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 head of the State-owned wned Assets upervision and Admini mission of the State CAssets upervision and Administration Commission of the State Council.Drug firms face industrywide probe by price regulator[-- :] China's top price regulator will soon launch "large-scale and systematic" anti-trust investigations into drug companies, both foreign and domestic, after it recently summoned them to collect data and information, a source close to the regulator said on Friday.Service industry displays its capabilities at intl fair[-- :] The China Beijing International Fair for Trade in Services is an important event for people from the service industry to acquire resources and find partners, said Pan Jianjun, president of Meorient International Exhibition.Beijing puts restriction on property buyers in Tongzhou district[-- :] Individuals can no longer buy commercial buildings in Tongzhou district, as Beijing aims to cool down the market of its new administrative sub-center.Half of new state vehicles to be powered by new energy[-- :] Over half of new vehicles in China's central state departments will be new energy vehicles within five years, National Government Offices Administration said.Latest Canton Fair generates $ billion worth of export orders[-- :] The latest session of the Canton Fair in Guangzhou, Guangdong province, drew to a close on Thursday, with the organizers saying the show had generated export orders worth $ billion.Bank card users must remain vigilant to threats[-- :] Reports on bank card skimming in recent years have become a major public concern. And this latest scam highlights the security failings and defects in classic payment systems.PwC: Hospitals are becoming new focus of M As[-- :] There were
mergers and acquisitions last year, of which
were general hospitals and their disclosed investment amount totaled $. million.Chinese capacity cuts 'will help' global steel industry[-- :] Chinese steelmakers' efforts to cut capacity will help the global steel industry out of the woods despite a surge in prices in the past two months, the Ministry of Commerce said on Thursday.First hybrid train on track for testing[-- :] CRRC Changchun Railway Vehicles Co will test the country's first hybrid-power train next month, project officials said on Thursday.Supply-side reform to boost civil aviation, rental housing[-- :] China is mulling new plans to bolster development of civil aviation, rental housing, as well as smart manufacturing, part of the supply-side reform to drive economic growth, according to a State Council executive meeting on Wednesday.Domestic coal companies report weak performance in [-- :] As the
profit reporting season comes to an end, the performance of domestic coal companies seems weaker than earlier expectations, due to overcapacity, poor demand and lower prices.Japanese animator Miyazaki's shop a big hit in Shanghai[-- :] A shop that sells merchandize featuring characters from the works of Japanese animator Hayao Miyazaki has become popular among white–collar employees since its opening in Shanghai on May .China's gold output edges up in Q[-- :] China's gold output in the first quarter of
edged up due to higher prices in the global gold market, according to latest industry figures.China plans big civil aviation investment[-- :] China is ready to invest $. billion this year in the construction of civil aviation infrastructure, particularly airports, the country's chief civil aviation regulator said.Steel town shutdown shatters the 'iron rice bowl'[-- :] A company in the capital of Shandong province was once famous for its "hot metal", but the decline of the local industry poses a dilemma for younger employees.US to sell pork to Chinese via Alibaba platforms[-- :] The US pork industry is teaming up with Alibaba Group Holding Ltd to pitch more of its products to online shoppers in China.Ongoing passion for fitness offers healthy returns to startups[-- :] More and more people buy into the idea with their bulging wallets and rising health awareness, and a momentum is building up in the development of keep-fit business, creating wealth opportunities for those who see the potentialContent building to become market entry point in VR industry[-- :] Countless virtual reality (VR) headsets have appeared in the country overnight, vying for attention, while China's burgeoning market has not yet to mature when it comes to tech bottlenecks, such as resolution, refresh rate and latency of the display, and more importantly, the content.Forum to discuss language services and artificial intelligence[-- :] The language service section of the fourth China Beijing International Fair for Trade in Services will discuss the development of language services as related to the Belt and Road Initiative and artificial intelligence, organizers said.China to simplify approval process for gold imports, exports[-- :] China will test a new policy that aims to make the import and export of gold a lot easier.AP NEWS一分钟,是美联社(Associated Press)推出的长度约一分钟的新闻简讯形式的报道。它因短小简洁、时效性强,深受广大英语爱好者追捧。美联社是美国最大的通讯社,也是国际性通讯社之一,全称为 美国联合通讯社 ,英文简称AP。 马克 吐温曾说: 给地球各个角落带来光明的只有两个:天上的太阳和地上的美联社。 美联社时事精华,一分钟展现鲜活世界 不但是英语听力训练的好素材,也是通晓国际时事的窗口。TingVOA听写整理,听力文本仅供参考,水平所限未免纰漏,转载请注明出处!This is AP news minute.1. Donald Trump's victory in Indiana republican primary prompted senator Ted Cruz to drop out of the presidential race. Cruz says the path to the nomination is closed.2. On the democratic side, senator Bernie Sanders defeated Hillary Clinton. Sanders defiantly declares that the democratic presidential race is not over.3. Canadian authorities tell all 80,000 people in the western city ofFort McMurray to evacuate. Authorities say a massive wild fire is destroying parts of the city.4. And president Obama goes to Flint,Michigan on Wednesday. He's set to hear how residents are doing after lead from all pipes contaminated all their drinking water.Sandy Kozel, the Associated Press, with AP News Minute.来自:VOA英语网 文章地址: /16/05/AP-NEWS-.html
