter]TrayExecuteDL=!execute [!RainmeterActivateConfig "Enigma" "Enigma.ini"]SkinPath=C:\Documents and Settings\Alex Simmons\My Documents\Rainmeter\Skins\CheckUpdate=0Everything else is untouched
Sat, Jan 30th at 07:10am (6&years ago)
Woah, never knew that thanks! question though did you have to input your own name in the skin path to make it recognize the skins? If so i wonder why no one else out of the now 1000 ppl has asked about it o.o hrm... but anyways thanks! now i know how to solve the problem, and call me isaac XD you earned it lolz
Sat, Jan 30th at 08:58am (6&years ago)
Yea, i had to use my own name and the correct directory for XP
Sat, Jan 30th at 05:59pm (6&years ago)
I like the skin.But there is something wrong with my Rainmeter.The CUP Temp always "0"
Sun, Jan 31st at 07:17am (6&years ago)
Ahh thats cause you need to get speedfan. The temp is linked to speed fan which is a program that measures the temp among other things, just download it and install and run. you can click on min to minimize it to the tray and it doesnt take up any cpu usage space, to set it to run at start up make a shortcut and drag it to the startup folder in your startmenu
Sun, Jan 31st at 08:53am (6&years ago)
Please for those who are having some problems a clear guide to installation and usage is here
plz go and read if you have questions :D
Sun, Jan 31st at 09:56am (6&years ago)
Just downloaded this, and I think the biggest problem is using the static path to your profile instead of system variables. e.g. - Instead of SkinPath=C:\Users\Isaac\Documents\Rainmeter\Skins\use SkinPath=%HOMEPATH%\Documents\Rainmeter\SkinsThis will automatically update to each user. Full list of the Vista/7 variables at , and it's easy enough to find them for XP if any are different. Going through the different config files and I'll post again if I find any other issues that can be easily corrected.
Sun, Jan 31st at 01:22pm (6&years ago)
Yea sorry about that, i tried to reupload the file to fix the problem (cause i know how to fix it manually) but i dunno how to reupload. Plz if you are having problems go to ar-Upgrade-
for the answers
Sun, Jan 31st at 06:32pm (6&years ago)
really like the skin would you mind telling me what some of the icons are for they don't open anything so i must not have the programs (this is my first day using rainmeter or doing any customizing at all)
Thu, Feb 4th at 09:26pm (6&years ago)
Is there a way to display the CPU temperature in Fahrenheit?
I've got SpeedFan installed and it's already displaying in Fahrenheit - I just need the code to display in Fahrenheit units within the skin itself.
Fri, Feb 5th at 04:35pm (6&years ago)
Also, is there a way to incorporate the Comp Info and Network Info "skins" into the "Main Thingie" skin so they all come up together, instead of as separate skins?
Fri, Feb 5th at 04:59pm (6&years ago)
haha awesome questions! ok first off for the wheel all you have to do is right click on the wheel go to skin menu and hit edit skin. Than under each link there are directions on how to change the link. Second question - about the C-F transfer i do not know exactly how to change it, but i can speculate (so here goes) try editing the skin than scroll down to the section marked Cpu Temp. Than when u see this [CPU Temp Label]Meter=STRINGMeasureName=CputempX=600Y=261FontColor=255,255,255FontFace=#FontName#FontSize=#FontHeight#StringAlign=CENTERText="%1 C"AntiAlias=1 change the %1 C to %0 or %2 i dunno whether it will work, the C will always stay there (its just a text) so u can change it to F if you want, but after u change the % make sure it is still measuring on the text label, if it matches the F label on speed fan u got it workin. sorry i cant be much more of a help than that (normally i would test it but im short on time)3rd question!- yes you can incorporate the comp and network skins into the main thingie, but you have to decide where to put them and how to arrange them, i didnt put them into the main because than the two segments on the outer button ring would be missing and it didnt seem as cool to me, also there wasnt enough room on my screen to it them (i hav a small screen) but if you want to fit them in all you have to do is open the edit for the comp and network and copy everything starting from [Variables] downward onto the mainthingie just add it onto the bottom and save. than rightclick on the mainthingie and go to skin menu and hit skin refresh and u should see the stuff appear, but probably in a really messed up position so just move the words by changing the X and Y variables underneath each meter so for example[NetClose]Meter=STRINGX=259Y=149Text="X"FontFace=Comic Sans MSFontColor=255,255,255FontSize=10Hidden=1change the x and y values to move left right up and down, also dont move the [Netarc] [net extended] or the [netclose] because that would move the border rim pictures along with it, same with the spu (just look for anything with a imagename=...png if it has that dont copy it hope that answers ur questions! write back if something went amiss or if u succeeded :D
Fri, Feb 5th at 09:26pm (6&years ago)
Anybody else have any ideas about how to display the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit?
changing the "%1" to "%0" or "%2" doesn't work, it simply displays that as text, not a variable.
Thanks for the quick reply though.
And great job on this skin, definitely a favorite!
