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(1) A taxpayer who does not fall within the legislative definition of &Australian resident& is automatically considered a foreign resident for taxation purpose.
(2) If you are a foreign resident, your assessable income includes:
-(a) the ordinary income you derived directly or indirectly from all Australian sources during the income year, and
-(b) other ordinary income that a provision includes in your assessable income for the income year on some basis other than having an Australian source.(主要是这句b完全看不懂。。。主谓宾,定语从句或什么的都看不出来)
(1) A taxpayer who does not fall within the legislative definition of &Australian resident& is automatically considered a foreign resident for taxation purpose.
(2) If you are a foreign resident, your assessable income includes:
-(a) the ordinary income you derived directly or indirectly from all Australian sources during the income year, and
-(b) other ordinary income that a provision includes in your assessable income for the income year on some basis other than having an Australian source.
以上内容是摘自澳洲的税务法例(Income Tax Assessment Act 1997)Sect 6.5 有关 ordinary income 的解释。
澳大利亚的税务居民一般是就其全球收入征税,而非税务居民一般只在其澳大利亚的所得纳税。(b)只是补充适用于非税务居民的某些少数例外规定,例如Income from exports of goods and services to Australia that is defined as Australian income等。
(1) A taxpayer who does not fall within the legislative definition of &Australian resident& is automatically considered a foreign resident for taxation purpose.
(2) If you are a foreign resident, your assessable income includes:
-(a) the ordinary income you derived directly or indirectly from all Australian sources during the income year, and 在收入所属年度内,所有来自澳大利亚的直接或间接的通常收入,以及
-(b) other ordinary income that a provision includes in your assessable income for the income year on some basis other than having an Australian source.在收入所属年度内,对来自澳大利亚以外的依法应税的其他通常收入。
that a provision includes in your assessable income for the income year on some basis other than having an Australian source作other ordinary income的后置定语。其中:介词短语for the income year on some basis other than having an Australian source是your assessable income 的后置定语。
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扫描下载二维码求助高手翻译!dielines ,
wirtten document - 外贸英语 -
福步外贸论坛(FOB Business Forum) |中国第一外贸论坛
UID 1791104
阅读权限 25
求助高手翻译!dielines ,
wirtten document
I hope you’re doing well.
Could you please send me dielines for both designs?
Also, could you please provide an updated quote (written document) for the new size?
Thank you.
这里的dielines 是啥子意思啊, 客户根本没给我desigs, 下面的就更加糊涂了,我的理解是:请提供新尺寸的更新报价(书面文件)
[ 本帖最后由 Jason.Hsu 于
17:10 编辑 ]
UID 316982
阅读权限 60
客人是叫你提供Dieline, 我们这个行业就是彩盒的折叠线,把一个彩盒拆开平摊起来,折叠线,可以叫你公司技术部帮你用CAD画下,你不提供折叠线,客人不明白彩盒款式和尺寸的。
UID 1791104
阅读权限 25
回复 #2 mydream094 的帖子
谢谢! 我们是印刷厂,客人的产品是那种很小的说明书,小册子来着,难不成是那册子的中折线?这个也不需要提供啊,没那么负责吧
UID 502880
积分 12455
福步币 270 块
阅读权限 80
DIE LINE有尺寸界限的意思。但在企业中它是模具制造中的一个关键词,意思为模具尺寸。这里应该是你的客人是要求你把箱子边的长度告诉他,这样就可以根据长度算出箱子的尺寸是多少。die line 是经常用在产品的彩盒和外箱上面的一个术语。
tha't from duniang
UID 1791104
阅读权限 25
回复 #5 gaojing263 的帖子
UID 1619513
积分 31799
福步币 253 块
阅读权限 120
[ 本帖最后由 gaojing263 于
14:33 编辑 ]
/jackyu ...
