心脏病中MISSED BEATS凤凰涅盘是什么意思思

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For the past two weeks i have been experiencing a fluttering feeling in my chest.&&The duration varies.&&The occurrences seem random.&&It is not necessarily painful but it is uncomfortable.&&It makes me feel slightly light headed.&&I did some internet searches and came up with the term heart palpitations but didn't want to look too much into any incorrect answers.&&Should i be concerned?
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In my view palpitations are those generally faint extra or missed beats that one has to listen for to detect.
On the other hand,&&Premature Ventricle Contractions (PVCs) are felt and can even be painful...at least troubling.&&Most seem to find PVCs are not dangerous or life threatening to them, that doesn't mean they are not troubling emotionally/physically.
Only a doctor and a record of what your heart is doing can diagnose.&&The first step is a general physical exam, focused on the heart, and perhaps a EKG.&&This will not be conclusionary unless you have an &attack& when on the EKG... most of us have to wear a recording heart monitor and wear it long enough to catch the &palps&...&&if you have the symptoms every day a one day monitor (Halter Monitor) should do the trick.
In my view palpitations are those generally faint extra or missed beats that one has to listen for to detect.
On the other hand,&&Premature Ventricle Contractions (PVCs) are felt and can even be painful...at least troubling.&&Most seem to find PVCs are not dangerous or life threatening to them, that doesn't mean they are not troubling emotionally/physically.
Only a doctor and a record of what your heart is doing can diagnose.&&The first step is a general physical exam, focused on the heart, and perhaps a EKG.&&This will not be conclusionary unless you have an &attack& when on the EKG... most of us have to wear a recording heart monitor and wear it long enough to catch the &palps&...&&if you have the symptoms every day a one day monitor (Halter Monitor) should do the trick.
This could be related to electrolyte imbalances, especially if they started recently and you never had them before. I would go see a doctor and ask to get an EKG and have them check your electrolyte and magnesium levels.
You may also want to see a cardiologist, especially if your tests come back negative, just to make sure there's no underlying cause and that your palpitations are benign.
This could be related to electrolyte imbalances, especially if they started recently and you never had them before. I would go see a doctor and ask to get an EKG and have them check your electrolyte and magnesium levels.
You may also want to see a cardiologist, especially if your tests come back negative, just to make sure there's no underlying cause and that your palpitations are benign.
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Heart Palpitations
For the past two weeks i have been experiencing a fluttering feeling in my chest.&&The duration varies.&&The occurrences seem random.&&It is not necessarily painful but it is uncomfortable.&&It makes me feel slightly light headed.&&I did some internet searches and came up with the term heart palpitations but didn't want to look too much into any incorrect answers.&&Should i be concerned?
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Hi. Since April I have had palpitations, some last an hour some 18hours worth. I have had ECGs and recently a Scan and alls well(so they say) and I have a healthy heart. The palpitations are actually missed beats and therefore the beat after the missed one is a right thumper !!! Some days Im palp free but they are back with avengance. The doctor has put it down to anxiety, but to be honest Im not sure that I agree as Im probably one of the most laid back people you could meet. Im trying to avoid medication but have tried Passiflora (herbal) and hypnotherapy. I have been back to the doctor and he has suggested Buspihrone for anxiety. I have asked him to check&&menopause/ hormone stuff with blood test. The bit I find hard to understand is my arms, chest and stomach are constantly trembling ?&&Any ideas
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It sounds like you're having classic PVC's.&&Many physicians, after reviewing a normal looking ECG will for some reason diagnose it as anxiety.&&There are many concealed reasons you could be experiencing this arrhytmia.&&If you feel that it's not from anxiety, you need to voice your opinion.
It sounds like you're having classic PVC's.&&Many physicians, after reviewing a normal looking ECG will for some reason diagnose it as anxiety.&&There are many concealed reasons you could be experiencing this arrhytmia.&&If you feel that it's not from anxiety, you need to voice your opinion.
You should ask to see a Cardiologist and have some tests done (echo-cardiogram, stress test, etc). If all is well, then it is probably an electrolyte imbalance (potassium, magnesium, sodium, etc).
I am dealing with these PVCs myself. I am taking supplements (potassium, magnesium) and they seem to be helping.
Anxiety can make PVCs worse, but I don't believe that they cause them all alone. There is something else out of whack, which is where the electrolytes come into play.
You should ask to see a Cardiologist and have some tests done (echo-cardiogram, stress test, etc). If all is well, then it is probably an electrolyte imbalance (potassium, magnesium, sodium, etc).
I am dealing with these PVCs myself. I am taking supplements (potassium, magnesium) and they seem to be helping.
Anxiety can make PVCs worse, but I don't believe that they cause them all alone. There is something else out of whack, which is where the electrolytes come into play.
