
速求中英文对照介绍《维生素E对人体作用》,最好英文在上,翻译在下,谢谢啊 5
外语领域专家速求《find a way》
J FIVE的中英文歌词对照翻译~~``英文如下_百度知道
速求《find a way》
J FIVE的中英文歌词对照翻译~~``英文如下
So, check it There's a light at the end Of the tunnel Humble beginnings In a fight to the finish Hangin' on with a grimace Give the look of God When told faith is fraud 'Cause you gave it all you had So why won't they applaud Wrong again Bitter sweet Hard to stomach if you love it Not friend But a puppet with strings attached Dance to the beat Of a dying heart Change your pace 'Cause if I keep on movin' I might fing a way Refrain: I'm alive I'll give you all my time I'll put it all on the line, hey Find a way to the light Why's there gotta be a test On every breath I'm holdin' To make it I'll find a way for you There's a long road, But no one will take it I'll find a way Why's there gotta be a test On every breath I'm holdin' To make it I'll find a way for you There's a long road, There's a long road, There's a long road, Why won't you take it Can you feel the nails digging Deep inside of your skin Prove yourself until your dead The end,but you didn't begin And if someone doesn't reach out Soon,you might lose it 'Cause you humbled yourself just to be Proved you can do it, don't do it Don't give up to get it back Fuck that,put it to your chest And let your hesrt attack Come back I ain't done tryin',you're killin' me Softly with your words and I love dyin'
So, check it There's a light at the end Of the tunnel Humble beginnings In a fight to the finish Hangin' on with a grimace Give the look of God When told faith is fraud 'Cause you gave it all you had So why won't they applaud Wrong again Bitter sweet Hard to stomach if you love it Not friend But a puppet with strings attached Dance to the beat Of a dying heart Change your pace 'Cause if I keep on movin' I might fing a way Refrain: I'm alive I'll give you all my time I'll put it all on the line, hey Find a way to the light Why's there gotta be a test On every breath I'm holdin' To make it I'll find a way for you There's a long road, But no one will take it I'll find a way Why's there gotta be a test On every breath I'm holdin' To make it I'll find a way for you There's a long road, There's a long road, There's a long road, Why won't you take it Can you feel the nails digging Deep inside of your skin Prove yourself until your dead The end,but you didn't begin And if someone doesn't reach out Soon,you might lose it 'Cause you humbled yourself just to be Proved you can do it, don't do it Don't give up to get it back Fuck that,put it to your chest And let your hesrt attack Come back I ain't done tryin',you're killin' me Softly with your words and I love dyin'隧道的尽头有一盏灯卑微的开始在战斗中结束表情痛苦的坚持着将希望寄予上帝当忠诚也被告知是欺骗因为你给了你所能有的可是他们为什么不鼓掌喝彩又一次的错了如果你真的爱它很难说是苦的抑或是甜的不是朋友却像傀儡一样缠着你那是一颗即将死亡的心有力的舞蹈改变你的脚步因为我继续追随我将找到一种方法(一条路)伴奏只要我还存在我将会把我所有的时间都给你我将会用尽一切办法
嗨找到一条通往光明的路为什么我等待的每一次呼吸都将成为一个测试去做吧我将为你找到一条路一条长长的道路但是没有人会去打扰我终将会找到的我将为你找到一条路一条长长的道路长长的长长的路你为什么不去走呢你能指甲的挖掘深深的藏在你的肌肤中直到你死的时候你一直都在证明你自己结束了 但你却始终都没再开始如果谁不伸出援助之手不久你便会失去它因为你只是想使自己变得渺小证明你能做到,但不要去不到最后不要轻易言弃,不用在乎它,心中充满信念And let your hesrt attack hesrt拼错了,所以此句没有翻译回来吧我不是仅仅在努力,而你却让我的希望破灭了有你的话我就快乐的要死了。可是累死我了,有许多不通顺,但都是我自己翻译的阿,没什么生词,你就勉强看吧。
因此, 检查它里面的黑暗隧道尽头做起了战斗到底关汉卿&以鬼脸让看在上帝的信仰是告诉诈骗'给你的事业你为什么都不会再错他们鼓掌苦甜难胃部如果你不爱朋友,而是一个傀儡加上附带一个垂死跳心脏换个步伐'如果我的事业不断准予『我可能余新民方式避免: 我活着,我给你我所有的时间,我可以把它全部上线,他 肽Y找个地结合为什么的存在是一个考验,每呼气Gotta我holdin'使我永远地为你找到一个有悠久道 但谁也没能看,为什么我会想办法的存在是一个考验,每呼气Gotta我holdin'使我永远地为你找到一个有悠久道 还有一条长远的路,还有很长的路, 你为什么不把你能感受到你的皮肤内挖掘钉证明自己,直到你死的结局,但你没有展开,如果有人不伸出不久,你可能失去它的正义事业,你必须证明自己谦卑你可以做,做 都说做不放弃取回他妈的,你说得对,让你胸部hesrt攻击回来我做得tryin',你杀伤'我小声说话,我爱你dyin'&
出门在外也不愁速求 中国各地春节习俗的中英文对照!!!_百度知道
速求 中国各地春节习俗的中英文对照!!!
