月经不停怎么办期间 怎么停 求解 - -。

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原作者:TeensHealth from Nemours
Coping With Common Period Problems&Sometimes having your period can be a pain — literally. Most girls have to deal with PMS, cramps, or headaches around the time of their periods. These problems are usually normal and nothing to worry about.&有时月经来潮确实是件痛苦的事。大多女孩在月经期常不得不忍受诸如经前综合症、痉挛或头痛等问题,但是,这些问题一般都很正常,不必太过担心。Here are the facts on which period problems are common and normal — and which ones might indicate there's something else going on.
What Is PMS?&下面将谈到哪些是普通正常的经期问题,哪些是不正常的。Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is the term for the physical and emotional symptoms that many girls and women get right before their periods begin each month. If you have PMS, you might experience:&经前综合征是什么?经期综合征是一个医学术语,指不少女孩和妇女在每月月经来潮前身体及精神上出现的一些症状。患有经前综合症的女性通常会出现如下症状:粉刺、浮肿、疲劳、背痛、乳房胀痛、头痛、便秘、痢疾、嗜食、抑郁或忧虑、易怒、情绪不稳、注意力涣散,以及纾解压力困难、精神紧张等。acne&bloating&fatigue&backaches&sore breasts&headaches&constipation&diarrhea&food cravings&depression or feeling blue&irritability&mood swings&difficulty concentrating&difficulty handling stress&feeling tense&trouble sleeping&PMS is usually at its worst during the 1 to 2 weeks before a girl's period starts, and it usually disappears when her period begins.&通常,经前综合症在月经来潮前1到2周里症状表现最为严重,月经来潮时症状消失。Why Do Some Girls Get PMS?&为什么有些女孩会出现经前综合症呢?Doctors have not pinpointed the exact cause of PMS, but many believe it is linked to changing hormone levels. Following a girl's period, the amounts of estrogen and progesterone (female hormones) in her body increase. Then about 1 week before her period starts, levels of both of these hormones begin to fall. The thinking is that these changing hormone levels can lead to PMS symptoms.&目前,医生也不清楚经期综合症的准确病理,但是许多医生认为应该与激素水平变化有关。据研究,女孩经期后体内的雌激素和黄体酮含量增加,然后在月经来潮前约1周时这两种激素水平开始下降,这种观点也证实了激素水平的变化能引发经前综合症的说法。It isn't clear why some girls develop PMS and others don't. It's possible that those who develop PMS are simply more sensitive to the changes in hormone levels. There are other theories as well. For example, some believe that what you eat can affect how you feel, especially during the couple of weeks before your period.&但是为什么有些女孩患有经前综合症,而有些就没有,其原因尚不清楚,也许患有经前综合症的女孩对激素水平的变化更为敏感。当然还有其他的观点,例如,一些医生认为饮食状况会影响身心感受,特别是在月经开始的前几周时间里。Luckily, you can do a few things to ease PMS symptoms. Eating a balanced diet with lots of fresh fruits and vegetables and cutting back on processed foods like chips and crackers can help. You might also want to reduce your salt intake (salt can make you retain water and become more bloated) and, believe it or not, drink more water.&好消息是,你可以通过自我处理来缓解该症状。均衡饮食,多吃新鲜水果和蔬菜,少吃一些加工食品像薯片、饼干等会缓解你的症状。同时要注意减少食盐摄入量,因为食盐能锁住水分,使浮肿更严重。还要注意多喝水。Say no to caffeine (it can make you jumpy and anxious) and yes to plenty of sleep. Getting enough calcium and taking a daily multivitamin can be helpful. Also, daily exercise and stress-relief techniques like meditation can help some girls.&少喝一些咖啡,它只能让你激动、焦虑,并保证充足的睡眠。补充充足的钙,每天补充多种维生素也非常有益。另外,每天适量的运动,一些减压技巧如冥想对一些女孩也很有帮助。When it comes to medicine, over-the-counter pain medicines like ibuprofen can relieve achy heads and backs. But for really serious PMS pain, see your doctor, who might be able to prescribe a different medicine or birth control pills to help.&如果选用药物的话,一些成药像布洛芬等也会缓解头痛、背痛等症状。