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SPECIAL REPORT - MARKET RESEARCH: No sure way to pick a winner
Marketing Week. London: May 19, 2005. pg. 45
Full Text (1595
(Copyright (c) 2005. Centaur Communications Limited. Reproduced withpermission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction ordistribution is prohibited without permission.) Companies invest heavily in product research, seeking out trend- setters and running simulations. They might just as well ask randomly chosen consumers to bet on likely success, says Alicia CleggBeing big can be an asset amid the rough and tumble of business. But there is one area where small companies can, and often do, trump their larger rivals - innovation. A single big idea can help an unknown business make a name for itself - think Innocent Drinks or Body Shop. But to stay ahead, in the long run, brands need to break new ground, year after year. It is to solve this problem that many turn to research agencies for some mental stimulation.There are two ways to think about the future of a brand. One is to study the here and now, in order to spot gaps in the market. "People's fundamental needs don't change," says Synovate research manager Alex Maule. "The challenge is to uncover them." An alternative is to hunt for people whose lifestyles and opinions offer clues to the future.Trend-spotting is becoming an industry in its own right. Advertising agencies and brand owners have their radars pointed towards cities such as New York, Sydney, Tokyo and London, where new patterns of behaviour are thought to take shape. Typifying this approach is Breaking Trends, a London-based research consultancy that tours "Alpha" cities interviewing academics, innovators and style experts, and observing urban lifestyles.CATCHING THE DRIFTSIn 2004, the consultancy identified a swathe of emerging global trends for advertising agency JWT. These ranged from the desire of consumers to express their sense of self more creatively, to concerns over health and wellbeing and the blurring of boundaries between gay and straight culture. But do such studies equip marketers to develop future-proof strategies for their brands?Miles Calcraft Briginshaw Duffy joint planning director Giles Hedger thinks the very popularity of the approach could prove its undoing. "There is a tendency for middle-class media professionals, living 24-hour lives, to go off to these fashionable cities and get very excited about the trends they see emerging."But, as he points out, a minority preference - such as organic food - will only take hold if it is affordable and if mainstream consumers feel the product is for them. "You have to put these 'soft' signals into a proper demographic context. Ask yourself who holds the money and what sort of lives most people are living," he says.Trend-spotting also carries with it the idea of a linear direction in which society is headed. The reality is much more confused. For an illustration, look no further than the popularity of "authentic" brands and lifestyles, which lives alongside a huge growth in demand for Botox injections and cosmetic procedures aimed at changing a person's natural appearance.How a brand responds to such contradictions and disconnections is down to the culture of the company. One approach is to try to impose order on the chaos by modelling the importance of competing trends statistically. The other, says Sanjay Nazerali, founder of brand consultancy The Depot, is to get on with the business of making, rather than reflecting, the future: "Futures are inherently dynamic. Good research is about mapping out the multiple landscapes where brands can legitimately operate."FINDING THE FAULT-LINESSpotting inconsistencies in people's behaviour can spark ideas for giving consumers more of what they want through a well-judged trade-off of benefits. But the calculation of what consumers are prepared to sacrifice is never risk-free. The success of Ikea's design-led self-assembly furniture was built on just such a gamble. Viewed from one angle (the desire of middle-income earners to furnish their homes stylishly) the offer has obvious appeal. From another angle, the time-poverty of people leading busy working lives, the flat-pack formula looks more like a loser.To think about the future creatively, companies need stimulus from many sources - academics and style commentators, as well as consumers themselves. "The power of trend research lies in combining and cross-referencing views from lots of different groups," says Maule. "That's what helps you to pick out the common threads and core needs that underlie passing fads."For new product development, some agencies recommend talking to "influential" consumers, the sort of people to whom others turn for tips. The problem is that finding such people can be time- consuming. What is more, someone may be a trusted source of advice for one sort of purchase - mobile phones, for instance - but not for others.There is also a suspicion that old patterns of product adoption are breaking down. "Using sources of opinion to predict future behaviour is becoming much more difficult. These days we have lots of little sub-cultures and a huge spread of influences," says Maule. "A product or an idea may take hold within one group but never break out into the wider market."THE INFORMED INFORMERSAd agency DDB has a novel way of handling this problem. As well as talking to consumers in focus groups, it has formed a special "grapevine" panel made up of taxi drivers, beauticians, hairdressers and pub landlords. The panel allows DDB to keep tabs on what people from all walks of life are talking about, and creates a channel through which agency staff can float new ideas.Other marketers have been experimenting too. In his book The Wisdom of Crowds, business writer James Surowiecki