济南较好的肠胃医院那家医院肠胃科较好??we had to run away to find a place t

求bruno mars 一首歌。歌词有 lets runaway to the place when love first found us..._百度知道
求bruno mars 一首歌。歌词有 lets runaway to the place when love first found us...
since we had talk.什么什么的
名字是..。?。。its been so long
t Go By Without You Crossin've Been So PBaby,And I't Keep You Waitin've Been Bt Give Up;s Runaway To The Place Where Love First Found Us , Just To Say The Wt Need Anyone Around Us.What I Have To Say Can&#39. Let's Runaway.When Everything In Love Gets So Complicated. When Everything In Love Gets So Complicated, All I Need Is A Day.I Won&#39, I Love Ys Take A Day And Make Everything Alright, It Only Takes A Day To Change It;s Rt Wait, So Let&#39, But A Second Doesn's Been So Long Since We Had Time.&quot. It't Need Anyone Around Us;m Too Much In Love, Don&#39, Just For The Dt W, You&#39, All I Need Is A Day, And I Want You To Know That. Let's Runaway To The Place Where Love First Found Us;I Know Lately I's Runaway For The Day. When Everything In Love Gets So Complicated, Don&#39, I&#39.Let's Runaway For The Dll Make It Up To You And I Promise Today I Won&#39, It Only Takes A Day To Change It. Just Take My H Nights Alone And Not Complainin' My Mind?]Let's Runaway For The Day, Fall In Love With Me Again, Let&#39.Let&#39,So Let&#39, It Only Takes A Day To Change It. Let&#39, &quot, Don&#39. Please Give Me This One Chance To Remind You Of Everything We Have. And I Promise To Make Everyday Just Like The Day[or Today. RunawayRunawayG For No Rs Runaway To The Place Where Love First Found Us. What I Have To Say Can'll Give Everything In This Moment, All I Need Is A Dt Need Anyone Around Us;t Wait, Fall In Love With Me Again. Let&#39. Just Take My HBut I&#39.So Let's Runaway For The Day.Like Callin&#39, The Little Things We DoBruno Mars - Runaway OoohhhhhhSo Easy To Forget Our Love.What I Have To Say Can&#39, Spendin&#39
zz from 作者: Lacusfan这是我非常喜欢的一篇外国同人,写的是作者认为的另外一个结局。在这个结局中,真杀死了背叛了他和露娜的雷,他也因此大受刺激而精神失常,其实这里很像Z里的卡缪。文章的题目就叫Recovery——康复,叙述的就是真如何在露娜的照顾下,慢慢从精神的深渊中走出来的。当一个曾经辉煌的人,突然间一无所有——信仰、胜利、荣耀、朋友甚至健康都失去后,是如何重拾人生的。在这一点上,文章写得相当细腻。心理变化贴切自然,结尾处也是水到渠成。下面贴出英文原文,有兴趣有耐心的童鞋可以看看。如果看的人多的话,我会考虑翻译。不过,在此之前,先召唤英语达人Shinn90,我想看你的翻译。。。
非常简单的贴。。。 今...
【ID】夏爷一直很低调 ...
【ID】earth夏振清 【地...
Disclaimer: Kidou Senshi (Mobile Suit) Gundam SEED and its
characters are copyright
Sotsu Agency, Sunrise, and MBS.
English language adaptation produced under license by Bandai
other words, I don’t own the original intellectual property.This
will be sort of a ‘what if it ended this way’ kind of fic. I haven’t
really watched any of Destiny, though a good friend has kept me
informed of the major events and plot lines. I understand that it’s
quite a bit like Zeta, so in that spirit I’m doing a Zeta-style take on
everything. This is my interpretation of Shinn and Luna after a
Zeta-style ending to Destiny.It's sad to think that the
probability of both Hawke sisters surviving Destiny is quite low, but
such makes for reasonably good anime. I've been thinking of this kind
of fic since I started writing these things and finally got around to
it yesterday. Being the obsessive person that I am, I even finished it
in a single evening.My
short work on Too Many Women was
just too good of an experience. That's probably the main reason why I
decided to let this be from Luna’s POV. If you’ve seen Zeta, you could
easily substitute Camille and Fa for Shinn and Luna, respectively.Oh,
yeah: Destiny spoilers below.I
know I've made up a lot, but some of it I'm assured did happen. And
since I could have successfully predicted everything that happened in
the first half of SEED in my sleep, my guesses on Destiny may turn out
to be right on the money. I'll find out when mahq posts the rest of the
episode summaries.And
a WARNING to all Athrun/Cagalli fans out there.End
are my memoirs. It may be unusual for a lowly female pilot to write
such things, but I feel that this story deserves to be told. And I
guess I am acquainted with the best pilots to serve in both Bloody
Valentine Wars, so perhaps that adds some merit to my narrative. As I
write this, I still feel every bit of the pain that I endured back
then. Even knowing how everything turns out doesn’t shake the fact that
this was a time of hell for me. I hope that they may be of interest and
help to those who come after me. May your wounds heal in time, just as
ours have.Best
was finally over. But in a way it was also just beginning, for me and
for many others I’m sure. It’s always hard to pick up the pieces of
what’s left and try and rebuild. Such is what fate gives us to deal
with. My mother used to say things like that. My little sister, too.