但是,如果疼痛特别严重,建议去看医生,医生可能会开一些不同的药方或者避孕药来缓解疼痛。Also let your doctor know right away if you feel very depressed or have had any thoughts of hurting yourself.&另外,如果你感到非常抑郁或者有伤害自己的念头,要立即告诉医生。Why Do Some Girls Get Cramps?&为什么有些女生会出现痉挛症状?Lots of girls have abdominal cramps during the first few days of their periods. Cramps are most likely caused by prostaglandins (pronounced: pross-tuh-glan-dinz), chemicals your body produces that make the muscles of the uterus contract. The good news is that cramps usually only last a few days. But if you're in pain, medicine like ibuprofen might help.&许多女生在经期的前几天会出现腹部痉挛的症状。痉挛最有可能是由前列腺素造成的,前列腺素是身体释放的一种化学物质,是子宫收缩肌的一部分。好消息是痉挛通常只会持续几天,药物如布洛芬也能缓解。Exercise also can make you feel better, possibly because it releases endorphins, chemicals in the body that literally make you feel good. Soaking in a warm bath or putting a warm compress on your stomach won't make your cramps disappear but may help your muscles relax a little.&适量运动也会使你身心愉悦,可能是因为它能使人身体释放一种化学物质内啡肽,这种物质能够使人感到愉悦。泡个热水澡或者热敷一下胃部虽然不会消除痉挛,但是有助于胃部肌肉放松,缓解疼痛。If you have severe cramps that keep you home from school or from doing stuff with your friends, or if over the counter medications aren't working, visit your doctor for advice.
Why Isn't My Period Regular?&假如痉挛太严重,痛得不能去上学,不能与朋友玩耍,或者成药不起作用,你就应该去看医生了。It can take a few years from the time a girl starts menstruating for her body to develop a regular cycle. Even then, what's regular varies — girls' cycles can range from 21 to 45 days.&为什么经期不规律?
女生初次经期后,一般需要很多年才能形成一个固定的周期,即使是有规律的周期也不尽相同,女生的经期范围大致在21到45天之间。Changing hormone levels might make your period short one month (such as 2 or 3 days) and more drawn out (such as 7 days) the next. You might skip a month, get two periods almost right after each other, have a really heavy period, or one so light you almost don't notice it. (If you're sexually active and you skip a period, though, you should visit your doctor or a women's clinic to make sure you're not pregnant.)&激素水平的变化可能会使你某个月的月经期缩短(例如2到3天),但是下个月可能会延长(例如7天),也可能会错过一个月,两次经期连续而至,形成一次大潮,或者来潮量太小以致你几乎注意不到。(但是如果你性爱频繁,又一个月没来潮,那么你应该看医生或者到妇科检查是否已怀孕)All this irregularity can make planning for your period a real hassle. Try to keep track of when your last period started, and guess that about 4 weeks from that day you could be due for another. If you're worried about wearing that cute dress and suddenly starting your period at school, just make sure you pack protection. Carry a pad or tampon in your backpack, and wear a pantiliner to handle the first wave.& 所有这些不规律现象都能让你措手不及,难于准备。因此要尽量记录上次经期开始的时间,从那天算大约4周后的时间很可能是下一个经期。如果你担心穿着一件漂亮的裙子去上学,而经期又突然而至,那么你可以提前做好预防措施,在你背包里放好卫生巾或护理垫,也可以用护垫迎接月经初潮。When it comes to periods, every girl's body has a unique (and unpredictable) timeline for getting on track. If your period still has not settled into a relatively predictable pattern after 3 years, or if you were having regular periods and then become irregular or have no period for a couple of months, make an appointment with your doctor to check for possible problems.&说到月经周期,每个女生身体都有形成自己规律的独特的或不可预测的时间线。如果在3年后,你的月经周期还没有形成一个相对来说可以预测的规律,或者你本来有规律的月经周期,但是突然变得没有规律或几个月都没来月经,那么你就应该去看看医生,找出其中的原因。Why Haven't I Started My Period Yet?&为什么我还没有经期初潮?Everybody goes through puberty at different speeds. Some girls begin menstruating as early as age 8 or 9; others don't get going until they're 15 or 16. It all depends on your hormones — and your family.