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涨知识,秒福利--&|&------------------------------------------------daily reddit gold goal69%reddit gold gives you extra features and helps keep our servers running. We believe the more reddit can be user-supported, the freer we will be to make reddit the best it can be.Buy gold for yourself to gain access to  and . A month of gold pays for  231.26 minutes of reddit server time!Give gold to thank exemplary people and encourage them to post more.Yesterday's reddit gold goal90%sorted by: newExistence...I man really... If there's nothing, why is there anything?
Some early
(early 1900s) color associations for boys were pink and girls were blue. The current association only became what it is after WWII.
All this to say color association for things like gender is subjective.
They likely just picked a color.
( Honestly red has the best effect for sales and fundraising, I've been told.)
It's still an April fool
You can have people go through written algorithms.
I believe some of the first &computers& were people hired by mathematicians.
Also, early electric computers were &programmed& by plugs, looking like old telephone switchboards, or analog sound synthesizers.
The other thing to do is try and get everybody running an agent that randomly does a search and randomly gets it and sends the info to the trash.
Make the noise amount so high, the data becomes worthless.
Golly Ollie!
I'm actually more worried about the Max Headroom style future
Top, middle, bottom
Left, middle, right
Stop, changing, go
It sucks at night when it is just glowing against a black background so you can't tell position.
You just slow down and prepare to stop... Once you get close you can almost always tell position.
Good luck all
So what about vaccines during pregnancy.
I'm not an antivax person by any means.
Alive and autistic beats dead any day of the week. I am, however, curious if there are vulnerable points in pregnancy
I note that mouse models of autism are produced by simulating a high &viral load&. I'm curious to know comparisons between that and vaccines in pregnant mother's. I've also heard of an adult high functioning autistic nurse who wonders the same thing (friend of a friend).
Do you have any insights here?
That all said, to let me repeat, while I'm curious about this.
Alive and autistic beats dead.
Vaccines statistically save lives.
I just play minetest.
I learned about extreme from the soundtrack of the Bill and Ted's excellent adventure, movie.
This was when it was out in the theaters, so they were still not well known..... I'm old, ugh.
Vangelis also from the soundtrack of the original cosmos series
Good luck all!
I'll just leave this here:
Make charcoal and bury it.
One of the best carbon sequestration methods.
Up, by Pixar.
The short story of the adventures of the old man
and his wife, in days past, is fun, funny and a tear jerker, all in a few minutes.
A number of autistics actually prefer to be called autistic... go read .
In the nerodiversity movement they are noting that the identify that they are not neurorypical, and it's not something to be ashamed of.
It does make it a bit more confusing, because some people prefer one way, some the other.
Good luck everyone.
There is a book co-written by Elizabeth Warren and her daughter, called &The two income trap&.
The entire book is an answer to this question.
Standards on nursing homes that accept Medicaid... Sounds non-scary until you have been in one for a while...
Even worse when you realize that you might end up in one, someday
We give kids walking toys before they balance on their own, so we also give them an internal dialog before they have established their own.
I'm confident the kids will walk with their own swagger when they get older, and they will improve their own internal dialog too.
We just provide structural help until they can do things on their own.
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