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这次的WWE PPV brock lesnar和CENA是真打的吗?
我记得WWE全是假打的啊 但是他俩我看打的那么真 不知道是真是假
真打的话 CENA早死了
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[视频]brock lesnar vs goldburg最新版,brock lesnar ufc,Brock Lesnar vs John Cena好像是真打,虽然知道wwe绝大部分是表演性质的,但
Brock Lesnar vs John Cena好像是真打,虽然知道wwe绝大部分是表演性质的,但正如之前报道一样,数周前,WWE就已经通知Brock Lesnar要在极限法则上输给John Cena。Lesnar回归WWE的目的很明确,就是为了钱而不是为了出名。因此只要公司不跟Lesnar耍花样UFC的brock lesnar那么强,曾经打败多undertaker,john cena,那么强,小白~是这样的,brock lesnar 是成名于WWE的,是当时史上最年轻的冠军,之后其实就是与公司有些矛盾,还有就是WWE都是作秀,BROCK LESNAR 不喜欢那样的体育运动,他想要更真实的。brock lesnar和john cena 打 是哪一期 就是最后 cena用铁链砸lesnar的brock lesnar和john cena 打 是哪一期 就是最后 cena用铁链砸lesnar的那一场。 不要说什么什么时间。告诉我是 RAW ? SD ? PPV ? 还是什么 是哪一期的。比如说是 RAW120807
这样 谢谢。。出差 很久没看了。《极限法则》Extreme Rules 2012Fedor 和Brock Lesnar谁更厉害一点Brock Lesnar身体好,体重高,摔跤能力不错,但是技术单一,从cain击败他那场能看出来,Brock Lesnar不take down对方赢高手基本不可能。 fedor最近输了3场,原因很多,Goldberg Brock Lesnar为什么离开WWEGoldberg是因为不会保护选手; Brock Lesnar是因为他更喜欢美式足球(橄榄球)这项运动,听说Goldberg也是。但是Brock Lesnar后来去了格斗了。FEDOR VS Brock Lesnar 什么时候打?不知道这两个王者,谁才是真正的王者,个人看好Brock Lesnar,发竟是从WWE一路看过来的地,高伯第一,Brock Lesnar第二。在UFC里面,不知道,Brock Lesnar还是不是永远的的千年老二啊,菲多,我看了他很多视屏,蛮无敌的存在。。期待他们两个的比赛。,不知道什么时候打,有知道的回答下??fedor是打SF的 brock是打ufc的两个人不是一个联盟的。 曾经ufc联盟邀请过巅峰时期的fedor但是不知道为什么谈崩了,fedor没去估计现在更不可能去了。 现在brock是ufc的摇钱树Brock Lesnar vs. John Cena 谁赢了cena开始一上来就被brock把头,嘴都打破了,开始CENA完全占下风。 裁判也伤了2个,不是裁判耽误,brock就赢了, 后面cena被压制的打中零星有点反击,主要是brock一个边绳冲撞伤了自己wwe batista与brock lesnar谁比较强我同意这位大哥的 开玩笑,8D一个练健美的,BL现在则已经是UFC重量级冠军,刚刚战胜了UFC神话般的人物Randy大叔,其实力完全不是一个档次。 lesnar当年拿全美大学摔跤冠军的时候8D还不知道谁能告诉我Brock Lesnar最精彩的比赛是哪一场?Brock Lesnar VS???必然是rock跟goldbergBrock Lesnar在UFC里面是不是被人打败了才转移wwe的呢?是。他输了第一场之后,又赢了一场,后来就一直输了三场,最后回到了wwe混。
Night of Champions WWE世界重量级冠军赛 Brock Lesnar vs. John Cena 剧情回顾
Undertaker Vs Brock Lesnar
WWE夏日狂潮2014 Brock Lesnar vs. John Cena 世界重量级冠军赛
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Brock Lesnar vs John Cena
极限规则2012 Extreme Rules P
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谁有WWE 前巨星Brock Lesnar在UFC中的最新视频谁有啊每个人知识有限,有些人受过不懂就不能乱说的教育,可是有些人就没有。他们急于展示自己的各种B…………但像某楼这样学识无限博古通今浑身溢出智慧气息的人才真是打着灯笼也找不到第二个了~不过上升榜有UFC的忠谁是UFC第一人?级别 体重上限 冠军 时间 蝉联 重量级 120公斤 Brock Lesnar(美国) 日(UFC 116) 2 轻重量级 93公斤 Mauricio Rua (巴西) 2010年5月UFC的Brock Lesnar下个对手是谁,哪天?下个对手是在11月21日在UFC106上对阵Shane Carwin 。此战将是冠军腰带争夺战,Shane Carwin 获胜则加冕重量级冠军。 Shane Carwin 出生于美国科罗拉多州的Gre谁是UFC最厉害的人!