Sat, Feb 6th at 03:02pm (6&years ago)
I'm not much of a programmer, but worst case - couldn't you just take the value that is returned (in Celsius) and run it through an equation [F = C * (9/5) + 32] and then display this value instead?
I just don't know the necessary code for this...
Sat, Feb 6th at 03:15pm (6&years ago)
Lul yea i was thinking you could, but that would def be worst case though cause rainmeter would lag like 3-5 seconds to do the calculations, but all you have to do it under the measures section of the mainthingie you should see a measure called [CputempAwesomness] or something like that, that is a formula measure saying to divide the other temp measure by 2, i will give you the formula you need to convert it or you can just look it up ur self (right now im running late for church XD), but try the rainmeter forums or deviant art 1st thats the best place to ask
Sat, Feb 6th at 06:38pm (6&years ago)
none of my icons work....how do u get them to work
Mon, Feb 8th at 07:54pm (6&years ago)
Dude, the links are set to my personal link, so just go in and change then to yours, for example from C:\users\isaac\downloads to C:\users\(yourname)\ downloads, you can do this by right clicking and under skin menu hit edit skin
Wed, Feb 10th at 03:44am (6&years ago)
Some of the icons don't work every well like the RainTheme icon for example. Clicking anywhere in the transparent portion on icons don't do anything for me, and I have to
specifically aim at the white spots. For some like the RainTheme icon and the Blog icon, it can get pretty annoying.
Fri, Feb 19th at 04:16am (6&years ago)
Alright, I've tried about a hundred different things. What file do I open to change "C:\users\isaac\downloads" to "C:\users\(myname)\ downloads"? This is my first time using rainmeter so maybe I'm just missing something completely obvious.
Mon, Feb 22nd at 01:29am (6&years ago)
Nevermind, I finally realized I could convert the .thm file to .ini and fix it. Awesome skin man :)
Mon, Feb 22nd at 01:43am (6&years ago)
Lol yea sorry about that jing, in order to make the icons fully "clickable" you would have to put them on a background, and while it is possible it would take away from the shape of the icon unless i put a background that is the same color as the wheel o.o i dunno, if you would like i can do this for you just tell me if u want me to XD
Mon, Feb 22nd at 04:15am (6&years ago)
I'm trying to change the icon for firefox on the wheel to one for chrome, but any icon on put in it's place only shows half, and when I mouse over it shows the opposite half of the icon, but for some reason it doesn't do that with any icons already in the icon folder. Am I missing something?
Wed, Feb 24th at 10:56pm (6&years ago)
Nevermind, I just realized I needed a series of three graphics in the .png
Wed, Feb 24th at 11:11pm (6&years ago)
I'm running this on a desktop and not a laptop, so having a battery life gauge is kinda redundant. Is there anyway to turn it into a second HD monitor? I've fiddled around with it, but it seems to be beyond me.
Thu, Feb 25th at 02:28am (6&years ago)
okies theokid, specially for you[MeasureHDD1]Measure=FreeDiskSpaceDrive=I:\UpdateDivider=7200[MeterCircle3]Meter=ROUNDLINEMeasureName=MeasureCircleX=383Y=231W=430H=420LineLength=210LineStart=195StartAngle=6.34RotationAngle=1.49AntiAlias=1LineColor=255, 255,255, 50Solid=1[HDD1]MeasureName=MeasureHDD1Meter=ROUNDLINEX=383Y=231W=430H=420LineLength=210LineStart=195StartAngle=7.83RotationAngle=-1.49LineColor=255, 255,255, 110Solid=1AntiAlias=1[MeterHDD1Label]Meter=STRINGMeasureName=MeasureHDD1X=680Y=591FontColor=255,255,255FontSize=10FontFace=#FontName#AntiAlias=1StringAlign=CENTERAutoScale=1Postfix="igs"[HDD1 Label]Meter=STRINGX=660Y=608FontColor=255,255,255FontSize=16FontFace=#FontName#AntiAlias=1StringAlign=CENTERText="I:\"Percentual=1AutoScale=1this is my external hard drive (thus the path I:\) just change the letter on:[MeasureHDD]Measure=FreeDiskSpaceDrive=I:\UpdateDivider=7200
to what ever drive you want to view. Also under the:[HDD1 Label]Meter=STRINGX=660Y=608FontColor=255,255,255FontSize=16FontFace=#FontName#AntiAlias=1StringAlign=CENTERText="I:\"Percentual=1AutoScale=1Change the text (Text="I:\") to the name of your drive (this is just for the label has no effect on the performance), but keep the " " ! It should work (tested it myself), msg if ya got any problems XD
Thu, Feb 25th at 10:03am (6&years ago)
Oh haha sorry forgot to tell how to install, just erase the battery section of the code (scroll down and you should be able to find it o.o) and copy and paste this stuff into that section. :D enjoy!
