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宫颈糜烂- 热门城市:发表时间: 20:40&&
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中度宫颈糜烂去哪间医院治疗好?宫颈糜烂复发了,想找一间好的妇科医院彻底治疗,中度宫颈糜烂去哪间医院治疗好??查看更多医生回答&& 治疗...
治疗宫颈糜烂一度哪家医院好有224人关注 治疗宫颈糜烂一度哪家医院好有730人关注 一度宫颈糜烂怎么治疗最好,鳞状上皮...建议:对于轻中度的宫颈糜烂患者...
中度的宫颈糜烂,请问有没有什么好办法可以快点痊愈,我还没结婚呢,不想这么拖着.有哪家治疗宫颈糜烂的好医院推荐一下,谢了!查看更多医生回答&& 治疗宫颈糜烂哪个...
发表时间: 20:40
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发表时间: 20:40
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发表时间: 11:51
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发表时间: 17:22
建议:宫颈糜烂一般有三种情况,有轻、中、重三种糜烂。用得比较多的是微波、激光、冷冻、射频消融。宫颈糜烂会引起不孕 ,会导致并发症 ,可引发更深度的病变和发生癌变 ,所以要早发现早治疗,以防这些情况的发生。忌吃辣:辛辣温热、刺激性强的食品,会加重盆腔充血、炎症。这个疾病的危害是比较严重的,一定要及时到正规医院接受治疗。
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发表时间: 10:46
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发表时间: 14:31
(1)药物治疗:治疗多从月经干净后开始,连续上药一月,月经期停用。  (2)物理治疗:是目前应用很广泛的一种治疗方法,具有疗程短、疗效好的优点。适用于糜烂面积较大和炎症浸润较深的患者。常用的方法有电熨法、激光疗法、冷冻疗法。  (3)手术治疗:如果上述治疗无效,或有宫颈肥大,或糜烂面深而广,且累及宫颈管者,可考虑行宫颈锥切术或全子宫切除术。但手术治疗目前已很少采用。建议您到正规的专业医院进行检查,听从医师的医嘱再进行准确的治疗。
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发表时间: 09:56
建议:一般宫颈糜烂分为三个阶段,第二阶段还不算严重的。但是必须上医院进行物理治疗,然后再吃点消炎药,晚上使用洗剂清洁,如果在治疗后的一两周内流出黄色的分泌液体,这是正常反应,因为是是宫颈修复的重要期,使用护垫就可以了。在治疗期间要禁止同房。不要吃辛辣,热毒上火东西,防止复发,当然还要定期去复查。宫颈糜烂不单纯是宫颈局部病变,它也是雌激素水平过高或失衡的表现,如果不调理内分泌,复发是很快的,如果单纯局部治疗后不再复发,肯定是过渡治疗形成了宫颈斑痕,一定会影响生育,这样的危害远远大于不治疗。而药物调理全身内分泌调整很重要,建议用娇茵舒纯曼抑菌护理凝胶,是目前比较安全有效的选择,每日一 次,连续14天,较严重的建议连续21天,效果很不错的。温馨提示:宫颈糜烂一旦查出来以后就要积极的去治疗,千万不可掉以轻心,以免病情严重发展到第三阶段,这样就会延误治疗,也会造成治疗上的困难。
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Once upon a time...One day a wolverine was out walking on the hill-side, when, on turning a corner, he suddenly saw a large rock.'Was that you I heard walking about just now?' he asked, for wolverines are cautious animals, and always like to know the reasons of things.'No, certainly not,' 'I don't know how to walk.''But I saw you walking,' continued the wolverine.'I am afraid that you were not taught to speak the truth,' retorted the rock.'You need not speak like that, for I have seen you walking,' replied the wolverine, 'though I am quite sure that you could never catch me!' and he ran a little distance and then stopped to see if the r but, to his vexation, the rock was still in the same place. Then the wolverine went up close, and struck the rock a blow with his paw, saying: 'Well, will you catch me now?''I can't walk, but I can roll,' answered the rock.And the wolverine laughed and said: 'Oh, that will do just as well'; and began to run down the side of the mountain.At first he went quite slowly, 'just to give the rock a chance,' h but soon he quickened his pace, for he found that the rock was almost at his heels. But the faster the wolverine ran, the faster the rock rolled, and by-and-by the little creature began to get very tired, and was sorry he had not left the rock to itself. Thinking that if he could manage to put on a spurt he would reach the forest of great trees at the bottom of the mountain, where the rock could not come, he gathered up all his strength, and instead of running he leaped over sticks and stones, but, whatever he did, the rock was always close behind him. At length he grew so weary that he could not even see where he was going, and catching his foot in a branch he tripped and fell. The rock stopped at once, but there came a shriek from the wolverine:'Get off, get off! can't you see that you are on my legs?''Why did you not leave me alone?' asked the rock. 'I did not want to move--I hate moving. But you would have it, and I certainly sha'n't move now till I am forced to.''I will call my brothers,' answered the wolverine. 