谁是UFC最厉害的人!60亿之最强男 fedor 我告诉你目前UFC各个级别的冠军:重量级:Cain Velasquez ,UFC121中KO了前UFC重量级冠军BROCK LESNAR获得金腰为什么Brock Lesnar不打UFC跑回来WWE了?首先,他的合同到期了,而且他之前肠子有病做了手术,又丢了重量级冠军,加上年龄增长,身体状况不是很好,所以留在UFC也没什么好处。其次,你没发现白大拿在利用BROKE么?他只是利用他提高UFC号召力而已brock lesnar 在ufc打了几场比赛了,有视频吗?UFC81VS米尔,被降服 UFC87VSko疯马 UFC91金腰带挑战赛成功ko兰迪 ufc100成功复仇米尔 ufc116降服卡尔文 ufc121败给了凯恩 将在ufc141对阵荷兰毁灭者 大致就ufc终极格斗赛厉害人物重量级目前brock lesnar 次重量目前Lyoto Machida 中量级目前Anderson Silva 次中量目前Georges St. Pierre 轻量级目前B.J. Penn 由于feBrock Lesnar在ufc中那期有比赛 求列表结果对手获胜方式赛事日期回合时间 负欧沃瑞姆(Alistair Overeem)TKOUFC112:35 负-维拉斯奎兹(Cain Velasquez)TKOUFC12110/UFC里brock lesnar被海扁谁有UFC里brock lesnar被海扁的视频!请发给我,越多越好,多多益善!
Hulk Hogan vs Brock Lesnar [ Smackdown 2002 ]
UFC 喷血大战 Cain Velasquez vs Brock Lesnar
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UFC 141 Brock Lesnar布洛克 vs Alistair Overeem
UFC王者全接触之WWE冠军Brock Lesnar
UFC166 Cain Velasquez vs Brock Lesnar
Brock Lesnar UFC Beast Mix 2013!
UFC 141 - Brock lesnar布洛克 vs Alistair overeem Trailer
不看后悔!进击的Brock Lesnar超热血锻炼视频
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布洛克莱斯纳回归WWE对战卫盾这是哪集的RAW?Brock Lesnar(布洛克·莱斯纳)并没有和The Shield(卫盾军团)有任何联系,你也许又是看了网上谁弄的剪辑视频吧,2010年的时候也有人将Brock Lesnar(布洛克·莱斯纳)出场Brock Lesnar vs Frank Mir有谁有Brock Lesnar和Frank Mir在UFC里的比赛,老奥和UT还有WWE一些人都来了。 你要找的是这个吧 希望帮助了你Brock Lesnar vs stone cold我印象当中新世代巨无霸从来没有跟德州响尾蛇交过手。Brock Lesnar 2001年10月进入WWE,到了2002年的3月才正式加入WWE电视节目RAW。而Steve Austin在2001年年末就UFC的Brock Lesnar下个对手是谁,哪天?下个对手是在11月21日在UFC106上对阵Shane Carwin 。此战将是冠军腰带争夺战,Shane Carwin 获胜则加冕重量级冠军。 Shane Carwin 出生于美国科罗拉多州的GreBrock Lesnar vs John Cena好像是真打,虽然知道wwe绝大部分是表演性质的,但正如之前报道一样,数周前,WWE就已经通知Brock Lesnar要在极限法则上输给John Cena。Lesnar回归WWE的目的很明确,就是为了钱而不是为了出名。因此只要公司不跟Lesnar耍花样Brock Lesnar vs stone cold我印象当中新世代巨无霸从来没有跟德州响尾蛇交过手。Brock Lesnar 2001年10月进入WWE,到了2002年的3月才正式加入WWE电视节目RAW。而Steve Austin在2001年年末就Brock Lesnar vs UT谁赢剧情的话肯定是UT赢,真打我估计是Lesnar,毕竟是UFC重量级冠军WWE的Brock Lesnar输过比赛吗?输过给谁。肯定输过啦,WWE里面每一个选手都肯定输过比赛,不可能永远保持连胜,否则那样的剧情太离谱了~Brock Lesnar(布洛克·莱斯纳)在刚开始进入WWE的时候,气势很猛,一直连胜,从夺得毋庸置疑冠军(Brock Lesnar vs Frank Mir有谁有Brock Lesnar和Frank Mir在UFC里的比赛,老奥和UT还有WWE一些人都来了。 你要找的是这个吧 希望帮助了你谁能告诉我brock lesnar和李小龙的锻炼计划,平时怎么吃的? 大家觉得他们2个的功夫谁强?如果两个人打 李小龙能把brock lesnar的眼睛挖出来 能把brock lesnar的喉咙掐断。brock lesnar主要练摔跤 肌肉发达 但速度不快啊 brock lesnar还没出拳 李就
Night of Champions WWE世界重量级冠军赛 Brock Lesnar vs. John Cena 剧情回顾
Night of Champions WWE世界重量级冠军赛 Brock Lesnar vs. John Cena
SummerSlam WWE世界重量级冠军赛 John Cena vs. Brock Lesnar