Thu, Feb 25th at 10:05am (6&years ago)
Yay! Works perfectly! ^_^
Thu, Feb 25th at 05:36pm (6&years ago)
awesome! XD
Thu, Feb 25th at 05:39pm (6&years ago)
love the skin btw, just wondering if there is an easy way to get the iTunes player to become a WinAmp player.
I looked at the code and it says iTunes plugin.dll
not too sure what to replace each part with.
Mon, Mar 22nd at 11:41am (6&years ago)
Haha okies, to convert it to winamp would take a little bit of coding, but its not too hard. I can code it for you tomorrow (since ints 1am now and i be'z tired) Check back soon for the code ill just post it and you just copy and paste it in :D
Thu, Mar 25th at 09:59am (6&years ago)
Ok dude go here for the skin
Thu, Mar 25th at 10:25am (6&years ago)
Fri, Apr 16th at 04:01pm (6&years ago)
Haha no need to beg! Have you edited the path? When i made this i didnt know too much about rainmeter so i put the icon paths (the link to open the programs when you click on the icon) as my own personal link. So my computer is : C:/Users/Isaac/Computer. This obviously will not work on your computer unless your name is isaac o.o, So what you do it right click on the skin and go to skin menu -&
than edit skin. There will be a looong list, just scroll down a little bit untill you see a title called app path 1= ... name path 1 = ... app path 2 = ... and so on, just go through this list and change what needs to be changed. Than save your edit and right click on the skin again and hit refresh all. Now it should work :D I hope i helped, ifsomething still aintworkin just post again and ill do my best XD have fun!
Fri, Apr 16th at 09:09pm (6&years ago)
Sat, Apr 17th at 01:33am (6&years ago)
AND VERY FAST REPLY!!Brother there is a favor i need to ask you!! Could you create a chalk board theme where things are written in chalk fonts and icons which are white!! please brother!! I really need it so badly! it is like my DREAM!
Sat, Apr 17th at 01:41am (6&years ago)
could u also help me on how to use the logons i downloaded from this website!im using windows xp sp 2!please brother help me customize my desktop!
I really want to show my freinds cool desktop
Sat, Apr 17th at 01:46am (6&years ago)
sorry for so many posts! could u help me get this skin on this link? well actually it was a screen shot of a persons desktop. idk how to get it i really liike that theme
Sat, Apr 17th at 01:52am (6&years ago)
Sat, Apr 17th at 02:05am (6&years ago)
Which one are you looking for? o.o what does it look like there are like 4 lol
Sat, Apr 17th at 06:04am (6&years ago)
Sat, Apr 17th at 10:01am (6&years ago)
which one of the skins in the screen shot are you trying to get?
Sat, Apr 17th at 11:02am (6&years ago)
Sunday Afternoon by gugajr21 PLEASE REPLY SOON!
Sat, Apr 17th at 12:29pm (6&years ago)
Sat, Apr 17th at 12:31pm (6&years ago)
dude i mean what part of the screen shot? there are many skins within that shot? or do you want all of them o.o cause he tells you what skins he is using... just search them up on deviantart or here
Mon, Apr 19th at 08:16am (6&years ago)
Hey, Great work with the skin. I worked out most of how to get it working but i can't seem to get the weather working. I live in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. how would i get the weather for that area. And second, Would you be able to get different icons for the steam wheel and where? I want to put shortcuts such as Google chrome and Microsoft word in is but my attempts were unsuccessful (I am just a rookie). Did you download them or make them, if so how?
Fri, May 7th at 02:08am (6&years ago)
Haha thanks first off. Ok Rainmeter has stopped the feed with accuweather making any feed over seas not working (lame i know...) i plan to code in
feed soon, but lots of school work now so ill put it in soon XD. Also for the icons, they are in a special format (.png alternating versions thingies) its kinda annoying to learn, but if you search up the Steam Wheel skin on deviantart and download it there is a good tutorial for making the icons in the folder :P
Wed, May 12th at 02:05am (6&years ago)
I saw the comment flintlock made a while back, about the icons on the steam wheel, and I'm having the same problem, but unlike him i have no idea how to put three graphics in the .png. Could someone help me out?
Wed, May 12th at 09:05am (6&years ago)
amanwithonanme, do you have photoshop?XD cause really thats the only way i know how to do it o.o, but if you do just copy the icon you want 3 times side by side in the dimensions of the normal icons that are included (just extend the canvas to that size) and go! :D, again i suggest dl'ing the steam wheel and reading the icon making tutorial XD have fun!
Thu, May 13th at 08:58am (6&years ago)
yea I actually made some of my own icons from scratch on PS. Just take the image adjust it so its the same resolution and copy the image three times. It doesnt have to be perfect, it makes the icons jiggle when you mouse over them... I like that.
Wed, May 19th at 10:05pm (6&years ago)
Also awesome work with that winamp addon, I'd been useing somehting else, nice to have a full working set. Something else I did was put shadows for all the text, makes it more legible on different backgrounds.
Wed, May 19th at 10:13pm (6&years ago)
Ooo fun mod :D sounds great! glad you like it XD
Thu, May 20th at 08:17am (6&years ago)
i'm trying to change the firefox icon to google chrome, and i get that i need to make the .png file to show the graphic correctly, but it just isn't working. any help please?
