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As of November 18, the Twilight series gets this much closer to coming to a screeching halt. And while we know that the cinematic conclusion will hardly lead to a reprieve from vampire films and babies named Bella, we&#8217;re still in a position to look back and reflect. So in celebration of the movie where Robert Pattinson , here are ten lessons we&#8217;ve learned from Twilight and what they can mean for humanity.
10. Vampires Are Deadly And Deadly Awesome
Before 17-year-old Edward &#8220;I look at least 32&#8243; Cullen gazed upon Bella and nearly vomited in biology class, the world only understood two things: 1) Thanks to Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt, vampires liked puffy sleeved shirts, and 2) Vampires will kill you. However, according to Stephanie Meyer, both things have been proven false. True, the Cullens were an exception to the &#8220;I&#8217;ll feast upon your blood&#8221; kind of rule, but if you ignore everything else in the book, they seem just like a close-knit family who really love wearing leather wrist-cuffs. And who doesn&#8217;t love a family crest worn a leather wrist-cuff? Probably Tom Cruise in Interview With a Vampire.
9. Werewolves Smell Like Smelly Dogs
Fine, so we&#8217;ve all been there: You&#8217;re walking down the street, minding your own business, when out of nowhere, a beautiful dog emerges and wreaks like the most wretched thing on the planet. Also, that has probably never happened unless you habitually surround yourself with wet dogs who haven&#8217;t been bathed in years. However, Twilight has taught us that this &#8220;wreaking dog&#8221; phenomenon is incredibly common &#8211; especially if what you&#8217;re smelling is not a dog, but a wolf&#8230; who is actually also a human. Woof.
8. Family Is Important Unless It Is Not
Both The Cullens and the Jacob gang cherish family, so from the very beginning, we were treated to the valuable life lesson that family is everything &#8211; unless you are a human being. Case in point, there are approximately eight trillion examples in Twilight proving that, based on Bella&#8217;s experiences, family is not important to mere mortals.
This includes, but are not limited to, Bella abandoning her parents, lying to them repeatedly, telling them she was deathly ill, lying again, and going to Italy to meet Michael Sheen. But love conquers all, and thanks to this series, we we&#8217;re all well aware that breaking your parents&#8217; hearts is fine if you&#8217;re in love with a vampire man-child, which only a handful of us are.
7. Communication Is Awful, But Staring Is The Best
Life would be boring if you just picked up the phone and had a chat with somebody you&#8217;ve been having issues with, so instead of communicating like a grown-up or a toddler that&#8217;s learned to cry when she&#8217;s hungry, simply stare at the object of your affection or hatred and wait for them to figure it out. Bonus points if you look like you&#8217;re going to be ill &#8211; and minus points if you smile like Tyra Banks.
6. Laughter Is The Worst Medicine
Laughing is a waste of time, space and energy, and that is exactly why there were approximately 0.0002 scenes where a character smiled, grinned, chuckled, laughed or guffawed (minus all the scenes where Jacob had long hair &#8211; but he was &#8220;normal&#8217; then and thus obviously weak). Like Dwight Schrute once said, &#8220;Showing your teeth is an act of submission&#8221;, and in the wide world of Twilight, submitting to joy is as sick as the guitar riff that played through the first movie. Rock on.
5. Obsession Is Romantic
Independence is annoying, so after finally reaching an age where you&#8217;re capable of making your own decisions, abandon that ideal completely and choose a partner who will not only threaten to hurt the best friend you have if you hang out with him/her, but will watch you sleep, drive you everywhere, physically push you if necessary, drive recklessly and claim that everything he does is in the name of &#8220;keeping you safe&#8221;. Bonus points if he over-romanticizes the smell of your hair and forces you to marry him.
4. Gender Roles Exist For A Reason
If Society has said it once, society has said it a thousand times: Women are obviously very weak, and should be protected by shirtless men who turn into wolves or vampire man-children who &#8220;know a thing or two&#8221;. Don&#8217;t believe &#8220;them&#8221;? Go cliff jumping to try and find a ghost of your boyfriend who&#8217;s just &#8220;looking out for you&#8221;. It&#8217;ll be all your fault when you either end up &#8220;free&#8221; and &#8220;in charge of your life&#8221; as opposed to &#8220;delivering a demon child who eats its way out of your uterus&#8221;. Your call.
3. We Should Want To Travel Through A Forest At Light Speed
&#8220;WEEEEEEEEEE!!!&#8221; said everyone, in a perfect world, after their freakishly strong &#8220;soulmate&#8221; threw them over his shoulder and took off at a frightening speed without so much as a &#8220;Is this okay, muffin-face?&#8221; Stop complaining &#8211; he&#8217;s just keeping you safe.
2. Do Not Enjoy Things
Everybody is entitled to their own opinions on sex and relationships, but thanks to the Twilight franchise, we now know that &#8220;everybody&#8221; is wrong, and that the only way to go about anything is to do it in the name of sorrow. Hungry? Choose your dinner with dread. In a relationship? Guilt them relentlessly. Turning 18? Ignore it, and then when somebody throws you a birthday party out of the kindness of their cold heart, injure yourself to the point of tearing the family apart and work to destroy your own psyche afterwards. Now mumble something quietly and play with your hair. You&#8217;re Bella Swan now.
1. Remember That Rules Are For Breaking
Live, laugh, love. Dance like no one&#8217;s watching. Sing like no one&#8217;s listening. Date a vampire and then alienate yourself from everybody to be with him, while also jeopardizing the well-being of everyone you care about. Create rivalries. Put the family of your lover in jeopardy several times, and maybe even your best friend&#8217;s family too. Have a child by age 18. Then set that infant child up with your now-adult best friend. Live in a colony. Drink the blood of wildebeest. Live your best life &#8211; ignore Oprah.}


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