
 CARL AZUZ, CNN STUDENT NEWS ANCHOR: A bicentennial birthday, a trophy that's being returned, and a perfect score: We've got it all for you in today's editing of CNN Student News. Hello, everyone. I'm Carl Azuz. We're starting with our primary story.AZUZ: It's about primaries, the elections. There were a whole bunch of them on Tuesday, and some of the results were kind of surprising. A quick Primaries 101 for you. States have Republican primaries and Democratic primaries. Candidates who win a primary then face off in the general election in November. That's what determines who actually gets the job.Back to Tuesday, though, and those surprise results. One of them happened in Delaware. This was the Republican primary for a seat in the U.S. Senate. The winner was Christine O'Donnell. The surprise? O'Donnell, who's never won an election before, beat an opponent who has served nine terms in the U.S. House of Representatives. Another surprise came in the Republican primary for governor of New York, where Carl Paladino beat Rick Lazio. Paladino and O'Donnell have at least two things in common: Their opponents were supported by Repu they both had strong support from the Tea Party movement.Now, you've heard that name mentioned a lot recently. The Tea Party is a grassroots political movement. That means it's made up of a lot of groups who work on a local level. Tea Party activists are challenging some of the more established parts of the Republican and Democratic parties. Tuesday's results are being called a big victory for the Tea Party.One other interesting result from Tuesday. U.S. Representative Charlie Rangel won his Democratic primary in New York. Now, he's held that seat for 40 years. The interesting part of his win is that he's been accused of ethics violations. Rangel has denied those charges. And it looks like they haven't had much of an impact so far on his re-election efforts.AZUZ: Officials say a permanent seal could be finished next month on the Deepwater Horizon oil well. There's a temporary cap on it now. Before that cap was put into place, more than 170 million gallons of oil spilled out into the Gulf of Mexico. Where did all of it all go? Brian Todd looks for an answer.迈锐宝的中控台造型同样个性十足而且非常有立体感,方形仪表布局机械味道十足。与同平台君威相比,显然迈锐宝给我们留下印象更深刻。而迈锐宝的内饰虽然样式新颖,但功能与按键布局还是比较符合国人习惯的,并不是以新颖作为唯一取胜的法宝。迈锐宝整车长高高分别为72mm,轴距2737mm。很显然,它的车身尺寸还是不错的,只是轴距对于目前中型车领域而言刚刚及格。迈锐宝前后排都为同一个176cm身高体验者提供了三指的头部距离,而后排腿部空间接近两拳,比较符合国人对中型车空间要求。迈锐宝行李厢内部不是太规整,但容积达到了544升,实用性非常不错。加上后排座椅可以按比例放倒,其行李箱拓展表现完全合格。动力方面,迈锐宝提供了2.0L、2.4L以及1.6T三种不同排量的发动机,在这里我们更愿意在15万元价位选择1.6T车型,毕竟最大功率可达135kW,rpm释放235N.m峰值扭矩。匹配通用提供的6速手自一体变速箱,官方0-100km/h加速成绩可达9.8秒。对于小排量涡轮增压来说,不仅仅拥有加速的优势,油耗也相对比较经济。迈锐宝底盘是这个级别常见的麦弗逊与多连杆结构,因为轴距较短以及悬挂调校的缘故,其操控表现不但灵活,同时又保持了足够的舒适性。1.6T车型还为后轮加强了通风盘式刹车,相比2.0L和2.4L车型的实心盘设计,连续制动的热衰减效果表现更好。编辑点评:虽然舒适性的迈锐宝配置丰富,不过全车4气囊、电动座椅以及多媒体系统这些配置基本上还是能满足不挑剔的消费者,相对于凯美瑞这些老牌中级车。迈锐宝相对更加适合年轻的消费群体,1.6T的动力在同级中也是可圈可点的,15万左右的价格还是值得的。


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