Wed, Jun 2nd at 12:18am (6&years ago)
besides photoshop, id say :P
Wed, Jun 2nd at 12:38am (6&years ago)
Ok customkari, basically what needs to be done is to put your .png icon in a set of 3 side by side. The button image that i used is set in the rainmeter program to use this format instead of the normal one, dont ask i dont get it either :P, but as a result you can make the button change colors by just scrolling over it and what not. The easiest way to do this is to use photoshop, other than that i have no idea.. srry if you cant solve this :\
Wed, Jun 2nd at 07:45am (6&years ago)
I know this might be something n00bish to say....but my computer can't read .thm files and I can't find a converter to change it to .ini. what do?
Tue, Jun 8th at 09:45pm (6&years ago)
haha nevermind I figured it out....i feel stupid now XP
Sun, Jun 13th at 12:03am (6&years ago)
meh no biggie XD
Tue, Jun 15th at 07:41am (6&years ago)
xD i got it to work but is there anyways to shrink the fie &_&
Sun, Jun 20th at 01:24am (6&years ago)
oops i mean size of it cause its to large i need it smaller cause it almost covers the wallpaper &_&
Sun, Jun 20th at 01:25am (6&years ago)
sorry dude :_, the only way to shrink it is to totally change the entire skin and reconfigure it, theoretically it can be done, but it would take a huge amount of time :S, im sorry :_
Sun, Jun 27th at 11:15pm (6&years ago)
hey this theme is awesome! but how did you get the app icons in the circle?? please help i'm sorta new to rainmeter. only installed it today :)
Wed, Jun 30th at 08:12am (6&years ago)
kool dude thanks! but are the icons missing? or are they just not extended. I input a button in the middle circle that toggles the wheel in and out, its like a quarter circle lookin thing... see if you can find it :) enjoy!
Thu, Jul 1st at 12:33am (6&years ago)
cant get the weather or notes to work! Help!
Sat, Jul 10th at 05:44pm (6&years ago)
aww thanks! lol :3 if ya want just message me here or on deviantart () and ill try and help ya, there are some outdated stuff in there that i need to update, but overall still works XD
Wed, Jul 28th at 11:43pm (6&years ago)
i orginialy had your "circular" and then i downloaded the upgrade, but the upgrade only included "comp info" and "network info".
Where are the other 4 found?
Thu, Aug 5th at 01:02pm (5&years ago)
nvm, the last 4 are part of the main thingy, so i just had to replace the original.
Thanks for the sick skin.
Thu, Aug 5th at 04:46pm (5&years ago)
the note part doesint work it seems, after one sentance of typing it cuts you off, and it also doesint have that button that you have in the picture under the "x", which i assume is to write notes easily.
Thu, Aug 5th at 06:07pm (5&years ago)
thats cause the folder path to the .png icon is messed up. Go into the edit file and change the path to yours :D
Sat, Aug 7th at 11:46pm (5&years ago)
Hi Bazerka! My English is strange, But please understand me. Because I'm Korean. T^TIn fact now I'm using Google translator..lololI'll ask anyway.I change the icon of the skin, it looks cut off.Why is that?I'll wait for answers. Have a good day. ^0^
Sat, Aug 14th at 10:07am (5&years ago)
the icons are cut off because you need the picture in a special format. Take a look at the default icons and check out the format to see how to make your own icon
Sun, Aug 22nd at 04:28am (5&years ago)
So... not to be to pressure you or anything...but umm.. did you fix the weather thing by chance? xD
Sun, Aug 22nd at 05:01pm (5&years ago)
srry dude but it will be such a long time b4 i get a crack at redoing the weather... school started again after my internship and since im in ib year 2 (12th grade) i have like 3 major essays due, plus sats in october and gahh my brain is gonna splode! i think i should be able to take a look at it in november at the earliest? but after i finish organizing the 30 hour famine at my school... srry dude! y dont you check out the weather feeds? see if you can code it in yourself :P. if you could do that i could look it over n see if it works! anywho srry for any delays... :\
Thu, Aug 26th at 07:28am (5&years ago)
as it turns out, im grade 12 with a few project due myself and an up comming SAT xD.
I understand your position.
Im a noob when it comes to notepad coding so im not even gonna bother with it.
il just check back in october.
grats on being a computer genius btw. lol
Sat, Aug 28th at 12:24am (5&years ago)
heyy .. soz im sucha noob to this stuff . lols ..umm i installed it properly ...but i dont knw how to add the apps ... and olso when i change the weather code .. nothing happens ..
Sat, Aug 28th at 03:12am (5&years ago)
Thanks for the skin Bazerka. I can't wait until you get a chance to help the US users with their weather configuration problems! Good luck with the school pressure, as well. I am having some too!
Wed, Sep 1st at 10:52am (5&years ago)
I've been wanting to change some of the icons around but all the ones you packaged are 2x too large. However, when I try to re-size them they just turn into a white box. Suggestions?
