
您的复查,浑身无力 心慌 心累 化验 TSH\TT3\FT3\TT4均正常 但是FT4结果为60.482pmo1/L参考值上限26.5 高出许多 们是小
时间:来源:健康咨询网 作者:www.jkzxw.net 点击:
bing qing fen xi ni hao gen ju nin de jia gong jie guo nin mu qian xin huang fa li zhu yao yin wei ft4pian gao suo zhi dan yi ban tong shi ban you tshde bian hua zhi dao yi jian jian yi nin fu cha jia gong you shi jian cha bu chu wai jian yan wu cha suo yi ke yi dao jiao hao de yi yuan fu cha jia gong dao nei fen mi ke jiu zhen pei he zhi liao hun shen wu li
tshtt3ft3tt4jun zheng chang
dan shi ft4jie guo wei 60482pmo1lcan kao zhi shang xian 265 gao chu xu duo
据成都空军机关医院甲亢治疗中心专家介绍:典型的甲亢病人,不用化验甲状腺功能就可诊断,上世纪70年代以前就是这样的。但是对甲状腺无明显肿大的不典型病人或老年人,若不作甲状腺功能化验,就很难确诊。故甲状腺功能检查已成为甲亢诊断、疗效判定、甲亢复发、停药指标的重要参考内容。  甲状腺功能化验内容主要包括如下几项:  1.甲状腺素分泌指标:如血清总T3(TT3)、总T4(TT4)、游离T3(FT3)、游离T4(FT4)。分泌指标高低直接反应甲状腺的功能状态,增高表示功能增进,减少表示功能减低。T3、T4在妊娠、服避孕药、雌激素治疗等情况下可增高;在雄激素和强的松治疗、肾病综合征、肝功衰竭、服用苯妥英钠和保泰松时可减低,故对甲亢诊断准确性受到限制。但FT3、FT4不受上述因素影响,是目前诊断甲亢、甲减的常用化验指标。但是多数医院常将TT3、TT4、FT3、FT4一起检查。FT3占总T3的0.3%,FT4占总T4的0.04%,含量虽然少,但生物活性极高,因为只有游离T3、T4才能进入细胞内,起到生理作用。FT3在甲亢早期或复发初期最先升高,对甲亢诊断意义大,而FT4甲亢时也增高,但甲减时最先降低,对甲减诊断优于FF3。反T3(rT3):95%以上由T4在周围组织代谢时脱碘形成,不具生理活性,对甲亢诊断意义不大,它在甲亢时与T3、T4、FT3、FT4同步升降,只是在甲亢或甲亢复发的早期先期升高,而且在非甲状腺疾病,T3、T4、FT3、FT4正常时,rT3可以独立升高。T3、T4在甲亢时常同步升高,但也有例外:  (1)仅T3增高:①T3型甲亢:在缺碘地区多见。②T3优势甲亢:甲亢经药物治疗后,T4已正常,而T3持续不降甚或增高,T3(纳克/毫升)/T4(微克/毫升)>30,此型复发率高,宜手术治疗。③甲亢早期或甲亢复发初期。④甲减用甲状腺片治疗时。正常甲状腺组织是按照T31:T49的比例分泌的,而甲状腺片中的T3为11而T4为12,含量近乎相等,而且T3吸收率95%,T4仅40%,长期服用会出现T3增高的现象。故现在提倡用左旋甲状腺素钠(优甲乐),可避免T4不足。  (2)仅T4增高:①T4型甲亢:与吃含碘食物过多有关,②假性T4甲亢:常见于心梗、肺心病、急性脑血管病、哮喘、肿瘤、急性肝病等,随着原发病好转而下降。③少数老年甲亢,可仅T4高。   (3)T4减低:①见于甲减②慢性心、肺、肝、脑疾病。   2.促甲状腺激素(TSH):在脑垂体产生,有促进甲状腺滤泡细胞产生T3、T4、FT3、FT4的作用。它的高低受甲状腺素负反馈控制,其表现是相反的,甲状腺素高时,TSH低;甲状腺素低时,TSH高。故甲亢时T3、T4、FT3、FT4增高,而TSH是降低的,甲减时相反。  3.甲状腺免疫指标:常测定甲状腺免疫球蛋白(TG)(正常值<30%)和甲状腺微粒球蛋白(TM)(正常值<15%)。两者在甲亢时也可增高,但滴度较低,在6个月内即可恢复正常,对甲亢诊断意义不大。但是两者检验值大于50%时,对桥本氏甲亢有诊断价值&&&& 甲状腺激素为T3和T4的统称,是由甲状腺滤泡上皮细胞中甲状腺球蛋白上的酪氨酸残基碘化而成。在甲状腺疾病的研究中,ELISA法对甲状腺激素进行定量分析,可以特异而灵敏的反映甲状腺代谢的技能状态,揭示下丘脑垂体甲状腺轴之间的调控关系和甲状腺疾病的性质,显示结果较为稳定,有助于甲状腺及相关疾病的诊断[1]。&&&
------分隔线----------------------------Development Modules
& Development Modules
FTDI supply a range of development modules supporting prototyping and development for FTDI USB devices. The development modules come in a range of compact form factors. The development modules can be used for product integration to enable USB connectivity within existing product designs.
