chlaappmidiaa trahchoma...

hi,can you help and tell me how dengerouse is my this test result Cham.Tr.IgG1,4.and CMV IgG 91,7. I am planing getting pegnant and what you suggest me to do?Thank you
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I don't know about CMV testing - its not an std.
The chlamydia blood test suggests that you need to have a swab or urine test done to see if its a current infection.&&The blood tests aren't terribly reliable, and I'm guessing you are doing fertility testing.&&That's the only time it should be used, and then it needs to be followed up by urine or swab testing.
I don't know about CMV testing - its not an std.
The chlamydia blood test suggests that you need to have a swab or urine test done to see if its a current infection.&&The blood tests aren't terribly reliable, and I'm guessing you are doing fertility testing.&&That's the only time it should be used, and then it needs to be followed up by urine or swab testing.
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hi,can you help and tell me how dengerouse is my this test result Cham.Tr.IgG1,4.and CMV IgG 91,7. I am planing getting pegnant and what you suggest me to do?Thank you
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