Fri, Sep 10th at 02:52pm (5&years ago)
thanks for the support you guys :D ok @redfhendrix, the icons are a little more complicated than just a simple .png image, since i coded in a button command you have to use a sieries .png code take a look at the default icons and you will see what im talking abt, its like the image of the icon side by side 3 times, the easiest way i found to do this was to just create this image using photoshop and crap the icons next to each other to fit the dimensions of the existing icons. hoped i helped!
Fri, Sep 10th at 06:53pm (5&years ago)
is there a way to decrease the overall size? its to big for my laptop screen it just barley fits =\. also is there a way to change the firefox to a google chrome? also could u explain what some of the icons do? like the roll of film?
Sun, Sep 19th at 07:20am (5&years ago)
No there isnt :\ the size is fixed... and the icons look up the original steam wheel skin and download it, there are instructions on how to make your own icons in there :D
Sat, Sep 25th at 10:15am (5&years ago)
Your skin looks awesome!I think I'm doing something wrong though, because the theme will not show up in the list of themes I can load. This is the first time I've used a 3rd party theme.I can open all the skins individually though, but the skin with the icon shortcuts (steamwheel) will open, but nothing shows up.
Sun, Sep 26th at 09:00pm (5&years ago)
It doesn't work.I place it in the skin folder, and refresh my Rainmeter,then choose your Circular, it says " Section [Metadata] is not a meter or measure! "i test all the choice in the Circular, and it remains telling me this warning.Help me, please.
Wed, Sep 29th at 01:53am (5&years ago)
leost i dunno o.o never encountered your problem before... have u tried using rainbrowser to activate it? and also did you put it in the skins folder under My Documents?@emergencylemon, the theme is iffy didnt really test it out XD, but i will make an update with easier to do stuff, as for the steamwheel have u changed the folder path? right click and hit skin menu and click edit skin. Than input your name and save. Than refresh the skin and they should show up :D
Mon, Oct 4th at 06:55am (5&years ago)
hey everything works fine for me except for the steam wheel? (the thickest outer wheel) its not loading up even if i refresh it, could you help. thanks
Wed, Oct 6th at 06:51am (5&years ago)
Ok, I just went into "edit skin", changed name from Issac to my name (and saved), and changed the target for Mozilla and Steam, but Steamwheel still will not show up, if I refresh or restart the skin.
Thu, Oct 7th at 05:34pm (5&years ago)
Also, how do you change the font for the skins? I like your sample font way better than the default one...
Thu, Oct 7th at 05:36pm (5&years ago)
i like your skin. It's awesome.But i have some problem on i. I can't get the code from the accuweather, where can i get the code? thanks
Fri, Oct 8th at 06:57am (5&years ago)
Hey there really love your skin its great!I'm just having some trouble with the steam wheel and weather
tab, some programs I'm not able to do like say I want to put on there steam, it wouldn't let me even after I followed the instructions, and changing the icon for example with foobar200 I was able to
put that on there but as for the icon it did not fit and spazed out so it just looks like a triangle that hangs off the wheel, I'm sure I'm doing something wrong but yeah thought i should ask :)Also with the weather tab how do I get it set for my location?Thanx Nekko
Sat, Oct 16th at 08:06am (5&years ago)
Omgsh srry for the huge trouble guys, some people are finding it hard with both the steam wheel and the weather,
as for the steam wheel, does the button appear? if the button is there (should be a little sliver of like a half circle) that click it to open and close the circle, if not there is something wrong that is messing with it. I will look at it in the update (hopefully coming out soon)
As for the weather, its broken... i know lame, but thats the way it is... rainmeter stopped its weather feed with acuweather, so i will need to change it (again to be included in the update soon) thanks for the understanding guys!
Tue, Oct 19th at 04:10am (5&years ago)
thanks for the upload.
For me, some of the skins where minimized when loaded,
just had look hard for them.
I'd say change back ground to blue and have no other icons,
that way you can see all the skins.
No problems so far and only config I needed to do is the path for the icons, which is expected.
And for the weather, I'm just going to throw other scripts in it and see.thanks again Bazerka,
Fri, Oct 22nd at 10:27am (5&years ago)
any time :P
Sun, Oct 24th at 11:28pm (5&years ago)
Hey, I think this theme is really cool, but I am having a lot of problems trying to get it to work. I can expand the ring, but nothing happens when I click it. Furthermore, the clock just looks like plain text. There are other problems too, but I think they are all related.I am using windows 7 btw.
Tue, Nov 16th at 06:03pm (5&years ago)
Thus far this theme has met my needs, however either I'm doing something wrong, or there is some sort of bug.The issue I'm having is with the steam wheel links.
Editing icons is a piece of cake, but the path to programs/folders doesn't work 100%.No matter how hard I tried, I could not get shortcuts to work.
I always had to point directly to the executable file to launch the desired program.
A perfect example of this is Microsoft Office programs.
