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Very Fast (0.234 Seconds), 99% of sites are slower.
Site Description
全球首个中文网页收录量达到100亿的搜索引擎。同时提供新闻搜索、音乐搜索、购物搜索,地图搜索等专项搜索服务,为网民提供方便快捷的信息获取方式。 The first search engine in the world that has gathered up to 10 billion web pages, suppling most convenience services for searching news, music, shopping infomation, maps, etc.
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Internet Average
Relative to the general internet population, Males are over-represented at this site. Confidence: high
The audience for this site among Females is similar to the general internet population. Confidence: high
Internet Average
No College
Relative to the general internet population, people who did not go to college are over-represented at this site. Confidence: high
Some College
Relative to the general internet population, people with some college education are under-represented at this site. Confidence: high
Graduate School
Relative to the general internet population, people who went to graduate school are under-represented at this site. Confidence: high
Relative to the general internet population, people who went to college are over-represented at this site. Confidence: high
Internet Average
The audience for this site among people browsing from home is similar to the general internet population. Confidence: high
Relative to the general internet population, people browsing from school are greatly under-represented at this site. Confidence: high
Relative to the general internet population, people browsing from work are over-represented at this site. Confidence: high
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To edit your site's public information you need to Log in and verify ownership of your site.Bar to Atm Conversion
Bar To Atmospheric Pressure Conversion
Bars to atmospheric pressure conversion table shows the most common values for the quick reference. Alternatively, you may use the converter to convert any other values.
1 Bar = 0. Atm
Bar is the atmospheric pressure at the sea level, which is around 100 kilopascals. Since the difference between these units is so small, in most applications bar unit is used.
Atmospheric pressure is the force per unit area by the weight of air above that point. 1 atmosphere is about 101.325 kilopascals.
Enter a value to convert into atm and click on the "convert" button.
Create Custom Conversion Table
- select increment - 0.0010.010.10.51
102050100<option value="
- select accuracy -012345678910
Conversion Table
PRESSURE CONVERSION一五三八七零五三二四八是哪里的号码_百度知道
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