WWE摔角狂热29 Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar 个人恩怨赛
WWE恩怨血战【布洛克VS约翰塞纳】(John Cena Vs Brock Lesnar)
WWE 冠军之夜2014 Brock Lesnar vs John Cena 世界重量级冠军赛
WWE14年冠军之夜 Brock Lesnar vs. John Cena 720P高清
WWE 冠军之夜2014 Brock Lesnar vs. John Cena 世界重量级冠军赛
WWE摔角狂热29Brock Lesnar vs Triple H 720P高清March 08, 2015
THE SCOOP: Visit our .
July 12, 1977 in Webster, SD
AKA: The Next Big Thing
Brock Lesnar grew up as a farm boy in the small town of Webster, South
Dakota, but farming wasn't the path that Lesnar would follow. Instead, he
turned his attention to wrestling, but initially not the professional ranks
where he would later gain fame.
Lesnar, instead, excelled in the amateur ranks. After winning a National
Junior championship at Bismarck (North Dakota) Junior College in 1998,
Lesnar transferred to the University of Minnesota. After two Big 10
championships, he became an NCAA National Wrestling Champion in 2000.
Upon graduating from the University of Minnesota, Lesnar received, but
turned down, offers from TB Buccaneers and Washington Redskins to play
football. Instead, his interest piqued in pro wrestling after watching the
WWE, Lesnar decided to sign with WWE in June 2000.
Assigned to the WWE's developmental territory, Ohio Valley Wrestling, Lesnar
teamed with another former amateur standout, Shelton Benjamin. Together, the
pair was dubbed the "Minnesota Stretching Crew". In February, 2001, the Crew
defeated the Disciples of Synn to begin the first of three reigns as OVW
Tagteam Champions.
However, with Lesnar's size and agility, the WWE soon decided he was ready
to be called up to the WWE. On October 3rd, Lesnar worked his first WWE
house show, which took place in Winnipeg against Chris Kanyon.
Lesnar would arrive on WWE television screens on March 18th 2002, the day
after Wrestlemania XVIII. During a Raw broadcast, Lesnar stormed to the ring
during a Hardcore match and beat up Maven, Spike Dudley and Al Snow.
Lesnar would make his presence felt by interfering in several other matches.
He was quickly dubbed "the Next Big Thing" by manager and mouthpiece, Paul
Heyman. He was so impressive that he was draft to the Raw brand as Ric
Flair's 8th pick.
After a program against the Hardys, Lesnar defeated Bubba Ray Dudley to
qualify for the King of the Ring. He defeated Booker T to advance in the
tournament and then, at the pay-per-view itself, defeated Test and RVD to
win the 2002 King of the Ring.
