o()^))o 唉,在线英语听力室挂了,是补...

TPO托福听写训练营 17-Section 2-Conversation 时间: 16:25:46 来源:可可英语 编辑:mike 独白:听一段学生和餐饮服务经理之间的对话 Student:Excuse me, Mrs. Hanson. My name is John, John Grant. I work as a waiter in the campus dining hall, in the faculty dining room. 学生:不好意思,打搅了,汉森夫人。我叫约翰,约翰?格兰特。我在学校餐厅教职工窗口上班,当服务员。 Manager:What can I do for you, John? 经理:我能帮你做些什么呢?约翰。 Student:Well, I work week nights, except for Friday. I was wondering if I could switch from working the dinner service to working at lunch. 学生:嗯,我在除周五外每周的晚上上班。我一直在考虑我是否能够把班次从晚餐调整到午餐。 Manager:That's going to be a problem. I am afraid we don't have any openings at lunch time. 经理:这恐怕有问题。我们午餐时间没有人员空缺了。 A lot of students want to work then, so it is really rare for us to have an open spot at that time of day. 很多学生都想在那个时间上班,所以我们很难在那个时间段找到一个空缺。 Student:Oh, you see, I have joined this group, the University Jazz Band, and the band's practice time is right around dinner time. 学生:哦,您想吧!我参加了学校爵士乐队,乐队的排演时间恰好在晚餐饭点附近, You know, it is so hard to get into this group, I must have auditioned like ten times since I have been at the school, so I am...Anyway, so I was really hoping to have the dinner hour free so I can go to practice. 您也知道,要加入这个乐队是很困难的,从入校开始我必须参加差不多十次试音,所以我想…不管怎样,我真的希望我晚餐时能够有空参加排练。 Manager:Well, we do have other open times, like breakfast. 经理:嗯,我们确实有些时间有空位,比如早餐。 Student:Eh, that won't work, I am sorry. I mean that, I can't work that early. 学生:嗯,那个时间也不行,真抱歉!我的意思是,我不能那么早来上班。 I have this very important music class I got to take, and it is like, first thing in the morning. 我现在有非常重要的音乐课,这好像是我早上排第一位的事。 Manager:Well, if you don't mind working in the kitchen, we've got some pretty flexible hours for students doing food-prep work, anything from early morning to late afternoon. 经理:嗯,如果你不介意在厨房里干活的话,我们的备餐员工作时间倒是很灵活,从早到傍晚都没有问题。 Student:What's prep work? 学生:备餐员主要干些什么? Manager:You prepare food for the cooks. You know, like cutting up vegetables for soup, or cleaning greens for salads. 经理:主要为厨师备办菜料。比如为汤食切蔬菜,或者洗净将要做成萨拉的绿叶菜。 Student:Oh, that doesn't sound, I mean... Being a waiter, I get to see a lot of the professors, like in a different light, we joke around a little you know. In the classroom, they always have to be pretty formal, but ... 学生:嗯,这听起来不??我的意思是,当一个服务员的话,我可以用不用一样的方式和很多教授碰面,比如开开玩笑啊啥的。教室里他们只能表现得很正式的样子。不过… Manager:Well, the money is no different since we pay students the same amount for any of the jobs here in food service, so it's up to you. 经理:嗯,薪水没有区别;无论学生干的是餐点生产的那个工序,我们都付给一样多的工资,所以这就看你的了。 Student:Oh, man. I always thought that sacrificing for my art, that'd mean working long hours as a musician for, like, no money. 学生:哦,上帝啊!我总是认为牺牲我的艺术事业就意味着音乐家长时间工作,却没有工资一样。 I didn't think it'd mean, peeling carrots. 我没有想到,它也会意味着我要去,去削胡萝卜! Manager:Let me see, I am offering you something that has the hours you want, it is right here on campus, and you make as much money as you did being a waiter, quite a sacrifice. 经理:让我想想,我要给你一份满足你时间要求的,在学校的,挣钱和当服务员一样的,端得起架子的工作! Student:I I know you are just trying to help. I guess I should look into the food-prep job. 学生:对不起,我知道您尽力帮我了。我想我还是去当备料工吧! Manager:Ok, then, I'll tell the kitchen manager that you will stop by tomorrow to talk about the job and schedule your hours. And I will let the dining hall manager know that he needs to find a new waiter for the evening. 经理:好吧,那稍后我就告诉后厨经理你明天会过来谈新的工作安排和时间。我还会告诉大堂经理他需要再招一位晚餐服务员。 Student:Oh, ok, I guess that's it. Thanks, Mrs. Hanson. 学生:哦,好的,我想就这样吧!谢谢了,汉森夫人! 查看全部解释 [.kɔnvə'seiʃən] 想一想再看 n. 会话,谈话 [næ'reitə] 想一想再看 n. 叙述者,讲解员 [grɑ:nt] 想一想再看 n. 授予物,补助金; 同意,给予n. 财产 [mju:'ziʃən] 想一想再看 n. 音乐家,作曲家 ['fleksəbl] 想一想再看 adj. 灵活的,易弯曲的,柔韧的,可变通的 想一想再看 vt. 除,除外prep. & conj. [bænd] 想一想再看 n. 带,箍,波段n. 队,一群,乐队


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