'There are many of them in the forest, and you will soon see that they are stronger than you.' And he called, and called, and called, till wolves and foxes and all sorts of other creatures all came running to see what was the matter.'How did you get under that rock?' asked they, mak but they had to repeat their question several times before the wolverine would answer, for he, like many other persons, found it hard to confess that he had brought his troubles on himself.'Well, I was dull, and wanted someone to play with me,' he said at last, in sulky voice, 'and I challenged the rock to catch me. Of course I thought I c but I tripped, and it rolled on me. It was just an accident.''It serves you right for being so silly,' but they pushed and hauled at the rock for a long time without making it move an inch.'You are no good at all,' cried the wolverine crossly, for it was suffering great pain, 'and if you cannot get me free, I shall see what my friends the lightning and thunder can do.' And he called loudly to the lightning to come and help him as quickly as possible.In a few minutes a dark cloud came rolling up the sky, giving out such terrific claps of thunder that the wolves and the foxes and all the other creatures ran helter-skelter in all directions. But, frightened though they were, they did not forget to beg the lightning to take off the wolverine's coat and to free his legs, but to be careful not to hurt him. So the lightning disappeared into the cloud for a moment to gather up fresh strength, and then came rushing down, right upon the rock, which it sent flying in all directions, and took the wolverine's coat so neatly that, though it was torn into tiny shreds, the wolverine himself was quite unharmed.'That was rather clumsy of you,' said he, standing up naked in his flesh. 'Surely you could have split the rock without tearing my coat to bits!' And he stooped down to pick up the pieces. It took him a long time, for there were a great many of them, but at last he had them all in his hand.'I'll go to my sister the frog,' he thought to himself, 'and she will sew them together for me'; and he set off at once for the swamp in which his sister lived.'Will you sew my coat together? I had an unlucky accident, and it is quite impossible to wear,' he said, when he found her.'With pleasure,' she answered, for she had always been and getting her needle and thread she began to fit the pieces. But though she was very good-natured, she was not very clever, and she got some of the bits wrong. When the wolverine, who was very particular about his clothes, came to put it on, he grew very angry.'What a useless creature you are!' cried he. 'Do you expect me to go about in such a coat as that? Why it bulges all down the back, as if I had a hump, and it is so tight across the chest that I expect it to burst every time I breathe. I knew you were stupid, but I did not think you were as stupid as that.' And giving the poor frog a blow on her head, which knocked her straight into the water, he walked off in a rage to his younger sister the mouse.'I tore my coat this morning,' he began, when he had found her sitting at the door of her house eating an apple. 'It was all in little bits, and I took it to our sister the frog to ask her to sew it for me. But just look at the way she has done it! You will have to take it to pieces and fit them together properly, and I hope I shall not have to complain again.' For as the wolverine was older than the mouse, he was accustomed to speak to her in this manner. However, the mouse was used to it and only answered: 'I think you had better stay here till it is done, and if there is any alteration needed I can make it.' So the wolverine sat down on a heap of dry ferns, and picking up the apple, he finished it without even asking the mouse's leave.At last the coat was ready, and the wolverine put it on.'Yes, it fits very well,' said he, 'and you have sewn it very neatly. When I pass this way again I will bring you a handful of corn, as a reward'; and he ran off as smart as ever, leaving the mouse quite grateful behind him.He wandered about for many days, till he reached a place where food was very scarce, and for a whole week he went without any. He was growing desperate, when he suddenly came upon a bear that was lying asleep. 