I attempted to first use the shortcut in the "Start" menu.
These shortcuts would not launch until I updated the path to c:\Program Files\Microsof Office\...EXCEL.EXE.Updating the links with the full path is fine, however I found instances where even the full path did not work.
An example of this is the Command Prompt.
At first I attempted "cmd", then the full path "C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe".
Neither of which worked.I also attempted to use paths to network folders, which do not work.
I have a few network drives I access with '\\&computer name&\$[drive]", however this does not work.I don't care much about network drives, but I really want to know what is going on with certain paths just not launching.
Another important one to me is Cygwin at "C:\cygwin\Cygwin.bat", which will not load.Either I'm missing something blatantly obvious, or something is going on.
Thanks for such a cool looking skin by the way, and being active in this community.-NR
Thu, Nov 18th at 10:07pm (5&years ago)
Disregard my last comment.
I found my problem.
I needed to scroll further down in the Steam Wheel.ini file.
There are a few icons that reference a different path, and not the #Icon Img# variable.
I just updated them all to their corresponding variable and it works great now.
Fri, Nov 19th at 07:01am (5&years ago)
I found a very simple solution for displaying CPU Temp as Fahrenheit.
Just copy and past the following over the current [CPUtemp]:[CPUtemp]Measure=PluginPlugin=Plugins\SpeedFanPlugin.dllSpeedFanType=TEMPERATURESpeedFanNumber=1MinValue=0MaxValue=300SpeedFanScale=FThe API has a property for Scale.
For details go to:
Fri, Nov 19th at 09:46am (5&years ago)
ok? haha kool, so im guessing you found the answer to your question?
Fri, Nov 19th at 07:44pm (5&years ago)
Bazerka, I am still having problems =(
Tue, Nov 23rd at 04:59pm (5&years ago)
bazerka... i feel so sad bcoz i cant even install dis to my laptop.. i donno why.. im using windows7.. is it posible?
Thu, Dec 2nd at 11:59pm (5&years ago)
I really love this themebut can someone please find a solution to the weather problem?How do I change it so that it uses websites
instead of accuweather?And can anyone show me how to change the color of the icons for itunes?
Sat, Jan 1st at 03:09am (5&years ago)
sorry guys the weather is just broken. Rainmeter cut its accuweather feed. I should update it but im so swamped...-Baz
Fri, Jan 21st at 08:29pm (5&years ago)
Nice skin Baz. Managed to point weather update 1 + 2 , but the 3rd one appears to be broken. I've tried duplicating the 1 day forecast data for the 3rd thingger, but even when cloning the exact same code and modifying it to show the correct coordinates + updating the +1 to +2 for all measures and meters, it still remains blank as " °C (°C)".I'm sure that there's a way to fix it, but tbh, I've been using rainmeter for about 24 hrs now... If anyone can get that 3rd weather update working, please post it.And Baz, if you want the mods needed to CPU.ini to get the first 2 things working, send me an e-mail.
Mon, Jan 24th at 04:26pm (5&years ago)
Hey im new to Rainmeter and so can you please bare with me if I make a stupid mistake. Basically, I've set Skype to icon11 (the chat bubble) because it seems fitting, anyway, it doesnt seem to launch it, I cant figure out why,Icon11Exe="C:\Program Files\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe"Icon11Img="icons\blog.png""C:\Program Files\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe" into 'Run', it launches skype perfectly fine. Any help would be appreciated. Also, if i was to make one a link to a website, i.e. to web google mail, what would the executable part be? just ""? Cause that doesnt seem to be working
Thu, Feb 24th at 11:12am (5&years ago)
sorry for the double comment but, I just tried using the same file route that I used for firefox in the spaces for gmail and skype and it wont launch firefox even though icon 1 works fine. Is there something different about some icons? what am i doing wrong?
Thu, Feb 24th at 11:32am (5&years ago)
I feel so stupid :P MarginalDeath posted the solution to my problem above about how i have to scvroll down further in the ini file. sorry!
Thu, Feb 24th at 12:02pm (5&years ago)
hi, i just got rainmeter yesterday and i'm really liking it and starting to understand it. the only problem i'm having with this theme is the note thing. i cant seem to type on it, is there something i'm supposed to do before i can use it?
Sun, Feb 27th at 01:14pm (5&years ago)
Dear Bazerka. I have one slight problem with your beatiful skin. How do i get the font in your download to work?Instead of the one on the image above, I have a lame font.Please help me.Best RegardsB0ir0n
Fri, Mar 4th at 05:46am (5&years ago)
sorry for the extremely late replies guys XD, ummm @chattlax u have to click on the little pen icon on the right of the note window. That will open a notepad and u type there, than when ur done just save it and it will appear in the box.@ Borion i believe i included the font in the download. (cant remember XD). All you have to do is drag the font file into:C:\Windows\FontsDrag, drop, and it shall work! good luck!
