胸前长了Keloid Scar感冒长期不好是什么病病

keloid&:&瘢痕 ...
raised pinkish scar tissue at t results from excessive tissue repair
用作名词 (n.)
There are two commonly clinical types of excessive scaring,hypertrophic and keloid scar.
The fibroblasts from normal skin, hypertrophic scar and keloid were cultured, respectively, in vitro, and their morphologies and growth kinetics were compared.
keloid&:&瘢痕 ...
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Kelo-cote is a patented topical 100% silicone gel for the treatment and prevention of abnormal scars such as hypertrophic scars and keloids.
See why thousands of physicians worldwide, carry and recommend clinically proven Kelo-cote for old and new scars.
Safe and effective for old and new scars resulting from surgery, trauma, wounds, or burns. Kelo-cote helps to reduce scars and restore confidence.
“I tried vitamin E, I tried cortisone shots, I tried...lots of things. The list goes on and on and nothing works likes Kelo-cote!” - Jenni Smalley}


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