
本回答来自: 求医网& | &
& | & 18:29
答: 你好,这种情况一般的情况建议做肠镜检查的。看一下具体的情况治疗的。单纯通过症状不能确诊具体的疾病的。注意保养的。饮食要清淡的。
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You are listening to a programmes from BBC Radio 4.Good morning. I wonder if there s somebody you love very much but disagree with profoundly on something that s deeply important to both of you. That s the situation the 38 leaders of the global Anglican Communion are in as they begin their week-long meeting in Canterbury this morning.Some sincerely believe that the church s historic attitude to Lesbian and Gay people reflects a mixture of ignorance and prejudice, and it s long overdue time to repent and welcome the blessing God is giving the church in such people. Others sincerely believe the Bible commands that sexual relations can only ever be between a man and a woman in a lifelong marriage, and see any change as the thin end of a disastrous wedge. Introduce a dose of postcolonial angst and culture-war antagonism and you have quite a cocktail.Jesus most famous story is of a prodigal son who squanders his inheritance in a far country, and eventually returns, to be greeted with love by his forgiving father. (Interestingly the prodigal doesn t return because he s repentant. He returns because he realises he d be better off as a hired servant in his father s house than as a pig herder in the far country.) The story also tells of an older brother who bitterly laments his father s leniency toward his errant sibling. Right now we have a lot of people on both poles of the debate about love and sexuality calling on the other side to repent.It s as if the antagonists are competing to cast their opponents as the prodigal son headstrong and foolish, a disgrace to the family. But wait: casting your opponent as the prodigal son makes you the elder brother. And it s the elder brother that comes out worst in the story. The elder brother exaggerates his brother s misdeeds and misconstrues his father s generosity as favouritism. The father s response is to say to the elder brother, It takes both brothers to make a family. There s a p your choice is whether you want to come. All of us get into fights with those we love. All of us, at some stage, play all three roles of broken-hearted parent, headstrong prodigal, or self-righteous elder sibling. When we play the game so as always to be the righteous elder brother, we end up finding ourselves out in the field, with no friends, no love, and a long way from the party. Our opponents invariably regard us as the self-centred, reckless prodigal. Perhaps what Christians see on the cross is the agony of Jesus stretching his arms wide to embrace both brothers.Jesus question to each brother is the same: Do you want to come to the party? The trouble is, there s one condition: You know who else will be there, don t you? 来自:VOA英语网 文章地址: /16/01/BBC-Radio-4-Rev-Dr-Sam-Wells-11-01-16.htmlSon of a Quaker blacksmith, Herbert Clark Hoover brought to the Presidency an unparalleled reputation for public service as an engineer, administrator, and humanitarian.Born in an Iowa village in 1874, he grew up in Oregon. He enrolled at Stanford University when it opened in 1891, graduating as a mining engineer.He married his Stanford sweetheart, Lou Henry, and they went to China, where he worked for a private corporation as China's leading engineer. In June 1900 the Boxer Rebellion caught the Hoovers in Tientsin. For almost a month the settlement was under heavy fire. While his wife worked in the hospitals, Hoover directed the building of barricades, and once risked his life rescuing Chinese children.One week before Hoover celebrated his 40th birthday in London, Germany declared war on France, and the American Consul General asked his help in getting stranded tourists home. In six weeks his committee helped 120,000 Americans return to the United States. Next Hoover turned to a far more difficult task, to feed Belgium, which had been overrun by the German army.After the United States entered the war, President Wilson appointed Hoover head of the Food Administration. He succeeded in cutting consumption of foods needed overseas and avoided rationing at home, yet kept the Allies fed.After the Armistice, Hoover, a member of the Supreme