'Ah! here is food at last!' but how was he to kill the bear, who was so much bigger than himself? It was no use to try force, he must invent some cunning plan which would get her into his power. At last, after thinking hard, he decided upon something, and going up to the bear, he exclaimed: 'Is that you, my sister?'The bear turned round and saw the wolverine, and murmuring to herself, so low that nobody could hear, 'I never heard before that I had a brother,' got up and ran quickly to a tree, up which she climbed. Now the wolverine was very angry when he saw his dinner vanishing in front of him, especially as he could not climb trees like the bear, so he followed, and stood at the foot of the tree, shrieking as loud as he could, 'Come down, our father has sent me to look for you! You were lost when you were a little girl and went out picking berries, and it was only the other day that we heard from a beaver where you were.' At these words, the bear came a little way down the tree, and the wolverine, seeing this, went on:'Are you not fond of berries? I am! And I know a place where they grow so thick the ground is quite hidden. Why, look for yourself! That hillside is quite red with them!''I can't see so far,' answered the bear, now climbing down altogether. 'You must have wonderfully good eyes! I wish I but my sight is very short.''So was mine till my father smashed a pailful of cranberries, and rubbed my eyes with them,' replied the wolverine. 'But if you like to go and gather some of the berries I will do just as he did, and you will soon be able to see as far as me.'It took the bear a long while to gather the berries, for she was slow about everything, and, besides, it made her back ache to stoop. But at last she returned with a sackful, and put them down beside the wolverine. 'That is splendid, sister!' cried the wolverine. 'Now lie flat on the ground with your head on this stone, while I smash them.'The bear, who was very tired, was only too glad to do as she was bid, and stretched herself comfortably on the grass.'I am ready now,' said the w 'just at first you will find that the berries make your eyes smart, but you must be careful not to move, or the juice will run out, and then it will have to be done all over again.'So the bear promis but the moment the cranberries touched her eyes she sprang up with a roar.'Oh, you mustn't mind a little pain,' said the wolverine, 'it will soon be over, and then you will see all sorts of things you have never dreamt of.' The bear sank down with a groan, and as her eyes were full of cranberry juice, which completely blinded her, the wolverine took up a sharp knife and stabbed her to the heart.Then he took off the skin, and, stealing some fire from a tent, which his sharp eyes had perceived hidden behind a rock, he set about roasting the bear bit by bit. He thought the meat was the best he ever had tasted, and when dinner was done he made up his mind to try that same trick again, if ever he was hungry.And very likely he did!重庆治疗子宫肌瘤得多少钱Ed drank more of his beer. If Rollo wanted him to go, he would go. He did know Boston, though he did not see it as all that hard to get around, but certainly a different story from the grid of Manhattan. Ed did not need any convincing or explanations from Pyres. In fact, he did not know what Pyres' function actually was, or why a man like Rollo would keep P but Rollo did everything for a reason, so Ed sat and drank and listened to every word Pyres had to say.重庆那家医院可以治疗阴道炎Somebody opened the gate, voices were heard laughing and talking outside. The old woman looked out and sat down in amazement. The stepdaughter was there like a princess, bright and happy in the most beautiful garments, and behind her the old father had hardly strength enough to carry the heavy, heavy trunk with the rich outfit.Ted Turner重庆儿童医院四维彩超预约
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