- FT4222H Development Module
A development module for the FT4222H Hi-Speed USB2.0 to QuadSPI/I2C Bridge IC.&
The UMFT4222EV is supplied as a small PCB which is designed to plug into a standard 0.8” wide 24 pin DIP socket. All components used, including the FT4222H, are Pb-free (RoHS compliant).
&UMFT4222PROG - Programmer Module
for the UMFT4222EV
This module is used to program the OTP memory in the FT4222H ICs
mounted on the UMFT4222EV evaluation modules. The OTP memory
contains configuration information such as the USB Vendor ID,
Product ID and Serial Number.
UMFT4222PROG-IC - Programmer Module for the FT4222H ICs
This module is a programmer for the FT4222H IC that is fitted with
an IC socket, where the FT4222H can be mounted to program it's OTP
&UMFT313EV - FT313H Development Module
A development module for the FT313H Hi-Speed USB Host Controller IC.
A small form factor PCB to enable connecting a microcontroller to the FT313H. USB2.0 Host function to develop system firmware and prototype system functionality is described in detail. The module contains a type A USB port for connecting peripherals and may be powered with a single 5V supply. The parallel bus options are accessed via a 0.1” socket strip.
& UM232H-B Breakout Module
The UM232H-B is a development module for FTDI’s FT232H Hi-Speed to serial/parallel interface connector.
This single channel interface IC can be configured to transfer data over the following interfaces UART, FIFO, FT1248, I2C, SPI and GPIO.
This hardware is a breakout board that converts Hi-Speed USB2.0 to a serial/parallel interface and connects the signals to a 2.00mm pitch 18pin female receptacle. No USB connector is used, instead this module plugs directly into the USB host connector and the pads of the PCB makes electrical contact with the electrical contacts of the USB connector.
The module is availab with female receptacle (UM232H-B-01), with no connector (UM232H-B-NC) or wire-ended (UM232H-B-WE).
& FT12 Series - EVALUATION
Complete evaluation and prototyping platform for FT12 series devices. The UMFT12XEV contains an LPC1114 controller to host the FT12X daughter card to enable testing of firmware for the FT12 series devices. Each device (FT120, FT121, and FT122) has a separate daughter card to plug-in to the UMFT12XEV and a mini-B USB connector for attaching to external USB host controllers.
Part Numbers (sold seperately):
UMFT12XEV::Evaluation Motherboard for evualuating the FT12X devices.
UMFT120DC::FT120 Daughter card plug in for the UMFT12XEV
UMFT121DC:FT121 Daughter card plug in for the UMFT12XEV
UMFT122DC:FT122 Daughter card plug in for the UMFT12XEV
Datasheets can be downloaded from the links below:
A programmers guide is available .
Sample firmware is available .
Free development tools for the LPC1114 processor on the UMFT12XEV may be obtained .
&FT311D - Development Module (UMFT311EV)
A development module for the FT311D & Android Host IC.
Allows for selecting each of the FT311D interfaces:-
GPIO, UART, PWM, I2C Master, SPI Slave or SPI Master.
Provides a USB type A connector with power switch to
control the 5V supply to the USB port. 5V power supply not included
&FT311D - GPIO Module (UMFT311GP)
PCB with 8 buttons and 8 LEDs may be plugged into a
FT311D development board or used as a Vinco shield to test GPIO operation.
Also has power socket to accept 5V DC, allowing
power for the FT311D via onboard 3V3 regulator and the Android device connected
to the FT311D.