  “Dust” is homophonic with “chen”(尘)in Chinese, which means old and past. In this way, “sweeping the dust” before the Spring Festival means a thorough cleaning of houses to sweep away bad luck in the past year. This custom shows a good wish of putting away old things to welcome a new life. In a word, just before the Spring Festival comes, every household will give a thorough cleaning to bid farewell to the old year and usher in the new.  “Dust”与“尘”是谐音(尘在汉语中的意思是旧的和过去的)。这样,“在春节前扫尘”是指彻底清洁房屋扫除过去一年的厄运。此习俗表达了收拾旧事物,欢迎新生活的美好愿望。总之,就在春节到来之前,为了告别旧年迎接新年,家家户户都会彻底打扫一下房屋。  金童玉女 Golden Boy and Jade Maiden  When the Spring Festival comes, pictures featuring the combination of a golden boy and a jade maiden, both of who are  usually seen dressed in traditional Chinese clothes, can often be found on the doors of common households.  Characterized with red round faces and bright sweet smiles, the two figures are considered as good omens that are  capable of bringing fortune and happiness for the whole family all year round.  金童玉女  当春节来临的时候,照片具有相结合的一个金童和玉女,两人通常看到穿着传统的中国服饰,经常可以看到门上的普通家庭。特点与红圆的脸,明亮的甜蜜的微笑,这两个数字被认为是好兆头,能够带来财富和幸福,为整个家庭全年.
详细要求 主要是以中国人的工作和娱乐的关系为主 要求具体说明 中文需要富有文采 提出自己的观点和符合中国的现状 中文至少要在1000字以上 英文的不需要逐字翻译 但是要求在300单词以上 且不要出现语法错误 那种在线翻译不要来~~两篇文章的大意要基本一致 写得越快越好 不要在百度里面搜索 不要重复~~写得好我把全部的都分都给你~~~
小议中国人的工作与娱乐有人说工作与娱乐是敌人,或者应该说一半以上的中国人始终这样认为。但怎么说呢,其实二者并不矛盾。工作是严谨的,娱乐是轻松的,但如果始终严谨或者是种轻松的话,任何事情都是会变得很无聊的。外国人的生活频率要比较活跃,因为他们将工作和娱乐进行了充分的融合和穿插。这或许是与本国国情与传统思想有关。中国人在国外都是出了名的“勤奋刻苦”的人群,踏踏实实的工作,努力赚钱。通常都会在工作上取得不小得经济成果。不过他们其实活的更累。中国人都是工作狂。因为以往将工作“卖力与否”作为对一个人工作能力高低或者工作效果好坏的评定标准,都是各单位的通常惯例。而娱乐,很长时间仅限于非工作时间朋友小聚时或是偶尔的外出活动。单调的娱乐外加枯燥的工作,让人们在工作的时候更加觉得没有激情和动力。经济发展的步伐快了,人们的工作压力也就变得大了,每日的八小时工作已经变成了沉重的负担,甚至有人的工作时间已经远远超过了每日八小时。快节奏的工作频率,沉重的工作压力,使人们严重的损耗着自身的健康和快乐。全球经济的不规律膨胀和紧缩,将这些套在工作枷锁上的人们变得脆弱不堪,大量的精神和身体疾病,开始入侵着这些正值青壮年的工作者们,抑郁、失眠、焦虑…… 这些看似无关紧要的疾病,正在以快速并且迅猛的势头,大量的损害着工作中的每个人。如果说将人的精神比喻成一根弦,而工作的压力便是一把拉紧弦的大手, 当每个人心头的这跟弦绷紧到极限的时候,不要说工作了,连生活下去都将是一个非常艰难的事情。随着时间的推移,当我们现在踏着改革开放的步伐,与世界经济接轨的同时,一些国际上比较普遍的娱乐工作法,正慢慢被新一代的中国工作者们接受并且推广。如现在在一些大型企业中,比较盛行的“快乐工作法”。如移动通讯公司,每日晨会之前,会有一位负责人带领员工进行一些互动的小游戏,唱唱歌,讲个小笑话,让员工在一种娱乐的轻松氛围下,愉快的开始一天的工作。更如当年的海尔集团,就率先引入国际上比较流行的“笑脸”工作制,将工作成绩的好坏,制作成不同颜色的笑脸,中脸,哭脸。用这种色彩斑斓的小牌子,代替枯燥的业绩总汇表,来表现最近一周员工的工作成绩。让原本乏味的工作评比,变得有了活泼的娱乐色彩。更如现在国家已经开始实施的将长假机制更新为多个小长假,并且推行“带薪休假”,便是为了改变国人以往保守沉闷的生活工作频率,让大家走出去,让大家熟悉和习惯在工作之余,放松一下,进行足够的休闲和娱乐。再譬如,当下流行的“企业拓展”活动,更是在极大意义上让娱乐氛围与工作精神融洽的结合到了一起。一些经过特别设计的小游戏,让员工们在欢笑的同时,加强了团队协作能力,增强自信,激发了团队的斗志。这不都是在为了平时的工作激情而做的准备么。而除了企业自己组织的这种集体娱乐活动。人们自发进行的一些特殊的娱乐活动,也逐渐偏向培养和加强自身的工作精神的方向。如现在更多的人会在下班后放弃直接回家吃饭睡觉的不变路线,选择与朋友出去健身,打球,学习一些搏击操等等,将工作了一天的身心,完全的放松,并且还能强身健体,为白天的工作,充足电,加满力。