&每个人进入青春期的时间不一。有些女生在8、9岁就开始月经初潮;而有些女生甚至到15、16岁才开始行经,这全有女生的激素水平和家族遗传决定。Want to guess when you'll get your period? Ask when your mom and grandmothers (from both sides of your family) started theirs. When you start puberty is partly linked to genetics. So although there's no guarantee that you'll follow in their footsteps, your relatives could give you a clue about your own period.&想预测你什么时候开始月经初潮吗?去问问你母亲,祖母和外祖母什么时候开始行经的。月经初潮的时间一部分与基因有关,因此虽然不能保证你和她们初潮时间一样,但至少对于你自己的初潮时间有一个参照。One thing that can delay puberty — and your period — is excessive exercising, usually distance running, ballet, or gymnastics, combined with a poor diet. For exercise to be excessive, it means more than just playing soccer a few times a week or working out once in a while with an exercise video. To exercise so much that you delay your period, you would have to train vigorously for several hours a day, most days of the week, and not get enough calories, vitamins, and minerals.&还有一件事能够延迟你的青春期和月经期,那就是过度运动,通常指长跑、芭蕾或者体操,再加上饮食不当会更加严重。过度运动不是说一周踢几次足球或者偶尔健健身,那种影响经期的过度运动是指你不得不一天训练几个小时,几乎一周的每天都在训练,同时还不能补充充分的热量、维他命和矿物质等。Unless compulsive exercise has postponed your period, there's nothing you can do on your own to hurry things along. If you haven't started to menstruate by the time you're 16, consult your doctor. He or she will examine you, and may do a pelvic exam and take a blood test to determine the hormone levels in your body. Different treatments are available depending on what is causing the delay in your period.&如果过度运动已经推迟了你的经期,你自己是无能为力的。如果你到16岁还没有月经初潮,那么就要向你的医生咨询,医生会为你做个盆腔检查、血液检测等以确定你身体里的激素水平,然后会根据造成你经期推迟的具体原因对症治疗。Menstrual Problems&经期问题Even if it seems strange to you, most of the stuff that goes along with a girl's period is completely normal. But a few conditions can be more serious. If you suspect you have any of these problems, see your doctor for advice.
No Periods&女生月经期间出现的大多数反应,可能对你来说有点奇怪,但是一般都是完全正常的,但是也有些情况可能更严重些,如果你发现自己有以下任何问题,去看医生吧。Amenorrhea is the term doctors use for absence of periods. Girls who haven't started their periods by the time they are 16 may have primary&没有月经。闭经或无月经是医生对于没有月经症状的一个专业术语。女生如果到16岁还没有月经初潮,就有可能患有原发性闭经,通常是由激素水平失衡或者发育问题造成。amenorrheaamenorrhea, usually caused by a hormone imbalance or developmental problem.&There's also a condition called secondary amenorrhea, when a girl who had normal periods stops menstruating for at least 3 months. Low levels of gonadotropin-releasing (pronounced: go-nad-uh-troe-pin) hormone (GnRH), which controls ovulation and the menstrual cycle, frequently bring on amenorrhea.&还有一种情形叫继发性闭经,指本来行经正常的女生突然闭经3个月的情形。控制排卵及月经周期的促性腺激素水平偏低常常会导致闭经症状。Stress, anorexia, weight loss or gain, stopping birth control pills, thyroid conditions, and ovarian cysts are examples of things that can throw your hormones out of whack. To get everything back on course, your doctor may use hormone therapy.&压力、厌食症、减肥或者增重、中止避孕药、甲状腺水平以及卵巢囊肿等都能够使你的激素水平紊乱,医生会采用激素疗法来调整你的月经周期。If a medical condition is affecting your monthly cycles, then treatment of the condition will help to resolve the problem. As mentioned earlier, lots of strenuous exercise combined with a poor diet can also cause amenorrhea. Cutting back on exercise and eating a balanced diet with more calories will help correct the problem, but be sure to talk with your doctor too.