A brief feud with King of the Ring finalist Rob Van Dam became a feud with
the Undertaker, after Brock turned on 'Taker during a tagteam match against
Van Dam and Ric Flair.
After the July 22nd edition of Raw, Lesnar defected to Stephanie McMahon's
Smackdown brand. A month later, at SummerSlam 2002, Brock Lesnar defeated
the Rock to become the WWE Champion, but while the previous title-holders
had moved between Raw and Smackdown, Lesnar decided to remain exclusively on
Smackdown, forcing Eric Bischoff's Raw brand to create its own World
In the fall, Lesnar resumed his feud with the Undertaker, battling and
defeating 'Taker in a Hell in A Cell match at October's No Mercy
Lesnar's first reign as WWE Champion would come to an end at the 2002
Survivor Series. His manager, Paul Heyman, would betray him and help the Big
Show unseat Lesnar for the title. Lesnar was so outraged that he disobeyed
Stephanie McMahon's orders and was suspended. However, he would receive help
from an unlikely source: another former NCAA champion, Kurt Angle. Angle
promised that he could get Lesnar's suspension lifted if Lesnar would help
Angle regain the WWE title.
At Armageddon, Lesnar was the difference maker and Kurt Angle defeated the
Big Show to regain the WWE Championship. However, Angle soon unveiled a
surprise of his own: his new manager, Paul Heyman.
At the 2003 Royal Rumble, Lesnar had to defeat the Big Show to gain entry
(#29) into the events, and then eliminated the Undertaker to win the match
and the right to face the WWE Champion at Wrestlemania.
Of course, in the weeks that followed, Lesnar had to put up with shenanigans
from Kurt and Eric Angle, not to mention Team Angle (his former partner
Benjamin and Charlie Haas) before getting to Wrestlemania XIX in Seattle.
It would be at Wrestlemania XIX that Lesnar would show the world his ability
to perform a shooting star press...and almost break his neck in the process.
Despite the injury, Lesnar managed to finish the match...and defeat Kurt Angle
for the WWE Championship.
After becoming WWE Champion, Lesnar feuded with the Big Show. During on
broadcast in June 2003, Lesnar delivered a superplex on the Show that broke
the ring. But perhaps the biggest surprise was that, upon his return, Kurt
Angle teamed with former foe Lesnar. At least until July's Vengeance
pay-per-view when Angle won a Triple Threat match to end Lesnar's second
title reign.
The next week on Smackdown, Lesnar turned on Angle after a tag match against
the Big Show and A-Train. He even menaced both Zach Gowan and Stephanie
McMahon. However, after an Iron Man match on Smackdown on September 18th,
Lesnar was once again WWE Champion when he defeated Kurt Angle 5 falls to 4.
Lesnar would soon surround himself with the likes of Matt Morgan, the Big
Show, Nathan Jones and the A-Train as events lead up to Team Lesnar vs. Team
Angle at the Survivor Series. Lesnar would also prove himself a monster as
he demolished Shannon Moore and Rey Mysterio, Jr.
After retaining the WWE Championship against Hardcore Holly at the 2004
Royal Rumble, Lesnar interfered in the Rumble itself, attacking Bill
Goldberg. The attack on Goldberg would come back to haunt Lesnar, however,
as Goldberg's interference cost Lesnar the WWE title against Eddie Guerrero
at No Way Out.
A match was soon signed between Lesnar and Goldberg for Wrestlemania XX with
"Stone Cold" Steve Austin as the special referee. Lesnar did himself no
favours when he attacked Austin and, at one point, stole his four wheeler.
However, as the days to Wrestlemania began to dwindle, rumours persisted
that Lesnar was on the verge of leaving the WWE and pro wrestling itself, to
pursue a career in the NFL. In fact, he had quit the WWE, with his last
match being at Wrestlemania.
On April 18th, Lesnar is involved in an accident when his motorcycle
collided with a minivan that pulled out in front of him. After having glass
removed from his forehead, Lesnar is soon released from the hospital.