UID 1343349
福步币 6 块
阅读权限 60
UID 1791104
阅读权限 25
回复 #7 寻找孤独 的帖子
UID 1791104
阅读权限 25
回复 #5 gaojing263 的帖子
灰常感谢!另外请问知道第三句是啥意思吗,我不明白他要什么written document,没用过这东西啊
UID 1101270
积分 48447
福步币 225 块
阅读权限 120
来自 湖南长沙-深圳龙岗
原帖由 Jason.Hsu 于
16:53 发表
灰常感谢!另外请问知道第三句是啥意思吗,我不明白他要什么written document,没用过这东西啊 书面文件 做个报价单给他吧
UID 1791104
阅读权限 25
回复 #10 yy169169 的帖子
谢谢! 我糊涂了,之前做过一次报价表给他了,难不成是忘记了,这次他括号写个(written document),我以为是什么东西不懂的 ,谢谢啦
UID 1101270
积分 48447
福步币 225 块
阅读权限 120
来自 湖南长沙-深圳龙岗
原帖由 Jason.Hsu 于
16:58 发表
谢谢! 我糊涂了,之前做过一次报价表给他了,难不成是忘记了,这次他括号写个(written document),我以为是什么东西不懂的 ,谢谢啦 updated quote (written document) for the new size
UID 1791104
阅读权限 25
回复 #12 yy169169 的帖子
当前时区 GMT+8, 现在时间是
Powered by D1scuz! && 2001-求高人英文翻译“不要迷恋哥,哥只是个传说?”要有意蕴和深度,!!!求高人英文翻译“不要迷恋哥,哥只是个传说?”要有意蕴和深度,!!!求高人英文翻译“不要迷恋哥,哥只是个传说?”要有意蕴和深度,!!!求高人英文翻译“不要迷恋哥,哥只是个传说?”要有意蕴和深度,!!!求高人英文翻译“不要迷恋哥,哥只是个传说?”要有意蕴和深度,!!!求高人英文翻译“不要迷恋哥,哥只是个传说?”要有意蕴和深度,!!!求高人英文翻译“不要迷恋哥,哥只是个传说?”要有意蕴和深度,!!!    友情提醒:   1.请遵守国家的法律法规,不发布违法违规信息,并对自己的行为承担全部民事和刑事责任。   2.请尊重网络道德,不污言秽语,不侵犯他人的权利和个人隐私。   3.请遵守社区规则和版规,不进行刷屏、恶意顶贴、恶意灌水等影响他人阅读的行为。广告发布到分类信息。  4.所有帖子仅代表作者本人意见,不代表本社区立场。  5.转载文章请注明出自“天涯社区( )” 并署上作者姓名,商业用途须获得作者和本社区授权。      栏目宗旨:  
      关于天涯 网站地图 联系方式 广告服务 版权和隐私 招纳英才 友情网站   Copyright 1999 - 2009 天涯在线网络科技有限公司 版权所有  ICP证 琼B2-号      
楼主发言:1次 发图:0张 | 更多
  Don’t like GG   GG just a legend.    初中水平 谢谢
  Don’t love brother, Brouther just a story!!!!
  Don’t crazy me,I am just a dream!
  don’t be too obssessed with your brother, who’s only a hearsay
  Don’t be infatuated with me. I’m just a sage/legend/romance/saga
  GG’s not fucking good, GG’s just a fucking rumor!
  Don’t like GG     GG just a legend.        初中水平 谢谢    -------------------    符合了翻译法中的 达~    我喜欢这句~  
  DO it with GG, then you’ll know what is the truth!
  Do not be mad about oba,because oba had been a myth.  不要迷呕霸,呕霸是神话。
  don’t like me ,just a legend~
  i’m not a legend,i just feel lonely
  Do not be mad about oba        ORZ。。。。。。。。。
  突然很想翻译东西,所以。。。楼主莫怪偶歪楼。。。    Believe in Chun Ge,lives forever and ever。
  作者:京水吉 回复日期: 00:10:53 
    突然很想翻译东西,所以。。。楼主莫怪偶歪楼。。。        Believe in Chun Ge,lives forever and ever。    ---------------------------------------    Believe Chun is a Ge, that’s long story
  Don’t be infatuated with oba. Oba is just a sage simida.......
  Don’t be infatuated with oba. Oba is just a sage simida.......
  Don’t crush, elder brother is a legend
  GG lakupenda, lakupenda! Meimei, yamiedie, yamiedia!
  bu yao mi lian ge,  ge zhi shi ge chuan shuo
  don&t love brother,brother is just a pass say.
  bu yao mi lian ge,ge zhi shi ge chuan shuo.
      作者:duanduanteng 回复日期: 00:43:45 
    bu yao mi lian ge,ge zhi shi ge chuan shuo.  作者:没创意的无聊 回复日期: 00:39:07 
    don&t love brother,brother is just a pass say.
