
1. The new beginning now becomes the focus of the curriculum. 2 The
goal is clear, but now&you need specific methods
for attaining it. 3 The speed by which it can
be&reached depends on
willingness to practice everystep. 4 Each one will help a little,
every time it is attempted. 5 And togetherwill these steps lead you
from dreams of judgment to forgiving dreams and outof pain and
fear. 6 They are not new to you, but they are more ideas than
rulesof thought to you as yet. 7 So now we need to practice them
awhile, until theyare the rules by which you live. 8 We seek to
make them habits now, so you willhave them ready for whatever
I.Rules for Decision&
1. Decisions are continuous. 2 You do not always know when you are
making them. 3 But with alittle practice with the ones you
recognize, a set begins to form which sees&you
through the rest. 4 It is not wise to let yourself become
preoccupied withevery step you take. 5 The proper set, adopted
consciously each time you wake,will put you well ahead. 6 And if
you find resistance strong and dedicationweak, you are not ready. 7
8 But think about thekind of day you want, and tell yourself there
is a way in which this very daycan happen just like that. 9 Then
try again to have the day you want.&
lǚ b& bīng如吕博冰],那并非明智之举。5只要能在清醒时有所觉知地采取适当的步骤,面对任何事情或境遇,你都会游刃有余的。6你若发现内心升起强烈的抗拒而又欲振乏力,表示你尚未准备妥当。7不要与自己交战。8此时,只须回想一下自己究竟想要过什么样的日子,再告诉自己,你有办法能让自己经历那种日子。9然后,试着活出你心里想要的日子即可。
2. (1) The outlook starts with this: 2 Today I will make no
decisions by myself. 3 This means that&you are
choosing not to be the judge of what to do. 4 But it must also mean
you&will not judge the situations where you will
be called upon to make response. 5For if you judge them, you have
set the rules for how you should react to them.6 And then another
answer cannot but produce confusion and uncertainty andfear.
& &今天,我不凭自己作任何决定。
& &2今天,我不靠自己作任何决定。
3. This is your major problem now. 2 You still make up your mind,
and decide to&ask what you should do. 3 And what
you hear may not resolve the problem as you&saw it
first. 4 This leads to fear, because it contradicts what you
perceiveand so you feel attacked. 5 And therefore angry. 6 There
are rules by whichthis will not happen. 7 But it does occur at
first, while you are learning howto hear.
4. (2) Throughout the day, at any time you think of it and have a
quiet moment for reflection,tell yourself again the kind of day you
the feelings you would have, the&things you
want to happen to you, and the things you would experience, and
say:2 If I make no decisions by myself, this is the day that will
be given me. 3These two procedures, practiced well, will serve to
let you be directed withoutfear, for opposition will not first
arise and then become a problem in itself.
& 如果我不凭自己作决定,我就会有这样的一天。
& &2只要不自作主张,我就能享有这种日子。
5. But there will still be times when you have judged already. 2
Now the answer will provoke&attack, unless you
quickly straighten out your mind to want an answer that
will&work. 3 Be certain this has happened if you
feel yourself unwilling to sit byand ask to have the answer given
you. 4 This means you have decided byyourself, and can not see the
question. 5 Now you need a quick restorativebefore you ask
6. (3) Remember&once again the day you want, and
recognize that something has occurred that is&not
part of it. 2 Then realize that you have asked a question by
yourself, and&must have set an answer in your
terms. 3 Then say: 4 I have no question. 5 Iforgot what to decide.
6 This cancels out the terms that you have set, and letsthe answer
show you what the question must have really been.
& 我没有任何问题。我忘了要作什么决定。
& &4我没有什么问题好问。5我只是忘了该作何决定。
7. Try to observe this rule without delay, despite your opposition.
2 For you have already gotten&angry. 3 And your
fear of being answered in a different way from what
your&version of the question asks will gain
momentum, until you believe the day youwant is one in which you get
answer to question. 4And you will not get it, for it would destroy
the day by robbing you of whatyou really want. 5 This can be very
hard to realize, when once you have decidedby yourself the rules
that promise you a happy day. 6 Yet this decision stillcan be
undone, by simple methods that you can accept.
8. (4) If you are so unwilling to receive you cannot even let your
question go, you can begin to&change your mind
with this: 2 At least I can decide I do not like what I
feel&now. 3 This much is obvious, and paves the
way for the next easy step.
