
11-12-29 &
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From NPR News in Washington, I'm Lakshmi Singh.Scathing criticism is building against BP, the latest coming from Interior Secretary Ken Salazar. He just wrapped up his fourth trip to BP's offices in Houston to get a progress report on the oil spill cleanup in the Gulf of Mexico. Salazar was not happy. I am angry and I am frustrated that BP has been unable to stop this well from leaking and to stop the pollution from spreading. Salazar says if BP keeps missing deadlines to stop the oil from leaking, the government will push the company out of the way of the operation.Authorities are still trying to identify victims from yesterday s plane crash in southern India. One hundred fifty-eight people were killed when the plane tried to land in Mangalore but overshot the runway and burst into flames. In Delhi, the BBC's Sanjoy Majumder says victims' families have begun arriving near the crash site .At Mangalores main hospital, distraught relatives are still trying to locate the remains of their loved ones. Many of the bodies of the crash victims were burnt beyond recognition, and doctors are trying to use dental records and other means to identify them. A team of forensic experts have also arrived and will be taking samples for DNA testing, a process which could take days.The BBC's Sanjoy Majumder.Towns and cities across Poland are bracing for another day of floods. From Warsaw Dave, McGuire reports at least 12 deaths have been blamed on the floods.Prime Minister Donald Tusk is calling the flooding Poland's worst in 160 years. In Warsaw, the Vistula River has reached 24 feet and is rising by a centimeter every few hours. There're reports of local flooding, and emergency crews are dealing with a 50-foot break in one barrier. Of particular concern are smaller villages that do not have sophisticated levees like the capital. The Polish army has been activated to help with sandbagging, and residents have been evacuated from areas under threat. Water management officials say the flood will not crest in Warsaw for at least another day, and there is rain forecasted for Sunday evening and Monday. For NPR News, I'm Dave McGuire in Warsaw.British Airways' workers are about to go on strike. The first in series will start tomorrow. The union representing the airline's cabin crew is in a dispute with management over job security, pay and working conditions.Shuttle Atlantis is coming home. It undocked from the International Space Station earlier today after spending about a week delivering supplies and doing maintenance work. Atlantis Commander Kenneth Ham says everyone enjoyed some laughs before saying goodbye this morning. We've bonded up here in space, which is an interesting experience. And I think part of that comes from working really hard and then having pride in your own success. Sort of sets up the human emotion for being happy and being happy together. Atlantis is scheduled to land in Florida Wednesday, effectively ending its final mission in space. NASA is retiring its shuttle program later this year.From Washington, this is NPR News.A fire aboard a German cruise ship forces evacuation of more than 600 people today. Authorities say everyone got off safely. The fire broke out in a machine room while the cruise ship was at a port in western Norway. It has been contained.A battle between the Department of Homeland Security and a Vermont farmer over a federal plan to buy or take some of his land to expand the port of entry on the Canadian border appears to have reached an impasse. Charlotte Albright reports from Vermont Public Radio.At a crowded public hearing in Franklin Town Hall, a few miles from the Canadian border, Customs and Border officials from Washington D.C. fended off attacks from angry Vermonters supporting the property rights of Clement Rainville, a popular dairy farmer. His son, Brian, got the loudest applause. I represent the small business community, a foundation industry in the state. We had a dairy farm for three generations. And I'm a little put-off when folks come in and tell me the best way to create jobs is to put my family out of work. The Rainvilles say they need all 220 acres of their land to grow hay for their cows. The Department of Homeland Security says it needs at least 2.2 acres to curb illegal cross-border traffic. For now, the plan is on hold, pending final review. For NPR News, I'm Charlotte Albright in Franklin, Vermont.The Taliban says it was behind the overnight raid on Kandahar Airfield, NATO's main military base in southern Afghanistan. Insurgents fired rockets and mortar shells as they tried to storm the site. Several coalition personnel were injured. This was the second attack of its kind on a major military installation this week.I'm Lakshmi Singh, NPR News in Washington.