Poor Meyrin.It took months to find out whatever happened to her. I
could have sworn she had died like so many others. Though it sounds
awfully wrong and cruel of me to say, I didn’t really miss her over
that time. I rarely had time to think of her. Perhaps it was best that
way. If I had, the sting of her apparent betrayal might have festered
into more permanent ill feelings toward her. This way was best.She
had come to visit my small home in the PLANTs. It was an out of the way
colony. One that didn’t have a lot of people or traffic. Visitors were
rare. Visitors to my home, non existent before she came. Without a
word, I lead her to my post. Here I often kept a watchful vigil.“How
is he?” That’s what Meyrin asked me. Not ‘How are
you’ or ‘Thank God you’re alive.’“No
change. He’s been like this since Rey died.” I remember it like it was
just yesterday. I’ll bet all veterans say that about the most pivotal
or traumatic moments they witnessed during their fighting days.A
final decisive battle had to be fought sometime. Shinn, Rey, and I were
all ordered to keep the Archangel from interfering. I knew it was
wrong. So did Captain Gladys. Shinn always had doubts, but Rey could
talk anyone into anything. Eventually the Captain and I joined forces
with the Clyne Faction mid battle, much as several prominent ZAFT
soldiers had done in the final hours of the First Bloody Valentine War.Shinn
fought desperately with Athrun, each one jockeying for any minute
advantage to exploit over the other. I tried to stop them but to no
avail. Only after Rey attacked me did Shinn finally come to his senses.
I’d like to think that it was out of a love for me, but perhaps it was
just Shinn finally coming to grips with how Rey and Chairman Dullindal
had been using us all.All
I had ever wanted was to be loved. Perhaps he really did. Too bad I
couldn’t ask him about it.“I’m
so sorry, Luna.” My little sister gave me a tight hug. She
hadn’t done that since we were little.“At
least he’s alive. I believe he’ll be fine one day.” That’s all I had to
hope for. Shinn just lay there these days. He used to babble
incoherently after killing Rey. Then he would wander around aimlessly,
still unable to communicate with me or the nurses. Three months of
steady decline in the hospital until he was just like this. There was
nothing they could do for him except to say ‘Give him time,’ so we
left. Now it was just me taking care of him at home. “It’s time for our
walk. Care to join us?”Meyrin
responded affirmatively.I
was getting rather strong for a woman of my stature. Perhaps it was
from getting him into and out of bed. “Can you scoot over his
wheelchair for me? Thanks.”He
couldn’t walk anymore. Couldn’t speak either. I had to
spoon feed him, bathe him, help him in the bathroom. Everything.“What
do you think did this?” Meyrin’s question was something I
often thought about.“I’m
not really sure. I think it had something to do with the experimental
systems in the cockpits of the Legend and Destiny suits. Mental
feedback overload, maybe,” I conjectured. There was really no way to
tell. There was very little left of Rey’s suit and Shinn’s control
systems were damaged beyond repair. It was all highly classified
anyway, so it’s not like I had any way of finding out what really
a shame. I always thought that you two would make a good couple.”I
found Meyrin’s comment quite funny.“It’s
good to hear you laugh,” she sighed. “I’ve really
missed you.”“Thanks.”Meyrin
opened the doors while I maneuvered my patient out of the house and
down the sidewalk to our neighborhood park.
a few moments of sitting on a park bench in silence, I started up the
conversation again. “I found it funny because in a way, we are.”“Hmm?”
Meyrin must have forgotten the comment already.“About
us being a couple. We share the same home, I cook and clean for him.
After another year or so, the PLANTs will probably recognize it as a
common law marriage.” Though the subject was sad, it didn’t bother me
enough to prevent me from smiling. “And when he snaps out of this, I’ll
be t barefoot and pregnant.”It was my
little sister’s turn to laugh now. “I always thought you were too
headstrong and independent for that kind of life.”“I’ve
changed.” I could feel my smile fading. “But this is what
I want. I’ll stay with him.”“Now
that’s just like you. You know what you want to do and by God you’re
going to do it. You always were that way. Mom used to have a fit, too,”
Meyrin chuckled.“Yes.
I was too determined for my own good,” I admitted. “Tell
me something. How’s Athrun doing?”I
had wondered about that from time to time. He was the only other man in
my life. Well, perhaps it would be more accurate for me to say that he
was the only other man that I wanted in my life.
Athrun never really showed any interest.“Athrun
is well. He asked that I say hello. He didn’t want to come for fear of
having a fight with Shinn. None of us knew he was like this. Word
doesn’t often reach Orb of the happenings in the PLANTs.”“I
didn’t really have a way to contact you. No time either. Even if it
were otherwise, I’m not sure what I could really say. ‘The guy I think
is my boyfriend is now a vegetable’ sounds kind of lame.”“You do
have a point,” Meyrin admitted. “Still, I wish you would come see us.
I’ve got a ticket back to Earth in a few days. I could see about
getting two extra seats on the transport if you’d like.”“I’ll
think about it.” Maybe travel would do us good. Perhaps Meyrin
was thinking the same thing. “Any other news?”“Plenty.
Lacus Clyne - the real one, not Dullindal’s puppet - settled down with
Athrun’s friend and there’s talk of them expecting a child soon.
Probably just a rumor. Not the wedding thing, because I was actually
there for that.”Meyrin tactfully left out the groom’s name, but
I knew it already. Kira Yamato, the man who killed Shinn’s real love
interest during the war. I could handle being second to her memory,
though. “Go on,” I prodded her.“The Archangel’s captain hooked
up with a cute blond guy and they really are expecting a child. Mu and
Murrue are their names. And Athrun is on the outs with Lady Athha.