  作者:重庆柳丁 回复日期: 00:14:55 
    作者:京水吉 回复日期: 00:10:53        突然很想翻译东西,所以。。。楼主莫怪偶歪楼。。。            Believe in Chun Ge,lives forever and ever。        ---------------------------------------        Believe Chun is a Ge, that’s long story  ==================================================  小歪下楼,我实在是想顶这个
   Don’t like GG       GG just a legend.    ==============    有才。    
  作者:欧阳名 回复日期: 01:00:46 
    作者:重庆柳丁 回复日期: 00:14:55        作者:京水吉 回复日期: 00:10:53          突然很想翻译东西,所以。。。楼主莫怪偶歪楼。。。                Believe in Chun Ge,lives forever and ever。            ---------------------------------------            Believe Chun is a Ge, that’s long story    ==================================================    小歪下楼,我实在是想顶这个  =============================  严重抗议,看下面这个  Only believe Zeng is a Ge, that’s a longer storyhoho
  i’m a big brother,don’t be infatuated with me who’s a legend
  都说别偷窥我杀小广告了。兔子-- davis8211-- 操作时间: 11:52:09 --
  Don’t have a crush on me. I am just a legend.
  作者:欧阳名 回复日期: 01:00:46 
    作者:重庆柳丁 回复日期: 00:14:55        作者:京水吉 回复日期: 00:10:53          突然很想翻译东西,所以。。。楼主莫怪偶歪楼。。。                Believe in Chun Ge,lives forever and ever。            ---------------------------------------            Believe Chun is a Ge, that’s long story    ==================================================    小歪下楼,我实在是想顶这个  ===============================  笑噴了。。。
  don’t miliange,ge just a chuansay~
  作者:我是马甲不解释 回复日期: 09:47:46        don’t miliange,ge just a chuansay~  ------------------------------------------------------------  好帅气的chuansay
  木理由不留名!  +________+
    Ge is too legendry to be fall in loved.    
  Don’t fall in love with brother,he just a legend.
     突然很想翻译东西,所以。。。楼主莫怪偶歪楼。。。                Believe in Chun Ge,lives forever and ever。            ---------------------------------------            Believe Chun is a Ge, that’s long story    ==================================================    小歪下楼,我实在是想顶这个  作者:重庆柳丁 回复日期: 23:58:20   
    GG’s not fucking good, GG’s just a fucking rumor!  为  萌物  含泪  顶
  Don’t milian 尼桑,brother wa legend 西卡纳已。  
  我记得一个澳洲朋友告诉我,这句话类似英语里的这句:  I know I’m difficult to resist, but you have to try...
  Don’t be infatuated with your brother me, I am just a legend!
  作者:倚树浅浅眠 回复日期: 12:14:06 
    好销魂的chuansay  ————————————————  transay,不愈发的信达雅么?
  看到CHUANSAY我反应了几秒… 哈哈…
          Believe in Chun Ge,lives forever and ever。                ---------------------------------------                Believe Chun is a Ge, that’s long story      ==================================================  不得不喷~
  英文版:  don’t believe in God, God is a legend after all.    粤语版:  but u mike link(潮州发音) God, God gee’s gor chink shit(潮州音).
  A brother, A legend
  transay    这个词太牛了
  don’t love me, I’m a mystery
  No love gege.
gege is chuan shuo.
    作者:久远之河 回复日期: 15:45:31   
    Don’t have a crush on me. I am just a legend.  ==============    have a crush on是正解
呵呵 迷恋啊迷恋    
  A legend I am,adore me not.
  don`t milian G \  G is only a chuanshuo  英语无能啊 %&_&%
  Don't be obsessed   the big brother is just a saga.
  How cool the chuansay is!  Mark~~~  tianya is choule again???
  Do not infatuated with me, I'm just a legend
  chuansay 很销魂
  哦?  哦~~~  哦......                    
  我觉得要译得简单又易懂,让中国人看了都明白,是一件很难的事    比如:Spring Spring,I love die you!!      
  sample, not for sale.
  chuansay...transay.....销魂啊  BTW,&销魂&英文应该怎么翻译呢?呼唤高人
  I fuck , I'm colorshe the monitor bird!
  Don't crush on me. I'm just a legend. ....    
  此贴要火 必留名    啊哈哈哈哈哈哈    orz chuansay
  don't addict to brother, brother is just a legend.
  强调迷恋的行为,用get a crush on sb会比较好吧。。。。    最喜欢的还是don't milian GG....  哈哈
      作者:carreylu 回复日期: 17:13:58 
    英文版:    don’t believe in God, God is a legend after all.        粤语版:    but u mike link(潮州发音) God, God gee’s gor chink shit(潮州音).  ----  笑喷
  Don't fall for me, I am but a dream.
  Don't crush on me. I'm just a chuansay.  马克
  Don't crush on me. I'm just a chuansay.  马克


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