济南治疗慢性非萎缩性胃炎炎那家好?is very important, when we meet diff

Is it on campus or off campus? 5? How many roommates you have? 3;she? And how has he&#47? Iher personalities. How do you get along with your roommates in the university? 7. In your opinion, what are the advantages and disadvantages of fast food?2. Do you think college life will have great influence on your future and why. What are the ingredients? What are the important qualities of friends. Describe your dorm. Have you encountered any difficulty in your college life. Do you prefer to live on or off campus and why.Descrishe influenced you? And how your roommates get along with each other?9?4. Who is he&#47. How do you define the word “friend”? If yes, what do you think you have got in your college life. Is it different from your high school life and why?10. Describe a traditional dish in your country, how did you solve the problem and adjust to college life? 6?8. Describe your best friend? What are his&#471
6,and in good term between you and classmates. And they have being getting along well with each other .He will do his best to help me when I am in the dilemma .The advantage of fast food is convenience . He teaches me to be a strong person as well as a loyal person. It says that &#39.4.M .I have 2 roomates,if I cannot solve it by myself I will turn to my friends or classmates. So I think we should it is very important to take advantage of the college resoures, a boy ,at
first , strictly speaking.Just spare no effort in making the room evironment better.The main
ingredients are pork and pepper.7,while its disadvantage is you cannot enjoy the real taste of
food. The biggest difference between college life and high school life is that high college life is very busy but we know what we are busy for while college life is on the contrary.3.In my country a traditional dish is sliced pork with green pepper.5.10.2.Live on campus is a good way as you can still enjoy the group living and also you will make a lot of friends .My college lifea friend in need is a friend indeed&#39, because we all obey our rules we reached at first .9.I think college life is very treasure and essential for our future development ,not only at the aspect of you knowledge but of being a human. It is right.Of course I have,adjust my heart and then I will do my best to think about the solution .Everyday I was used to getting up at 10 .When they are in diffibulties you can give them a hand thus you will get your return when you meet the same things and also you will get their respect and admiration. The most improtant quanlity of friends are loyalty and honesty. When I confront these difficulies I will .Just as I said friend is a person who can share your sorrow and happiness.8.College is a good palace where you can learn a lot of things .My best frind is a man1
...全当我练打字了 the answer is I have no answer


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