而一些各种各样的培训班,也如雨后春笋,越来越多的出现在我们身边,外语,乐器,这些“第二课堂”已经不再是孩子们的世界,很做结束一天工作的上班族,根据自身兴趣喜好,进入一个全新的课堂,给自己的知识充电,更满足了自身的兴趣爱好,结交朋友,那不也是在为将来的工作做好更坚实的基础么?经过几十年的时间,中国的经济在进行着飞速的发展,而人民的意识,也随着改革开放的进行,而更加完美和准确的与国际化标准靠拢。在如今高速发达的经济社会中,工作和娱乐已经不再是互不干扰的两个极端,带着娱乐的轻松去工作,在娱乐的同时学会工作。Work and PleasureIs pleasure the constitutional enemy of work? If you ask Europeans or Americans, they will say no surely. But the answer in China may go to the opposition. To old Chinese people, industrious work is the way to heighten the life standard and to build new China. To most bosses in China, industriousness or not is the only mode to estimate their employees, and pleasure is the symbolization of idleness. So that, many foreigners believe that Chinese people are “workaholics”, and Chinese people have no pleasure.It is true that pleasure are diversiform in Europe and America, and are bald and simple in China, such as, to have a little party with some good friends in non-work time, to have an annual journey, to go shopping. It is amazed that the most popular amusement is mah-jongg there! Why pleasure is so different between occidentals and old Chinese people? The situation of a country and economy level could be the essential reasons. In the movement of reformation opening, China become more and more rich .And then, some Chinese people have more and more new ideas about pleasure, especially born after 1980 (80s). The few-pleasure situation is changing gradually. The 80s’s viewpoints about relation between work and pleasure are uncommon and unorthodox. It may be said that rational, industrious, useful human beings are divided into two classes: first, those whose work is work and whose
and secondly, those whose work and pleasure are one. The 80s belong to the second ones indubitably. For example, in the famous Chinese company-Haier, workers use “smile” cards to instead of old poor work report cards. The new “smile” cards have various colors and vivid expressions which from laugh to cry, and make work like a new kind of pleasure.Nowadays, the government of China is paying more attention to the pleasure about the public. Since this year, more short bank holidays replace a long one. And in bank holidays some people also have salary. Consequently, the public have more choices and times in pleasure.Generally speaking, like occidentals, Chinese people also know what they need and could integrate work with pleasure harmoniously in the high-speed developmental powerful China.
非常感谢 虽然英文和中文的差距很大 但是至少比我强多了 谢谢 说把分全部给出来就一定给的~~
我的汗水啊~~ 我的手~~~


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