Those two can really fight when they’ve got a mind to. Athrun and I
have gone out a few times, though I wonder how much of it is him trying
to make her jealous. Still, he’s mine for the moment.” Of course,
little sister couldn’t help but gloat. She had beaten me, Cagalli, and
even the fake Lacus for Athrun’s affections. For the moment, at least.That
was okay with me. I’ve got what I want for now.
have no illusions about it, though. He’ll always have a special place
in his heart for her. Athrun always did, I think. Either that or he’s
completely oblivious when it comes to women. I mean, we almost had a
tag team thing going on to win him over to one of us, but it’s like he
wasn’t even paying attention.” Meyrin shook her head. For once, I
wholeheartedly agreed with her sentiments.“Enjoy
him while you can,” I laughed.“Yeah,
he’ll probably get back together with her soon, though he swears up and
down that he won’t. So, you and Shinn are . . .” Meyrin just left it
hanging for me to fill it in for her.“We became close after you
and Athrun left the ship. Despite all hell breaking loose, we still
found some comfort in each other.”“I
see,” she giggled. “I bet you two found all the nice make
out spots on the Minerva.”“No,
just a few.” My eyes wandered over to Shinn. He was lazily
watching the birds fly from tree to tree.“Luna
. . .” Meyrin probably didn’t know how to finish that sentence, so she
just left my name to waft through the air on its own.“His mind
is still very much active,” I informed her. “And he could move about if
he tried. There’s just something inside that’s tormenting him to the
point where he doesn’t have the will to try.”“I
wonder if he’s thinking of me in there.” Shinn’s
eyes often watched mine. That’s what they were doing now.“How
do you know that he can move and stuff if he doesn’t?” Meyrin hadn’t
seen him move anything more than his neck and eyes. But I was with him
every minute of every day. I knew.“He may look like a
quadriplegic, but he’s not. He often thrashes about in his sleep. Or
rather, he does if I’m not there to hold him.”“You
sleep in the same bed?” She must have been a little shocked
that the quiet sister would do something so daring.But
it’s not like Shinn could take advantage of that. Not yet, anyway. “I
didn’t want him to hurt himself, so I would just hug his arms to his
side. That does more than anything to calm his nightmares.”“Are
you sure you can handle this alone?” Meyrin reached out to pull my chin
around to face her. “Come with me and we’ll all help out.”“No,
if I go I don’t want anyone else to help. I can handle it. It’s been
just us two for six months and each day gets a little better than the
last. I don’t want to upset him by having someone new interfering.”Then
she asked a question I always dreaded. Perhaps that was another reason
I didn’t want to catch up with old friends and comrades. “What if he
doesn’t get better?”“Things will continue much as they are now.
Then we’ll grow old and die.” At least she didn’t ask the other
question. I couldn’t handle that. It was so terrifying that I cry every
time I think of it. What if he doesn’t want to be with you
when he wakes up?Then
I’d just have to die young.“Luna,
honey it’s okay. Don’t cry.” Meyrin put an arm around me. “I’m sorry I
brought it up. If you think he’s getting better, then I’m sure he is.”
you were mistaken, Meyrin. That wasn’t why I was crying at all.It
was a nice little family reunion. One thing I always wondered about as
a child was how my future husband and I would have disagreements over
in-laws. But poor Shinn couldn’t complain about it. I guess I should
have been a little thankful for that. Still, there were times when I
prayed that he’d say just a single word for me.Meyrin visited for
four days and three nights, the length of her stay. She slept in my
or rather, the bed I have neglected to sleep in for the past six
months despite the fact that it has my favorite set of sheets on it. It
only took her a day and a half to convince me to take that trip to
Earth. Meyrin was even kind enough to call the utility companies and
have things shut off while I would be away for a month. Not that our
pensions wouldn’t have been enough to pay the bills, but there’s just
something we Hawke girls don’t like about paying for services we don’t
use.The shuttle ride was quite nice. It was an express, so the
trip only took three days. It was just how I pictured it would be.
Shinn sat at my left side alternating between looking at me and looking
at the stars out the window. On my right was Meyrin chatting up a
storm. Apparently she really was full of news. So full in fact that
there was no hope of me retaining it all. I’d just have to see things
for myself when we got our feet back on solid ground.“See,
I told you Shinn would like a window seat,” Meyrin informed me
for the third time.“Yes,”
I adjusted his blanket and pillow. It was as if no one but me could
measure his moods and silent requests. But then again, maybe it was all
my imagination.The first day and a half of the voyage was spent
accelerating. The following twenty-four hours in decelerating. Then
orbit and reentry. Seeing the orange glow form around the ship’s
extremities brought back so many memories. I only got a brief glimpse
of it before the windows were covered with heat shields.Shinn
began to tremble. It must have brought back memories for him as well.
Instinctively, I put an arm around him for protection. He needed it.On
the ground I got quite a surprise. Athrun Zala was waiting for us at
the space port. He helped me with my luggage, though he naturally
wanted to be a little more helpful to my sister. “It’s good to see you
again, Athrun.”“You
as well,” he gave me a quick hug. “I didn’t know
about Shinn. I’m sorry.”“War
creates a lot of wounds, inside and out. All we can hope for is that
they’ll heal with time and care.” It seemed my words touched him. He
knew something of emotional wounds as well.“I guess that’s so. I
took the liberty of getting you two a private room at a nice hotel in
Onogoro. If there’s anything we can do, just let us know. We’re all
willing to help out.” Athrun’s offer was generous, but ultimately
futile. With the exception of Meyrin and Athrun, I knew absolutely no
one in Orb.“If you don’t mind, I would like someone to show us
the sights when we go out for our walks.” Athrun agreed to be the one,
as he had lived here employed as Cagalli’s bodyguard for a couple of
hail us a cab while you two catch up,” Meyrin kissed Athrun’s
cheek before leaving the spaceport lobby on her mission.“Before
you ask, I have no news to give you.” My preliminary remark
didn’t put Athrun off any. It just drew out a sad smile.“You’ve
been with him the whole time, I know.”“Before
she comes back, I have to ask what you’re doing with my sister.” I took
hold of his forearm for emphasis, “She may be one of those happy bubbly
personalities, but she’s also very fragile underneath. If you can’t
treat her well or intend to run back to your princess, I suggest you
break it off before you break her heart.”Athrun didn’t take my
protective-big-sister-speech personally. “It’s not like that at all.
We’re just going out casually and with no thought of the future.
