
奇虎联合DebugMan论举办:2009第二届奇虎360软件安全大赛 | 探秘360
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作者 : 小Q  分类 :   评论 :   浏览 : 1,458
捍卫网络安全,神秘代码大PK  &&2009第二届安全正式启动啦!  病毒、木马、恶意插件,黑客、漏洞、流氓软件&&当网络环境充斥着安全隐患,当虚拟财产频繁受到威胁,谁?来做捍卫网络安全的绿色使者?!谁?来做捍卫网民利益的正义斗士?!  !这支一直战斗在捍卫网络安全保护网民利益第一线的团队,日推出,现在这一产品已成为中国最受欢迎的杀木马、防盗号安全软件,拥有74%的市场份额和2.5亿互联网用户;安全浏览器发布一年即成为国内仅次于微软IE的第二大浏览器;360杀毒正式版上线一个月内就拿下国内杀毒第二名;360保险箱在网络游戏玩家中的覆盖度接近80%;360软件管家,也已成为网民下载、升级和管理软件的最主要平台。  为了进一步推动国内软件安全技术的发展,发掘更多的软件安全人才,为广大网民创造更为绿色的网络环境,奇虎360公司与Debugman论坛共同本次软件安全大赛,期待更多网络安全高手倾情参与!  心已动,剑出鞘。一路英豪正抱拳相迎&&  英雄,有请!  编写你的&神秘代码&,做网络安全的卫士!  赛事宗旨:活跃论坛技术气氛,寻找网络安全的绿色使者。  主办单位:论坛和奇虎360公司共同主办  比赛时间:09年11月27日至日24:00  比赛地点:线上举办  奖项设置:  一等奖:1名
  DELL笔记本电脑一台或IPHONE3G手机一部+加入DebugmanRCT成员组  二等奖:3名
  PSPGO一台+加入DebugmanRCT成员组  三等奖:6名
  特别设置:最佳新人奖1名,也有超炫的SONYPSPGO奉上!  四等奖:50名
  以上奖品以实物为准  另外,所有获奖选手还将获得到奇虎360公司参观并参与高级软件开发人员技术研讨的机会!  参赛对象:所有拥有DebugMan有效ID、对软件安全感兴趣的个人均可参加。  以下人员不得参加此次比赛:  所有奇虎360公司的工作人员,不得参加此次赛事;  此次比赛评判委员会成员不得参加此次赛事。  报名方式:无需报名,直接参赛  比赛形式:请关注题目及规则介绍  比赛流程:参赛选手提交答案到答案区,评委将本着公平、公正的原则对选手答案进行评分,并在比赛结束日网上公示大赛结果。  注意事项:  严禁同一人用两个或两个以上会员ID参赛;  比赛期间欢迎大家在论坛内开展讨论,但同时要注意对自己知识产权的保护,不得泄露答题的技术细节,不得交流会导致答案外泄的内容;  违反以上任何一条,取消相关人员比赛资格,并ban掉相关ID。  评委专家:MJ、XIKUG、CardMagic、PJF、Megadeth、sudami等  本次活动相关事项解释权归奇虎360公司和Debugman论坛。
一、比赛规则:1. 比赛时间:日至日24:00;2. 比赛纪律:& & & 1) 严禁同一人用两个或两个以上会员ID参赛;& & & 2) 比赛答题期间,不得在论坛或群等公开场所讨论;严禁以任何方式透露答案或答题细节;& & & 3) 违反以上任何一条,取消相关人员比赛资格,并ban掉相关ID。3. 其它说明:对题目的含义如有不明之处,可以在论坛上发帖询问,但仅限于对题目本身含义的讨论,其他关于答题思路、评分标准的问题,将不予回复。4. 答案提交规则,请认真阅读:& & & (1) 为了确保答案的安全性以及结果反馈的便利性,本次比赛采用:论坛比赛区报名参赛+邮箱提交答案的方式进行。& & & (2) 参加比赛的选手,请到比赛区:发参赛帖,帖子标题请注明自己的ID、已做题号和邮箱地址,得分结果也将通过回复此贴告知参赛选手;& & & (3) 题目答案请提交至邮箱 : ,以其它任何方式提交的答案视为无效答案。为防止重复参赛,第一次提交答案请以以下格式书写邮件主题:选作题号+论坛ID+真实姓名+身份证号+联系电话,身份证号是用于判断最佳新人奖的重要依据,如未提交身份证号,视为放弃参与此奖项的角逐;& & & (4) 选做一题即为参赛,参赛选手可以一次性提交选作各题答案,也可以逐次提交选作各题答案;& & & (5) 每
赞助商链接听说你有DebugMan的邀请码? 可否给我一个?_百度知道
听说你有DebugMan的邀请码? 可否给我一个?
非常感谢~~~ 已经成功注册了~~~
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Crest of Alpha Lupi and Thunderlord.
Also, dance parties.
Ask him if he likes shutup-juice.
Coffee, we meet again...
Because the nodes stay the same, and it'd be much easier to change base Defense/Light than it would be to change the value for each node.
It can be deduced that armor will work the same.
Definitely! That's the important thing.
Bad Juju, Fatebringer, Praetorian Foil, Jolder's Hammer, Zombie Apocalypse.
A Beer, food, and jazz. Very important, those three things.
I expect it to be very difficult. We won't understand the new mechanics, the new bosses, and it's going to feel like Nightfall with no burn.
Not to mention, while the Vault of Glass had very few actual majors, Crota's E and an extra ultra.
No. Those aee purchased from Eris.
That has been disproven. There's not actually a pattern, sometimes it just appears that way.
I hope you're right, I need Universal Remote.
My group is doing the same. See you at the finish line!
Well, it actually comes up now. It takes a little while.
What's sad is that OP has a general understanding (AR bounties to balance them, etc) but then points at Bungie as the villian for improving their game.
Which, by the way, is their very first attempt at the subgenre. Of course it's going to feel li they're experimenting.
It's no wonder that we keep getting CoD/AC repaints every year.
Final boss mechanic.
Doing it on launch day with my group and we're streaming it. We're not going for world's first, but we're certainly going to contribute to understanding it.
In the title.
Yup. These headphones are so useful.
No, they said that your character will carry through.
Aside from that, that's honestly completely unreasonable. People need to grow up and chill out.
You don't have to level them up unless you intend on doing Crota's End on Hard. Which, by the way, doesn't drop until January.
On top of that, people need to see how it plays out before they bring out the pitchforks.
To give people time to get to level 32, so that people doing it for world first, etc, can have a fair shot.
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