疾病百科(别名:中风,脑血栓形成)(别名:中风,脑血栓形成)  脑血栓成是指在颅内外供应脑部的动脉血管壁发生病理性改变的基础上,在血流缓慢、血液成分改变或血粘度增加等情况下形成血栓,致使血管闭塞而言。  脑血栓成是指在颅内外供应脑部的动脉血管壁发生病理性改变的基础上,在血流缓慢、血液成分改变或血粘度增加等情况下形成血栓,致使血管闭塞而言。就诊科室:神经内科 脑外科典型症状: 多发人群:50岁以后,男性多于女性检查方法: 发病部位:颅脑 血液血管常用药品: 疾病自测:
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A group of 40 diplomatic envoys from Africa has travelled south to Guangdong province, China s manufacturing base. They have met local government officials and heads of companies, seeking to entice them into investing in Africa.Representing 40 African markets, diplomats became salesmen for a day... as they extolled their countries trade advantages to Chinese companies. Particularly mining, Zimbabwe is a very rich country in mining, said Paul Chikawa, Zimbabwean ambassador to China.With Chinese companies looking to go global, the diplomats agreed Africa would be a great place for them to set up shop... Huajian Group, one of the largest female shoe manufacturers in China, has invested over 2 billion US dollars to build a factory in Ethiopia.Other African nations are equally eager to attract Chinese investment to spur job growth back home. We have a good experience of the Chinese investors in Textile, because this has been...the second largest employer in our country, said Lebohang Ntsinyi, Lesotho ambassador to China.Increasing labor costs and competition are pushing many Chinese companies to transfer their manufacturing overseas... The African envoys believe this is the perfect opportunity for both sides to make a profit.来自:VOA英语网 文章地址: /html//Ambassadors-from-Africa-hoping-to-attract-Chinese-investment.html Local flavors, local friends I've seen Fire and I've seen Rain. I know Sunny, and I once tutored Everlasting. I've even met Everlast. When I came to China five years ago, I was surprised and often amused by the English names adopted by the Chinese people I met. Fire and Rain and Sunny were post-doctoral students, and those names are old hat now. My roommate teaches - and -year-olds, and their names are much hipper, including Juicy and iPod. My friend Ripple says her English name is a literal translation of her Chinese name, Lianyi. Other friends have names that sound something like their Chinese names, if they chose not to pluck one from literature or other interests. Jefferson? Kawasaki? Tattoo Mama? Jennifer? (yes, that would be the Friends star.) I know them all. The fact that every Chinese person - at least the post 's - has an English name often makes expats wonder if they should "get" a Chinese name. Shouldn't such cross-cultural assimilation work both ways? Many adopted names, on both sides, are transliterations - words that sound close to the first language. Thus, the first Chinese name I ever got was "My-kuh", which to my untrained ear sounded like a cross between coughing and spitting. After I'd been in China for a few months, I wanted something that would twine more with my identity than a bronchial outburst. I didn't want to snatch the moniker of a ready-made hero - I couldn't image being addressed as Yat-sen - and I more reluctantly passed over the Chinese names of the most-famous martial artists as well. My friend Bill solicited a mutual friend to craft a Chinese name for him, and the result turns out to mean "Mighty Oak Who Glares Fearlessly at Lightning." I made the mistake of asking three friends for ideas, thinking it would be interesting to write about the different ways they approached it. One, the coiner of "Mighty Oak", came up with the equivalent of "Earnest Editor" for me. Hmm. My Chinese roommate offered : Pei, the first character, is "a very good surname" that's evocative of "Peters". You, the second character, means "friendly" (as in peng you). Cheng, the third character, means "sincere". A third friend tackled the problem with her mate during a train ride to Qufu in Shandong province. During their visit to the hometown of Confucius they were so inspired that they took their chosen name for me and had it etched into a Chinese chop of local stone with Confucian significance and presented it to me with the requisite pad of red ink. Clearly the choice had been made for me. The problem, of course, is that you don't ask three people to "name you". Getting a name from your language teacher, for example, whether that language is Chinese or English, is the social equivalent of being named by your parents. My friend Hoover, for example, was shocked when I suggested he might change that to something that will not make people think of a vacuum cleaner or a much maligned former US president. He wasn't amused when I suggested we could think of something that didn't suck. "My English teacher gave that name to me," he said, as if I'd suggested swapping his mother for a newer model. So to avoid the social crime of rejecting two of the names, I never adopted any of the three I'd asked for - though I've carefully tucked away the Confucian chop as well as the satisfaction of being "Earnest" and "Sincere" if not a "Mighty Oak." "My-Kuh" now works for me pretty well. And, it turns out, it's what most people are going to call me anyway.
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