argues that in certain circumstances randomly selected crowds make better predictions than experts. Research agency BrainJuicer decided to test this by pitting the conventional method for evaluating new product ideas against a "research market" approach based on Surowiecki's theory.The aim of the experiment was to evaluate ten ideas for a new household cleaner. For the conventional test, BrainJuicer recruited people who either shopped for, or used, cleaning products. Following standard research practice, each participant was given just a single concept to score. With the research market approach, the group was recruited randomly, with the participants being presented with all ten choices and asked to bet on the winners and losers.Above- and below-average scores for particular ideas were consistent between the two tests. The one really significant difference, however, was that the randomly selected participants gave much lower scores to the least-popular ideas than did the people in the conventional test.BrainJuicer chief executive John Kearon has drawn some tentative conclusions from the experiment, and he presented them for debate at this year's MRS conference. Firstly, the research market approach may be as good a guide to market success as costlier methods using targeted samples. Secondly, research markets could be an efficient way to weed out weak ideas in the early stages of product development.But, there is a problem. As Kearon readily acknowledges, some of the most successful ideas for new products, such as Baileys Irish Cream and Phileas Fogg crisps, tested appallingly before they were launched. This raises the spectre of the new approach merely adding to the problem of promising innovations never making it to market because consumers dismiss them in research tests.Kearon accepts this is a risk, but says it is perhaps limited to more radical forms of innovation. "Only very rarely do companies test ideas that are wholly new," he says, adding that most research is about "tweaking existing category ideas". For this sort of work, he suggests, research markets may offer results that are cheaper and faster than and at least as reliable as data generated by conventional methods.FEELING WITHOUT TOUCHING?The standard explanation of why innovation panels make blunders is that people simply cannot visualise how something new might fit into their lives until they have tried it. TNS European Access Panels joint managing director Martin Oxley claims that internet- based research can ameliorate the problem. "With three-dimensional simulations, we can show prototypes online," he says. As an example, Oxley cites a recent project in which a client wanted to test an idea for another household cleaning product. Participants were shown an online prototype and then given two weeks to think about where and when they might use it. As the project involved an online discussion forum, the participants were able to exchange ideas and build upon each other's thoughts.Even so, visualising something new is not the same as holding it in your hands. As DDB London head of planning Lucy Jameson points out, "The problem is that you really cannot predict what will happen to a product once people start to use it." As an example, she points to text-messaging, which was designed for businesspeople but turned out to have huge appeal for consumers.So how can big ideas be tested? According to RSM Robson Rhodes Business Consulting head of research Tamsin Addison, one method towers above all the alternatives - getting an idea out of the design studio and piloting it in the market. "Once a product is in the market, it can be tweaked to find out what improves its appeal and what doesn't. Often, incredibly small changes can make an enormous difference," she explains.Kearon agrees, pointing out that Pret A Manger's upmarket sandwiches failed to impress Londoners until the company acquired better sites for its stores. "For Pret, location tipped the balance," he says.Good research can stimulate marketers to think creatively about the future by highlighting needs that are unmet and opportunities that are opening up. But however well-informed they are, marketers cannot predict perfectly, still less control, what will happen in the outside world - because consumers will always rewrite the script.Copyright: Centaur Communications Ltd. and licensors
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Marketing Week行销周刊 London伦敦
公司大量投资于产品的研究,寻找趋势制定和运行模拟。他们可能会问随机选择的消费者赌可能成功,艾丽西亚说克莱格大可以是一个资产在混乱的商业。但有一个方面,小公司,往往胜过他们,更大的竞争对手-创新。一个大的想法可以帮助一个未知的业务使本身的名字,觉得无辜的饮料或美体小铺。但要保持领先地位,从长远来看,品牌需要有新的突破,年复一年。它是解决许多寻求一些精神刺激机构这一问题的研究。有两种方法去思考一个品牌的未来。一是研究现在,以现货市场中的空白。”人的基本需求不改变,说:”思纬市场研究部经理亚历克斯穆勒。”面临的挑战是发现它们。”另一种是找人的生活方式和观点提供线索的未来。趋势识别是在自己的权利成为行业。广告公司和品牌拥有者的雷达指向悉尼的城市,如纽约,东京和伦敦,在那里新的行为模式,认为形状。典型的这种方法是打破的趋势,一个总部位于伦敦的咨询研究,旅游“阿尔法”城市访问学者,创新者和风格的专家,并观察城市的生活方式。捕捉漂移2004,咨询公司确定的一系列新兴的全球趋势智威汤逊广告公司。这些范围从消费者的愿望,表达他们对自己更有创造性的意义,在健康和福利、同性恋和异性恋文化之间的界限模糊的问题。但这样的研究使营销人员开发自己的品牌未来的发展策略?Miles Calcraft布里金肖杜菲联合策划总监吉尔斯套期保值者认为的做法非常受欢迎可以证明其失败的原因。”这是中产阶级专业媒体的一个趋势,生活的24小时的生活,去这些时尚的城市,让他们看到新兴趋势非常兴奋。”但是,他指出,一个“少数偏好-如有机食品只会拿如果它是负担得起的,如果主流消费者觉得产品给他们。”你要把这些“软”信号到一个适当的人口环境。问问自己,谁拥有的钱,什么样的生活的大多数人的生活,”他说。潮流观察还带有一个线性方向中社会领导。现实情况更混乱。对于一个例子,看看没有进一步的比“正宗”的品牌和生活方式的普及,它生活在一个巨大的增长需求的肉毒杆菌毒素注射和化妆品旨在改变一个人的自然外观的程序。一个品牌如何回应这种矛盾和断开了公司的文化。一种方法是试图强加秩序混乱的竞争趋势的统计建模的重要性。另外,说桑贾纳扎拉里,品牌咨询公司仓库的创始人,是继续做生意,而不是反映,未来:“期货本质上是动态的。好的研究是关于映射出多个景观,品牌可以合法地工作。”发现分裂在人们的行为可以发现不一致的火花给消费者更多他们想要通过一个判断权衡效益观念。但计算消费者准备牺牲绝不是无风险的。宜家的成功设计的LED组装家具是建立在这样一场赌博。从某个角度看(中等收入者来装饰他们的家时髦的欲望)的报价已明显的吸引力。从另一个角度来看,人们的时间领先的忙碌的工作生活贫困,扁平封装式看起来更像一个失败者。思考未来的创造性,公司需要从许多来源的学者和评论家的刺激方式,以及消费者自己。”趋势研究的动力在于结合和交叉引用的观点从不同的地段,说:”马利。”那就是帮助你挑选的共同基础和核心需求传递时尚。”新产品开发,一些机构建议说“影响力”的消费者,这些人就是别人的技巧。问题是,人们可以找到这样的时间消耗。更重要的是,有人可能会成为一个值得信赖的来源,建议一种购买手机,例如,但不是为别人。也有一种怀疑O
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