&FT-X Breakout Modules
modules provide the smallest and simplest development hardware for the FT-X
series of devices. To reduce cost the USB interconnect is simply tracking on
the PCB which plugs directly into the USB host socket. The interface connector
is a standard 0.1& pitch socket.
module is ready to use when plugged in to enable instant development work to
FT200XD based USB to I2C module. Additional
Module Variants - UMFT200XD-NC, UMFT200XD-WE, UMFT200XD-01 (all featured
in UMFT200XD datasheet)
FT201XQ based USB to I2C module. Additional
Module Variants - UMFT201XB-01, UMFT201XB-NC, UMFT201XB-WE (all featured
in UMFT201XB datasheet)
FT220XQ based USB to 4-Bit SPI / FT1248 module.
Additional Module Variants - UMFT220XB-01, UMFT220XB-NC, UMFT220XB-WE
(all featured in UMFT220XB datasheet)
UMFT230XB & FT230XQ based USB to basic UART module.
Additional Module Variants - UMFT230XB-01, UMFT230XB-NC, UMFT230XB-WE
(all featured in UMFT230XB datasheet)
UMFT234XD & FT234XD based USB to basic UART module.
Additional Module Variants - UMFT234XD-01, UMFT234XD-NC, UMFT234XD-WE
(all featured in UMFT234XD datasheet)
&FT-X Development Modules
Development modules are
slightly larger than the breakout modules but offer access to all the FT-X device
pins. The modules have a USB Mini-B connector and 0.1& pitch DIP pin for
connecting the interface signals.
Modules with a part number ending XA are 0.3& wide and those ending XE are 0.6& wide.
FT201XQ based USB to I2C, 0.3& wide module.
Additional module variant - UMFT201XA-01 (featured in
UMFT201XA datasheet)
FT220XQ based USB to Enhanced 4-Bit SPI / FT& wide module.
Additional module variant - UMFT220XA-01 (featured in
UMFT220XA datasheet)
FT221XQ based USB to Enhanced 8-Bit SPI / FT& wide module.
Additional module variant - UMFT221XA-01 (featured in
UMFT221XA datasheet)
FT230XQ based USB to basic UART, 0.3& wide module.
Additional module variant - UMFT230XA-01 (featured in
UMFT230XA datasheet)
FT231XQ based USB to full handshake UART, 0.3& wide module.
Additional module variant - UMFT231XA-01 (featured in
UMFT231XA datasheet)
FT240XQ based USB to 8 & bit FIFO, 0.3& wide module.
Additional module variant - UMFT240XA-01 (featured in
UMFT240XA datasheet)
UMFT201XE & FT201XQ based USB to I2C, 0.6& wide module
UMFT221XE & FT221XQ based USB to Enhanced 8-Bit SPI / FT& wide module
UMFT231XE & FT231XQ based USB to full handshake UART, 0.6& wide module
UMFT234XF & FT234XD based USB to basic UART module
UMFT240XE & FT240XQ based USB to 8 & bit FIFO, 0.6& wide module
Full speed USB to Full Handshake UART + Battery
Charger Detection development module based on the FT231XS. Can be used to verify
the USB Dedicated Charging Port (DCP) detection capability of the FT2xxX
devices as well as provide a USB to UART bridge.
Additional module variant - UMFT231XC-01 (featured in UMFT231XC
Includes 10 pin 0.1&
female header used for UART signals, 12 pin 0.1& female header for Power
and control
Status LEDs
Mini USB-B connector
& Vinco Ethernet RTC MP3 Shield
The Vinco Ethernet RTC MP3 shield is designed to connect
directly to the FTDI Vinco development PCB. The shield will allow the
Vinculum-II (VNC2) device on the Vinco PCB to access an Ethernet port which
uses the Wiznet W5100 chipset, audio files using the VLSI VS1053b CODEC and
access a Real Time Clock using the NXP PCF32123 device.
Additional functions on the PCB include LED indications for
the Ethernet status e.g. received data, transmitted data, full duplex mode and
collision detection.
The Ethernet function allows the VNC2 to bridge USB, UART,
SPI, PWM data to a network, while the RTC may be used for time stamping files
stored on USB memory sticks accessed with the Vinco baseboard. The audio codec
may be used to decode MP3 audio files for playback on the 3.5mm headphone
These 3 functions are accessed via the VNC2 SPI Master mode and libraries to support the function are
available for free with the VNC2 Toolchain.