Economic Council and head of the American Relief Administration, organized shipments of food for starving millions in central Europe. He extended aid to famine-stricken Soviet Russia in 1921. When a critic inquired if he was not thus helping Bolshevism, Hoover retorted, Twenty million people are starving. Whatever their politics, they shall be fed! After capably serving as Secretary of Commerce under Presidents Harding and Coolidge, Hoover became the Republican Presidential nominee in 1928. He said then: We in America today are nearer to the final triumph over poverty than ever before in the history of any land. His election seemed to ensure prosperity. Yet within months the stock market crashed, and the Nation spiraled downward into depression.After the crash Hoover announced that while he would keep the Federal budget balanced, he would cut taxes and expand public works spending.In 1931 repercussions from Europe deepened the crisis, even though the President presented to Congress a program asking for creation of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation to aid business, additional help for farmers facing mortgage foreclosures, banking reform, a loan to states for feeding the unemployed, expansion of public works, and drastic governmental economy.At the same time he reiterated his view that while people must not suffer from hunger and cold, caring for them must be primarily a local and voluntary responsibility.His opponents in Congress, who he felt were sabotaging his program for their own political gain, unfairly painted him as a callous and cruel President. Hoover became the scapegoat for the Depression and was badly defeated in 1932. In the 1930's he became a powerful critic of the New Deal, warning against tendencies toward statism.In 1947 President Truman appointed Hoover to a commission, which elected him chairman, to reorganize the Executive Departments. He was appointed chairman of a similar commission by President Eisenhower in 1953. Many economies resulted from both commissions' recommendations. Over the years, Hoover wrote many articles and books, one of which he was working on when he died at 90 in New York City on October 20, 1964.The Presidential biographies on WhiteHouse.gov are from The Presidents of the United States of America, by Frank Freidel and Hugh Sidey. Copyright 2006 by the White House Historical Association.来自:VOA英语网 文章地址: /html//Herbert-Hoover.html
上一篇: 瘦脸针后脸上的肉好松人日本人就是具备匠人精变我们热点生活没错但我们
楼主发言:1次 发图:0张
  唉,都是广告哇    美女,你打的针可能消除的不是肌肉,而是脂肪啊,所以才会在两颊凹陷。    你两边嚼肌有酸吗?你确定打的是肉毒素不是瘦脂针吗?    肉毒素一般会让肌肉萎缩,但是瘦脂针就会消除掉部分脂肪,让你的脸迅速消瘦。
  我就打过瘦脸针,没你说得那么可怕。我叔父是做整容材料批发的,我做过好几项,其中与瘦脸有关的是两项。    我之前做了一个去颊脂肪垫的小手术,脸颊两边各取出一块像是煎蛋的蛋黄那么大的脂肪,瘦脸效果很明显。    后来又打了瘦脸针,主要是去除咀嚼肌的,一个月以后才有效果。后来我对着镜子看了一下,发现左右两边确实不太一样,有一边瘦的相对更明显,而且在我笑的时候有点不自然。----不过这只是我个人的感觉。周围的朋友们都没看出来,就连照片上也看不出来。大概没几个月,瘦脸针的效果消退了,别人都说我长胖了,其实只有我知道,这个是瘦脸针的功效,相对于瘦脸这个立竿见影的功效来说,不自然基本可以忽略不计,因为根本没人会那么仔细地看你----。虽然我在叔父这边,打瘦脸针是不要钱的,但我也没有再打了。    我跟楼主的观念变化方向刚好相反,自从我变美以后,异性对我的关注也多了,但是我看得很淡,我现在觉得容貌这些,都只是浮云。-      
  我也是瘦脸针注射之后面部出现明显的凹陷,就是颧骨和咬肌中间的地方凹陷,颧骨很显,咬肌没瘦多少,不知道怎么会这样.我以前打的效果都很好,咬肌会小很多,即使咬肌小了脸也很圆润,这次两颊凹陷的难看,烦死了,现在酒窝也没了,以前两个酒窝很明显的,我现在后悔得很,以前打过四次了,每次都很好,这次是第五次,怎么也想不到会这样.打的时候我感觉是打在咬肌上的,应该是靠前了点,以前打的很靠后.我在上海九院打过一次,是1400.在南昌打了四次,是800元每次.是大医院打的.之前都很好,效果很满意,就这次是个女医生打的,我想咬肌针很小的小手术,再怎么也不会有事,一点也没当心,没想到会打得不好...楼主现在情况怎样了,希望你以经到了满意的程度,如果方便跟我聊聊好吗?我的QQ  原贴地址:/thread-.html    
  你不会就是在我们群里的那个mm吧?  你竟然打的这么贵!    别人都嫌保持的时间不够久,可是楼上有人竟然可以保持一年。。。
  很多打完针笑容僵硬的人 发了贴就没有下文了
    作者:终点站 回复日期: 16:04:10  回复
      我就打过瘦脸针,没你说得那么可怕。我叔父是做整容材料批发的,我做过好几项,其中与瘦脸有关的是两项。        我之前做了一个去颊脂肪垫的小手术,脸颊两边各取出一块像是煎蛋的蛋黄那么大的脂肪,瘦脸效果很明显。        后来又打了瘦脸针,主要是去除咀嚼肌的,一个月以后才有效果。后来我对着镜子看了一下,发现左右两边确实不太一样,有一边瘦的相对更明显,而且在我笑的时候有点不自然。----不过这只是我个人的感觉。周围的朋友们都没看出来,就连照片上也看不出来。大概没几个月,瘦脸针的效果消退了,别人都说我长胖了,其实只有我知道,这个是瘦脸针的功效,相对于瘦脸这个立竿见影的功效来说,不自然基本可以忽略不计,因为根本没人会那么仔细地看你----。虽然我在叔父这边,打瘦脸针是不要钱的,但我也没有再打了。        我跟楼主的观念变化方向刚好相反,自从我变美以后,异性对我的关注也多了,但是我看得很淡,我现在觉得容貌这些,都只是浮云。-    =====  这个妞好勇敢啊!!!!!太吓人了 去脂肪垫会老的很快吧 像张柏芝  
  我打过 虽然木有表情僵硬的现象,但是脸被打成葫芦脸了,苹果肌没了,脸颊陷下去至少老了5岁,同样的不敢见人了 没自信了。现在两年了,苹果肌长不回来了 咬肌长回来了凹陷还在那里,而且长回来咬肌严重下垂并比打针前大了一圈,后悔也没用呃
  @巨英伦 2楼   唉,都是广告哇  美女,你打的针可能消除的不是肌肉,而是脂肪啊,所以才会在两颊凹陷。  你两边嚼肌有酸吗?你确定打的是肉毒素不是瘦脂针吗?  肉毒素一般会让肌肉萎缩,但是瘦脂针就会消除掉部分脂肪,让你的脸迅速消瘦。  -----------------------------  而且打咬肌,过几个月又长出来了。我还希望它不要涨那么快!