Sometimes that’s all that dating should be about. It’s more fun for
everybody that way. And if or when we do develop stronger feelings for
each other, then we’ll think about the future and the consequences of
our decisions.”“Alright,”
I sighed. “Just doing my duty as the eldest Hawke sister.”“I
understand. She’s a good friend. I hope that no matter how
things turn out between us we’ll still be that.”“I’m
sure she’d like that.” Meyrin always struck me as that kind of girl and
who should know her better than her only living relative? “Just promise
to be careful.”“I
had to cut the conversation short as Meyrin was returning. “Mission
accomplished,” she grinned. “One cab to Onogoro.”The
name of our hotel was The Mark.
It was apparently named for its distinctive logo. I found it terribly
odd that the unidentifiable blue mark that was on everything should
have inspired the naming of a resort hotel, but who was I to question
it? Maybe a hotel tycoon sneezed while painting something blue and got
the odd mark as the result.In any case, it was much more nice than
Athrun had led us Hawke sisters to believe. After helping me get
settled in, Athrun escorted Meyrin home. We all needed a bit of rest
after being confined to a sixteen cubic foot space for three days
aboard that shuttle.It was just barely getting dark in the
summer evening. I bet there would have been a great breeze coming into
the city off the ocean. I promised myself to find out firsthand
tomorrow. Again, I was tired and stiff. I thought it best to get to bed
early tonight.I’d be lying if I didn’t say I enjoyed some parts
of taking care of Shinn. Dressing him was probably the highlight I’d
most like to remember. And of course it wouldn’t be fair if I was the
only one to get a peep show out of it. I used to dress in front of him
in hopes of sparking some reaction. Even when it became clear that it
was no soap, I still did it. Maybe out of guilt for seeing him disrobed
every single day.I think maybe he did enjoy it on whatever level
he could. At least, that was always my sincerest hope. All the time I’d
known him he had been an ass, but there was a very hurt and sensitive
guy underneath that. I really cared for him and wanted to do what I
could. It could have been my imagination again, but I’d like to think
there was a mischievous glint in his eye whenever I was in the buff.Once
I successfully changed into my night gown, it was time for Shinn. His
leg muscles often helped me out in getting him from the bed to the
wheelchair, and vice versa. All I ever had to do entirely by myself was
sit him up when he was laying flat. With him sitting on the edge of the
bed I took care of his pajamas. Luckily I remembered it would be warmer
here than in the PLANTs, so I packed his light cotton ones instead of
the regular flannel. I suppose I could have just cranked up the air
conditioning, but then I didn’t want to make him uncomfortable by being
too hot beneath the sheets while breathing in cold air.“Ready
for bed or do you want to watch some TV?” I usually asked that, though
I never really knew why. Setting him up on some pillows, I slid into
bed next to him and watched some old movie with my head resting on his
chest. “I love you Shinn. Even if things stay like this, I won’t leave.
That’s a promise.”Morning.
Breakfast was good. We were greeted by Athrun and Meyrin promptly at 9
am.“I think I know of something that Shinn might like to see,” Athrun
was my response. We walked a good distance through the city. The pace
was nice and leisurely and we all took turns pushing Shinn’s wheelchair.Eventually
we came to the sea side. It was every bit as breathtaking as I had
imagined it the night before, only in the heat of the day the breeze
was blowing from off the land rather than the ocean. There was no
beach, only rocky cliffs that dropped straight into the ocean. Athrun
allowed us to pause a moment to look over the rails at the view.“It
is a nice view,” Athrun stated. “I’ll never forget
the first time I was here. I had come to kill my best friend.”Needless
to say, I was a bit shocked by such a revelation. As was Meyrin.
Shinn had no reaction.“Surprised
to hear that? It surprises me too in that it almost happened,” Athrun
sighed. “Kira is a really great guy, but he sided with the Earth Forces
to protect some Heliopolis refugees. We had a big fight over an island
a hundred miles or so northeast of here. It was a lot like the time the
Freedom took me out in the Savior only the other way around. I thought
for sure he was dead. He might have thought the same thing about me. I
was never really sure. Luckily we both came to our senses in time to
stop the war together.”It wasn’t a particularly touching story.
Maybe if there was more of a human element to it. More angst and
romance would have certainly held my attention better.“Anyway,
it was right over there,” Athrun pointed to a gate up the street. The
place looked like a military complex. “That’s the Morgenroete facility
where I had thought they hid the Archangel before the Battle of Orb in
the First Bloody Valentine War. Kira was on one side of the fence, me
and my teammates on the other.”
just had to ask, “Is this what you wanted us to see?”“In
a way, yes.” Athrun pointed. “That’s a friend of
mine up there.”A
shiny new mobile suit exited one of the hangars and lifted off. It
looked like a new variable mode fighter. Probably a second generation
of the Murasame. It’s verniers fired lifting it several hundred feet
into the air. It’s maneuverability was rather amazing. What was even
more impressive was the way it moved in fighter mode.“It
is nice,” I commented.“Nice?
I helped design that thing!” Athrun seemed more than a little
hurt by my dismissive comment.“Well,
no offense but I’d rather not think about mobile suits and wars
anymore than I have to.”“That’s
understandable. Sorry. I didn’t mean to stir up hard memories. I just
remember how Shinn liked to see new suits so I thought this might be a
good stop before lunch.” Athrun really was trying to help.And
in a way, he did.“Shinn?”
He had stood upon his own volition. And he was walking. I flew to his
side for support, just in case his motor skills couldn’t quite get him
where he needed to go.“I
didn’t know he could just get up like that,” Meyrin
hasn’t in a very long time,” I informed them.Shinn
really did want a closer look. He walked right up to the gate and
wrapped his fingers around the bars.“I
don’t suppose we could get in,” I threw out.“It
could take some doing, but I’ll try it if you’d like.”