来自:VOA英语网 文章地址: /html/09.htmlPlease explain social fabric in this passage:The message for the United States is clear. For a society that just chases money, we are chasing the wrong things. Our social fabric is deteriorating, social trust is deteriorating, faith in government is deteriorating.My comments:This is a commentary on America, but it sounds awfully like one on China, especially the part about money chasing.Everyone chases money to a degree, but it sometimes, make that often, feels like the chase for money here is much more earnest and relentless than anywhere, America included.Anyways, social fabric refers to the basic structures of society, especially people-to-people relationships.Fabric, you see, is basically a piece of cloth, made from knitting pieces of single threads together. You can, therefore, understand social fabric this way by taking people of different race, religion, culture as well as social institutions including the system of law, politics as pieces of threads. If the pieces are all closely and smoothly knitted together, you have what is ideally known here as a harmonious society, i.e. a society where people seamlessly and happily relate to one another.The key in fabric is in the knitting whereas the key in society is in networking, or relationships, how people interact with each other.When we say our social fabric is deteriorating , it's like saying the shirt we wear begins to go threadbare, you know, revealing loose ends here and there. If we don't repair the shirt by patching up the damaged parts, soon holes will emerge.Likewise when the social fabric is deteriorating, society begins to go bad. People are less happy with each other the key to society being social.When the social fabric breaks down, crime, for instance, may be going up. Quarrels over race, religion and politics in general are getting more heated and people no longer trust each other or the government.I think that's about it. When the social fabric breaks down, it makes the whole society look and feel bad and wretched.All right, no more ado. Here are media examples of social fabric :1. The Catholic bishops of the Central African Republic have warned the country's new leader that the society's social fabric is completely torn. In a message to Michel Djotodia, the president of a transitional government, the bishops decried the loss of human lives, and the rapes, looting, the burning of villages, the destruction of fields, violations and looting of private homes, families illegally dispossessed of their homes illegally occupied by a strong man or by an armed gang. They also condemned environmental destruction, looting, and corruption by government officials.The bishops saved their strongest condemnation for the zeal and determination with which the victorious rebel group Seleka has desecrated Christian places of worship and looted the wealth of Christians. The Church leaders pleaded with government leaders to bring stability to the nation, as the first requirement for talks about the country's future.- Bishops condemn chaos, corruption, anti-Christian violence in Central African Republic, CatholicCulture.org, June 25, 2013.2. In a week when he tried to focus attention on the struggles of the middle class, President Barack Obama said in an interview that he was worried that years of widening income inequality and the lingering effects of the financial crisis had frayed the country's social fabric and undermined Americans' belief in opportunity.Upward mobility, Obama said in a 40-minute interview with The New York Times, was part and parcel of who we were as Americans.
And that's what's been eroding over the last 20, 30 years, well before the financial crisis, he added.- Income inequality fraying social fabric, Obama says, , July 27, 2013.3. Three-year-old McKenzie Elliott was playing on her front porch in the afternoon when someone rode past on a bicycle and started shooting. A neighbor threw herself on top of Elliott to protect her, but she had already been hit.Her murder, too, remains unsolved, though the police commissioner at the time, Anthony Batts, announced publicly in the days after Elliott's death that he expected to make an arrest within a week. Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake fired Batts earlier this month. I blame the neighborhood because somebody knows who did it, said Elliott's godmother Tanya Watt. There's a street code where you don't tell, but there's no rule when it comes to a three-year-old. She said her family is still struggling after Elliott's death. The girl's eight-year-old cousin, Khadin, sees a therapist. He likes to watch videos he made of his cousin, which he keeps stored on a portable player. He insisted on helping carry Elliott's tiny coffin at her funeral.In May, the city renamed the street where she died McKenzie Elliott Way. Her relatives are unimpressed. They just want her killer found.A year after their loved ones died, all five families are still struggling. Brown and Tales both think Baltimore's social fabric is too severely frayed to repair.Academics who have studied the area and its entrenched problems agree that change won't come easily. Lawrence Brown, a professor at Morgan State University, a historically black college in Baltimore, sees many of Baltimore's ills today as rooted in the city's legacy of strict segregation that began in the early 1900s. When you combine the psychological impact of racism, anti-blackness, economic conditions, red-lining, disinvestment, he said, it's no wonder we have a disproportionate rate of violence. - Three days, five killings and a year of pain in Baltimore, Reuters, July 30, 2015.来自:VOA英语网 文章地址: /html/573.html
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为了帮助网友解决“重庆治疗痔疮最好的医院是哪家?我想去治疗”相关的问题,中国学网通过互联网对“重庆治疗痔疮最好的医院是哪家?我想去治疗”相关的解决方案进行了整理,用户详细问题包括:<,具体解决方案如下:解决方案1: 你这个算是问对人了,我曾经也是痔疮患者,我的经历跟你差不多,我比你的时间还要长点,我有痔疮有两年不到点。也用过很多的药物,但是不见效,后来我是在我朋友的介绍下,去了重庆最专业的看痔疮的医院――重庆奥林医院,那边的技术是重庆最好的。我现在也过去一年多了,也没有复发过。很开心,平时你也要注意自己的饮食和生活习惯。 你也早点去治疗嘛!
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