Heavy Periods&如果身体疾病原因影响了月经周期,那么对疾病的治疗会有助于问题的解决。正如前面所提,过度运动加上饮食不当也会导致闭经,那么就减少运动量,合理饮食,多使用高热量食物也有助于解决此类问题,但是一定要事先咨询医生意见。Menorrhagia (pronounced: men-uh-ray-jee-uh) is the term doctors use for extremely heavy, prolonged periods. Menorrhagia is more than just 1 or 2 days of a heavier-than-average flow. Girls who have menorrhagia soak through at least a pad or tampon an hour for several hours in a row or have periods that are more than 7 days long.&月经过多。月经过多是一个医学术语,指月经量过多,月经期过长,月经过多的女生常常有多于一天或两天月经量过大,连续几个小时中平均每个小时就至少浸透一块护垫,或者月经期超过七天。The most frequent cause of menorrhagia is an imbalance between the amounts of estrogen and progesterone in the body. Because of this imbalance, the endometrium (pronounced: en-doh-mee-tree-um), which is the lining of the uterus, keeps building up. Then when the body gets rid of the endometrium during a period, the bleeding is very heavy.&最常见的月经过多是由体内雌性激素及黄体酮之间含量失衡造成的,这种失衡使子宫内膜不断增厚,然后女生例假时体内子宫内膜脱落,血流得就特别多。Many girls have hormone imbalances during puberty, so it's not uncommon to experience menorrhagia during the teen years. Other possible causes of heavy bleeding include thyroid conditions, blood diseases, or inflammation or infections in the vagina or cervix.&许多女生在青春期都会有激素水平失衡的情况,因此在青少年时期出现月经过多的现象也就不足为奇了。当然还有其他一些因素如甲状腺状况、一些血液疾病,或者是阴道或宫颈发炎或感染等也会出现月经过多的情形。To help figure out the cause of abnormal bleeding, a doctor may do a pelvic exam, a Pap smear, and blood tests. If you do have menorrhagia, it can be treated with hormones, other medications, or removal of any extra tissue in the uterus that may be the cause of excessive bleeding.&医生通常会做盆腔检查、宫颈抹片检查以及血液化验等来找出非正常月经量过大产生的病理。如果确诊为月经过多症状,一般医生会采用激素疗法、其他药物疗法治疗,如果是子宫内膜引起的月经过多,医生则会切除子宫多余的组织来治疗。Extremely Painful Periods&严重痛经Dysmenorrhea (pronounced: dis-men-uh-ree-uh) is the medical term for very painful periods. Primary dysmenorrhea — painful periods that are not caused by a disease or other condition — is more common in teens than secondary dysmenorrhea (painful periods caused by a disease or condition).&痛经是一个医学术语,分为原发性痛经和继发性痛经,原发性痛经不是由疾病或其他症状引起的,在青少年中较为普遍,继发性痛经则是由疾病或相关症状引发的。The culprit in primary dysmenorrhea is prostaglandin, the same naturally occurring chemical that causes cramps. Sometimes, prostaglandin can cause nausea, vomiting, headaches, backaches, diarrhea, and severe cramps when you have your period.&原发性痛经的罪魁祸首是前列腺素,它也是引发人体痉挛的重要因素。有时,前列腺素会使女生在月经期间出现恶心、呕吐、头痛、背痛、腹泻以及严重的痉挛等症状。Fortunately, these symptoms usually only last for a day or two. Doctors usually prescribe anti-inflammatory medicines to treat primary dysmenorrhea. As with cramps, exercise, hot water bottles, and birth control pills might also bring some relief.&还好,这些症状通常只会持续一两天的时间,医生通常也会开一些消炎药减轻症状。至于痉挛,多运动、多喝热水或者吃点避孕药都可以减轻症状。Some of the more common conditions that can cause secondary dysmenorrhea include:&有一些引发继发性痛经的情况更普遍:endometriosisendometriosis, a condition in which tissue normally found only in the uterus starts to grow outside the uterus子宫内膜异位,指正常情况下仅能在子宫内出现的组织却在子宫外生长。pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), a type of bacterial infection usually caused by a sexually transmitted disease&盆腔炎(PID),指一种通常由性传播疾病引发的细菌感染。fibroids or growths on the outside, inside, or in the wall of the uterus&子宫纤维瘤,生长在子宫内外侧或子宫壁上的组织。All of these conditions require that a doctor diagnose the problem and then treat you appropriately.