Good old Athrun. He really was eager to help out.The
four of us spent the day together. Lunch was fabulous. Athrun’s treat,
by the way. And of course, our afternoon in the park was interrupted by
a call from Lady Athha.Athrun walked a good distance away from our
position, but not far enough for me to miss that the conversation
wasn’t entirely a pleasant one. At least, it wasn’t pleasant for me to
witness. I didn’t bother to ask Athrun how he felt about it.“This
sort of thing happen often when you two go out?” I couldn’t
help but ask.“No,
but he’s trying to get a favor from her. She’s the quickest way to get
you and Shinn cleared to go into Morgenroete,” Meyrin explained.“Poor
guy. Wonder what they’re shouting about.” It didn’t matter, really.
Cagalli seemed like a good enough girl from what little I saw of her on
that one trip she and Athrun took on the Minerva. Still, it wasn’t hard
to picture her as a spoiled brat. It was even easier to imagine a
nineteen-year-old girl cracking from the pressure of trying to run a
country during not one but two genocidal wars. Throw in a painful
breakup and you get such verbal tongue lashings as the one I was now
sure I don’t want to know,” Meyrin curled up and hugged
her knees.“Afraid
he’ll run back to her, huh?”She
didn’t respond.“Look
little sis, it’s okay. You used to talk to me about everything. I’m
sure I’m big enough to take whatever you got.” At least, I thought I
tell me a secret and I’ll tell you one of mine.” Meyrin
wore a rather uncharacteristic smirk.
remember playing this game. Alright, here goes.” I took a deep breath
before whispering real fast, “I used to try and make out with Shinn to
snap him out of this.”“Oh
my God. You didn’t,” I watched as her jaw dropped. Seeing
my candor, she exclaimed, “You did!”“Yes.
Despite his state, his parts are all fully functional. I know it was
wrong of me, but still there were a few moments of weakness here and
there.” I’m sure all the available blood in my body rushed to my face
as turned extremely warm. To this day, I still wonder why I didn’t pass
out.“Okay, that was a bigger secret than mine. Cagalli was
Athrun’s first real love and she felt the same way. I think they lost
their virginity together.” Meryin let her feet down to kick at the
grass under our designated park bench.“Have
you and Athrun . . ?”“No,”
she was flat. “Though we’ve made out a few times.”I
turned to look at the continued pleasantries being exchanged between
Athrun and his ex. “So, they’ve screwed each other in more ways than
one. They both want to get back together, but he’s too proud and she’s
too stubborn.”“Something
like that.”“Think they’ll come
out of this friends?” What I really thought of it was that they’d come
out of this the most unhappy married couple in all of Orb. The Lady and
the Prince, Cagalli and Athrun. They seemed perfectly miserable apart,
but I just bet they’d have their own special kind misery together.“They’re
still friends, I think. At least the strain on his friendship with Kira
has been minimal. Kira’s her twin brother, by the way.”“I did
not know that,” I blinked a few times. I’m sure Shinn would have been
rather interested to know that his two least favorite people in the
world were siblings.“They’re really great. I’ve got to spend a
good bit of time with them. Please try to keep Shinn under control when
he comes to. I want you guys to be able to hang out with us and do
things.” Meyrin hung her head. “It’ll be hard after all we’ve been
through.”“Yeah. The only truths in war are that there are good
people on both sides and that both sides are ultimately wrong about
something.” I understood, but I didn’t know about Shinn. I really
didn’t know what he’d do about anything. That is, if he ever did
anything again.It
seemed that Athrun was getting a terrible headache from his phone
I lay in bed with Shinn that several evenings later, I had plenty of
time for thinking. I was beginning to develop a bit of a theory. Well,
more than one. Let’s start with the most promising one first.Meyrin
always had the hots for Athrun. That wasn’t a theory, it was a fact set
in stone. The theory part comes in next. Athrun kind of had a thing for
Meyrin from at least the time they defected from ZAFT together. But,
Athrun also had it bad for C likely just as bad as she had it
for him. Athrun and Cagalli had some serious problems, so the only way
to make anyone happy would be for Athrun to hook up with my sister.
Then Meyrin would have her wildest fantasies come true and Athrun and
Cagalli could remain miserable. Everybody wins, right?So
much for the first theory.The
second involved something else about Athrun. Shinn always had a sliver
of respect for him, and not without good reason. In the Academy, he was
everybody’s hero along with Yzak Joule and Dearka Elsman. But once
Shinn got the chance actually meet Athrun, it was all down hill. I’m
not sure that Shinn had anything specific against him other than maybe
a basic philosophical difference of opinion on the war. Athrun was
idealistic, Shinn pragmatic. But for some strange reason, whenever
Athrun hung out for a few hours with Shinn these days he wound up with
a crippling headache.At first, I thought it was just those
polite conversations with Lady Cagalli, but then we spent a few days
together without hearing anything from the House of Athha. The
headaches still continued. It was so bad that Athrun didn’t come one
day. He called in that afternoon saying that he was just fine.Sure
enough, after a few more days of Athrun being in and out of our
vacation I came up with the idea that maybe Shinn was psychically
causing Athrun’s cranial dysfunction. Yes, I was completely grasping at
straws. Shinn hadn’t bothered to so much as twitch at anything since
seeing that mobile suit test flight, so I let my imagination run away
with me. It hadn’t been the first time, and I knew full well that it
wouldn’t be the last.Having
enough of the TV’s noise, I cut it off. I was tired, though not
any more than usual.In
times like these, I had a number of pre-sleep rituals at my disposal.