Hi, and welcome!&&Do you eat a lot of processed foods, carbonated drinks....have any GERD symptoms?&&Wheat allergy? Doesn't sound like it's anxiety, may be some kind of food trigger instead.&&Have you worn a monitor?&&Better yet a Holter monitor?&&Like Tom says, you need to voice your opinion to your Dr. Good Luck!
Hi, and welcome!&&Do you eat a lot of processed foods, carbonated drinks....have any GERD symptoms?&&Wheat allergy? Doesn't sound like it's anxiety, may be some kind of food trigger instead.&&Have you worn a monitor?&&Better yet a Holter monitor?&&Like Tom says, you need to voice your opinion to your Dr. Good Luck!
Hi, thanks for that, I have worn a 3 day monitor and its showed PVCs and a lot of them. I have been told by a cardiologist they are all fine and he sees it commonly and nothing to worry about.&&Nothing seems to trigger them, they usually start when Im relaxing ???? Im trembling inside all the time at the moment, so guessing there is a chemical imbalance somewhere !!! They started with the odd one in the night and have increased now, some days none some days all day.... i feel yuck, constantly !!!
Hi, thanks for that, I have worn a 3 day monitor and its showed PVCs and a lot of them. I have been told by a cardiologist they are all fine and he sees it commonly and nothing to worry about.&&Nothing seems to trigger them, they usually start when Im relaxing ???? Im trembling inside all the time at the moment, so guessing there is a chemical imbalance somewhere !!! They started with the odd one in the night and have increased now, some days none some days all day.... i feel yuck, constantly !!!
I really feel for you.&&I don't know....it sounds neurological.&&Like you said, maybe a chemical imbalance possibly related to the level of adrenaline in your body.&&Again, good luck!&&I hope you feel better soon!
I really feel for you.&&I don't know....it sounds neurological.&&Like you said, maybe a chemical imbalance possibly related to the level of adrenaline in your body.&&Again, good luck!&&I hope you feel better soon!
if you haven't, get a copy of your test results so you know exactly what you're dealing with and will have them for your records in case you go to another doctor...
sounds like pvc's and when our heart rates are slower we tend to feel them more and they feel worse...there's a technical reason but I always forget - it has something to do with the heart beating slower and a longer time for the pause [racks brain] someone will know what I mean and post I'm sure =)
how many pvc's did it show? we each have our own definition of &alot& but so do doctors...there was a live chat with a doctor from here a couple of days ago and he defined alot as &Frequent PVC's occur over a period of seconds to minutes& but I have seen other doctors here in the expert forum give actual numbers - say Frequent pvc's = over 20,000 pvc's daily
the trembling may be due to neurological as LindaTX have you checked this out with a neurologist? they can do test and hopefully find out what it is
hopefully they will also do electrolyte and hormonal testing both of these could be causin my gyn dr wants to put me in medical menopause to see if that's part of my problem - blood level hormones were low and I just never get a break from hormone problems during the month.
good luck hope you find some answers and relief
if you haven't, get a copy of your test results so you know exactly what you're dealing with and will have them for your records in case you go to another doctor...
sounds like pvc's and when our heart rates are slower we tend to feel them more and they feel worse...there's a technical reason but I always forget - it has something to do with the heart beating slower and a longer time for the pause [racks brain] someone will know what I mean and post I'm sure =)
how many pvc's did it show? we each have our own definition of &alot& but so do doctors...there was a live chat with a doctor from here a couple of days ago and he defined alot as &Frequent PVC's occur over a period of seconds to minutes& but I have seen other doctors here in the expert forum give actual numbers - say Frequent pvc's = over 20,000 pvc's daily
the trembling may be due to neurological as LindaTX have you checked this out with a neurologist? they can do test and hopefully find out what it is
hopefully they will also do electrolyte and hormonal testing both of these could be causin my gyn dr wants to put me in medical menopause to see if that's part of my problem - blood level hormones were low and I just never get a break from hormone problems during the month.
good luck hope you find some answers and relief
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Hi. Since April I have had palpitations, some last an hour some 18hours worth. I have had ECGs and recently a Scan and alls well(so they say) and I have a healthy heart. The palpitations are actually missed beats and therefore the beat after the missed one is a right thumper !!! Some days Im palp free but they are back with avengance. The doctor has put it down to anxiety, but to be honest Im not sure that I agree as Im probably one of the most laid back people you could meet. Im trying to avoid medication but have tried Passiflora (herbal) and hypnotherapy. I have been back to the doctor and he has suggested Buspihrone for anxiety. I have asked him to check&&menopause/ hormone stuff with blood test. The bit I find hard to understand is my arms, chest and stomach are constantly trembling ?&&Any ideas
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