What to Do if You Suspect a Problem&以上这些症状都需要医生诊断,然后对症治疗。When you have questions about your period or anything else related to your development, talk to your doctor. This is particularly true if you notice a change in your menstrual cycle. Though most period problems turn out to be nothing to worry about, it's always good to be safe.&如果你怀疑身体有异样,你该怎么做?如果你对于月经或其他有关发育的问题有疑问的话,不妨咨询一下医生,特别是在你月经周期发生的变化。尽管大多数经期问题都没什么可担心的,但是谨慎一点比较好。See your doctor if:&如果你有以下问题,不妨去咨询一下医生:You feel very depressed or hopeless, or have thought about hurting yourself. A severe form of PMS could cause this, and you should get help immediately.1, 如果你有抑郁或绝望的感觉,或者想伤害自己的念头。严重的经前综合症会引发这个问题,这时你应该立即向医生求救。You have not started your period by the time you are 16. The doctor can evaluate you to figure out why you haven’t gotten your period yet.&2,你到16岁还没有开始月经初潮。医生会检查诊断你没有月经的原因。You stop getting your period or it becomes really irregular after it has been regular for several cycles. This can be a sign that you may have a hormone imbalance or a problem with nutrition.&3,如果你之前月经周期正常,突然月经停止或变得没有规律。这可能意味着你体内激素失衡或者有营养不良等问题。You have very heavy or long periods, or get your period more frequently than every 21 days. Lots of blood loss can cause anemia (low blood levels) and leave you feeling really weak and tired.&4,如果你月经量非常大或者经期过长,或者过于频繁,每21天以下就有一次月经。大量失血会引发贫血症,继而使你感到虚弱和疲惫。Your periods are really painful. The doctor can help figure out why your periods are painful, and treat you so that you are more comfortable.&5,月经期间非常疼痛。医生会帮你检查痛经的原因,然后帮你缓解症状。Chances are that your painful or irregular periods are nothing to worry about. But if there is something going on, the quicker you get it taken care of, the sooner you'll be on your way to feeling great again.&也许你的痛经或不规律的经期没什么值得担心的,但是如果出现什么情况,你越早开始治疗,你就会好得越快。Reviewed by: Larissa Hirsch, MD&Larissa Hirsch 博士整理Date reviewed: September 2010&整理时间:2010年9月
就是以前那种系在腰上上面放卫生纸的那东西 不是直接粘裤子上的护垫,我们叫月经带 一般都是刚开例假时用的 现在没人用了
我问过美国人 他们说他们也有那东西。只不过太不性感了也没人用了
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pantyliner&& 觉得那是一种介于护垫和月经带之间的东西,pad就是护垫 但是pantiliner还分布料循环使用和一次性的
(C) 2015 yeeyan.org


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