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(window.slotbydup=window.slotbydup || []).push({
id: '2081942',
container: s,
size: '1000,60',
display: 'inlay-fix'孩子对爸爸很抗拒,这到底是怎么回事?——中国妈妈问,美国妈妈答[No.35]
Kate L. answers from
We have gone through this in my
house too. My now 3 year old only wanted my grandparents for a very
long time. I could not win her over no matter how much I tried to.
I actually started to resent her for a while (talk about Mommy
guilt!), which made me feel so horrible! It has slowly gotten
better, but in order to make this happen, my grandparents had to
back off a LOT. If your LO doesn't want to drink the milk Daddy
brings her, then she doesn't want any milk. If she's thirsty, she
will drink it eventually. I started taking my DD out for little
outings, just the two of us, even if it was just to run to the
grocery store. She had to learn to rely on me a little more, and
that seemed to really help. She still favors my SO to an extent,
but I don't feel like the outsider anymore!
Yarrmatey answers from
It is a phase. My baby will only
eat when dad feeds her (I have tried pretty much every kind of baby
food and she just wants dad not mom so he feeds her when he is here
and if he isn't the baby just has to deal with mealtimes with mom).
Your daughter will outgrow it. I also think that it would be fine
for you to pull parent rank and say dad is dressing you. Yeah, she
might scream but you can't always get what you want even if you are
a sweet little 2 year old girl.
Christine C. answers from
She is still little. My middle
child ( a boy) was similar he is more clingy then my two other
kids. He just grew out of it.
Cathy H. answers from
Try having daddy take her to
something fun. Let her learn that daddy can mean fun and nurturing
and dependability. If THEY leave together and are headed for
something fun and you're not there, it might help. It is important
for daddy to bond. She won't refuse the milk if he is the only one
there that can hand it to her.
Suz T. answers from
Both of you need to keep a sense
of humor about this phase and not guilt trip her. Don’t do
anything. Go on about your lives (including plenty of
daddy/daughter one-on-one time) and wait for the next phase to kick
Kristine M. answers from Fort
I promise it's a phase. My
daughter went through it and now at almost 5, she is a complete
daddy's girl and prefers him to me in every way. This is the girl
who was attached to me practically physically the first year of her
life and a good portion of her second year as well. And being on
the opposite end of things now does hurt.
It would help if they had
something only the 2 of them do. Like if Daddy took her to the park
Saturday mornings. Or if Daddy always did bath time. My son is 2
years, 4 months and we are in the same boat again. Only I will do.
He wails like someone is killing him when his father puts him and
his sister to bed if I'm home. He doesn't want much to do with his
dad if I'm home. But when I'm not around, they are the best of
friends. So my point is it won't always be like this and it's
totally normal.
Riley J. answers from
It's called a "mommy phase". Or a
"daddy phase". Or a 'nana phase". Or a 'cousin/ aunt/ nanny/ pick a
person in her life, any person in her life, phase" . Kids will
either shun EVERYONE except one person, or shun one person, and be
great with everyone.
It typically lasts a few weeks to
a few months. Kids will often cycle through people as
Kim C. answers from Salt Lake
My daughter will be two next
month and we are also going through this big time. She will only
let me do anything for her. She will still kiss and love on daddy,
but if mommy leaves the room there is a blood curdling screaming
match going on. We are hoping this all just works itself out, right
now we are trying not to give in to her constantly. I mean I love
snuggling and cuddling her, but she is almost two, I'm 8 months
pregnant, and I can't hold her all day long. I think for my
daughter at least it also has something to do with the holidays.
She didn't really understand why daddy was suddenly home with us
all the time (for two weeks!) Last Thursday, she didn't want daddy
to touch her, only mommy to hold her, but if daddy left the room
she would freak out.
I'm sure it's just a phase,
hopefully both girls outgrow it very soon! :)
Kay B. answers from
Stress to your husband that it is
a normal phase. My husband kept quiet and I found out later that it
really hurt him. He took it personally and thought there was
something wrong with him.
KansasMom answers from
It is really a phase that a lot
of children go through. My grandson just turned three and he shares
a very close bond with both of his parents but at times he "only
wants 'Mama" or "only wants Papa". They honor his request and just
move on without any comment. Don't make a big deal out of this or
it may REALLY turn into a big deal!! Assure your husband that this
does not mean that she doesn't love him...she is just "exercising
her options"....next week it may be Daddy that she wants for
Shane B. answers from
Almost all little kids go through
this. They favor mommy or daddy, or both back and forth. The main
thing is not to freak out about it too much because they will just
feed off of the attention.
Little girls can be
Your daughter will outgrow


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