He received two tryouts and then is signed as a defensive lineman for the
Minnesota Vikings. He received a lot of press for his attempts to make the
transition from pro wrestling to pro football but he was cut from the team in
Although Lesnar (and fiancée Rena "Sable" Mero) made a non-wrestling appearance on a New Japan Pro Wrestling card in January 2005, the only headlines he made for a while were over his lawsuit against the WWE in an attempt to get out of his no-compete clause, which doesn't expire until January 2010.
In July 2005, in yet another bizarre turn, Lesnar met with WWE head Vince McMahon in what ultimately was a fruitless attempt to resign with WWE. When negotiations with McMahon and the WWE went nowhere, Lesnar returned to Japan and, on October 8th, 2005, defeated Kazuyuki Fujita and Masahiro Chono to win the IWGP Championship.
Lawsuits continued as the WWE remained committed in its attempt to bar Lesnar from wrestling anywhere in the world. Overall their efforts were fruitless as he continued to defend the title for the promotion while also having several non-title appearances. In July 2006, it was announced that the Minnesota-native had been stripped of the IWGP title by NJPW, citing visa issues as the reason. As Lesnar was still in possession of the physical belt, promoter Antonio Inoki still booked him as a champion in IGF during his final defense against Kurt Angle in June of the following year. The Olympian was successful in his challenge and captured the belt, being recognized by TNA and IGF as the champion at the time. He also challenged the former titleholder to a MMA bout, though this never came to fruition.
During his unofficial IWGP title reign, Brock started to venture into yet another sport, expressing his desire to compete in MMA and fight for the K-1 promotion. His first bout was scheduled for June 2nd of 2007 against the giant Hong-Man Choi who sported a 10-3 kickboxing record as well as one Mixed Martial Arts victory at the time. He was replaced shortly before the fight by Min Soo Kim who held a record of 2-5 in the sport. Lesnar claimed his first victory in MMA by TKO a little over a minute into round one.
After his aforementioned unsuccessful title defense, Brock would focus on his new endeavor and signed with the sports biggest company, the UFC in late 2007. He was matched against former Heavyweight titleholder Frank Mir in only his second fight as a professional. Lesnar dominated the BJJ-black belt from the get go with his wrestling and power but ultimately fell to the Las Vegas-native due to a kneebar. The outcome of the fight was controversial as the Minnesotan had his way with the former champion until a questionable standup halted his momentum. Many simply cited Lesnar's inexperience as a reason for the defeat but even with a 1-1 record, he had made his mark and showed his skills in his first outing for the company.
The newcomer was scheduled to return 6 months later, again against a former champion in his own right, Mark Coleman. In the lead up of the fight however, Coleman injured himself in training and was replaced by Pride FC-veteran Heath Herring who held notable victories over Igor Vovchanchyn and Cheick Kongo. The fight was one-sided from the opening bell and once again the former wrestler was able to showcase his speed, strength and agility in the bout, dropping the Texan in the early seconds of the fight and rushing after him in lightning speed for his size. He dominated his foe on route to a unanimous decision and respectively retired him from the sport.
To the chagrin of many fans, Lesnar's next bout was for the UFC Heavyweight title. With only 3 matches and an overall record of 2-1, many questioned the decision but were silenced when the Minnesotan was able to secure the belt by TKO against UFC Hall of Famer Randy Couture at UFC 91. Only one event later, his nemesis and only blemish on his record Frank Mir was able to claim the Interim championship after defeating Antonio Nogueira by TKO, being the first fighter to ever finish the legend by punches. The two would finally square off for a rematch at UFC 100 where Lesnar once again dominated the submission grappler before knocking him out less than two minutes into the second frame. After the match, he went cut a heelish promo against not only his opponent but even sponsors of the event. He was forced to apologize for his remarks at the followup press conference.
Lesnar's second title defense against undefeated prospect Shane Carwin was delayed on multiple occasions due to Brock's long lasting battle with mononucleosis and diverticulitis. During his illness, the Minnesotan received treatment in both Canada and the US and started to publicly slam the Canadian health care system after allegedly experiencing "Third World Treatment". A prognosis of his case suggested that he actually fought Randy Couture while suffering from the intestinal disorder. After multiple delays and cancellations it was determined that Carwin would face Lesnar's nemesis Frank Mir, who bounced back from his defeat with a dominant win over Cheick Kongo, for an Interim title. The two squared off at UFC 111 where Shane Carwin kept a trilogy from happening by obliterating Mir. This marked his twelfth victory on an unblemished record and was the longest fight in his career at 3:48, longer than his last three fights combined.