Featuring the new FT232H, this module provides an
engineer with an easy way to integrate the FT232H into a
proof-of-concept design, or quickly modify an existing product. Using
the on-board EEPROM, these capabilities include the ability to configure
the FT232H as either a serial data transfer interface (JTAG/SPI/I2C/UART
- as well as the new FT1248 protocol) or parallel FIFO interface, at
speeds up to 40MByte/s. Built to conform to a standard 0.6” 28 pin DIP
socket, this module can be either self or bus-powered, with a robust
3.3V IO structure that can directly interface to 5V logic without
buffers. Using FTDI’s world class drivers, an engineer can easily
establish USB communication to the FT232H using either virtual com port
or D2XX royalty-free software.
The FT121 G-Sensor shield is designed to connect
directly to an Arduino Pro development board. The shield allows the
micro-controller on the Arduino Pro to access the FT121 USB device
controller.Using the FTDI FT121 chipset and a three axes linear
accelerometer (ST LIS331DLH) device, the module may be used to
implement a USB HID game controller. The user may also define other
interesting applications from the micro-controller board.
The Arduino Pro is a micro-controller board based on the
ATmega168 or ATmega328 and is not available from FTDI.
Vinco is a cost effective Vinculum-II (VNC2)
development platform inspired by Arduino. The Vinco is a dual channel
USB Host/Device Controller is targeted at rapid development and
prototyping of USB Host/Device interfaces. Vinco is a superset of the
Arduino Duemilanove / Uno with 2 extra rows of headers providing an
extra 10 pins and can be programmed using a subset of standard ANSII ‘C’
using the FTDI free of charge software development environment,
consisting of development tools, software drivers and libraries. An
optional Vinco prototyping board provides add-on expansion board
support. The Vinco features an 8-channel, 10Bit ADC, PWM interface and
supports connectivity to a wide range of application boards developed by
the Arduino open-source community. These include Ethernet, motor
control, LCD and many others applications.
Note that a
is required
to program the Vinco.
9V power supply sold separately
Vinco Shield
Vinco Shield is a prototyping board for interfacing additional custom circuitry to
the Vinco motherboard. In addition to bringing out all connections of the Vinco motherboard, there are three undedicated LEDs and two switches (one dedicated to Reset).
Please see section 10 (page 17) of the Vinco data sheet
for more information. Part number VNCLO-SHLD-1A
&Vinco Touchkey Shield
The Vinco Touch-Key is a shield that mates
with the FTDI Vinco development module to allow touch pad operation. The shield
includes an STMPE821 device, which is an
8-channel GPIO capacitive touch-key sensor. The sensor communicates to the Vinculum-II
(VNC2) (on the Vinco module) via I2C protocol.
Additionally there are 4 push buttons
and 5 LEDs which may manipulated by the VICNO baseboard.
USB Hi-Speed Serial/Hub Module
The FT4232H USB serial/hub module was designed to
connect to FTDI’s V2DIPx modules, as well as any USB Host interface
(e.g. PC) to expand the number of interfaces that can be accessed
downstream from a Host. The module has an FTDI FT4232H USB 2.0 Hi-Speed
to UART/MPSSE chip which supports data rates of 40Mb/s and takes care of
all USB signaling and protocols. It also features a GL850G USB 2.0 hub
controller chip, the functions of which can be customized.
& Morph-IC-II
FPGA Development Module
The Morph-IC-II is a USB based FPGA development module
featuring the Altera Cyclone-II FPGA with the FTDI FT2232H USB to
UART/FIFO/MPSSE converter IC.& The module provides integration of
Hi-Speed USB capability (480Mbit/s) with an FPGA, to enable ultra-fast
software based FPGA configuration/reconfiguration and communication
using the FTDI royalty free drivers.
The concept of the Morph-IC-II is to provide the ability
to easily alter the function and capability of a silicon device via
software, allowing multiple functions to be implemented within the same
silicon, whilst reducing bill of materials and silicon cost. Features
Powerful silicon development platform.& Software
re-configurability allows users to support multiple functions within
a single silicon platform.
High performance, low power Altera Cyclone-II EP2C5F256C8N FPGA
4,608 embedded FPGA Logic
Elements (about 80,000 Gates typically).
26 M4K RAM blocks (119Kbits), 13 embedded multipliers and Nios
II embedded processor support.