Some people counted sheep, but I had things that were much better. I
could hold Shinn’s hand, drape my arm over his chest, run my fingers
through his hair. Who needs sheep?But
that night as I lay there kissing his cheek good night, his hand
squeezed mine back.I
whispered in his ear, “Goodnight, sweetie. Don’t be late
for our breakfast date.”As
if I'd give him a choice in the matter.One
we were finally granted permission to see a few things in
Morgenroete. And of course our favorite teenage sovereign was there to
greet us. After eying Athrun like a piece of meat and passing a vicious
glare toward my sister, she calmly walked up to me and offered a
hand.“Lunamaria wasn’t it?” She didn’t have to guess. I’m sure Athrun
told her who I was.Still,
I thought it best to be polite and confirm my identity. “Just
call me Luna. And you might also remember Shinn.”“Yes,
I remember.” She was a little creeped out by him.Bending
down to check if he was drooling or something I noticed what had
attracted Lady Cagalli’s attention. Shinn was staring up at her in a
cockeyed manner. It was almost a glare. It frightened even me. To avoid
a panic, I thought it best to play it off and get on with things.
“Shinn will be just fine. Are you going to give us a tour personally?”Cagalli
waved a hand, “No, I just wanted to be here to greet you. Erika Simmons
will be your guide. She’ll be here in a few moments.”Now, I’d
like to think of myself as an observant person. But even if I wasn’t I
would have been able to read Cagalli’s eyes. They plainly said ‘I only
came here to ogle Athrun and stare down Meyrin.’Fair
general several centuries ago had a saying that came to mind. It was
about war, but love and war are often equated on many other levels so I
felt this might be relevant. ‘In war, there is no substitute for
victory.’ And in this war, Cagalli was prepared to use all the tricks
at her disposal.Cagalli took my second favorite pilot off to
have a private chat while the rest of us were greeted by Ms. Simmons. I
guess all that political intrigue taught Cagalli how to be sly when
necessary. Meyrin couldn’t exactly keep Athrun on a leash and be polite
to their host at the same time.I still wonder what ran through
Meyrin’s mind that first half-hour without Athrun there. Asking never
produced any results. I didn’t really want to have a discussion with
Athrun about it, so I guess I’ll never find out.Shinn didn’t so
much as glance at the mobile suits we came across. They were all shiny
and new. I found them to be quite interesting as a former pilot myself.
We even saw the exact same suit that we got an eyeful of last week.
Still, I couldn’t tell if Shinn was even the slightest bit interested.“Miss
me?” Athrun had used those special forces skills to use in sneaking up
on my little sister. He had his arms around her waist from the back. He
was even so fast as to kiss the side of her neck before she had time to
let out a squeal.“Athrun!
We’re in public.” Meyrin turned and popped him in the
arm. She was smiling, but I knew she was jealous as hell.Meyrin
wasn’t going to ask, so I took the liberty of borrowing Athrun for a
few moments. “Keep an eye on Shinn for me, would you?”“Sure,”
Meyrin sighed. I don’t know why she wore the long face again. She could
get all the alone time she wanted with him later.Athrun
was probably less pleased than Meyrin with me dragging him off behind
a mobile suit leg to get a little privacy.“Okay.
What’s up?” I all but demanded it from him. Alright, who
am I kidding? I was demanding.“It
was a private conversation,” he informed me.“And
do you intend on having these private conversations all the time?” When
I get impatient, I tap things. At the moment, it was my foot on the
floor. “Look, I want to know what’s going on. Meyrin was more than a
little upset. I don’t care if you run with your tail between your legs
to make up with Cagalli, but you damn well better let my sister down
easy. I swear, if I . . .”My
little tantrum was interrupted by a scream. It was Meyrin.I
rounded the corner first. Shinn was flat on his back.“I
don’t know what happened. He just snapped,” Meyrin was
trying to tell me.Later
I found out all the details as we were being shown the surveillance
video just before we were thrown out of the building. A pilot in full
gear walked up to the mobile suit Shinn was in front of. Meyrin didn’t
know the pilot’s identity at the time, as the guy’s visor was down and
full shades were on.Shinn calmly stood up while Meyrin was
looking the other way. When the pilot came within range, Shinn lunged
at his neck. It was all silent and swift. The pilot was knocked back
but retaliated with a fist to Shinn’s face. That’s how he had ended up
on his back.“I
can’t apologize enough, Athrun. I know this is a huge
embarrassment to you.” Really, there was nothing else I could
be alright,” he said. His voice indicated something more like
‘I hope to God it’ll be alright but it probably won’t.’“Who
was that pilot anyway?” I expected Athrun to answer, but
instead it was Meyrin.“That
was Kira.”That
was about the time I started to get a really weird vibe about all this.
First, Athrun’s headaches. Then Shinn’s sudden desire to see a suit
being piloted but not one in the hangar. Without foreknowledge, Shinn
had a sudden urge to strike at an unknown person. Then come to find out
it was the person who took away his first love.“I’ll
smooth it out with Kira and Cagalli later,” Athrun stated.
“Don’t worry about it.”“If
possible, I’d like to apologize to Kira personally.” That wasn’t
entirely true. I just wanted to confront him for Shinn’s sake. And
maybe find some clue as to a way to help Shinn.“I’ll
see what I can do,” Athrun promised.This
favor came through a lot faster than the first. I got to meet the
Yamatos the very next day for lunch. I say it plural because there were
two.“Ms. Hawke, I hope you don’t mind if my wife joins us.” Kira was
gentleman enough to stand and shake my hand upon greeting a lady.Maybe
it was his wife’s influence as she did the same. “Lacus Yamato.” She
sure didn't look very pregnant to me. It could have been just a rumor
after all.“It’s
a pleasure to finally meet the both of you,” I lied. “Please
call me Luna.”“Then
I think we can all agree to be on a first name basis from now on,”
Kira smiled. “What can I do for you?”“Has
Athrun told you about my situation?”“Not
in detail, but I hear you’ve been taking care of a friend. I don’t see
him around, though.” Kira glanced around one last time, just in case.“That’s
because he’s with my sister while we eat. I believe they’re shopping a
block away.” That’s what Meyrin had told me she was going to do. “I’d
like to apologize for yesterday’s events.”“It’s alright. I’ve
done enough to make a lot of people want to kill me. These things
happen in war, even when nobody’s at fault.” Kira had a good point
there.“I know, but Shinn has always been one to harbor a grudge.