The Colorado-native challenged Lesnar in his second title defense at UFC 116. He rocked Lesnar early and dominated the first frame with ground and pound and superior striking though he ultimately fell to his own stamina as the champion easily took him down in the second round, after being severely hurt in the first, to secure an Arm-Triangle-Choke for the victory. This not only marked Carwin's first defeat but also the first time any fighter survived the opening frame against the power puncher.
Brock's third and ultimately last title defense came at UFC 121 against yet another undefeated prospect in Cain Celasquez who punched his ticket by dominating Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira, Ben Rothwell and Cheick Kongo to cement his place in the division. As always, Lesnar hyped the fight by trash talking and playing the heel, even sporting a beard at the fight for the first time. He tasted defeat for the second time in his career after being blown out of the water by the Mexican in a TKO loss in the first round.
Because of his popularity and charisma, Lesnar was chosen to coach the 13th incarnation of The Ultimate Fighter against Junior Dos Santos with a followup fight at UFC 131. His team won the show after Tony Ferguson finished Ramsey Nijem in the finals to secure the victory for team Lesnar but he himself had to withdraw from the fight against the Brazilian as he battled another unexpected outbreak of diverticulitis. He was replaced by Shane Carwin who fell to Dos Santos in his last fight of his career. His opponent however was able to use his momentum to dethrone Velasquez, who won the belt off of Brock, in the followup title bout.
After another absence due to illness, Lesnar was scheduled to return against Alistair Overeem at UFC 141. Though still employed by the Ultimate Fighting Championship, he also appeared in WWE's 2012 version of their video game, even being unofficially billed as a former MMA fighter in the promotion for the game. Brock tasted defeat once more in his fight against the Dutch kickboxer for back-to-back losses and retired from the sport after the match. His foe particularly targeted his body with knees and punches during the bout, leading to an early TKO stoppage. Lesnar left the sport with a record of 5-3 and a title run in less than 5 years.
The Minnesotan returned to his former home, the WWE in April of 2012 against John Cena. His character was largely based on his MMA background and was to bring legitimacy to the company, even being allowed to use real maneuvers in his matches like cutting his opponent with elbow strikes and using a Kimura to break Triple H's arm during a storyline. After his initial debut against Cena, Lesnar went on to feud with Hunter with Paul Heyman on his side. Due to his new contract, Brock rarely made appearances outside of PPVs and was mostly represented by his manager and legal council Heyman on television. After a contract dispute with Triple H that ended in him breaking his arm, he disappeared from the company due to an alleged breach of contract. He returned against the King of Kings at SummerSlam, defeating him with yet another Kimura. He was also used to injure Vince McMahon who was scheduled to undergo surgery for his pelvis and decided to put over Lesnar on his way out. He went on to feud against Helmsley, culminating in a match at Wrestlemania with the latter's career on the line. He ultimately lost the bout but went out on top in a follow up steel cage match at Extreme Rules to end the feud.
After his storyline against management, Lesnar assisted Heyman in his turn against protege CM Punk. The two attacked each other on multiple occasions before Brock made an official statement, beating CM Punk in a No-DQ match at SummerSlam 2013.
-- compiled by John Milner & Frederik Heinen
Oct. 30, 2012:
April 5, 2012:
July 1, 2011:
July 11, 2009:
Nov. 15, 2008:
Sep. 27, 2008:
Aug. 2, 2005:
July 6, 2005:
Feb. 12, 2005:
Jan. 27, 2005:
Oct. 28, 2004:
Aug. 30, 2004:
Aug. 29, 2004:
Aug. 2, 2004:
Aug. 1, 2004:
March 16, 2004:
March 14, 2004:
March. 13, 2004:
March. 13, 2004:
March. 10, 2004:
Sep. 19, 2003:
Sep. 15, 2003:
Oct 19, 2002:
Oct 13, 2002:
Sep 1, 2002:
March 15, 2002:
Oct. 3, 2001:


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