& &2至少我可以肯定一点:我并不喜欢自己此刻的感受。
& &3这么显而易见的事实会帮你踏出下一步的。
9. (5) Having decided that you do not like the way you feel, what
could be easier than to&continue with: 2 And so I
hope I have been wrong. 3 This works against
the&sense of opposition, and reminds you that help
is not being thrust upon you butis something that you want and that
you need, because you do not like the wayyou feel. 4 This tiny
opening will be enough to let you go ahead with just afew more
steps you need to let yourself be helped.
& 因此,我希望自己错了。
10. Now you have reached the turning point, because it has occurred
to you that you will gain if&what you have decided
is not so. 2 Until this point is reached, you
will&believe your happiness depends on being
right. 3 But this much reason
you would be
better off if you were wrong.
11. (6) This tiny grain of wisdom will suffice to take you further.
2 You are not coerced, but&merely hope to get a
thing you want. 3 And you can say in perfect honesty: 4
I&want another way to look at this. 5 Now you have
changed your mind about theday, and have remembered what you really
want. 6 Its purpose has no longer been&obscured by
the insane belief you want it for the goal of being right when
youare wrong. 7 Thus is the readiness for asking brought to your
awareness, foryou cannot be in conflict when you ask for what you
want, and see that it isthis for which you ask.
& 我想要以另一种方式来看待这件事。
12. (7) This final step is but acknowledgment of lack of opposition
to be helped. 2 It is astatement of an open mind, not certain yet,
but willing to be shown: 3 Perhaps&there is
another way to look at this. 4 What can I lose by
Thus you now can ask a question thatmakes sense, and so the answer
will make sense as well. 6 Nor will you fightagainst it, for you
see that it is you who will be helped by it.
& 也许还有另一种看待此事的方式。
& 问一下,我又有什么损失呢?
13. It must be clear that it is easier to have a happy day if you
prevent unhappiness fromentering at all. 2 But this takes practice
in the rules that will protect youfrom the ravages of fear. 3 When
this has been achieved, the sorry dream ofjudgment has forever been
undone. 4 But mean&while, you have need for
practicingthe rules for its undoing. 5 Let us, then, consider once
again the very firstof the decisions which are offered here.
14. We said you&can begin a happy day with the
determination not to make decisions by yourself.2 This seems to be
a real decision in itself. 3 And yet, you make decisions by
yourself. 4 The only question really is with what you
choose&to make them. 5 That is really all. 6 The
first rule, then, is not coercion,but a simple statement of a
simple fact. 7 You will not make decisions byyourself whatever you
decide. 8 For they are made with idols or with God. 9 Andyou ask
help of anti-Christ or Christ, and which you choose will join with
youand tell you what to do.&
15. Your day is not at random. 2 It is set by what you choose to
live it with, and how the&friend whose counsel you
have sought perceives your happiness. 3 You always askadvice before
you can decide on anything. 4 Let this be understood, and you
cansee there cannot be coercion here, nor grounds for opposition
that you may befree. 5 There is no freedom from what must occur. 6
And if you think there is,you must be
16. The second rule as well is but a fact. 2 For you and your
adviser must agree on what you&want before it can
occur. 3 It is but this agreement that permits all things
to&happen. 4 Nothing can be caused without some
form of union, be it with a dreamof judgment or the Voice for God.
5 Decisions cause results they are not made in isolation. 6 They
are made by you and your adviser, foryourself and for the world as
well. 7 The day you want you offer to the world,for it will be what
you have asked for, and will reinforce the rule of youradviser in
the world. 8 Whose kingdom is the world for you
What kind of day will you decide to have?&
17. It needs but two who would have happiness this day to promise
it to all the world. 2 It&needs but two to
understand that they cannot decide alone, to guarantee the
joy&they asked for will be wholly shared. 3 For
they have understood the basic lawthat makes decision powerful, and
gives it all effects that it will ever have.4 It needs but two. 5
These two are joined before there can be a decision. 6Let this be
the one reminder that you keep in mind, and you will have the
dayyou want, and give it to the world by having it yourself. 7 Your
judgment hasbeen lifted from the world by your decision for a happy
day. 8 And as you havereceived, so must you


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