Still, his seeing you fly and then seeing you in person are the only
things that have really made a difference in him. I can’t recall the
last time he just got up and walked.” It was probably the early days in
the hospital. He was just starting to lose it then and tried to walk
out while being treated.Kira took a calm sip of his water. “I’m
sorry to hear that. I’d like to help, but I’m not really sure if it
would be best for him. Has he made no progress otherwise?”“None
struck me as every bit the prim and proper type. It must have been the
proper time to offer a proper interjection. I thought it quite proper
of her. “Perhaps if you apologize to Shinn in person,” she suggested to
her husband.Kira clearly didn’t want to. I could tell by the way
his lip and hand twitched. But he acquiesced nonetheless. “Very well.
I’ll do it right after lunch.”“What
will you say?” I just had to know.“That
I’m terribly sorry I had to kill your girlfriend.” He
said it in such a way as to completely piss me off.Luckily,
Lacus beat me to correcting him. A good thing too, as I would have had
to use a more violent method. “Kira, dear. You should be more
understanding. Remember how you were in a similar spot two years ago?”“That
was a little different,” Kira kindly pointed out. This bit of
dirt would be interesting.“The
circumstances were different, but I fail to see how the results are.”
Lacus was smiling warmly but her eyes were clearly informing Kira that
he was in danger of sleeping on the couch for a while.“She was
murdered,” Kira decided to inform me. “But I guess you do have a
point,” he gave a ‘Please, no couch’ apology smile to his pink-haired
companion.Lunch was fabulous. Kira’s treat, of course. So far,
I’ve had to pay for very little on this vacation. And I still got to
spend a lot of time with my man. And if I could get Shinn out of his
catatonic state, then everything in my world would be perfect.Until
Shinn started being a jerk again. That was something I dreaded.Meyrin
met us at the designated place. “Been waiting long?”“Nope,”
she informed me. “We just got here. He’s been a perfect
little darling for once in his life.”I
didn’t find Meyrin’s joke the least bit funny. “Kira’s
decided to have a chat with Shinn.”“Alrighty.
See you later.” Now that she was done babysitting, I guess she was
eager to get back to necking with Athrun. No sooner were the words out
of her mouth than she waved and walked off.Lacus
asked exactly what was on my mind. “How should we go about
didn’t have the answer, but luckily Kira came through. “I’ll
just have a private chat with him.”Lacus
and I watched as Kira took the wheelchair off about thirty yards or so
to a sidewalk bench. Pedestrian traffic was minimal over there. I guess
Kira didn’t want the world to hear his apology.For the first
time, Lacus clearly had a sad look about her. Being the kindhearted yet
nosy person that I am, I asked what it was all about.“I know
that he is madly in love with me, and yet I also know that he thinks of
her from time to time. She was his first love and though he insists it
would never have worked, the guilt he feels over her death is very
powerful. He seems to be over it all now. Still, forcing him to discuss
it again may not be the best idea I ever had.”I
could really feel for her. I don’t know what I’d do if
Shinn obsessed over Stellar. “I don’t know what to say.”“All
I wish is for you to recognize the depths Kira is going to just to do
you a favor. Remember this and try to help Shinn learn how to forgive.
And how to move on.” Lacus continued her sad smile. “But you would have
done that without my asking. I can tell that you are a better person
than most and that you really care for Shinn. I also believe that he’ll
be very grateful to you when he regains his health.”Her
confidence convinced me, at least for the moment.The
rest of the time we spent in silence. Kira had his hand on Shinn’s
forearm as he talked. I never did find out what they talked about.
Sure, the general idea was laid out in advance but I never got any
that it mattered. This was our turning point.I
thought things would get easier. Instead, they just got harder. My
normal routines were all thrown out of whack. I couldn’t leave his side
for a second. I couldn’t really take my eyes off of him either. More
than once he just tried to walk off.I suppose I was still ecstatic
that he was making progress. Occasionally he would say things, but it
wouldn’t be enough for a conversation. It took another couple of weeks
before he would respond to things that I said. He just said things
seemingly at random.And
on the morning before our flight home, he said something that made my
heart stop. “I love you.”I
should have been glad, as every indication was that he was saying it to
me. He was looking straight at me, his hand was on mine, little things
like that. And yet, I just couldn’t quite accept it. Half the things he
had said up until then could just as easily have been about Stellar, or
even his little sister Mayu.“Me?
You love me?” My question was met with a slight smile, then he
looked away.If
we had more time, I could have pressed harder but I thought it best to
wait until we got home. And then he said another shocker. “I like it
here.”“Do you want to stay? I’m sure the soap opera drama
between Athrun, Cagalli and my sister will be just fascinating . . .” I
went on and on like that. That’s what I was used to doing around him
before. It would take some time to break that habit.I
hadn’t stopped packing our things yet. It took him placing a
hand on mine to really get me to listen.“Shinn,
honey. If you want to stay, just say ‘Luna I love you very much and
want to stay right here with you forever.’” I know that was asking a
lot of him this early, but I wasn’t about to change our flight plans
for the glimmer of hope he was giving me. We had a home already. It had
all our things. We’d have to go back for them eventually.Turning
to look him in the eye, I saw him struggling there in the wheelchair.