  太恐怖了 所以我一直不敢打 最近用了美容棒瘦脸有效 /
  这玩意可不能随便打啊,打完容易面瘫啊,最近用芦荟胶挺好的,可以试试 http://www. 芦荟胶官网 | 芦荟胶哪个牌子好_芦荟胶的功效与作用_芦荟胶的用法
  @秋天的小马驹儿 13楼
12:13  我也在九院打过啊,没有任何问题,现在效果代谢掉了,打算再去  -----------------------------  
  @秋天的小马驹儿 13楼
12:13  我也在九院打过啊,没有任何问题,现在效果代谢掉了,打算再去  -----------------------------  是哪个医生打的啊,求医生姓名  
  @wimmiw2008 5楼 2011-01  -----------------------------  上海九院哪个医生打的,求医生姓名  
13:24:00  有没有已经恢复的朋友,我也是被肉毒素瘦脸毁容的可怜人,已经八个月了,还未看到曙光,可恶的医生还将我的右脸降低,恢复期更长了。  —————————————————  您打了瘦脸针,现在脸型恢复到和之前一样了吗?  
21:33:49  我打过 虽然木有表情僵硬的现象,但是脸被打成葫芦脸了,苹果肌没了,脸颊陷下去至少老了5岁,同样的不敢见人了 没自信了。现在两年了,苹果肌长不回来了 咬肌长回来了凹陷还在那里,而且长回来咬肌严重下垂并比打针前大了一圈,后悔也没用呃  -----------------------------  亲,真应该早点看见这个帖子,跟你情况一样。我去医院,医生说不可能比以前还大,我一直怀疑,看来这种情况真的有,你后期解决了吗?我也不知道该怎么办,这次去做了面部提升希望提升上去脸会不那么凹陷  希望有这样问题的姐妹加ttmlr000 一起讨论解决方法
  @u_15-09-12 12:39:04  @xjxingyue
13:24:00  有没有已经恢复的朋友,我也是被肉毒素瘦脸毁容的可怜人,已经八个月了,还未看到曙光,可恶的医生还将我的右脸降低,恢复期更长了。  —————————————————  您打了瘦脸针,现在脸型恢复到和之前一样了吗?  -----------------------------  我发现越不一样
12:06:00  打瘦脸针的效果可没有你说的那么邪乎耶,我已经在韩国首尔的BK整形医院注射过三次瘦脸针了,还没出现什么不适的情况呢。不过我在BK注射时,听BK专家介绍瘦脸针注射时在脸上选择的注射点位是很有讲究的,经验丰富的专业医生选择注射点位准确,就不会出现面部肌肉僵硬、两颊下陷等不良情况,注射后的效果才会显著,而且瘦脸后维持的时间也会更长些。你是在哪里注射的瘦脸针呀?会不会注射错啦?  -----------------------------  医生的经验也很重要。出现不良反应也很有可能经验不足导致。可怜这么多受害者
  @wimmiw2008 10楼
23:54  我也是瘦脸针注射之后面部出现明显的凹陷,就是颧骨和咬肌中间的地方凹陷,颧骨很显,咬肌没瘦多少,不知道怎么会这样.我以前打的效果都很好,咬肌会小很多,即使咬肌小了脸也很圆润,这次两颊凹陷的难看,烦死了,现在酒窝也没了,以前两个酒窝很明显的,我现在后悔得很,以前打过四次了,每次都很好,这次是第五次,怎么也想不到会这样.打的时候我感觉是打在咬肌上的,应该是靠前了点,以前打的很靠后.我在上海九院打过一次,是1400.在南昌打了四次,是800元每次.是大医院打的.之前都很好,效果很满意,就这次是个女医……  -----------------------------  


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