Tue, Mar 29th at 08:15am (5&years ago)
Is there any ETA on the weather isssue &
sorry to bother youThis layout is asome just needed the weather part and it would be great
Sun, May 1st at 11:40am (5&years ago)
Hello, thanks for this nice theme.Gan you please write down the name of the wallpaper you've used ? Searching for this in dualscreen resolution.Thanks
Tue, Oct 18th at 11:21am (4&years ago)
Hi :) I know its been a while since anyone commented on this but hopefully you still look here every now and then and you'll see this. I was wondering if there is ANY way to get the "Main Thingie to move freely and stay where I leave it. It moves freely alright but when I let go it snaps back to where it was.I've deleted the "notes", "RSS Feed","Weather","G-mail,"Comp Info" and the "Network info" as I don't need them and I thought they might be the ones constraining the "Main Thingie"'s position but apparently now.Also when I try to move it from the Rainmeter window itself it says its already at position 0 and it won't let me put a minus number in.Any help would be greatly appreciated from anyone who can provide it :) Thanks.
Tue, Nov 22nd at 01:03pm (4&years ago)
thats wierd, if should do that o.o try right clicking on the skin and go to settings, than unchecking snap to edges. also the other thing you can do is to reduce the space of the .png files, but thats alot harder o.o search up bazerka on deviantart if it still doesnt work and ill do my best to assist. Sorry this skin is raelllly out dated (made when rainmeter was in alpha stages) so parts of it dont work, i need to fix it. hope this helps!
Thu, Dec 1st at 06:04pm (4&years ago)
i have another question XD, when i add a new icon, it only shows half until i move my mouse over it and then it shows the other half. Is there anything i can do to change it so it shows all of it?
Tue, Dec 6th at 09:40pm (4&years ago)
Yea i was trying the same thing. Im trying to change the icons for different programs since this skin comes with programs i dont use.
Wed, Dec 14th at 10:16pm (4&years ago)
sorry about that, yea thats one of the bugs i didnt work out lol, If you know a thing or two about rainmeter coding just go into the code and for each icon change the command from button to icon. That should work for your new icon. Basically whats happening is the button command is set to utilize a specific file format that shows 3 pictures side by side by side. From that you can change the colors of these pictures and when you hover of the image it will change colors accordingly. I didnt quite like that, but instead of changing the code i just made all 3 of the pics the same (dumb of me i know) lol
Mon, Dec 26th at 09:58am (4&years ago)
I love this skin, but most of the icons don't really suit my needs.
Is there a way to change them, or to make new ones that I can put in their place?
Thu, Jan 19th at 11:44pm (4&years ago)
hey i love the skin but im having trouble assigning programs to the following iv tried everything i can think of can anyone help
Tue, Jan 24th at 01:14pm (4&years ago)
well never mind i just need to read more of the comments lol
Tue, Jan 24th at 01:46pm (4&years ago)
Hey, so i'm new to RainMeter, and I need help. I ran into various problems. I read all the comments last night before I made this account and could find no information on other sites.My issues are:1. I want it so I can run the xclock.ini and the Cpu.ini at the same time. So far with very basic tinkering, I can only have one. If you load one, the other will disappoear. (I don't know anything about coding at all, so... yeah.)2. I cannot figure out how to link it up to my gmail. I rarely use Gmail, but it would be nice to have in case I feel like visiting.3. I read about the accuweather issue, and was wondering if it was by any chance fixed or something yet? Or there is a different thing I can use for that?4. How do I put icons on it...? Is there a link for the icons?I apologize if this takes a lot to explain, but whenever you have time, please help me. This might require a lot of text, and so for that you can send me an email that explains all this step-by-step, (Since i don't know how to code for my life. I look at it, and give up.)My email is: Thanks in advance. ^^;PS: Aside from all that, I love the ideas and effort you put into this skin. It very VERY unique and personally one of my few favorites.
Tue, Jan 31st at 11:31am (4&years ago)
Nevermind, I solved most of the things I asked. All that is left, is how to link up the icons, and change them. I don't use Firefox, I prefer Chrome, so I need to figure out how to change that icon. As well as how to link up the Icon12Exe="steam://run/500"parts to their icons and actions..
Wed, Feb 8th at 12:20pm (4&years ago)
hey man can u upload a video of it so that i can load it .....im unable to load it plzz help me.....
Sat, Mar 3rd at 06:18am (4&years ago)
hey your icon 10 seems to be moving when the pointer is placed on it........how to fix it?and also the two arc parts on the lower part of the circledoesn't complete the circle...... the inclination is a little hih....hope u'll reply....thanks....
Mon, Mar 5th at 09:09am (4&years ago)
Doesn't seem like you've been on in awile but when you finally do get back on PLEASE ANSWER!! I've extracted the folder and everything but now i can't find the actual skin... everything is there except for the one program i need to use it. Please help!!
Wed, Mar 7th at 12:41am (4&years ago)
Wed, Mar 7th at 09:41am (4&years ago)
How can I change what shortcuts are on the wheel? I'm wondering because I don't use Firefox, and I want to put Chrome on there.Thanks.