USB 2.0 Hi-speed (480Mbits/s) connection via FT2232H USB to dual
Supports FPGA-PC USB Data transfers at up to 40MBytes/s.
Supports ultra-fast software based configuration/reconfiguration
of FPGA (less than 100ms).
Range of flexible for FPGA communication interfaces, including FIFO
interface, and MPSSE configurable serial controller interface
providing support for SPI and I2C and other serial protocols.
Compact module features up to 124 x 0.1” pitch headers providing
access to 96 I/Os on the FPGA and FT2232H module.
Onboard USB type B connector provides connection to a PC, supporting
software communication via FTDI VCP and D2XX API drivers.& The
D2XX API supports communication via C/C++ as well as other software
Onboard JTAG port connector for FPGA boundary scan, test and
configuration.& JTAG interface also accessible via module
header pins.
Module is supplied with VHDL reference designs, software samples and
utilities. FPGA programming supported by free Quartus II Web Edition
Software from Altera..
Target Applications
Wide range of VLSI logic circuit design applications including ASIC
prototyping, FPGA design for glue-logic or IP development.& The wide
range resources including FPGA reference designs, software utilities and
samples also makes the module ideal as a low-cost educational platform.
FT2232H Mini-Module
The FT2232H Mini Module is
a USB to dual channel serial/MPSSE/FIFO interface converter module based on the FT2232H USB Hi-Speed IC. The FT2232H handles all
the USB signalling and protocol handling. The module provides access to device I/O interfaces via 2 double row 0.1" pitch male connectors.& The module is ideal for development
purposes to quickly prove functionality of adding USB to a target
FT2232H-56Q Mini-Module
The FT2232H-56Q Mini
Module is a USB-serial/FIFO development module in the FTDI product range
which utilizes the FT2232H-56Q USB Hi-Speed dual-port bridge chip which
handles all the USB signalling and protocols. It is ideal for
development purposes to quickly prove functionality of adding USB to a
target design.
& FT4232H Mini-Module
The FT4232H Mini Module is a USB-to-serial/MPSSE interface converter module based on the FT4232H IC. The FT4232H bridge chip supports
USB Hi-Speed transfers and handles all the USB protocol. The development module provides access to the quad channel serial / MPSSE converter
interfaces via a set of 2 double row 0.1" pitch male connectors.& It is ideal for development purposes to quickly prove
functionality of adding USB to a target design.
& FT4232H-56Q Mini-Module
TThe FT4232H Mini Module is a USB-serial/FIFO
development module in the FTDI product range which utilizes the FT4232H
USB Hi-Speed four-port bridge chip which handles all the USB signalling
and protocols. It is ideal for development purposes to quickly prove
functionality of adding USB to a target design.
Complete evaluation and prototyping platform for VNC2. The board features a VNC2 daughterboard site for connecting 32,48 and 64-pin VNC2 daughterboards.
The board features USB connectors, I/O headers providing access to major VNC2 interfaces as well as a generous breadboard style prototyping area.
The V2-EVAL is supplied as a kit together with power supply, USB cable and USB gender changer.
Part Numbers (sold seperately):
V2-EVAL:V2-EVAL kit with base board, power supply and cables (Daughterboard required).
V2-EVAL-EXT32:32-pin QFN daughterboard.
V2-EVAL-EXT48:48-pin QFN daughterboard.
V2-EVAL-EXT64:64-pin QFN daughterboard.
VNC2 based development modules with
single USB connector.& The modules are targeted for
prototyping with the VNC2 and for application integration to enable USB
capability within a finished product design (NOTE: Requires a
for initial programming
& downloading of firmware).
Part Numbers:
32pin VNC2 based module
48pin VNC2 based module
64pin VNC2 based module.
VNC2 based development modules with two USB
The modules are targeted for prototyping
with the VNC2 and for application integration to enable USB capability
within a finished product design
(NOTE: Requires a
for initial programming
& downloading of firmware).
Part Numbers:
32pin VNC2 based module
48pin VNC2 based module
64pin VNC2 based module.
& VNC2 Debugger/Programmer Module
The VNC2 debugger/programmer module consists of a miniature board with a USB miniB connector, which provides USB connectivity to Vinculum-II IDE development tools running on a PC. This module can be used to program and debug firmware running on the VNC2 device.