The eyes could say it but his mouth just wasn’t ready.“Shinn, I
need something. Give me anything to let me know that this is real. I
could have lived with you being an invalid. I could live with you just
like this. But you’re getting better every day. I can’t live at all if
you one day walk out on me. I’ve invested too much. I love you too
much.” I took his hands in mine, “Just give me anything.”I cried
like a waterfall. Fear of being rejected balanced by the hope of
finally gaining true happiness. I could feel the torrent of emotions
tearing me apart inside.And so he lifted my hands and took hold
of a very special finger. Left hand, ring finger. It was the lamest
proposal I had ever heard of in my entire life but that instant it was
incredibly cute.Unable
to remain standing, I sank to my knees and cried on his lap. And he
held me.EpilogueAnd
that was about it. It’s been a few years since these events and I am
now fulfilling my dream of being barefoot and pregnant. Shinn gets on
my case about using that phrase, but he hasn’t complained a bit about
my decision to be a housewife.He’s not as much of a jerk these
days. We still fight, just as any normal couple would. We laugh and
cry, too. He can hold a better conversation now than we ever had
before. There was a war going on then, so I shouldn’t have expected
much when we first hooked up.Shinn and Athrun are on speaking
terms. Shinn and the twins less so. He still harbors ill feelings, but
perhaps in time relations will get better. At least he’s at the point
now where his dislike doesn’t dampen the mood at parties.And
speaking of parties, there’s one scheduled just this week. An
engagement party. My little sister is finally settling down with the
man of her dreams. Too keep you in suspense, I will neglect to mention
his name. You could no doubt guess it with little difficulty anyway.Shinn
recently let me in on a secret. He remembers every bit of what happened
while he was out of it. I didn’t find out until he told me how much he
missed his nightly peep show before bed. Well, he started getting it
again. That in turn contributed toward my pregnancy. We’re having
trouble agreeing on names though. It’s still early, so we have plenty
of time.With his little secret out, I just had to ask what he
went through. How he felt, w things of that
nature. He thought often of Stellar. I figured as much, but the next
part was kind of weird. He said he felt as if her spirit was with him
now. He used to have conversations with her in his mind. Maybe he still
does. Shinn had every good excuse imaginable for being crazy, so I just
let the matter drop. I was pleased to learn that he thought of me and
how I took such good care of him. And he also thought of Rey, whose
name still gives him the shivers to this very day.As I bring
this to a close, it is getting close to bed time. Shinn will likely
want his show. And speaking of beds and related topics, it’s probably
time I get some sleep. I have to help with wedding plans in the morning.A/NHere's to hoping that both Hawke sisters survive the last handful
of episodes.My
apologies to all you Athrun/Cagalli fans. Maybe next time.Updated 9/11/05Some
readers have taken issue particularly my portrayal
of Kira and Cagalli. Well, to be perfectly honest such a portrayal was
completely intentional. Luna has been going through a hell of a time
and her view of those two would probably be very jaded. Luna likely
knows little of Cagalli, and don't you think she would root for her
sister to win Athrun? All she knows of Kira is likely from 3rd parties
(Athrun or Shinn) and Shinn hates Kira with a passion. Don't you think
it likely that Shinn's extreme hatred for both Kira and Cagalli would
taint Luna's view of them? I certainly do. Whether or not Luna had any
regard for Lacus is debatable, so I left Luna rather neutral toward her.And
you'll notice that Meyrin likes both Kira and Cagalli, even going so
far as to ask Luna to keep Shinn under control when he comes to. Still,
try to remember that this is all from Luna's point of
view.End A/N
晕~~~~~~~~~我外语一向不好小德子有空翻译一下...- -!
两次血色情人节战争的王牌机师,也许这些名人朋友可以为我的叙述增添些亮点。不过,我所要讲的故事并不是什么快乐的事情,在写作的时候,我仍然能清晰地感 到昨日的切肤之痛。即使知道一切都已经过去,也不能否认那段时光对我来说简直就是糟糕透顶。我希望这些回忆能够帮助那些还处在痛苦之中的人们:你们的伤痛
运的如此安排,我们避无可避。我的母亲曾常常这么说,我的妹妹也是。可怜的美玲!我花了几个月的时间才弄明白她的遭遇,在此之前,我一直以为她已经像其他 人一样死了。不过,我却并没有多么思念她——这么说起来似乎冷血了点——因为我几乎没有时间去想她的事,也许这才是最好的处理方式。话说回来,如果我真的
当 时的情境就像昨天一样在我眼前闪过。我敢说那场战斗的惨烈程度超乎所有老兵的想象。我们不得不打那场最终的生死决战。真、雷还有我得到命令要尽全力抵挡大
这 些日子真终日躺在床上一动不动。当这场以雷的死亡而告终的战斗结束后,真就开始断断续续地说胡话,接着是漫无目的地乱走,无法与别人沟通。在医院里的三个
月,他的病情逐渐恶化,直到医生们束手无策地对我说“他需要时间……”,所以我们离开了。现在,就只有我再加照顾他。“现在是我和真散步的时间了,和我们 一起吗?”
“大 天使号的舰长玛硫和那个有趣的金发男人穆在一起了,他们也要有孩子了;阿斯兰和阿斯哈小姐分手了,这两个人脾气倔起来都不会相让。阿斯兰和我一起约会过几
次,不过我怀疑他有可能是想要阿斯哈嫉妒。不过,现在,他是我的。”当然,我的妹妹有资格骄傲,她赢了阿斯哈,也打败了我,甚至还有那个假拉克丝,至少在 现在。
对我和美玲说些什么,哪怕一个字也好。美玲在我家住了四天三夜,她睡我的床,尽管床上有我最喜欢的被单,但我已经忽视了它整整六个月了。美玲只花了一天半 就说服了我去地球旅行,她非常拉慷慨地叫了家政公司来打理我离开这一个月的家务。不是我的抚恤金不足以支付这些账单,而是我的原则就是不会购买这些不需要的服务。
作者: Lacusfan………………囧到


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