胆汁日流量智能管道 流量经营在哪?

Effect ofearly postoperative hyperbilirubinemiaand T tube bile drainage on prognosis after liver transplantation
METHODS:The changes of bile drainage and liver function in41patients with choledocholith and obstrucˉtive jaundice were observed on1to15days after operation(the trial group).
方法 :观察和检测41例胆总管结石并发阻塞性黄疸患者 (观察组 )术后第1d~15d ,在应用复方甘草酸苷后胆汁引流量和肝功能变化情况 ;
RESULTS:The bile drainage of the trial group arrived to stable state3days earlier than that of the control group and color of bile was darker than t
结果 :观察组术后的胆汁引流量较对照组提前3d达到稳定 ,且胆汁颜色也较对照组深 ;
Postoperatively 4 cases had cholorrhagia of 400 - 800ml. per day ,31 cases had 200 - 300ml per day, the other 733 cases had bloody fluid.
The amount of biliary drainage and indexes concerning tbe bile acidmetabolism, bilirubin metabolism and digestive metabolism were detected and observedin the pigs (n_1 = 7, n_2 = 9) those have been performed surgical operation of biliarydrainage and were subjected to open drainage in every evening 19: 00 to next morning 7:00 for 4 weeks (to 28th d), and for another 4 weeks after stopping the drainage (to 58thd).
ENBD was administered in 83 patients with benign biliary obstruction.
方法 对 83例良性胆道梗阻病人行内镜鼻胆管引流治疗 ,术后记录病人症状改善情况、胆汁引流量 ;
Appetite value in group B was significantly lower than that of group A (P<
0.01). There was a significantly negative relationship between appetite value and outflow of bile juice (r=-0.69,P<0.01).
B组食欲评分明显低于A组 (P <0
0 1) ,食欲评分与胆汁引流量呈负相关关系 (r=- 0
Methods In28 cases of liver transplantation,hyperbilirubinemiaand T tube bile amount after operationwere monitored and analyzed.
Effect ofearly postoperative hyperbilirubinemiaand T tube bile drainage on prognosis after liver transplantation
There was a negative
relativity between the volume of biliary drainage and the level of T
同时发现胆汁引流量大小与T Bil之间呈显著负相关关系。
Study on discharge coefficient of water admission devices in a tidal model
YGLDG could significantly promote the choleresis in anesthetic rats.
This hypothesis was tested by administering 50 mg racemic KT to five patients who required bile drainage following cholecystectomy surgery.
Adequate bile drainage was achieved in all patients.
Despite excellent bile drainage (daily volumes 150-900 ml) and refeeding of this fluid to the efferent limb, steatorrhea occurred in three patients and was suspected in the other two.
Patients without bile drainage because of either surgical election or operative failure should be referred immediately.
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 38 percutaneous transhepatic cholangio-drainages (PTCD) were performed in 35 patients, and two failed.The successful rate was 94.7%. X-PTCD was done in 18 cas s, and US-PTCD in 20 cases, their successful rates were 100% and 90% respectively. Prc-operativelv, PTCD was applied to 22 patients with biliary obstruction.The mean period of drainage was 15 days.200-500 ml of bile wero drained cvery day. PTCD was applied to 11 patients with malignent cancer. Fover appeared in 5 cas s, block of the catheter in 2 case... &&&&&&&&&&&&本文报道35例38例次经皮肝穿刺胆管引流术(PTCD),失败2例,成功率为94.7%。其中电视导向18例次,超声导向18例次,成功率分别为100%和90%。22例PTCD作为择期手术前的准备,平均引流13.6天,每日胆汁引流量为200~500ml。11例PTCD作为恶性肿瘤的姑息性治疗。PTCD后发热5例,导管阻塞2例,导管脱落5例,胆汁性腹膜炎1例。作者认为,PTCD对阻塞性黄疸患者能够取得降低手术死亡率和延长生命的效果。电视导向下PTCD方法简单,易于掌握,对初学者较为合适。超声导向下PTCD无接触X线之虑,当肝内胆管口径>7 mm时可以实施。&&&&&&&& During the past 15years, patients with rare complications caused by "T" type drainage operations of the commonbileduct have been recognized and treated. these rare complications are obstructed by "T" food foowing into "T" type tube l and acute peritonitis. The cause. treatnents and prevention of the rare complications are discussed in this paper. &&&&&&&&&&&&本文报道在施行胆总管探查、T形管引流的病例中,遇到的“拔除T形管导致急性弥漫性胆汁性腹膜炎;胆汁引流量过多,食物返流入T形管;蛔虫阻塞T形管;结石阻塞T形管”等五种少见的并发症,并结合病例对其发生原因,紧急处理和预防措施进行探讨。&&&&&&&& A new method was used to define the position of fistulization bile cyst of swine in this study. 53 pigs were operated snccessfully by this method. The characteristics of the draining bile and the content of the bilirubin were observed at the same time.The volume of the draining bile was difference from the individual andthe time after operated. The volume cf the draining bile trended to dropprogressively as the time after operated prolonged. The largest volume was1-5 days after surgery. There were three pea... &&&&&&&&&&&&本研究探讨了猪胆囊造瘘的新术部确定方法.采用这种方法先后对53头猪成功地进行了胆囊造瘘术,并对胆汁引流特点及胆红素含量进行了观测.胆汁的引流量随猪的不同个体及距手术完成的时间长短而显现差异.引流量的变化趋势是随时间的推移而逐渐下降的,术后1~5天为引流的高峰期.胆汁引流量于每日6、12和18点时出现三次峰值,并都与饲喂时间吻合.引流的肝胆汁中胆红素含量低于胆囊胆汁.引流期中肝胆汁的胆红素含量不随引流时期变化.补饲胆盐的试验组胆汁引流量极明显地高于对照组(P<0.01),并基本呈稳定上升趋势,引流第20~30天达最高峰,而对照组引流量在前5天为最高峰.补饲胆盐可促进食欲,因而增长了体重(P<0.05)和耗料(P<0.05).&nbsp&&&&&&&&相关查询:
2008 CNKI-中国知网
北京市公安局海淀分局 备案号:110 1081725
&2008中国知网(cnki) 中国学术期刊(光盘版)电子杂志社}


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