The V-Eval Kit is a hardware
platform that designers can use to develop embedded USB Host / Slave applications
based on FTDI’s
devices.& Designers can program the VNC1L with a range of USB firmwares supporting a range
of USB applications. The board comes with the V-Eval software designed to provide board
communication and control functions such as UART terminal emulation capabilities supporting
application development and debug.
The VDIP1 module is single USB connector based development module for the VNC1L device.
The module is targetted for MCU to USB Host / Slave interface applications. The VDIP1 is compact module
designed to fit a 24-pin DIP socket. The socket I/O pins provide access to the UART, SPI
and FIFO interface pins of the VNC1L device.
The module is ideal for rapid prototyping and development of VNC1L
designs, an attractive quantity discount structure also makes this
module suitable for incorporation into low/medium volume finished
product designs.
The VDIP2 module is a compact development module for the VNC1L based on
2 USB connectors. The module is targeted for MCU to embedded USB Host / Slave controller
interface development using the VNC1L IC device. The VDIP2 module features a 40 pin DIP
socket interface providing access to the UART, parallel FIFO, and SPI interface pins on the VNC1L
device. The VDIP2 is an ideal platform for prototyping and the development of VNC1L designs.
Attractive quantity discounts on the VDIP2 makes this module suitable for incorporation into low and medium volume
finished product designs.
The UM232R module is a USB -
Serial UART (TTL) development module for the FT232R IC device. The module supports
USB to UART interfacing at 5V / 3V TTL levels. Voltage levels are set via onboard
jumpers. I/O headers available to provide access to all UART and CBUS interface
pins of the FT232R device.
The UM232R can be configured as either USB bus-powered or self-powered modes.
Full hardware handshaking is supported. The UM232R can supports communication at up to 3MBaud at TTL/CMOS levels.
The UM232R
plugs into a standard 24-pin 0.6in wide DIP socket.
The UM245R module is a USB -
Parallel FIFO interface (TTL) development module for the FT245R IC
device. The compact module, is designed to fit a 24 pin DIP
socket which provides access to all FIFO interface and control pins (TXE#,
RXF#, RD#, WR) on the FT245R device.
The UM245R can be configured as either USB bus-powered or self-powered
and also supports 5V or 3V level interface. Voltage levels set via onboard jumpers.
The UM245R supports data transfers at up to 1 MegaByte per
The UM245R
plugs into a standard 24-pin 0.6in wide DIP socket.
The MM232R is a mini
development module for the FT232RQ IC device. The module provides a USB to serial
UART development interface in a small form factor.
The module is ideal for USB interface development can also be used for integrating USB interfaces
to existing product designs.
Based on the FT232RQ device, the MM232R module supports RTS/CTS hardware
handshaking and is powered from the USB port. The module supports serial data communication
at up to 3MBaud at TTL levels. The module also features I/O header pins for the
EEPROM configurable CBUS pins from the FT232R.
Two 1x4, and one 2x4 board headers with a standard 0.1"& pitch are supplied with the MM232R
for rapid prototyping and development.
The UB232R is the smallest
USB - serial module in the FTDI product range.& To minimise the
size of the module, the UB232R uses a standard USB mini-B connector.& It is ideal for new development purposes and also
for adding a USB interface to existing product designs.
Based on the FT232RQ device, the UB232R supports RTS/CTS hardware
handshaking and is powered from the USB port.& Serial data communication
is possible at up to 3MBaud at TTL level.& In addition, two of the EEPROM configurable CBUS pins of the FT232R are brought out allowing the
UB232R to be used to provide clock signals to external logic or signal
traffic indicator LEDs.
Two 1x4 turned pin board headers with a standard 0.1& pitch are supplied with the
UB232R to allow
for rapid prototyping and development.
& EVAL232R
The EVAL232R is a USB to RS232 converter module based on
the FT232RL IC. The module features both a USB type B connector and an
RS232 based DB9 connector interface. The FT232RL device is used to provide
the USB to serial UART interface conversion. An onboard level shifter is used
to provide RS232 signal levels. Additional header pins on the board provide
access to the FT232RL device's configurable CBUS interface pins on the FT232RQ.
The module is powered from the USB interface with 5V and 3V I/O
interfacing supported on the CBUS I/O pins. The DB9 RS232 interface supports full
RTS/CTS flow control, and DTR/DSR hardware handshaking. DCD and RI signals are
also available. RS232 communication is possible at up to 250kBaud.
LEDs are fitted to indicate traffic activity.}


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