Sun, Mar 25th at 03:22pm (4&years ago)
does anyone else get the error that rainmeter.ini is not writeable? When I try to change it, I can't open it anymore (it just doesn't respond for some reason). Anyone know how to fix this?
Tue, Jun 26th at 12:45am (4&years ago)
Awesome playing around with this. It would be great though if after opening the outer circle tabs you could close them by clicking anywhere inside them rather than the 'X' button. Anyone know if this would be hard to do?
Wed, Aug 1st at 09:47am (4&years ago)
Where can i get the png images to change the icons, I just seem to get a single image, instead of the 3 needed to properly work
Tue, Aug 28th at 02:26am (3&years ago)
did you get it to work with just a single image ? if your asking you would LIKE it to work with just one image it won't unless you mess around with the code.(which it seems no one has).
Thu, Sep 20th at 03:51pm (3&years ago)
@jakuhlope - you got to get the icon yourself. google it at images for google and it should bring up a bunch of images. make sure it's 64x64. then edit it ( a free online editor is pixlr), assuming you know how to make a 3 series png(you'll find the help in the posts above), replace the png image in the skin (find the steamwheel skin code and edit it there) and replace the file directory so it points to the chrome.exe in your computer.
Thu, Sep 20th at 03:57pm (3&years ago)
Cant figure out how to put information into the notes and I cant figure out the weather aswell.. Sorry I'm new to these rainmeter skins things. Any help would be greatly appreciated :D
Sat, Sep 22nd at 06:13pm (3&years ago)
Hey Man Mad about your skin.
Sorry to bother but how far did you get with the itunes to winamp conversion?
Sat, Feb 9th at 10:16am (3&years ago)
Does it come in red?
Sun, Jun 2nd at 09:07pm (3&years ago)
how do u add like the Photoshop and stuff like that ti it?
Wed, Aug 7th at 07:04pm (2&years ago)
why when i click on a icon it hide the steam wheeland how i make to
work the CPU TEMP
Fri, Jan 24th at 07:32pm (2&years ago)
Hey its a great skin...i am no programmer and new to rainmeter..i worked on 4 icons and all seemed fine however with the 5th icon i have some problem...although i have specified the path for the application it keeps redirecting me to gmail. I want the icon to be in 7th positon, and so the code i wrote was:Icon7Exe="C:\Program Files (x86)\4KDownload\4kvideodownloader\4kv"Icon7Img="icons\4kdownload.png"however it keeps redirecting me to gmail when i click on it. I also aw ur original code had gmail at 7th place...why isn't it changing?
Mon, Feb 3rd at 12:25pm (2&years ago)
I come across a problem when I want to change icons. I wanted to use icons from the map ecqlipse 2 - application white, but the icons are too large for the Steam Wheel, it seems. It only displays half the icon and that doesn't look very nice....
Wed, Feb 5th at 09:09am (2&years ago)
Man , i've been searching so much to resolve this problem , but i didn't succed... can you help me with some tips about icons? i have no idea how to make them work (the path works , but if
the icon its halved , and it looks horrible) ive seen you had 3 icons for only 1 executable on the wheel , how can i do that?Thanks for the great skin , I appreciate your work :D
Fri, Mar 21st at 12:56pm (2&years ago)
Icons don't work. Nothing works.
Wed, May 7th at 08:44am (2&years ago)
Oh wait a minute. It works...but why, in the name of all the gods, why are the icons hidden?
Wed, May 7th at 08:55am (2&years ago)
Third comment. As much as I would like to make it work, it simply doesn't work. And I wasted too much time trying to get it to work. Usually, this is the point when I give up and move on...but seriously...WHY, oh why are the icons hidden? What's the point of hiding the icons from people who don't know how the theme works?
Wed, May 7th at 09:08am (2&years ago)
How exactly do you make all the components line up and fit completely and perfectly?
Tue, Jul 29th at 02:52pm (2&years ago)
Does anyone know how to put the music circle on the edge of the screen?
Fri, Aug 29th at 07:16pm (1&year ago)
hello everyone ive installed it but cant seem to get it to work are there any youtube tutourials or could you just put the .rmskin file in the download please
Sun, Sep 14th at 07:45am (1&year ago)
please help i cannot install this skin... "invalid package"
Tue, Sep 16th at 05:15am (1&year ago)
Hello could I ask your advice I know to specify that I opened my computer has doneIcon15Exe = "C: \ My Computer"Icon15Img = "icons \ mycomputer.png"does not work and I'm trying different options and nothing helpsI have windows vista
Fri, Oct 31st at 04:18am (1&year ago)
Hi,can you help me with the clock colour ? Due to the sun at the background I can't see the time. And also when I click the icons it does nothing.
Fri, Jan 2nd at 05:43am (1&year ago)
install guide, where to put folder?
Sat, May 9th at 01:31am (1&year ago)
I can't find my themes folder. HALP
Tue, Dec 22nd at 10:47pm (7&months ago)
I like that so much...
Fri, Apr 1st at 12:49am (3&months ago)
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