
Why are you searching for ★ hjkhjk ★
You found this website because you searched for hjkhjk. This website is just an experiment. We want to know why people search for a nonsense word, or why they enter random keys in the search engine.
What we know about hjkhjk
Many users have adopted hjkhjk as a username on some social sites like YouTube and MySpace. The random input hjkhjk is a generally very common search word on Google compared to other random inputs.
it is found quite regularly on web pages. This series of characters is not a typographical error. The random input hjkhjk is not a text used in ads.
What we don't know about hjkhjk
Please help us to make a few stats. Why did you search for hjkhjk?
I was bored.
I was curious what I will find.
I wanted to check my internet connection.
I have searched for a name.
It was a typo (I meant )
If you entered the keys hjkhjk on a keyboard, please describe the keyboard:
If hjkhjk is an abbreviation, then please tell us what you think it could be:
If hjkhjk were to be an abbreviation of the following words, please click on the words which best suit the abbreviation.
Click one word in each column to select abbreviation:
The abbreviation hjkhjk may mean (currently selected): ?
Thank you for your help! We publish the results if we get more than 10 feedbacks!
Other random keys
A few more studies about random meaningless Internet searches can be found here:}


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