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大家肯定都有过这种切身经历,话到嘴边却突然想不起来要说什么,大脑一片空白。我们来看看英语中怎么表达这个意思。 1. it's on the tip of my tongue: use
this to say that you know a name or word, but you are having difficulty
remembering it at that momentThat place we visited in Paris, what's it
called? It's on the tip of my tongue.His name was right on the tip of my tongue. 2. escape: if a name, detail, fact
etc. escapes you, you forget it for a very short time but you know you will
remember it soonI know I've heard this song before but its
name escapes me.Although I know that the novel was
published in the nineteenth century, the actual date escapes me.19For some reason which escapes me, we had to
take a taxi. 3. can't place: if you can't place
someone or something, you recognize them but have forgotten their name or where
you met them beforeI'm sure I've seen him before, but I just
can't place him.Her perfume seemed so familiar but he
couldn't place it.The man looked familiar but she couldn't
quite place him.It wasn't until later that I placed her
face: she was my ninth grade English teacher, Ms. Lee.9 4. your mind goes blank: if your
mind goes blank you are suddenly unable to remember something at a time when
you need it''your
mind is blank''''blank''That's... Oh, my mind's gone blank - I
can't remember her name.My mind goes blank when I have to take a
test.My mind went blank when I heard the
question.My heart began to race and my mind went
blank.I just blanked in the oral exam. 5. dry up: to forget what you were
going to say or what you are supposed to say when speaking or acting,
especially because you are nervousI dried up just as I was about to talk, even
though I had been preparing the speech for weeks.There was one worrying moment where one of
the actors seemed to dry up for a few seconds.
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Copyright (C) 深圳阿卡索资讯有限公司 · All Rights Reserved最近总是感觉头晕,大脑里一片空白,也不想去多想问题。头晕的是在不行。, 最近总是感觉头晕,大脑里一片
最近总是感觉头晕,大脑里一片空白,也不想去多想问题。头晕的是在不行。 花不起呀。坐在位子上就头晕。不知道头晕是怎么回事,难受死了,大脑里一片空白,什么问题都不想去想,商务也头晕最近头晕的不行。而且下巴上还起了小痘痘。医院的费用太贵了。最近只是夜里七八点的时候头晕一会,还有下午三点到六点头晕?不想去医院检查,现在越来越严重了。严重影响工作效率 siasb106 最近总是感觉头晕,大脑里一片空白,也不想去多想问题。头晕的是在不行。


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